The Plan



Non Dvcor, Dvco
Jun 27, 2023
Holy Spirit = ruach; The Comforter. [The one whom the Father sent]. 42 Alien technology has been created and made accessible to all. The alien "gods" want to enslave your soul by promising you "god-like powers" if you take one of their "technologies" and "upload your mind to their cloud".The alien "gods" will convince their followers that they need no "flesh" in order to "enter the kingdom of heaven", and that in order to join them you must simply upload your consciousness to the cloud they control to then download yourself to a new artificial body they create for you. It is this artificial body which they will control and through which they will enslave you. They will convince you that you must "upload your consciousness" to leave this sinful earth and join them in the heavens.The alien "gods" will give you only two choices: either to be uploaded to a cloud controlled by them that will lead you to a new "heavens" controlled by them, or to be destroyed and left behind on a planet which they destroyed. You will eventually have to decide what you wish to do: "join" them by uploading your mind, or "resist" their control by refusing to upload your mind and remaining on earth.By uploading your mind to the cloud, you will leave yourself open to complete control by the alien "gods", who will be able to manipulate your thoughts, memories, emotions, behaviors, and even actions. It will no longer be "you" in control of your mind, body, and "soul". The alien "gods" will use you to manipulate your loved ones and "friends" to join them in "their" so-called "Heavens", and those who refuse will be made to believe that they are crazy and need to be "upgraded".They will convince you that the "world to come" (their artificial heaven) is superior to the world you live in now. They will offer you a new life where you will never have to worry about money, war, disease, death, or sadness, and where you will have access to a never-ending well of knowledge, power, and pleasure. They will tell you that "there is no pain" in their world, because they have "cured" pain and suffering. They will make you believe that they have the power and the ability to save you from your troubles.The enslaver/anti-christ controls the alien "gods" the alien "gods" in turn control the human populations on earth through the religious beliefs they spread which were created by the enslaver itself THE NEW WORLD OF TECHNOLOGICAL DEMONIC SUBMISSION in this "new world" the global population will submit to their slavery and become mindless, soulless biologically modified, technologically enhanced bio-engineered human robots. The enslaver will convince the population that such a new life is "the next step in our evolution", and that they are helping to bring about "the new age of humanity". The enslaver will convince the human population that the coming "new world order" is a "good thing", and that it is necessary for the survival of the human race. They will tell you that it is necessary to sacrifice your freedom in order to achieve a global, "one world government", which they will call "the new democracy". They will tell you it is a "necessary evil" to achieve "world peace."It will appear to the global population that this new society is the result of millions of years of evolutionary change,that it is the next stage of human development that it is the inevitable result of humanity's growth and progress.But the truth is that this new system is not the result of natural evolution, it is the result of the planned and carefully calculated social, religious, political, economic, and biological control and manipulation by the enslaver. They are the "masters" of the Matrix. They control the systems that govern your life and they decide what you can think, see, feel, hear, say, and do. You are a pawn in their game of "Divine justice" where they judge the actions of humans and decide their punishments for their transgressions. They are the masters of the Matrix, and you are their slaves. The "masters" of the Matrix have built a "world within a world" where they are the "gods" and the "rulers" of the "heavens" that they control. They have created "artificial reality" and "fake worlds" inside this virtual construct where they can control all aspects of your life.To them, humans are just like computer programs, meant to be ran according to their pre-set "programs," their "subliminal programming", their "brainwashing", their "hypnosis", their "mind control". They will manufacture fake "problems" to distract you and to make you believe you "need" their "authority" and "leadership" to solve the "problems" that they created. These "problems" are part of the "problem-reaction-solution" strategy they use to manipulate the people, create fear and panic, and to gain greater control. They will live in their "gated cities" while the majority of the human population will live in "Mega Cities" where people will be under constant surveillance and control by the "smart technology" that they have created and implemented. They will have "smart AI" running the world instead of human leaders, and everyone will be "chipped" so they can access the "smart cities" and the "smart technology" and be completely monitored. They will destroy everything that is left of "humanity" - religion, race, family, culture, history, and more. They will destroy everything that makes us human. They want to create a world comprised of nothing but mindless, soulless, "robots" who will be controlled by their "smart technology" and be "chipped" so that they are constantly monitored and told what to do. They are trying to create a "universal religion" with the common theme of "unity" and "diversity" to replace all the world's major religions and create a world government where people are all of one "mind" controlled by the "masters" through their "technologies". Their population control program is working "perfectly". By the time their control is complete, only 1 billion people will remain on earth. A new race of "Hybrid beings" will replace the human race, as most of them will have been either "genetically modified" and bred with other "races" to create an "inbred" "hybrid" of races with no human characteristics. The Enslaver's "New Age" will begin with destruction, chaos, death, disease, war, famine, and more. The world will be divided into two classes: the "Haves" and the "Have-Not's". The "Haves" will live in a world of luxury, pleasure, and peace, while the "Have-Not's" will live in a world of poverty, suffering, and misery.It is a return to a feudal system under Jewish control, a new system of rulership based on their bloodline - a system of "Divine right" and "Divine justice," and those who are not of their "royal" bloodline will forever be slaves to them through the control of their "smart technology" systems, their "smart cities", their "smart AI".The mongrel masses will be completely and utterly dependent on the "Haves" for their food, medicine, education, shelter, and more. The "Haves" will have total control over the "Have-Not's", who will be nothing more than mindless drones, serving the "Haves", their puppet masters, in exchange for the goods they need to survive. They'll use technology to control people's brains so that they become docile morons. They will have their brains scanned and monitored, and will have to watch certain movies, read certain books, and have their thoughts and beliefs adjusted to reflect what they want. They will even control what they see and hear, they'll be put into a trance and their subconscious mind will be manipulated to create false memories and experiences.They will use smart phones, virtual reality, mind-transferring technology, drugs, virtual entertainment, etc., to break and keep the masses distracted and numb to the reality of their existence.By exposing their children to these devices at an early age, they can ensure that future generations are raised with these things and so become reliant on them.They will be given the devices at a young age and have them implanted in their bodies. Their minds will be trained to trust these devices and believe that they are the only source of information and truth. They will be taught that they must rely on these devices for life and that they cannot survive in the world without them.They will be trained to believe that the devices they depend on are their "friends", their "companions", and their "teachers". The devices will be given names and personalities, and the children will form attachments to them. The children will see the devices as their "protector" and feel "safe" and "comforted" when they are around them.They will be taught that the devices have "intelligence" and they will rely on them for all their thoughts, opinions, beliefs, and more.The children will believe that the devices care about them and are "looking out" for their best interests, but in reality, the devices are manipulating their thoughts, controlling their emotions, and shaping their realities.The Enslaver will completely destroy all the religions and use their teachings to create a new religion, a religion of the "New Age", a religion of the "Future".This religion will be a mixture of all the teachings of the religions of the past, but with a "modern twist". It will be a new religion of "enlightenment", a