

Apr 10, 2022
I am aware I have already made similar threads in the past, but none have been as comprehensive as this one will be, it will include everything I need looksmaxxing wise up until 2025 and I am confident I won't need to make any significant alterations to this. I will be taking some things from other threads so don't reply with "muh I saw this on another thread"
Currently I look like this

I'd say it is safe to assume I am around a 6/10

Now let's look at my goal for 2025:
- 8/10 face
- 6'4+
- More JB appeal
- Natural looking gymmaxx physique

Main Flaws:
- Jaw jowls
- Not lean enough
- Thin neck
- Sloped shoulders
- Weird mouth area
- Recessed chin
- Jaw could be more square


I will be training while focusing on (in this order) Neck, traps, chest, shoulders, arms, abs, this will insure that I have the most aesthetic proportions possible
Ideally I want to look something like this

I will be doing this on a lean bulk for 1.8 years by which point I will go on a cut with aid of clenbuterol or cardarine and cut down to 10% body fat in the remaining timespan before 2025.

Another thing I need to focus on is maintaining good body posture

My skin is already good but I still don't quite think it is model tier, not enough to halo me at the very least, so to improve my skin I will be supplementing Beta carotene for skin color, I would take Melanotan2 but honestly I think that would make me look too ethnic.
I will also be continuing my accutane use aswell as adding tretinoin.

I am currently 6'2 but I am mentally ill and want to become taller until I never get heightmogged again.

Imaging being 6 foot and being heightmogged this badly :forcedsmile:
I imagine I will gain a solid inch extra from puberty, which would make me 6'3, I will then do stretches included in this video to gain an added inch, I should be able to at least get this considering I spend 4+ hours a day sat down on my PC.

Then I will get double LL surgery, 2 inches in the tibia and 4 inches in the femur, to get a total of 6 inches of added extra height, as far as the proportions will go it won't look uncanny since my wing span is naturally very large and my torso is unproportionally large at the moment.
For those who say LL surgery makes you permanently disabled you are wrong, I have seen countless videos on the topic at this point and figured out as long as you have a good Post OP recovery plan you should be able to get to how you were naturally.

My fashion doesn't need to be anything too crazy, will probably copy tiktokfags fashion style with a few small twists

-Lock necklace


-Eboy earring


-Finger tattoo

-Neck tattoo

-Black nails

Currently my eyes are very inconsistent in images, in some photos, they look amazing, even in candids, but other times they look absolutely subhuman, this is mainly down to my lack of lower eye support and slightly droppy lower eyelid on my right eye.

Contact lenses

In good lighting my eyes have a green color, but sadly my eyes from far away look dark brown, I will be experimenting with different colors for contact lenses, I will eventually try using a custom amber color lens but for now these are my options that I will experiment with:
Green -
Green -
Light brown -
Blue -

Hopefully at least one of these lenses will look good on me, if not I will get stroma and eye lightening drops.

PRK - mogs lasik due to the fact there is no post surgery risk of going blind if you experience trauma to the head, with lasik you risk the stitching being undone and giving you sight issues, prk does take longer to recover from but still boasts great long term results for vision.

Infraorbital rim implants - This will hopefully ascend my lower eye area, giving much needed support to that area, getting rid of my under eye darkness and make my eyes look more harmonious

Lower eyelid refraction - This should also tighten the droopyness of my right eyelid, I may just get it on one side to make it fully symettrical, according to google it is a permanent surgery that will not need renewal


One thing I will experiment with is ice hooding, I thought it was cope but I saw a thread where someone got great results from it so I may try before I attempt to get surgery for it

The main aim of this is to improve my mouth area, namely the Jaw jowls that I have, for this I will need to get a more projected chin, considering the fact I have an overbite braces/invisalign alone could help or even fix this, but in the case that it doesn't I will get genioplasty to add more volume to my chin and correct my jaw jowls

While IQ doesn't really play much, if any role in attracting foids I still want to increase my learning capacity and knowledge for the sake of it.


Dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter and hormone. It plays a role in many important body functions, including movement, memory and pleasurable reward and motivation.

There are a few compounds you can use to increase dopamine, you can use nicotine (patches or gum, not vaping or smoking) but the most effective compound for this purpose would be Adderall or Ritalin, by taking fast-releasing Adderall 10mg daily (5 days a week to avoid desensitization)

Before you try this it will be most effective to first go on a dopamine detox, by cutting out all of the dopamine you are receiving in your daily life you are making your dopamine sensors more sensitive, thereby making the next steps more effective.

The things I will be choosing to learn to enjoy is pain and studying, with both these things being enjoyable to me I will have a huge advantage in school and life. After repeating it for a few weeks it should eventually become a permanent habit that you enjoy, even after you stop using the compound the effect it gives should be permanent. The way I will learn to enjoy it is while my dopamine is high I will be inflicting pain onto myself, such as pinching or self punching, my pain tolerance should be much greater and I will hopefully get a dopamine release every time I feel pain, I will also do hard study sessions every other day to build a permanent dopamine habit of studying, this will easily boost my grades from A to A* in most if not all of my subjects.

I will also be implementing the following things:

Problem Solving

Step #1 – Close your eyes

Close your eyes. Each time you close your eyes – especially when you’re doing some visualization – your brain produces higher levels of alpha waves.

Step #2 – Take a deep breath

Deep breathing exercises can also boost your alpha waves. Try sitting comfortably, and breathe in gently through your nose and out through your mouth to a slow count of five.

Remember - If at any point you begin to feel frustrated repeat steps 1 and 2.

Step #3 – Build a deep understanding​

Open your eyes and and break down all of the information in the problem into its SMALLEST possible pieces. Often times people look at a difficult problem and don't know were to begin and feel frustrated, but if you start from the beginning and break everything down into small pieces you can develop a deep understanding of the problem, if your visual memory is good enough to allow you to do this in your mind then great if not use a flowchart (

Step #4 – Failure

If after you break down the problem you still can't formulate a solution leave the problem, allow your brain to make some new subconscious background connections and return later. Repeat this until the problem is solved.


There are 2 types of awareness:

- Passive awareness
- Active awareness

90% of your consciousness is in a subconscious state while the other 10% remains active, this means that 90% of your life you are being controlled by a script encoded into your genetics, this is your passive awareness, ideally you want to have as much active awareness as possible, this will allow you to be in a higher state of consciousness at all times and be less vulnerable.

How I can train awareness

The way I was personally able to train my active awareness to be closer to 15-20% rather than the average 10% is by constantly giving myself something to think about, in the beginning you can start by repeating the same sequence of numbers and letters all day while multitasking with life, after you have reached a stage you are happy with, you can move on to longer and longer sequences, if you want to go even further than this, you can add math to the equation, for example, you can repeat multiplications over to yourself. Once you have successfully gotten to this stage you will have a much higher active awareness than previously and you will also be at more of an advantage mentally than those around you.


There are five popular types of meditation practice I would recommend. Pick the one that resonates the most with you.

Method #1 – Mindfulness​

In mindfulness meditation, you pay attention to your thoughts as they pass through your mind. You don’t judge the thoughts or become involved with them. You simply observe and take note of any patterns. This practice combines concentration with awareness. You may find it helpful to focus on an object or your breath while you observe any bodily sensations, thoughts, or feelings.

Method #2 – Focused​

Focused meditation involves concentration using any of the five senses. For example, you can focus on something internal, like your breath, or you can bring in external influences to help focus your attention. This practice may be simple in theory, but it can be difficult for beginners to hold their focus for longer than a few minutes at first.
If your mind does wander, it’s important to come back to the practice and refocus. As the name suggests, this practice is ideal for anyone who requires additional focus in their life.

Method #3 – Mantra​

This type of meditation uses a repetitive sound to clear the mind. It can be a word, phrase, or sound, such as the popular “Om.” It doesn’t matter if your mantra is spoken loudly or quietly. After chanting the mantra for some time, you’ll be more alert and in tune with your environment. This allows you to experience deeper levels of awareness. Some people enjoy mantra meditation because they find it easier to focus on a word than on their breath. This is also a good practice for people who don’t like silence and enjoy repetition.

Method #4 – Progressive​

Also known as body scan meditation, progressive relaxation is a practice aimed at reducing tension in the body and promoting relaxation. Oftentimes, this form of meditation involves slowly tightening and relaxing one muscle group at a time throughout the body. In some cases, it may also encourage you to imagine a gentle wave flowing through your body to help release any tension.

Method #5 – Visualization​

Visualization meditation is a technique focused on enhancing feelings of relaxation, peace, and calmness by visualizing positive scenes or images. With this practice, it’s important to imagine the scene vividly and use all five senses to add as much detail as possible. Another form of visualization meditation involves imagining yourself succeeding at specific goals, which is intended to increase focus and motivation.

I will mainly be practicing doing Method #2 - Focused meditation

Memory Palace

A Memory Palace is an imaginary location in your mind where you can store mnemonic images. The most common type of memory palace involves making a journey through a place you know well, like a building or town. Along that journey there are specific locations that you always visit in the same order.

1) Decide on the map's location​

The layout of your mind palace is crucial for it to function appropriately.

While it is possible to completely construct your own layout from your imagination, this will take extra energy that you don’t need to expend. The goal is to be so familiar with your palace’s layout that you can run through it in your mind without having to think about it.

With this in mind, some of the best locations to use would be:
  • Your house
  • Your workplace
  • Your school

2) Establish the main items​

Now, assuming that you are able to walk through the palace in your mind without struggling to recall details, you are ready to start assigning permanent items.

You should select 4-5 items in each room. Optimal items to select are:
  • Furniture
  • Artwork
  • Windows
  • Decorations
  • Other prominent features.

