The Blackpill Manifesto, Part 6: Why democracy is the stupidest pile of shit ever made



Jan 2, 2019

Larry Dumbfuckson was sipping on his cheap lager when the news came him. His guy had won! Yay! Truly this was a day worth celebrating. As a member of the "free" world, he had exercised his god given right to have a voice in how his piece of shit planet would continue to deteriorate. It was a right. A right he had chosen to exercise by voting himself more welfare checks so that he could feed his 12 low IQ children that his obese whore of a wive had shitten out during the past couple of decades. The same right he had also exercised 4 years earlier to make abortion legal. Not that his wive took any advantage of this seeing as she, just like him, liked collecting welfare anyway. Unlike his neighbor's high IQ wive whom worked as a university teacher and aborted all her children since she did not want to give legitimacy to the "patriarchy" or whatever bullshit by becoming a mother. Ah, what a glorious world to live him.

Or at least it was for a while. Then the money ran out and all the robots responsible for maintaining society malfunctioned because everyone was low IQ and did not know how to repair them, and then everybody starved to death.

Democracy is basically a secular cult now

This chapter will be more brief than most. Both because it's not that long ago since the last chapter got released and also largely because there isn't that much to talk about anyway, as the reasons for democracy's failure aren't terribly complicated.

Democracy is easily and without a doubt, the single most overrated idea in all of human history. In the developed world, it's status is championed as almost sacred, to a point of being basically a secular religion. Tell people you dislike democracy, and they will call you a fascist/commie etc. Which is ironic as one could easily argue both of those systems are actually superior to democracy anyway.

Why is that though? How did democracy come to be viewed as some kind of "end-point" for human history/society when it fails so badly?

Understanding why democracy even exists in the first place

The hilarious thing about democracy worship, is that the original embracers of it were slave owners where 90% of the population could not even vote. No, I'm not talking about early America. I'm talking about ancient Greece. Though interestingly there is heavy overlap between the motivations of the ancient Greeks and early America in regards to the motivation for embracing "democracy". Basically, democracy was simply invented because a bunch of rich people did not want to pay taxes.

I'm not even kidding. This is, no joke, why democracy was invented. Basically a bunch of rich people got together and began lamenting how the king was able to just steal their shit via taxation, and suggested an alternative system where government was controlled via voting. And only male property owners could vote, of course. And thus democracy was born. A simplification? Perhaps. But not really. So right of the bat, one of the central assumptions most people have about democracy (the idea that it was born out of desire for equality) is based on bullshit. Democracy wasn't born because people suddenly decided everybody was equal. It was born out of desire to help the rich continue hoarding everything.

But now that voting has been expanded to other castes, doesn't that mean none of this is a problem?

In order to understand why universal suffrage (the idea everyone can vote) is a terrible fucking idea, it's important that one understands first why voting rights were originally limited in the first place. The idea was simple: No taxes without representation. Basically the idea was, if you were forced to pay taxes, then you got the right to vote. Unless of course you were a foid, since foids are retarded. Up until recently in history, most (or all) taxes were paid by property owners and the wealthy. Income taxes weren't really a thing for most of history. Actually, most types of taxes weren't really a thing until recently in history.

This meant that for the average person, you might not have the right to vote but you also paid barely any taxes. I'm assuming you already see where this is going...

Democracy not only leads to bad fiscal's also dysgenic

In a society where voting is restricted to only wealthy property owning males (if that can even be called a democracy anyway), this has a eugenic effect. Higher IQ males become property owners, whom in return attract good looking women and then they have children to insure the continued legacy&dynasty of the male. All the while the dumbfucks remain poor with no political power. And things stay that way.

...until the voting franchise is expanded.

Here is what happens when everybody can vote:

1. People whom are less successful have no reason not to vote for government handouts, so they do. This leads to high taxes on the higher IQ elements, which in return reduces incentive to have more children since they are less likely to afford it, while also increasing incentive among the low IQ to have more children since thanks to handouts they can afford it.

2. When everybody can vote including women this inevitably leads to the rise of liberalism and the death of religion/spiritualism/nationalism etc. This destroys the family and leads to whoredom/hedonism. As a result most children born are born by accident or to lower IQ demographics whom just don't care. This lowers IQ even more.

3. Once birthrates start dropping, the voters being unwilling to start having children again (can't let that hedonistic streak end!) start voting in favor of mass immigration. Since immigrants are more likely to come from underdeveloped countries and since a country being underdeveloped is typically the result if low average IQ, this causes the natives to be gradually replaced by lower IQ populations over time. This lowers the IQ even more....