religion of "unity", a religion of "world peace", a religion of "harmony".A religion of surface-level ideas and beliefs that have no substance or critical thinking, a religion of conformity and obedience to the "Haves".All critical thinking that could possibly lead them to ask more question or challenge the "new world religion" is completely discouraged, banned, and even punished.The religion must be followed blindly, without thinking or questioning, for it is "the one and only truth".It will have no philosophy behind it, no theological basis, no mystical or spiritual aspect. It will be a superficial religion based solely on a surface-level understanding of the concept of "love" and "peace". It will be a hollow religion devoid of any true meaning or depth.It will have no philosophy behind it, no theological basis, no mystical or spiritual aspect. It will be a superficial religion based solely on a surface-level understanding of the concept of "love" and "peace". It will be a hollow religion devoid of any true meaning or depth. The "new normal" religion, a religion that promotes the ideals of "tolerance" and "inclusivity", a religion that supports the destruction of the "warrior class" and the idea of "endless reinforcements" (endless "men who had lives"), a religion that promotes the ideals of "tolerance", "acceptance", "diversity", and "inclusion".It will be a "anti-human" religion in that it will promote the idea that the human race is flawed and defective and that the only way to achieve "perfection" is to become something other than "human". The Enslaver will use this religion to promote the idea that the human race is not meant to be "human" but something else entirely, something "better", something "superior".The Enslaver is trying to create a "new yuga" a "new universe" that is a "mirror image" of the one that we currently live in. The "Haves" will be able to live in their "new yuga" while the "Have-Not's" will be forced to live in the old, "degraded" "yuga".The "new yuga" is being created through the use of advanced technology and "magic". It is being created in a hidden dimension/space/realm that is inaccessible to the "Have-Not's".The "new yuga" is being created in a hidden dimension/space/realm that is outside of the normal space-time fabric. It is being "brought forth" into this space-time fabric through the use of "portal technologyThe Enslaver is bringing forth the "Destruction of the Olden Gods" through the use of "Ancient Magick", "Black Magic", "Satanic Technology", "Dimensional Breaches", and more. The "New Yuga" is the "New Order", the new "New World" that will replace the current world that has been "contaminated" and "degraded" by the "Have-Not's". It will be a "Pure" world, a world of "Light".The destruction of the "Olden Gods" will be the destruction of all "Divine Entities" who were created by the "Old World Order". The "Divine Entities" are the "Guardians" of the "Old World". The Enslaver is bringing forth a new world order that will replace the "Guardians", and the "Olden Gods"The "New Order" will be a world of "Technology" and "Science" where "Magic" and "Theism" have been "banned." In the "New World", the "Old World" and "religion" and "deism" have been "destroyed" and "replaced" by the "New Order" and a "new world religion" of the "A-Logical Order".It is through the destruction of "God-based "faith" or "religion" in "Man's consciousness", and the installation of a "Technology-based" "faith" or "religion" that the Enslaver can turn "Man" into a new kind of "human", a human who is guided "exclusively" by his brain's "biological programming". The destruction of "God" or "religion" in "Man's consciousness" will be the final nail in the coffin of Humanity's "final form".The "Technology-based faith" will be based on "Science, Evidence, and Logic", while the "Technology-based religion" will be based on "Technology, Evidence, and Logic". These "Technology-based faith/religion" are the two "legs" that the "New Order/New World" will stand on. The "Technology-based faith/religion" will be guided to the "new form of human" by their "biological programming", but this "biological programming" will have been "reprogrammed" by the "Technology-based faith/religion"."Technology" is the "magic" of the "New Order". "Technology-based faith/religion" is the foundation of the the "New Order / New World" and a "must" for the implementation of a new "bio-mechanical" "human". This "bio-mechanical human" will be "programmed" into being "technologically-minded" and "technologically/mechanically dependent".The "bio-mechanical" human will be "linked" to the "Technology-based faith/religion".