3) Determine your route​

This is the step that catches most people off guard. In short, you must order each item in your room, and follow that order EVERY time you use your mind palace.

A mind palace’s functionality lies largely in repetition and visual cues. So now that you have your mind palace memorized, and the items within it selected, you have to establish a route that you will always walk when recalling things. In other words, you must order your items. Some people find it easier to give a number to each item in their memory palace.

4) Adding information to permanent items​

Next you will convert the information to a visual form. This means even if it's numbers, cards, test information, or a speech; you must turn it into visual information.

The best way to convert the information is to make absurd visually/sensory stimulating image that reminds you of the information. Bright colors, crazy textures, sounds, feelings, and movement helps with this.

5) Create more than one​

Yes, the answer is that simple. You are no doubt familiar with more than one location in the world, so you can create more palaces. Many memory champions will create multiple palaces for various commonly memorized topics.

The forgetting curve

1) What is it​

This graph illustrates that when you first learn something, the information disappears at an exponential rate, i.e. you lose most of it in the first couple of days, after which the rate of loss tapers off.


Every time you reinforce the information, the rate of decline reduces


2) Spaced repetition

Spaced repetition is a method where you remember a certain fact within specific time intervals which increases each time the fact is presented or said.

3) Anki

You can build a Memory Palace with nothing more than your mind and a list of things you wish to store in there. But every Memory Palace needs maintenance, you have to revisit it often enough to maintain the memory. It's recommended to make one flashcard using Anki for every stop in the memory palace and at precise intervals, Anki will remind you to recall that information to ensure you don't forget it.

There is no need for me to dickmaxx since I am 7.5 x 6, doing more would be overkill, but there are still useful ways I can sexmaxx apart from increasing size. The main things I need to improve upon is multiple orgasming, this is something that makes you able to maintain your erection after you nut and allows you to carry on fucking, currently I can only do this for 2-3 times before I lose all my pelvic floor muscle strength, so to increase the strength I will be using dick weights while progressively overloading it, I will continue with this until I am able to reach 6-7 times, which is the equivalent of 2 hours of nonstop sex, then I will only have to work on maintaining my gains.

Another thing I need to improve is my shit stamina, currently my stamina inhibits me from lasting longer than 20 minutes which makes it a huge limiting factor, thankfully cardio is something that can be quickly progressed, once I am on my cut using cardarine I will definitely add extra cardio into my routine aswell as HIIT, hopefully these things will help me last significantly longer without getting fatigued

Right now my voice is at least top 5% in pitch however there are a few things limiting it from ascending, firstly my tongue and lip tie prevents my voice from sounding as crisp and smooth as it could do, once I have them cut my voice quality should improve, neck training should also make my voice deeper, after I implement both of these things I will get voice deepening surgery, hopefully with this I will have a voice that is similar to corpse husband although not as exaggerated.

Things I will do to improve lips:
-Lip tie removal improves shape and NTness of my mouth area
-3L drink daily
-Lip scrub using toothbrush for color and remove chappedness
-Volufiline for improved lip size
-SPF50 cream for brighter color and protection
-Transparent lip gloss for better lip texture and color

This is subject to increase, if you have any recommendations on this I am open to hearing them, I may add them to my list in the future, currently the things I have included in this is...
Teeth whitening, after I get braces I will get teeth whitening to max out my smile appeal, electrolysis hair removal, I will use this for my face, I have tried facial hair in the past and it looks terrible, I would love to get electrolysis so I can permanently have clean shaven face with smooth skin and no peach fuzz. I could do laser removal since it requires less appointments however it is not as permanent as electrolysis, I may also do this on my chest if I start to grow too much hair in that area but for now it is unnecessary. I will also consider custom jaw implants but right now I am too afraid it will look uncanny.

For Instagram I will follow 3000 girls over the course of 15 days, then unfollow them all, I will repeat this process until I hit 15K followers, this will give me an amazing halo. I will experiment with tiktok but I don't care too much about that platform unless I fully commit myself to just JBmaxxing, something that I can already do on instagram anyway.

TLDR; Help me escape the ward this whole thread was a distraction so that you boyos who didn't read can help me escape
Anyways uh


  • 1665177195425.png
    359.1 KB · Views: 0
  • +1
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
Reactions: RaidenJTR, Cointoss/Chad/Incel, anticel and 10 others
here we go again...
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: RaidenJTR, Deleted member 6764, Sondern and 1 other person
Just gymmaxx and take creatine (creatine increases iq which is something you really need tbh)
  • +1
Reactions: RaidenJTR, DemoNZx, Inosebreathonly and 2 others
  • JFL
Reactions: galego123 and CyprusGD
kys no cap for real
  • +1
Reactions: Mouthbreath and Verse
Over time I realized that mega-threads that compile information on a lot of looksmaxing topics simply aren't ideal. The format isn't effective when having to inform people about a wide array of information.

At least not if you value quality. It doesn't allow you to speak about the topics comprehensively enough, forcing you to cut corners not only in your research but also with regard to what's posted.

I suppose it can be handy as an introduction to each of these looksmaxes though and incentive people to do some further research on each of them.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 22126, Win, Pharmaceutic and 4 others
Don’t forget to Speaktowomenmaxx
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: RaidenJTR, TAChipmunk, Deleted member 22962 and 1 other person
6'2 no need for LL, mog 99% of people anyways
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 62070, TAChipmunk, Deleted member 22126 and 3 others
6'2 no need for LL, mog 99% of people anyways
I get heightmogged 3-5 times every day in school and too many people are like an inch shorter so looks like they heightmatch me
  • JFL
Reactions: CyprusGD
Your main failo is your eyes never seen more beta eyes in my life
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 62070
I am aware I have already made similar threads in the past, but none have been as comprehensive as this one will be, it will include everything I need looksmaxxing wise up until 2025 and I am confident I won't need to make any significant alterations to this. I will be taking some things from other threads so don't reply with "muh I saw this on another thread"
Currently I look like this
View attachment 1899442
I'd say it is safe to assume I am around a 6/10

Now let's look at my goal for 2025:
- 8/10 face
- 6'4+
- More JB appeal
- Natural looking gymmaxx physique

Main Flaws:
- Jaw jowls
- Not lean enough
- Thin neck
- Sloped shoulders
- Weird mouth area
- Recessed chin
- Jaw could be more square


I will be training while focusing on (in this order) Neck, traps, chest, shoulders, arms, abs, this will insure that I have the most aesthetic proportions possible
Ideally I want to look something like this
View attachment 1899484
I will be doing this on a lean bulk for 1.8 years by which point I will go on a cut with aid of clenbuterol or cardarine and cut down to 10% body fat in the remaining timespan before 2025.

Another thing I need to focus on is maintaining good body posture

My skin is already good but I still don't quite think it is model tier, not enough to halo me at the very least, so to improve my skin I will be supplementing Beta carotene for skin color, I would take Melanotan2 but honestly I think that would make me look too ethnic.
I will also be continuing my accutane use aswell as adding tretinoin.

I am currently 6'2 but I am mentally ill and want to become taller until I never get heightmogged again.
View attachment 1899505
Imaging being 6 foot and being heightmogged this badly :forcedsmile:
I imagine I will gain a solid inch extra from puberty, which would make me 6'3, I will then do stretches included in this video to gain an added inch, I should be able to at least get this considering I spend 4+ hours a day sat down on my PC.

Then I will get double LL surgery, 2 inches in the tibia and 4 inches in the femur, to get a total of 6 inches of added extra height, as far as the proportions will go it won't look uncanny since my wing span is naturally very large and my torso is unproportionally large at the moment.
For those who say LL surgery makes you permanently disabled you are wrong, I have seen countless videos on the topic at this point and figured out as long as you have a good Post OP recovery plan you should be able to get to how you were naturally.

My fashion doesn't need to be anything too crazy, will probably copy tiktokfags fashion style with a few small twists
View attachment 1899519View attachment 1899521

-Lock necklace
View attachment 1899525

View attachment 1899526

-Eboy earring
View attachment 1899527

View attachment 1899540

-Finger tattoo
View attachment 1899529

-Neck tattoo
View attachment 1899531

-Black nails
View attachment 1899536

Currently my eyes are very inconsistent in images, in some photos, they look amazing, even in candids, but other times they look absolutely subhuman, this is mainly down to my lack of lower eye support and slightly droppy lower eyelid on my right eye.

Contact lenses
View attachment 1899545
In good lighting my eyes have a green color, but sadly my eyes from far away look dark brown, I will be experimenting with different colors for contact lenses, I will eventually try using a custom amber color lens but for now these are my options that I will experiment with:
Green -
Green -
Light brown -
Blue -

Hopefully at least one of these lenses will look good on me, if not I will get stroma and eye lightening drops.

PRK - mogs lasik due to the fact there is no post surgery risk of going blind if you experience trauma to the head, with lasik you risk the stitching being undone and giving you sight issues, prk does take longer to recover from but still boasts great long term results for vision.

Infraorbital rim implants - This will hopefully ascend my lower eye area, giving much needed support to that area, getting rid of my under eye darkness and make my eyes look more harmonious
View attachment 1899555View attachment 1899556View attachment 1899557

Lower eyelid refraction - This should also tighten the droopyness of my right eyelid, I may just get it on one side to make it fully symettrical, according to google it is a permanent surgery that will not need renewal
View attachment 1899563
View attachment 1899564View attachment 1899569

One thing I will experiment with is ice hooding, I thought it was cope but I saw a thread where someone got great results from it so I may try before I attempt to get surgery for it

The main aim of this is to improve my mouth area, namely the Jaw jowls that I have, for this I will need to get a more projected chin, considering the fact I have an overbite braces/invisalign alone could help or even fix this, but in the case that it doesn't I will get genioplasty to add more volume to my chin and correct my jaw jowls

While IQ doesn't really play much, if any role in attracting foids I still want to increase my learning capacity and knowledge for the sake of it.


Dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter and hormone. It plays a role in many important body functions, including movement, memory and pleasurable reward and motivation.

There are a few compounds you can use to increase dopamine, you can use nicotine (patches or gum, not vaping or smoking) but the most effective compound for this purpose would be Adderall or Ritalin, by taking fast-releasing Adderall 10mg daily (5 days a week to avoid desensitization)

Before you try this it will be most effective to first go on a dopamine detox, by cutting out all of the dopamine you are receiving in your daily life you are making your dopamine sensors more sensitive, thereby making the next steps more effective.

The things I will be choosing to learn to enjoy is pain and studying, with both these things being enjoyable to me I will have a huge advantage in school and life. After repeating it for a few weeks it should eventually become a permanent habit that you enjoy, even after you stop using the compound the effect it gives should be permanent. The way I will learn to enjoy it is while my dopamine is high I will be inflicting pain onto myself, such as pinching or self punching, my pain tolerance should be much greater and I will hopefully get a dopamine release every time I feel pain, I will also do hard study sessions every other day to build a permanent dopamine habit of studying, this will easily boost my grades from A to A* in most if not all of my subjects.

I will also be implementing the following things:

Problem Solving

Step #1 – Close your eyes

Close your eyes. Each time you close your eyes – especially when you’re doing some visualization – your brain produces higher levels of alpha waves.

Step #2 – Take a deep breath

Deep breathing exercises can also boost your alpha waves. Try sitting comfortably, and breathe in gently through your nose and out through your mouth to a slow count of five.

Remember - If at any point you begin to feel frustrated repeat steps 1 and 2.

Step #3 – Build a deep understanding​

Open your eyes and and break down all of the information in the problem into its SMALLEST possible pieces. Often times people look at a difficult problem and don't know were to begin and feel frustrated, but if you start from the beginning and break everything down into small pieces you can develop a deep understanding of the problem, if your visual memory is good enough to allow you to do this in your mind then great if not use a flowchart (

Step #4 – Failure

If after you break down the problem you still can't formulate a solution leave the problem, allow your brain to make some new subconscious background connections and return later. Repeat this until the problem is solved.


There are 2 types of awareness:

- Passive awareness
- Active awareness

90% of your consciousness is in a subconscious state while the other 10% remains active, this means that 90% of your life you are being controlled by a script encoded into your genetics, this is your passive awareness, ideally you want to have as much active awareness as possible, this will allow you to be in a higher state of consciousness at all times and be less vulnerable.

How I can train awareness

The way I was personally able to train my active awareness to be closer to 15-20% rather than the average 10% is by constantly giving myself something to think about, in the beginning you can start by repeating the same sequence of numbers and letters all day while multitasking with life, after you have reached a stage you are happy with, you can move on to longer and longer sequences, if you want to go even further than this, you can add math to the equation, for example, you can repeat multiplications over to yourself. Once you have successfully gotten to this stage you will have a much higher active awareness than previously and you will also be at more of an advantage mentally than those around you.


There are five popular types of meditation practice I would recommend. Pick the one that resonates the most with you.

Method #1 – Mindfulness​

In mindfulness meditation, you pay attention to your thoughts as they pass through your mind. You don’t judge the thoughts or become involved with them. You simply observe and take note of any patterns. This practice combines concentration with awareness. You may find it helpful to focus on an object or your breath while you observe any bodily sensations, thoughts, or feelings.

Method #2 – Focused​

Focused meditation involves concentration using any of the five senses. For example, you can focus on something internal, like your breath, or you can bring in external influences to help focus your attention. This practice may be simple in theory, but it can be difficult for beginners to hold their focus for longer than a few minutes at first.
If your mind does wander, it’s important to come back to the practice and refocus. As the name suggests, this practice is ideal for anyone who requires additional focus in their life.

Method #3 – Mantra​

This type of meditation uses a repetitive sound to clear the mind. It can be a word, phrase, or sound, such as the popular “Om.” It doesn’t matter if your mantra is spoken loudly or quietly. After chanting the mantra for some time, you’ll be more alert and in tune with your environment. This allows you to experience deeper levels of awareness. Some people enjoy mantra meditation because they find it easier to focus on a word than on their breath. This is also a good practice for people who don’t like silence and enjoy repetition.

Method #4 – Progressive​

Also known as body scan meditation, progressive relaxation is a practice aimed at reducing tension in the body and promoting relaxation. Oftentimes, this form of meditation involves slowly tightening and relaxing one muscle group at a time throughout the body. In some cases, it may also encourage you to imagine a gentle wave flowing through your body to help release any tension.

Method #5 – Visualization​

Visualization meditation is a technique focused on enhancing feelings of relaxation, peace, and calmness by visualizing positive scenes or images. With this practice, it’s important to imagine the scene vividly and use all five senses to add as much detail as possible. Another form of visualization meditation involves imagining yourself succeeding at specific goals, which is intended to increase focus and motivation.

I will mainly be practicing doing Method #2 - Focused meditation

Memory Palace

A Memory Palace is an imaginary location in your mind where you can store mnemonic images. The most common type of memory palace involves making a journey through a place you know well, like a building or town. Along that journey there are specific locations that you always visit in the same order.

1) Decide on the map's location​

The layout of your mind palace is crucial for it to function appropriately.

While it is possible to completely construct your own layout from your imagination, this will take extra energy that you don’t need to expend. The goal is to be so familiar with your palace’s layout that you can run through it in your mind without having to think about it.

With this in mind, some of the best locations to use would be:
  • Your house
  • Your workplace
  • Your school

2) Establish the main items​

Now, assuming that you are able to walk through the palace in your mind without struggling to recall details, you are ready to start assigning permanent items.

You should select 4-5 items in each room. Optimal items to select are:
  • Furniture
  • Artwork
  • Windows
  • Decorations
  • Other prominent features.

3) Determine your route​

This is the step that catches most people off guard. In short, you must order each item in your room, and follow that order EVERY time you use your mind palace.

A mind palace’s functionality lies largely in repetition and visual cues. So now that you have your mind palace memorized, and the items within it selected, you have to establish a route that you will always walk when recalling things. In other words, you must order your items. Some people find it easier to give a number to each item in their memory palace.

4) Adding information to permanent items​

Next you will convert the information to a visual form. This means even if it's numbers, cards, test information, or a speech; you must turn it into visual information.

The best way to convert the information is to make absurd visually/sensory stimulating image that reminds you of the information. Bright colors, crazy textures, sounds, feelings, and movement helps with this.

5) Create more than one​

Yes, the answer is that simple. You are no doubt familiar with more than one location in the world, so you can create more palaces. Many memory champions will create multiple palaces for various commonly memorized topics.

The forgetting curve

1) What is it​

This graph illustrates that when you first learn something, the information disappears at an exponential rate, i.e. you lose most of it in the first couple of days, after which the rate of loss tapers off.


Every time you reinforce the information, the rate of decline reduces


2) Spaced repetition

Spaced repetition is a method where you remember a certain fact within specific time intervals which increases each time the fact is presented or said.

3) Anki

You can build a Memory Palace with nothing more than your mind and a list of things you wish to store in there. But every Memory Palace needs maintenance, you have to revisit it often enough to maintain the memory. It's recommended to make one flashcard using Anki for every stop in the memory palace and at precise intervals, Anki will remind you to recall that information to ensure you don't forget it.

There is no need for me to dickmaxx since I am 7.5 x 6, doing more would be overkill, but there are still useful ways I can sexmaxx apart from increasing size. The main things I need to improve upon is multiple orgasming, this is something that makes you able to maintain your erection after you nut and allows you to carry on fucking, currently I can only do this for 2-3 times before I lose all my pelvic floor muscle strength, so to increase the strength I will be using dick weights while progressively overloading it, I will continue with this until I am able to reach 6-7 times, which is the equivalent of 2 hours of nonstop sex, then I will only have to work on maintaining my gains.

Another thing I need to improve is my shit stamina, currently my stamina inhibits me from lasting longer than 20 minutes which makes it a huge limiting factor, thankfully cardio is something that can be quickly progressed, once I am on my cut using cardarine I will definitely add extra cardio into my routine aswell as HIIT, hopefully these things will help me last significantly longer without getting fatigued

Right now my voice is at least top 5% in pitch however there are a few things limiting it from ascending, firstly my tongue and lip tie prevents my voice from sounding as crisp and smooth as it could do, once I have them cut my voice quality should improve, neck training should also make my voice deeper, after I implement both of these things I will get voice deepening surgery, hopefully with this I will have a voice that is similar to corpse husband although not as exaggerated.

Things I will do to improve lips:
-Lip tie removal improves shape and NTness of my mouth area
-3L drink daily
-Lip scrub using toothbrush for color and remove chappedness
-Volufiline for improved lip size
-SPF50 cream for brighter color and protection
-Transparent lip gloss for better lip texture and color

This is subject to increase, if you have any recommendations on this I am open to hearing them, I may add them to my list in the future, currently the things I have included in this is...
Teeth whitening, after I get braces I will get teeth whitening to max out my smile appeal, electrolysis hair removal, I will use this for my face, I have tried facial hair in the past and it looks terrible, I would love to get electrolysis so I can permanently have clean shaven face with smooth skin and no peach fuzz. I could do laser removal since it requires less appointments however it is not as permanent as electrolysis, I may also do this on my chest if I start to grow too much hair in that area but for now it is unnecessary. I will also consider custom jaw implants but right now I am too afraid it will look uncanny.

For Instagram I will follow 3000 girls over the course of 15 days, then unfollow them all, I will repeat this process until I hit 15K followers, this will give me an amazing halo. I will experiment with tiktok but I don't care too much about that platform unless I fully commit myself to just JBmaxxing, something that I can already do on instagram anyway.