And so it continues, until the entirety of civilization has been replaced by a huge horde of poor low IQ degenerate hedonists with 65 IQ whom shit in the street while inventing and/or doing nothing of value.

Democracy isn't fixable

Some democracy apologists will claim this could be fixed by limiting voting. I disagree. Why? Because once you have "fixed" democracy it's not really even democracy anymore. How is a system where only the non-shit portions of society can vote even a democracy in the first place? It's not. Once you restrict voting enough, what you have is not a democracy, but an elitist system.

One of the bleakest blackpills there are, is knowing that the "free" world we are living in right now is going to end. Because it HAS to end. Democracy isn't natural. It's a perversion of the natural order. A system with no checks and balances. At least the dictator has an invested reason to insure things remain stable and that the gene pool remains strong. The democracy can't do even this.

Democracy & universal suffrage are merely the final stages in the life cycle of a dying civilization.
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Read all of it.

Top tier post from squidnigga gain.
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  • Ugh..
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fash gang nigga
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  • JFL
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Another banger tbh
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Reactions: 9cel and Deleted member 4804
Disillusioned tier thread.
In a society where voting is restricted to only wealthy property owning males (if that can even be called a democracy anyway), this has a eugenic effect. Higher IQ males become property owners, whom in return attract good looking women and then they have children to insure the continued legacy&dynasty of the male. All the while the dumbfucks remain poor with no political power. And things stay that way.

...until the voting franchise is expanded.
this makes some sense jfl
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Reactions: thecel
go ER and make your magnum opus recognized

didnt read shit thread kill yourself squidbro
go ER and make your magnum opus recognized
thx for new word strangereinoin wooohoo soyerino fuck my wwiferino while i watch netflixerinoo oooohh ononono new movierino NOOO NEW VIDEO GAYEMRINO NEW GRAPHICEONO


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Good thread tbh another banger
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Keep writing essays.mp4
  • WTF
Reactions: thecel
I read it all but I did not understand a shit
bruh who even cares about politics
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Do you suggest anything different from democracy that doesn't result in mass starvation or economic collapse?
Do you suggest anything different from democracy that doesn't result in mass starvation or economic collapse?

Tbh politics is cope. Natural selection exist in all political systems.
  • JFL
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Retards think democracy is good because the west has it and the west are rich.

No you morons. The west is rich and they JUST HAPPEN to be democratic.

To be a rich country you:

  1. Be next to some large resource pool (Norway Saudi, China)
  2. Invade other resource rich place and extract their resources (UK, Spain, Sweden)
  3. Be next to a country that is (1) or (2) and have good trading terms while being well protected (Switzerland, Scandinavia, Korea)
Thinking democracy is the root cause is for brainlets. Yeah tell that to all those middle eastern/South American/SEA democracies lol

The greeks themselves hated democracy despite inventing it
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ops getting closer and closer to er
democracy is weak and pathetic.
western countries need fascist dictatorships.
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dint read, but democracy is pretty dumb because stupid ignorant people can vote
but there are no alternative system to make sure people in power will take care of the population
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Would you consider yourself to be one of the intelligent alpha males that should be able to vote? What a fucking retarded thread.
  • JFL
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there are no alternative system to make sure people in power will take care of the population

This is bullshit propaganda. Look at Gaddafi's Libya before the jews assassinated him. The guy took care of his people. Mussolini and Hitler were also well liked before everything got bombed. Funnily enough Hitler got attacked by the allies for much the same reason Gaddafi was: Because he detached Germany from the global banking system. Imperial Germany also had higher quality of life than the more democratic UK during the first part of the 20th century and in fact implemented various welfare policies before they did. Even China is now becoming an increasingly livable place despite their problems. All the while the democratic west is turning itself into a third world dumpster fire.

You have no idea how brainwashed you are about so called "evil dictatorships". Even North-Korea isn't actually as hellish as we are told.
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Democracy is the copium of the masses
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You have no idea how brainwashed you are about so called "evil dictatorships". Even North-Korea isn't actually as hellish as we are told.
60% of people in north korea live below poverty line.
bumping this based thread
Indeed, people simply look at the west whom just happened to be moggers in many aspects through out history and attribute it to democracy when its simply they were christians (controling foids) with high iq was the reason why they succeeded.
60% of people in north korea live below poverty line.
majority of life is about going to sleep, work, and cooming. They are guaranteed this. Unless you are in the top 1% in the west, your life is the same everywhere.
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