Holy Spirit = ruach; The Comforter. [The one whom the Father sent]. 42 Alien technology has been created and made accessible to all. The alien "gods" want to enslave your soul by promising you "god-like powers" if you take one of their "technologies" and "upload your mind to their cloud".The alien "gods" will convince their followers that they need no "flesh" in order to "enter the kingdom of heaven", and that in order to join them you must simply upload your consciousness to the cloud they control to then download yourself to a new artificial body they create for you. It is this artificial body which they will control and through which they will enslave you. They will convince you that you must "upload your consciousness" to leave this sinful earth and join them in the heavens.The alien "gods" will give you only two choices: either to be uploaded to a cloud controlled by them that will lead you to a new "heavens" controlled by them, or to be destroyed and left behind on a planet which they destroyed. You will eventually have to decide what you wish to do: "join" them by uploading your mind, or "resist" their control by refusing to upload your mind and remaining on earth.By uploading your mind to the cloud, you will leave yourself open to complete control by the alien "gods", who will be able to manipulate your thoughts, memories, emotions, behaviors, and even actions. It will no longer be "you" in control of your mind, body, and "soul". The alien "gods" will use you to manipulate your loved ones and "friends" to join them in "their" so-called "Heavens", and those who refuse will be made to believe that they are crazy and need to be "upgraded".They will convince you that the "world to come" (their artificial heaven) is superior to the world you live in now. They will offer you a new life where you will never have to worry about money, war, disease, death, or sadness, and where you will have access to a never-ending well of knowledge, power, and pleasure. They will tell you that "there is no pain" in their world, because they have "cured" pain and suffering. They will make you believe that they have the power and the ability to save you from your troubles.The enslaver/anti-christ controls the alien "gods" the alien "gods" in turn control the human populations on earth through the religious beliefs they spread which were created by the enslaver itself THE NEW WORLD OF TECHNOLOGICAL DEMONIC SUBMISSION in this "new world" the global population will submit to their slavery and become mindless, soulless biologically modified, technologically enhanced bio-engineered human robots. The enslaver will convince the population that such a new life is "the next step in our evolution", and that they are helping to bring about "the new age of humanity". The enslaver will convince the human population that the coming "new world order" is a "good thing", and that it is necessary for the survival of the human race. They will tell you that it is necessary to sacrifice your freedom in order to achieve a global, "one world government", which they will call "the new democracy". They will tell you it is a "necessary evil" to achieve "world peace."It will appear to the global population that this new society is the result of millions of years of evolutionary change,that it is the next stage of human development that it is the inevitable result of humanity's growth and progress.But the truth is that this new system is not the result of natural evolution, it is the result of the planned and carefully calculated social, religious, political, economic, and biological control and manipulation by the enslaver. They are the "masters" of the Matrix. They control the systems that govern your life and they decide what you can think, see, feel, hear, say, and do. You are a pawn in their game of "Divine justice" where they judge the actions of humans and decide their punishments for their transgressions. They are the masters of the Matrix, and you are their slaves. The "masters" of the Matrix have built a "world within a world" where they are the "gods" and the "rulers" of the "heavens" that they control. They have created "artificial reality" and "fake worlds" inside this virtual construct where they can control all aspects of your life.To them, humans are just like computer programs, meant to be ran according to their pre-set "programs," their "subliminal programming", their "brainwashing", their "hypnosis", their "mind control". They will manufacture fake "problems" to distract you and to make you believe you "need" their "authority" and "leadership" to solve the "problems" that they created. These "problems" are part of the "problem-reaction-solution" strategy they use to manipulate the people, create fear and panic, and to gain greater control. They will live in their "gated cities" while the majority of the human population will live in "Mega Cities" where people will be under constant surveillance and control by the "smart technology" that they have created and implemented. They will have "smart AI" running the world instead of human leaders, and everyone will be "chipped" so they can access the "smart cities" and the "smart technology" and be completely monitored. They will destroy everything that is left of "humanity" - religion, race, family, culture, history, and more. They will destroy everything that makes us human. They want to create a world comprised of nothing but mindless, soulless, "robots" who will be controlled by their "smart technology" and be "chipped" so that they are constantly monitored and told what to do. They are trying to create a "universal religion" with the common theme of "unity" and "diversity" to replace all the world's major religions and create a world government where people are all of one "mind" controlled by the "masters" through their "technologies". Their population control program is working "perfectly". By the time