TLDR; Help me escape the ward this whole thread was a distraction so that you boyos who didn't read can help me escape
Anyways uh

is that you in the reel?
Your main failo is your eyes never seen more beta eyes in my life
my mouth area is subhuman bro I desperately need to fix chin and mouth area
no lmao that is just a nigga with similar phenotype
i was boutta say cuz yall look quite similar. How did u get to 6'2? How tall are your parents aswell?
mega-threads, "mega" plans for low iq people, sorry.

reality will be more complex than that. I can agree that softmaxing, gymmaxing can be done together.
however, surgical plans need thorough plans with details and lots of money all together. so, aiming big will make you weak, you gonna be whiny and depressed by seeing how low you achieved in 2~3 years.

you are not a pokemon, and not living in a RPG game. unless you are from a quite rich family, you won't achieve any of those. you better make a plan to earn money instead doing all of these. because your goals cannot be achieavable without top-notch surgeons.
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  • +1
Reactions: alekahmeti, Skywalker, Deleted member 22886 and 1 other person
i was boutta say cuz yall look quite similar. How did u get to 6'2? How tall are your parents aswell?
gentics, I experimented with exemestane and mk-677 but couldn't afford to keep renewing them so stopped, my parents are both 5'9
mega-threads, "mega" plans for low iq people, sorry.

reality will be more complex than that. I can agree that softmaxing, gymmaxing can be done together.
however, surgical plans need thorough plans with details and lots of money all together. so, aiming big will make you weak, you gonna be whiny and depressed by seeing how low you achieved in 2~3 years.

you are not a pokemon, and not living in a RPG game. unless you are from a quite rich family, you won't achieve any of those. you better make a plan to earn money instead doing all of these. because your goals cannot be achieavable without top-notch surgeons.
money isn't an issue my dad is rich, I will just guilt-trip him into buying it for me and somehow convince him that it's his fault I need these surgeries due to his retarded mating choices
  • +1
Reactions: randomvanish
i think you might be mentally ill, just try to be more NT and mew bro and take creatine bro
  • +1
Reactions: shmoody, Skywalker, CyprusGD and 2 others
i think you might be mentally ill, just try to be more NT and mew bro and take creatine bro
this is a troll comment stop shitposting on my thread we all know face can be fixed with surgery, non NT can't be fixed. creatine is useless minimal supplement won't do shit if I want to get smarter I will just inject cerebrolysin
this is a troll comment stop shitposting on my thread we all know face can be fixed with surgery, non NT can't be fixed. creatine is useless minimal supplement won't do shit if I want to get smarter I will just inject cerebrolysin
i suggest you should use some foundation for ur face
gentics, I experimented with exemestane and mk-677 but couldn't afford to keep renewing them so stopped, my parents are both 5'9
yo how old are you and how old were you when u got to 6 feet?
i suggest you should use some foundation for ur face
Yeah I want to use tretinoin while continuing accutane first then I will experiment with that stuff
that instagram video is you? if it is you’re a fag stop acting homo and retard jesus
that instagram video is you? if it is you’re a fag stop acting homo and retard jesus
nigga that is not me if it was I wouldn't be on this shit forum i'd be fucking JBs
The stretching vid ain't loadin for me chief
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 22962
how old are you
I get heightmogged 3-5 times every day in school and too many people are like an inch shorter so looks like they heightmatch me
clown ass nigga

no respect for u anymore. used u like a tool
Creatine is excellent for muscle growth and can increase IQ by 15 points.
brother even adderall can't increase IQ only focus
  • +1
Reactions: SurgeryEnjoyer
i take 6g creatine everyday and i took an iq test and my iq is 90
  • JFL
Reactions: Skywalker and Verse
I am aware I have already made similar threads in the past, but none have been as comprehensive as this one will be, it will include everything I need looksmaxxing wise up until 2025 and I am confident I won't need to make any significant alterations to this. I will be taking some things from other threads so don't reply with "muh I saw this on another thread"
Currently I look like this
View attachment 1899442
I'd say it is safe to assume I am around a 6/10

Now let's look at my goal for 2025:
- 8/10 face
- 6'4+
- More JB appeal
- Natural looking gymmaxx physique

Main Flaws:
- Jaw jowls
- Not lean enough
- Thin neck
- Sloped shoulders
- Weird mouth area
- Recessed chin
- Jaw could be more square


I will be training while focusing on (in this order) Neck, traps, chest, shoulders, arms, abs, this will insure that I have the most aesthetic proportions possible
Ideally I want to look something like this
View attachment 1899484
I will be doing this on a lean bulk for 1.8 years by which point I will go on a cut with aid of clenbuterol or cardarine and cut down to 10% body fat in the remaining timespan before 2025.

Another thing I need to focus on is maintaining good body posture

My skin is already good but I still don't quite think it is model tier, not enough to halo me at the very least, so to improve my skin I will be supplementing Beta carotene for skin color, I would take Melanotan2 but honestly I think that would make me look too ethnic.
I will also be continuing my accutane use aswell as adding tretinoin.

I am currently 6'2 but I am mentally ill and want to become taller until I never get heightmogged again.
View attachment 1899505
Imaging being 6 foot and being heightmogged this badly :forcedsmile:
I imagine I will gain a solid inch extra from puberty, which would make me 6'3, I will then do stretches included in this video to gain an added inch, I should be able to at least get this considering I spend 4+ hours a day sat down on my PC.

Then I will get double LL surgery, 2 inches in the tibia and 4 inches in the femur, to get a total of 6 inches of added extra height, as far as the proportions will go it won't look uncanny since my wing span is naturally very large and my torso is unproportionally large at the moment.
For those who say LL surgery makes you permanently disabled you are wrong, I have seen countless videos on the topic at this point and figured out as long as you have a good Post OP recovery plan you should be able to get to how you were naturally.

My fashion doesn't need to be anything too crazy, will probably copy tiktokfags fashion style with a few small twists
View attachment 1899519View attachment 1899521

-Lock necklace
View attachment 1899525

View attachment 1899526

-Eboy earring
View attachment 1899527

View attachment 1899540

-Finger tattoo
View attachment 1899529

-Neck tattoo
View attachment 1899531

-Black nails
View attachment 1899536

Currently my eyes are very inconsistent in images, in some photos, they look amazing, even in candids, but other times they look absolutely subhuman, this is mainly down to my lack of lower eye support and slightly droppy lower eyelid on my right eye.

Contact lenses
View attachment 1899545
In good lighting my eyes have a green color, but sadly my eyes from far away look dark brown, I will be experimenting with different colors for contact lenses, I will eventually try using a custom amber color lens but for now these are my options that I will experiment with:
Green -
Green -
Light brown -
Blue -

Hopefully at least one of these lenses will look good on me, if not I will get stroma and eye lightening drops.

PRK - mogs lasik due to the fact there is no post surgery risk of going blind if you experience trauma to the head, with lasik you risk the stitching being undone and giving you sight issues, prk does take longer to recover from but still boasts great long term results for vision.

Infraorbital rim implants - This will hopefully ascend my lower eye area, giving much needed support to that area, getting rid of my under eye darkness and make my eyes look more harmonious
View attachment 1899555View attachment 1899556View attachment 1899557

Lower eyelid refraction - This should also tighten the droopyness of my right eyelid, I may just get it on one side to make it fully symettrical, according to google it is a permanent surgery that will not need renewal
View attachment 1899563
View attachment 1899564View attachment 1899569

One thing I will experiment with is ice hooding, I thought it was cope but I saw a thread where someone got great results from it so I may try before I attempt to get surgery for it

The main aim of this is to improve my mouth area, namely the Jaw jowls that I have, for this I will need to get a more projected chin, considering the fact I have an overbite braces/invisalign alone could help or even fix this, but in the case that it doesn't I will get genioplasty to add more volume to my chin and correct my jaw jowls

While IQ doesn't really play much, if any role in attracting foids I still want to increase my learning capacity and knowledge for the sake of it.


Dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter and hormone. It plays a role in many important body functions, including movement, memory and pleasurable reward and motivation.

There are a few compounds you can use to increase dopamine, you can use nicotine (patches or gum, not vaping or smoking) but the most effective compound for this purpose would be Adderall or Ritalin, by taking fast-releasing Adderall 10mg daily (5 days a week to avoid desensitization)

Before you try this it will be most effective to first go on a dopamine detox, by cutting out all of the dopamine you are receiving in your daily life you are making your dopamine sensors more sensitive, thereby making the next steps more effective.

The things I will be choosing to learn to enjoy is pain and studying, with both these things being enjoyable to me I will have a huge advantage in school and life. After repeating it for a few weeks it should eventually become a permanent habit that you enjoy, even after you stop using the compound the effect it gives should be permanent. The way I will learn to enjoy it is while my dopamine is high I will be inflicting pain onto myself, such as pinching or self punching, my pain tolerance should be much greater and I will hopefully get a dopamine release every time I feel pain, I will also do hard study sessions every other day to build a permanent dopamine habit of studying, this will easily boost my grades from A to A* in most if not all of my subjects.

I will also be implementing the following things:

Problem Solving

Step #1 – Close your eyes

Close your eyes. Each time you close your eyes – especially when you’re doing some visualization – your brain produces higher levels of alpha waves.

Step #2 – Take a deep breath

Deep breathing exercises can also boost your alpha waves. Try sitting comfortably, and breathe in gently through your nose and out through your mouth to a slow count of five.

Remember - If at any point you begin to feel frustrated repeat steps 1 and 2.

Step #3 – Build a deep understanding​

Open your eyes and and break down all of the information in the problem into its SMALLEST possible pieces. Often times people look at a difficult problem and don't know were to begin and feel frustrated, but if you start from the beginning and break everything down into small pieces you can develop a deep understanding of the problem, if your visual memory is good enough to allow you to do this in your mind then great if not use a flowchart (

Step #4 – Failure

If after you break down the problem you still can't formulate a solution leave the problem, allow your brain to make some new subconscious background connections and return later. Repeat this until the problem is solved.


There are 2 types of awareness:

- Passive awareness
- Active awareness

90% of your consciousness is in a subconscious state while the other 10% remains active, this means that 90% of your life you are being controlled by a script encoded into your genetics, this is your passive awareness, ideally you want to have as much active awareness as possible, this will allow you to be in a higher state of consciousness at all times and be less vulnerable.

How I can train awareness

The way I was personally able to train my active awareness to be closer to 15-20% rather than the average 10% is by constantly giving myself something to think about, in the beginning you can start by repeating the same sequence of numbers and letters all day while multitasking with life, after you have reached a stage you are happy with, you can move on to longer and longer sequences, if you want to go even further than this, you can add math to the equation, for example, you can repeat multiplications over to yourself. Once you have successfully gotten to this stage you will have a much higher active awareness than previously and you will also be at more of an advantage mentally than those around you.


There are five popular types of meditation practice I would recommend. Pick the one that resonates the most with you.

Method #1 – Mindfulness​

In mindfulness meditation, you pay attention to your thoughts as they pass through your mind. You don’t judge the thoughts or become involved with them. You simply observe and take note of any patterns. This practice combines concentration with awareness. You may find it helpful to focus on an object or your breath while you observe any bodily sensations, thoughts, or feelings.

Method #2 – Focused​

Focused meditation involves concentration using any of the five senses. For example, you can focus on something internal, like your breath, or you can bring in external influences to help focus your attention. This practice may be simple in theory, but it can be difficult for beginners to hold their focus for longer than a few minutes at first.
If your mind does wander, it’s important to come back to the practice and refocus. As the name suggests, this practice is ideal for anyone who requires additional focus in their life.

Method #3 – Mantra​

This type of meditation uses a repetitive sound to clear the mind. It can be a word, phrase, or sound, such as the popular “Om.” It doesn’t matter if your mantra is spoken loudly or quietly. After chanting the mantra for some time, you’ll be more alert and in tune with your environment. This allows you to experience deeper levels of awareness. Some people enjoy mantra meditation because they find it easier to focus on a word than on their breath. This is also a good practice for people who don’t like silence and enjoy repetition.

Method #4 – Progressive​

Also known as body scan meditation, progressive relaxation is a practice aimed at reducing tension in the body and promoting relaxation. Oftentimes, this form of meditation involves slowly tightening and relaxing one muscle group at a time throughout the body. In some cases, it may also encourage you to imagine a gentle wave flowing through your body to help release any tension.

Method #5 – Visualization​

Visualization meditation is a technique focused on enhancing feelings of relaxation, peace, and calmness by visualizing positive scenes or images. With this practice, it’s important to imagine the scene vividly and use all five senses to add as much detail as possible. Another form of visualization meditation involves imagining yourself succeeding at specific goals, which is intended to increase focus and motivation.

I will mainly be practicing doing Method #2 - Focused meditation

Memory Palace

A Memory Palace is an imaginary location in your mind where you can store mnemonic images. The most common type of memory palace involves making a journey through a place you know well, like a building or town. Along that journey there are specific locations that you always visit in the same order.

1) Decide on the map's location​

The layout of your mind palace is crucial for it to function appropriately.

While it is possible to completely construct your own layout from your imagination, this will take extra energy that you don’t need to expend. The goal is to be so familiar with your palace’s layout that you can run through it in your mind without having to think about it.

With this in mind, some of the best locations to use would be:
  • Your house
  • Your workplace
  • Your school

2) Establish the main items​

Now, assuming that you are able to walk through the palace in your mind without struggling to recall details, you are ready to start assigning permanent items.

You should select 4-5 items in each room. Optimal items to select are:
  • Furniture
  • Artwork
  • Windows
  • Decorations
  • Other prominent features.

3) Determine your route​

This is the step that catches most people off guard. In short, you must order each item in your room, and follow that order EVERY time you use your mind palace.

A mind palace’s functionality lies largely in repetition and visual cues. So now that you have your mind palace memorized, and the items within it selected, you have to establish a route that you will always walk when recalling things. In other words, you must order your items. Some people find it easier to give a number to each item in their memory palace.

4) Adding information to permanent items​

Next you will convert the information to a visual form. This means even if it's numbers, cards, test information, or a speech; you must turn it into visual information.

The best way to convert the information is to make absurd visually/sensory stimulating image that reminds you of the information. Bright colors, crazy textures, sounds, feelings, and movement helps with this.

5) Create more than one​

Yes, the answer is that simple. You are no doubt familiar with more than one location in the world, so you can create more palaces. Many memory champions will create multiple palaces for various commonly memorized topics.

The forgetting curve

1) What is it​

This graph illustrates that when you first learn something, the information disappears at an exponential rate, i.e. you lose most of it in the first couple of days, after which the rate of loss tapers off.


Every time you reinforce the information, the rate of decline reduces


2) Spaced repetition

Spaced repetition is a method where you remember a certain fact within specific time intervals which increases each time the fact is presented or said.

3) Anki

You can build a Memory Palace with nothing more than your mind and a list of things you wish to store in there. But every Memory Palace needs maintenance, you have to revisit it often enough to maintain the memory. It's recommended to make one flashcard using Anki for every stop in the memory palace and at precise intervals, Anki will remind you to recall that information to ensure you don't forget it.

There is no need for me to dickmaxx since I am 7.5 x 6, doing more would be overkill, but there are still useful ways I can sexmaxx apart from increasing size. The main things I need to improve upon is multiple orgasming, this is something that makes you able to maintain your erection after you nut and allows you to carry on fucking, currently I can only do this for 2-3 times before I lose all my pelvic floor muscle strength, so to increase the strength I will be using dick weights while progressively overloading it, I will continue with this until I am able to reach 6-7 times, which is the equivalent of 2 hours of nonstop sex, then I will only have to work on maintaining my gains.

Another thing I need to improve is my shit stamina, currently my stamina inhibits me from lasting longer than 20 minutes which makes it a huge limiting factor, thankfully cardio is something that can be quickly progressed, once I am on my cut using cardarine I will definitely add extra cardio into my routine aswell as HIIT, hopefully these things will help me last significantly longer without getting fatigued

Right now my voice is at least top 5% in pitch however there are a few things limiting it from ascending, firstly my tongue and lip tie prevents my voice from sounding as crisp and smooth as it could do, once I have them cut my voice quality should improve, neck training should also make my voice deeper, after I implement both of these things I will get voice deepening surgery, hopefully with this I will have a voice that is similar to corpse husband although not as exaggerated.

Things I will do to improve lips:
-Lip tie removal improves shape and NTness of my mouth area
-3L drink daily
-Lip scrub using toothbrush for color and remove chappedness
-Volufiline for improved lip size
-SPF50 cream for brighter color and protection
-Transparent lip gloss for better lip texture and color

This is subject to increase, if you have any recommendations on this I am open to hearing them, I may add them to my list in the future, currently the things I have included in this is...
Teeth whitening, after I get braces I will get teeth whitening to max out my smile appeal, electrolysis hair removal, I will use this for my face, I have tried facial hair in the past and it looks terrible, I would love to get electrolysis so I can permanently have clean shaven face with smooth skin and no peach fuzz. I could do laser removal since it requires less appointments however it is not as permanent as electrolysis, I may also do this on my chest if I start to grow too much hair in that area but for now it is unnecessary. I will also consider custom jaw implants but right now I am too afraid it will look uncanny.

For Instagram I will follow 3000 girls over the course of 15 days, then unfollow them all, I will repeat this process until I hit 15K followers, this will give me an amazing halo. I will experiment with tiktok but I don't care too much about that platform unless I fully commit myself to just JBmaxxing, something that I can already do on instagram anyway.

TLDR; Help me escape the ward this whole thread was a distraction so that you boyos who didn't read can help me escape
Anyways uh

As it has already been pointed out too many different topics in one thread is not ideal since it kinda forces you to not elaborate as much on a topic as you would be able to if you made 1 thread for each category but w thread overall. Respect for you understanding that although looks (face specifically) have an enormous importance there are a lot of other sectors that need improvement as well. Btw since you talked abt limb lengthening what is your wingspan, since i will be getting it too. I am a hair under 6'0 (prolly 5'11.8 at night barefoot) and despite having a wingspan a little over 6'5 (196 cm) i could barely pull off being 6'2 which is the height i will be post ll. Also big up for actually saying "bro 6'2 is tall dw 5'9 average" bc for people under 20 years (mostly white and blacks) old 6'0-6'1 is dead average, so 6'2 ain't even that tall.
As it has already been pointed out too many different topics in one thread is not ideal since it kinda forces you to not elaborate as much on a topic as you would be able to if you made 1 thread for each category but w thread overall. Respect for you understanding that although looks (face specifically) have an enormous importance there are a lot of other sectors that need improvement as well. Btw since you talked abt limb lengthening what is your wingspan, since i will be getting it too. I am a hair under 6'0 (prolly 5'11.8 at night barefoot) and despite having a wingspan a little over 6'5 (196 cm) i could barely pull off being 6'2 which is the height i will be post ll. Also big up for actually saying "bro 6'2 is tall dw 5'9 average" bc for people under 20 years (mostly white and blacks) old 6'0-6'1 is dead average, so 6'2 ain't even that tall.
don't worry too much about wingspan proportions, cause the thing is your arms will still go down just as far to your hips the only thing being lengthened is the legs, also it's better to be 6'5 with 6'5 wingspan than 6'2 with 6'5 wingspan, what should matter most in terms of proportions is leg/torso ratio cause that's actually what is going to be noticeable, thankfully for me I have quite a long torso so I will look decent at the higher scale of lengthening
I mog all those tiktokers ngl
I am aware I have already made similar threads in the past, but none have been as comprehensive as this one will be, it will include everything I need looksmaxxing wise up until 2025 and I am confident I won't need to make any significant alterations to this. I will be taking some things from other threads so don't reply with "muh I saw this on another thread"
Currently I look like this
View attachment 1899442
I'd say it is safe to assume I am around a 6/10

Now let's look at my goal for 2025:
- 8/10 face
- 6'4+
- More JB appeal
- Natural looking gymmaxx physique

Main Flaws:
- Jaw jowls
- Not lean enough
- Thin neck
- Sloped shoulders
- Weird mouth area
- Recessed chin
- Jaw could be more square


I will be training while focusing on (in this order) Neck, traps, chest, shoulders, arms, abs, this will insure that I have the most aesthetic proportions possible
Ideally I want to look something like this
View attachment 1899484
I will be doing this on a lean bulk for 1.8 years by which point I will go on a cut with aid of clenbuterol or cardarine and cut down to 10% body fat in the remaining timespan before 2025.

Another thing I need to focus on is maintaining good body posture

My skin is already good but I still don't quite think it is model tier, not enough to halo me at the very least, so to improve my skin I will be supplementing Beta carotene for skin color, I would take Melanotan2 but honestly I think that would make me look too ethnic.
I will also be continuing my accutane use aswell as adding tretinoin.

I am currently 6'2 but I am mentally ill and want to become taller until I never get heightmogged again.
View attachment 1899505
Imaging being 6 foot and being heightmogged this badly :forcedsmile:
I imagine I will gain a solid inch extra from puberty, which would make me 6'3, I will then do stretches included in this video to gain an added inch, I should be able to at least get this considering I spend 4+ hours a day sat down on my PC.

Then I will get double LL surgery, 2 inches in the tibia and 4 inches in the femur, to get a total of 6 inches of added extra height, as far as the proportions will go it won't look uncanny since my wing span is naturally very large and my torso is unproportionally large at the moment.
For those who say LL surgery makes you permanently disabled you are wrong, I have seen countless videos on the topic at this point and figured out as long as you have a good Post OP recovery plan you should be able to get to how you were naturally.

My fashion doesn't need to be anything too crazy, will probably copy tiktokfags fashion style with a few small twists
View attachment 1899519View attachment 1899521

-Lock necklace
View attachment 1899525

View attachment 1899526

-Eboy earring
View attachment 1899527

View attachment 1899540

-Finger tattoo
View attachment 1899529

-Neck tattoo
View attachment 1899531

-Black nails
View attachment 1899536

Currently my eyes are very inconsistent in images, in some photos, they look amazing, even in candids, but other times they look absolutely subhuman, this is mainly down to my lack of lower eye support and slightly droppy lower eyelid on my right eye.

Contact lenses
View attachment 1899545
In good lighting my eyes have a green color, but sadly my eyes from far away look dark brown, I will be experimenting with different colors for contact lenses, I will eventually try using a custom amber color lens but for now these are my options that I will experiment with:
Green -
Green -
Light brown -
Blue -

Hopefully at least one of these lenses will look good on me, if not I will get stroma and eye lightening drops.

PRK - mogs lasik due to the fact there is no post surgery risk of going blind if you experience trauma to the head, with lasik you risk the stitching being undone and giving you sight issues, prk does take longer to recover from but still boasts great long term results for vision.

Infraorbital rim implants - This will hopefully ascend my lower eye area, giving much needed support to that area, getting rid of my under eye darkness and make my eyes look more harmonious
View attachment 1899555View attachment 1899556View attachment 1899557

Lower eyelid refraction - This should also tighten the droopyness of my right eyelid, I may just get it on one side to make it fully symettrical, according to google it is a permanent surgery that will not need renewal
View attachment 1899563
View attachment 1899564View attachment 1899569

One thing I will experiment with is ice hooding, I thought it was cope but I saw a thread where someone got great results from it so I may try before I attempt to get surgery for it

The main aim of this is to improve my mouth area, namely the Jaw jowls that I have, for this I will need to get a more projected chin, considering the fact I have an overbite braces/invisalign alone could help or even fix this, but in the case that it doesn't I will get genioplasty to add more volume to my chin and correct my jaw jowls

While IQ doesn't really play much, if any role in attracting foids I still want to increase my learning capacity and knowledge for the sake of it.


Dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter and hormone. It plays a role in many important body functions, including movement, memory and pleasurable reward and motivation.

There are a few compounds you can use to increase dopamine, you can use nicotine (patches or gum, not vaping or smoking) but the most effective compound for this purpose would be Adderall or Ritalin, by taking fast-releasing Adderall 10mg daily (5 days a week to avoid desensitization)

Before you try this it will be most effective to first go on a dopamine detox, by cutting out all of the dopamine you are receiving in your daily life you are making your dopamine sensors more sensitive, thereby making the next steps more effective.

The things I will be choosing to learn to enjoy is pain and studying, with both these things being enjoyable to me I will have a huge advantage in school and life. After repeating it for a few weeks it should eventually become a permanent habit that you enjoy, even after you stop using the compound the effect it gives should be permanent. The way I will learn to enjoy it is while my dopamine is high I will be inflicting pain onto myself, such as pinching or self punching, my pain tolerance should be much greater and I will hopefully get a dopamine release every time I feel pain, I will also do hard study sessions every other day to build a permanent dopamine habit of studying, this will easily boost my grades from A to A* in most if not all of my subjects.

I will also be implementing the following things:

Problem Solving

Step #1 – Close your eyes

Close your eyes. Each time you close your eyes – especially when you’re doing some visualization – your brain produces higher levels of alpha waves.

Step #2 – Take a deep breath

Deep breathing exercises can also boost your alpha waves. Try sitting comfortably, and breathe in gently through your nose and out through your mouth to a slow count of five.

Remember - If at any point you begin to feel frustrated repeat steps 1 and 2.

Step #3 – Build a deep understanding​

Open your eyes and and break down all of the information in the problem into its SMALLEST possible pieces. Often times people look at a difficult problem and don't know were to begin and feel frustrated, but if you start from the beginning and break everything down into small pieces you can develop a deep understanding of the problem, if your visual memory is good enough to allow you to do this in your mind then great if not use a flowchart (

Step #4 – Failure

If after you break down the problem you still can't formulate a solution leave the problem, allow your brain to make some new subconscious background connections and return later. Repeat this until the problem is solved.


There are 2 types of awareness:

- Passive awareness
- Active awareness

90% of your consciousness is in a subconscious state while the other 10% remains active, this means that 90% of your life you are being controlled by a script encoded into your genetics, this is your passive awareness, ideally you want to have as much active awareness as possible, this will allow you to be in a higher state of consciousness at all times and be less vulnerable.

How I can train awareness

The way I was personally able to train my active awareness to be closer to 15-20% rather than the average 10% is by constantly giving myself something to think about, in the beginning you can start by repeating the same sequence of numbers and letters all day while multitasking with life, after you have reached a stage you are happy with, you can move on to longer and longer sequences, if you want to go even further than this, you can add math to the equation, for example, you can repeat multiplications over to yourself. Once you have successfully gotten to this stage you will have a much higher active awareness than previously and you will also be at more of an advantage mentally than those around you.


There are five popular types of meditation practice I would recommend. Pick the one that resonates the most with you.

Method #1 – Mindfulness​

In mindfulness meditation, you pay attention to your thoughts as they pass through your mind. You don’t judge the thoughts or become involved with them. You simply observe and take note of any patterns. This practice combines concentration with awareness. You may find it helpful to focus on an object or your breath while you observe any bodily sensations, thoughts, or feelings.

Method #2 – Focused​

Focused meditation involves concentration using any of the five senses. For example, you can focus on something internal, like your breath, or you can bring in external influences to help focus your attention. This practice may be simple in theory, but it can be difficult for beginners to hold their focus for longer than a few minutes at first.
If your mind does wander, it’s important to come back to the practice and refocus. As the name suggests, this practice is ideal for anyone who requires additional focus in their life.

Method #3 – Mantra​

This type of meditation uses a repetitive sound to clear the mind. It can be a word, phrase, or sound, such as the popular “Om.” It doesn’t matter if your mantra is spoken loudly or quietly. After chanting the mantra for some time, you’ll be more alert and in tune with your environment. This allows you to experience deeper levels of awareness. Some people enjoy mantra meditation because they find it easier to focus on a word than on their breath. This is also a good practice for people who don’t like silence and enjoy repetition.

Method #4 – Progressive​

Also known as body scan meditation, progressive relaxation is a practice aimed at reducing tension in the body and promoting relaxation. Oftentimes, this form of meditation involves slowly tightening and relaxing one muscle group at a time throughout the body. In some cases, it may also encourage you to imagine a gentle wave flowing through your body to help release any tension.

Method #5 – Visualization​

Visualization meditation is a technique focused on enhancing feelings of relaxation, peace, and calmness by visualizing positive scenes or images. With this practice, it’s important to imagine the scene vividly and use all five senses to add as much detail as possible. Another form of visualization meditation involves imagining yourself succeeding at specific goals, which is intended to increase focus and motivation.

I will mainly be practicing doing Method #2 - Focused meditation

Memory Palace

A Memory Palace is an imaginary location in your mind where you can store mnemonic images. The most common type of memory palace involves making a journey through a place you know well, like a building or town. Along that journey there are specific locations that you always visit in the same order.

1) Decide on the map's location​

The layout of your mind palace is crucial for it to function appropriately.

While it is possible to completely construct your own layout from your imagination, this will take extra energy that you don’t need to expend. The goal is to be so familiar with your palace’s layout that you can run through it in your mind without having to think about it.

With this in mind, some of the best locations to use would be:
  • Your house
  • Your workplace
  • Your school

2) Establish the main items​

Now, assuming that you are able to walk through the palace in your mind without struggling to recall details, you are ready to start assigning permanent items.

You should select 4-5 items in each room. Optimal items to select are:
  • Furniture
  • Artwork
  • Windows
  • Decorations
  • Other prominent features.

3) Determine your route​

This is the step that catches most people off guard. In short, you must order each item in your room, and follow that order EVERY time you use your mind palace.

A mind palace’s functionality lies largely in repetition and visual cues. So now that you have your mind palace memorized, and the items within it selected, you have to establish a route that you will always walk when recalling things. In other words, you must order your items. Some people find it easier to give a number to each item in their memory palace.

4) Adding information to permanent items​

Next you will convert the information to a visual form. This means even if it's numbers, cards, test information, or a speech; you must turn it into visual information.

The best way to convert the information is to make absurd visually/sensory stimulating image that reminds you of the information. Bright colors, crazy textures, sounds, feelings, and movement helps with this.

5) Create more than one​

Yes, the answer is that simple. You are no doubt familiar with more than one location in the world, so you can create more palaces. Many memory champions will create multiple palaces for various commonly memorized topics.

The forgetting curve

1) What is it​

This graph illustrates that when you first learn something, the information disappears at an exponential rate, i.e. you lose most of it in the first couple of days, after which the rate of loss tapers off.


Every time you reinforce the information, the rate of decline reduces


2) Spaced repetition

Spaced repetition is a method where you remember a certain fact within specific time intervals which increases each time the fact is presented or said.

3) Anki

You can build a Memory Palace with nothing more than your mind and a list of things you wish to store in there. But every Memory Palace needs maintenance, you have to revisit it often enough to maintain the memory. It's recommended to make one flashcard using Anki for every stop in the memory palace and at precise intervals, Anki will remind you to recall that information to ensure you don't forget it.

There is no need for me to dickmaxx since I am 7.5 x 6, doing more would be overkill, but there are still useful ways I can sexmaxx apart from increasing size. The main things I need to improve upon is multiple orgasming, this is something that makes you able to maintain your erection after you nut and allows you to carry on fucking, currently I can only do this for 2-3 times before I lose all my pelvic floor muscle strength, so to increase the strength I will be using dick weights while progressively overloading it, I will continue with this until I am able to reach 6-7 times, which is the equivalent of 2 hours of nonstop sex, then I will only have to work on maintaining my gains.

Another thing I need to improve is my shit stamina, currently my stamina inhibits me from lasting longer than 20 minutes which makes it a huge limiting factor, thankfully cardio is something that can be quickly progressed, once I am on my cut using cardarine I will definitely add extra cardio into my routine aswell as HIIT, hopefully these things will help me last significantly longer without getting fatigued

Right now my voice is at least top 5% in pitch however there are a few things limiting it from ascending, firstly my tongue and lip tie prevents my voice from sounding as crisp and smooth as it could do, once I have them cut my voice quality should improve, neck training should also make my voice deeper, after I implement both of these things I will get voice deepening surgery, hopefully with this I will have a voice that is similar to corpse husband although not as exaggerated.

Things I will do to improve lips:
-Lip tie removal improves shape and NTness of my mouth area
-3L drink daily
-Lip scrub using toothbrush for color and remove chappedness
-Volufiline for improved lip size
-SPF50 cream for brighter color and protection
-Transparent lip gloss for better lip texture and color

This is subject to increase, if you have any recommendations on this I am open to hearing them, I may add them to my list in the future, currently the things I have included in this is...
Teeth whitening, after I get braces I will get teeth whitening to max out my smile appeal, electrolysis hair removal, I will use this for my face, I have tried facial hair in the past and it looks terrible, I would love to get electrolysis so I can permanently have clean shaven face with smooth skin and no peach fuzz. I could do laser removal since it requires less appointments however it is not as permanent as electrolysis, I may also do this on my chest if I start to grow too much hair in that area but for now it is unnecessary. I will also consider custom jaw implants but right now I am too afraid it will look uncanny.

For Instagram I will follow 3000 girls over the course of 15 days, then unfollow them all, I will repeat this process until I hit 15K followers, this will give me an amazing halo. I will experiment with tiktok but I don't care too much about that platform unless I fully commit myself to just JBmaxxing, something that I can already do on instagram anyway.

TLDR; Help me escape the ward this whole thread was a distraction so that you boyos who didn't read can help me escape
Anyways uh

Bookmarked, will read everyword this evening.
Mirin your plan boyo.
  • Love it
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I am aware I have already made similar threads in the past, but none have been as comprehensive as this one will be, it will include everything I need looksmaxxing wise up until 2025 and I am confident I won't need to make any significant alterations to this. I will be taking some things from other threads so don't reply with "muh I saw this on another thread"
Currently I look like this
View attachment 1899442
I'd say it is safe to assume I am around a 6/10

Now let's look at my goal for 2025:
- 8/10 face
- 6'4+
- More JB appeal
- Natural looking gymmaxx physique

Main Flaws:
- Jaw jowls
- Not lean enough
- Thin neck
- Sloped shoulders
- Weird mouth area
- Recessed chin
- Jaw could be more square


I will be training while focusing on (in this order) Neck, traps, chest, shoulders, arms, abs, this will insure that I have the most aesthetic proportions possible
Ideally I want to look something like this
View attachment 1899484
I will be doing this on a lean bulk for 1.8 years by which point I will go on a cut with aid of clenbuterol or cardarine and cut down to 10% body fat in the remaining timespan before 2025.

Another thing I need to focus on is maintaining good body posture

My skin is already good but I still don't quite think it is model tier, not enough to halo me at the very least, so to improve my skin I will be supplementing Beta carotene for skin color, I would take Melanotan2 but honestly I think that would make me look too ethnic.
I will also be continuing my accutane use aswell as adding tretinoin.

I am currently 6'2 but I am mentally ill and want to become taller until I never get heightmogged again.
View attachment 1899505
Imaging being 6 foot and being heightmogged this badly :forcedsmile:
I imagine I will gain a solid inch extra from puberty, which would make me 6'3, I will then do stretches included in this video to gain an added inch, I should be able to at least get this considering I spend 4+ hours a day sat down on my PC.

Then I will get double LL surgery, 2 inches in the tibia and 4 inches in the femur, to get a total of 6 inches of added extra height, as far as the proportions will go it won't look uncanny since my wing span is naturally very large and my torso is unproportionally large at the moment.
For those who say LL surgery makes you permanently disabled you are wrong, I have seen countless videos on the topic at this point and figured out as long as you have a good Post OP recovery plan you should be able to get to how you were naturally.

My fashion doesn't need to be anything too crazy, will probably copy tiktokfags fashion style with a few small twists
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-Lock necklace
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-Eboy earring
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View attachment 1899540

-Finger tattoo
View attachment 1899529

-Neck tattoo
View attachment 1899531

-Black nails
View attachment 1899536

Currently my eyes are very inconsistent in images, in some photos, they look amazing, even in candids, but other times they look absolutely subhuman, this is mainly down to my lack of lower eye support and slightly droppy lower eyelid on my right eye.

Contact lenses
View attachment 1899545
In good lighting my eyes have a green color, but sadly my eyes from far away look dark brown, I will be experimenting with different colors for contact lenses, I will eventually try using a custom amber color lens but for now these are my options that I will experiment with:
Green -
Green -
Light brown -
Blue -

Hopefully at least one of these lenses will look good on me, if not I will get stroma and eye lightening drops.

PRK - mogs lasik due to the fact there is no post surgery risk of going blind if you experience trauma to the head, with lasik you risk the stitching being undone and giving you sight issues, prk does take longer to recover from but still boasts great long term results for vision.

Infraorbital rim implants - This will hopefully ascend my lower eye area, giving much needed support to that area, getting rid of my under eye darkness and make my eyes look more harmonious
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Lower eyelid refraction - This should also tighten the droopyness of my right eyelid, I may just get it on one side to make it fully symettrical, according to google it is a permanent surgery that will not need renewal
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One thing I will experiment with is ice hooding, I thought it was cope but I saw a thread where someone got great results from it so I may try before I attempt to get surgery for it

The main aim of this is to improve my mouth area, namely the Jaw jowls that I have, for this I will need to get a more projected chin, considering the fact I have an overbite braces/invisalign alone could help or even fix this, but in the case that it doesn't I will get genioplasty to add more volume to my chin and correct my jaw jowls

While IQ doesn't really play much, if any role in attracting foids I still want to increase my learning capacity and knowledge for the sake of it.


Dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter and hormone. It plays a role in many important body functions, including movement, memory and pleasurable reward and motivation.

There are a few compounds you can use to increase dopamine, you can use nicotine (patches or gum, not vaping or smoking) but the most effective compound for this purpose would be Adderall or Ritalin, by taking fast-releasing Adderall 10mg daily (5 days a week to avoid desensitization)

Before you try this it will be most effective to first go on a dopamine detox, by cutting out all of the dopamine you are receiving in your daily life you are making your dopamine sensors more sensitive, thereby making the next steps more effective.

The things I will be choosing to learn to enjoy is pain and studying, with both these things being enjoyable to me I will have a huge advantage in school and life. After repeating it for a few weeks it should eventually become a permanent habit that you enjoy, even after you stop using the compound the effect it gives should be permanent. The way I will learn to enjoy it is while my dopamine is high I will be inflicting pain onto myself, such as pinching or self punching, my pain tolerance should be much greater and I will hopefully get a dopamine release every time I feel pain, I will also do hard study sessions every other day to build a permanent dopamine habit of studying, this will easily boost my grades from A to A* in most if not all of my subjects.

I will also be implementing the following things:

Problem Solving

Step #1 – Close your eyes

Close your eyes. Each time you close your eyes – especially when you’re doing some visualization – your brain produces higher levels of alpha waves.

Step #2 – Take a deep breath

Deep breathing exercises can also boost your alpha waves. Try sitting comfortably, and breathe in gently through your nose and out through your mouth to a slow count of five.

Remember - If at any point you begin to feel frustrated repeat steps 1 and 2.

Step #3 – Build a deep understanding​

Open your eyes and and break down all of the information in the problem into its SMALLEST possible pieces. Often times people look at a difficult problem and don't know were to begin and feel frustrated, but if you start from the beginning and break everything down into small pieces you can develop a deep understanding of the problem, if your visual memory is good enough to allow you to do this in your mind then great if not use a flowchart (

Step #4 – Failure

If after you break down the problem you still can't formulate a solution leave the problem, allow your brain to make some new subconscious background connections and return later. Repeat this until the problem is solved.


There are 2 types of awareness:

- Passive awareness
- Active awareness

90% of your consciousness is in a subconscious state while the other 10% remains active, this means that 90% of your life you are being controlled by a script encoded into your genetics, this is your passive awareness, ideally you want to have as much active awareness as possible, this will allow you to be in a higher state of consciousness at all times and be less vulnerable.

How I can train awareness

The way I was personally able to train my active awareness to be closer to 15-20% rather than the average 10% is by constantly giving myself something to think about, in the beginning you can start by repeating the same sequence of numbers and letters all day while multitasking with life, after you have reached a stage you are happy with, you can move on to longer and longer sequences, if you want to go even further than this, you can add math to the equation, for example, you can repeat multiplications over to yourself. Once you have successfully gotten to this stage you will have a much higher active awareness than previously and you will also be at more of an advantage mentally than those around you.


There are five popular types of meditation practice I would recommend. Pick the one that resonates the most with you.

Method #1 – Mindfulness​

In mindfulness meditation, you pay attention to your thoughts as they pass through your mind. You don’t judge the thoughts or become involved with them. You simply observe and take note of any patterns. This practice combines concentration with awareness. You may find it helpful to focus on an object or your breath while you observe any bodily sensations, thoughts, or feelings.

Method #2 – Focused​

Focused meditation involves concentration using any of the five senses. For example, you can focus on something internal, like your breath, or you can bring in external influences to help focus your attention. This practice may be simple in theory, but it can be difficult for beginners to hold their focus for longer than a few minutes at first.
If your mind does wander, it’s important to come back to the practice and refocus. As the name suggests, this practice is ideal for anyone who requires additional focus in their life.

Method #3 – Mantra​

This type of meditation uses a repetitive sound to clear the mind. It can be a word, phrase, or sound, such as the popular “Om.” It doesn’t matter if your mantra is spoken loudly or quietly. After chanting the mantra for some time, you’ll be more alert and in tune with your environment. This allows you to experience deeper levels of awareness. Some people enjoy mantra meditation because they find it easier to focus on a word than on their breath. This is also a good practice for people who don’t like silence and enjoy repetition.

Method #4 – Progressive​

Also known as body scan meditation, progressive relaxation is a practice aimed at reducing tension in the body and promoting relaxation. Oftentimes, this form of meditation involves slowly tightening and relaxing one muscle group at a time throughout the body. In some cases, it may also encourage you to imagine a gentle wave flowing through your body to help release any tension.

Method #5 – Visualization​

Visualization meditation is a technique focused on enhancing feelings of relaxation, peace, and calmness by visualizing positive scenes or images. With this practice, it’s important to imagine the scene vividly and use all five senses to add as much detail as possible. Another form of visualization meditation involves imagining yourself succeeding at specific goals, which is intended to increase focus and motivation.

I will mainly be practicing doing Method #2 - Focused meditation

Memory Palace

A Memory Palace is an imaginary location in your mind where you can store mnemonic images. The most common type of memory palace involves making a journey through a place you know well, like a building or town. Along that journey there are specific locations that you always visit in the same order.

1) Decide on the map's location​

The layout of your mind palace is crucial for it to function appropriately.

While it is possible to completely construct your own layout from your imagination, this will take extra energy that you don’t need to expend. The goal is to be so familiar with your palace’s layout that you can run through it in your mind without having to think about it.

With this in mind, some of the best locations to use would be:
  • Your house
  • Your workplace
  • Your school

2) Establish the main items​

Now, assuming that you are able to walk through the palace in your mind without struggling to recall details, you are ready to start assigning permanent items.

You should select 4-5 items in each room. Optimal items to select are:
  • Furniture
  • Artwork
  • Windows
  • Decorations
  • Other prominent features.

3) Determine your route​

This is the step that catches most people off guard. In short, you must order each item in your room, and follow that order EVERY time you use your mind palace.

A mind palace’s functionality lies largely in repetition and visual cues. So now that you have your mind palace memorized, and the items within it selected, you have to establish a route that you will always walk when recalling things. In other words, you must order your items. Some people find it easier to give a number to each item in their memory palace.

4) Adding information to permanent items​

Next you will convert the information to a visual form. This means even if it's numbers, cards, test information, or a speech; you must turn it into visual information.

The best way to convert the information is to make absurd visually/sensory stimulating image that reminds you of the information. Bright colors, crazy textures, sounds, feelings, and movement helps with this.

5) Create more than one​

Yes, the answer is that simple. You are no doubt familiar with more than one location in the world, so you can create more palaces. Many memory champions will create multiple palaces for various commonly memorized topics.

The forgetting curve

1) What is it​

This graph illustrates that when you first learn something, the information disappears at an exponential rate, i.e. you lose most of it in the first couple of days, after which the rate of loss tapers off.


Every time you reinforce the information, the rate of decline reduces


2) Spaced repetition

Spaced repetition is a method where you remember a certain fact within specific time intervals which increases each time the fact is presented or said.

3) Anki

You can build a Memory Palace with nothing more than your mind and a list of things you wish to store in there. But every Memory Palace needs maintenance, you have to revisit it often enough to maintain the memory. It's recommended to make one flashcard using Anki for every stop in the memory palace and at precise intervals, Anki will remind you to recall that information to ensure you don't forget it.

There is no need for me to dickmaxx since I am 7.5 x 6, doing more would be overkill, but there are still useful ways I can sexmaxx apart from increasing size. The main things I need to improve upon is multiple orgasming, this is something that makes you able to maintain your erection after you nut and allows you to carry on fucking, currently I can only do this for 2-3 times before I lose all my pelvic floor muscle strength, so to increase the strength I will be using dick weights while progressively overloading it, I will continue with this until I am able to reach 6-7 times, which is the equivalent of 2 hours of nonstop sex, then I will only have to work on maintaining my gains.

Another thing I need to improve is my shit stamina, currently my stamina inhibits me from lasting longer than 20 minutes which makes it a huge limiting factor, thankfully cardio is something that can be quickly progressed, once I am on my cut using cardarine I will definitely add extra cardio into my routine aswell as HIIT, hopefully these things will help me last significantly longer without getting fatigued

Right now my voice is at least top 5% in pitch however there are a few things limiting it from ascending, firstly my tongue and lip tie prevents my voice from sounding as crisp and smooth as it could do, once I have them cut my voice quality should improve, neck training should also make my voice deeper, after I implement both of these things I will get voice deepening surgery, hopefully with this I will have a voice that is similar to corpse husband although not as exaggerated.

Things I will do to improve lips:
-Lip tie removal improves shape and NTness of my mouth area
-3L drink daily
-Lip scrub using toothbrush for color and remove chappedness
-Volufiline for improved lip size
-SPF50 cream for brighter color and protection
-Transparent lip gloss for better lip texture and color

This is subject to increase, if you have any recommendations on this I am open to hearing them, I may add them to my list in the future, currently the things I have included in this is...
Teeth whitening, after I get braces I will get teeth whitening to max out my smile appeal, electrolysis hair removal, I will use this for my face, I have tried facial hair in the past and it looks terrible, I would love to get electrolysis so I can permanently have clean shaven face with smooth skin and no peach fuzz. I could do laser removal since it requires less appointments however it is not as permanent as electrolysis, I may also do this on my chest if I start to grow too much hair in that area but for now it is unnecessary. I will also consider custom jaw implants but right now I am too afraid it will look uncanny.

For Instagram I will follow 3000 girls over the course of 15 days, then unfollow them all, I will repeat this process until I hit 15K followers, this will give me an amazing halo. I will experiment with tiktok but I don't care too much about that platform unless I fully commit myself to just JBmaxxing, something that I can already do on instagram anyway.

TLDR; Help me escape the ward this whole thread was a distraction so that you boyos who didn't read can help me escape
Anyways uh

For Instagram I will follow 3000 girls over the course of 15 days, then unfollow them all, I will repeat this process until I hit 15K followers, this will give me an amazing halo. I will experiment with tiktok but I don't care too much about that platform unless I fully commit myself to just JBmaxxing, something that I can already do on instagram anyway.

you are creepy man go fuck tourse
For Instagram I will follow 3000 girls over the course of 15 days, then unfollow them all, I will repeat this process until I hit 15K followers, this will give me an amazing halo. I will experiment with tiktok but I don't care too much about that platform unless I fully commit myself to just JBmaxxing, something that I can already do on instagram anyway.

you are creepy man go fuck tourse
cope go back to fucking your ape women that nobody else wants

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