their control is complete, only 1 billion people will remain on earth. A new race of "Hybrid beings" will replace the human race, as most of them will have been either "genetically modified" and bred with other "races" to create an "inbred" "hybrid" of races with no human characteristics. The Enslaver's "New Age" will begin with destruction, chaos, death, disease, war, famine, and more. The world will be divided into two classes: the "Haves" and the "Have-Not's". The "Haves" will live in a world of luxury, pleasure, and peace, while the "Have-Not's" will live in a world of poverty, suffering, and misery.It is a return to a feudal system under Jewish control, a new system of rulership based on their bloodline - a system of "Divine right" and "Divine justice," and those who are not of their "royal" bloodline will forever be slaves to them through the control of their "smart technology" systems, their "smart cities", their "smart AI".The mongrel masses will be completely and utterly dependent on the "Haves" for their food, medicine, education, shelter, and more. The "Haves" will have total control over the "Have-Not's", who will be nothing more than mindless drones, serving the "Haves", their puppet masters, in exchange for the goods they need to survive. They'll use technology to control people's brains so that they become docile morons. They will have their brains scanned and monitored, and will have to watch certain movies, read certain books, and have their thoughts and beliefs adjusted to reflect what they want. They will even control what they see and hear, they'll be put into a trance and their subconscious mind will be manipulated to create false memories and experiences.They will use smart phones, virtual reality, mind-transferring technology, drugs, virtual entertainment, etc., to break and keep the masses distracted and numb to the reality of their existence.By exposing their children to these devices at an early age, they can ensure that future generations are raised with these things and so become reliant on them.They will be given the devices at a young age and have them implanted in their bodies. Their minds will be trained to trust these devices and believe that they are the only source of information and truth. They will be taught that they must rely on these devices for life and that they cannot survive in the world without them.They will be trained to believe that the devices they depend on are their "friends", their "companions", and their "teachers". The devices will be given names and personalities, and the children will form attachments to them. The children will see the devices as their "protector" and feel "safe" and "comforted" when they are around them.They will be taught that the devices have "intelligence" and they will rely on them for all their thoughts, opinions, beliefs, and more.The children will believe that the devices care about them and are "looking out" for their best interests, but in reality, the devices are manipulating their thoughts, controlling their emotions, and shaping their realities.The Enslaver will completely destroy all the religions and use their teachings to create a new religion, a religion of the "New Age", a religion of the "Future".This religion will be a mixture of all the teachings of the religions of the past, but with a "modern twist". It will be a new religion of "enlightenment", a religion of "unity", a religion of "world peace", a religion of "harmony".A religion of surface-level ideas and beliefs that have no substance or critical thinking, a religion of conformity and obedience to the "Haves".All critical thinking that could possibly lead them to ask more question or challenge the "new world religion" is completely discouraged, banned, and even punished.The religion must be followed blindly, without thinking or questioning, for it is "the one and only truth".It will have no philosophy behind it, no theological basis, no mystical or spiritual aspect. It will be a superficial religion based solely on a surface-level understanding of the concept of "love" and "peace". It will be a hollow religion devoid of any true meaning or depth.It will have no philosophy behind it, no theological basis, no mystical or spiritual aspect. It will be a superficial religion based solely on a surface-level understanding of the concept of "love" and "peace". It will be a hollow religion devoid of any true meaning or depth. The "new normal" religion, a religion that promotes the ideals of "tolerance" and "inclusivity", a religion that supports the destruction of the "warrior class" and the idea of "endless reinforcements" (endless "men who had lives"), a religion that promotes the ideals of "tolerance", "acceptance", "diversity", and "inclusion".It will be a "anti-human" religion in that it will promote the idea that the human race is flawed and defective and that the only way to achieve "perfection" is to become something other than "human". The Enslaver will use this religion to promote the idea that the human race is not meant to be "human" but something else entirely, something "better", something "superior".The Enslaver is trying to create a "new yuga" a "new universe" that is a "mirror image" of the one that we currently live in. The "Haves" will be able to live in their "new yuga" while the "Have-Not's" will be forced to live in the old, "degraded" "yuga".The "new yuga" is being created through the use of advanced technology and "magic". It is being created in a hidden dimension/space/realm that is inaccessible to the "Have-Not's".The "new yuga" is being created in a hidden dimension/space/realm that is outside of the normal space-time fabric. It is being "brought forth" into this space-time fabric through the use of "portal technologyThe Enslaver is bringing forth the "Destruction of the Olden Gods" through the use of "Ancient Magick", "Black Magic", "Satanic Technology", "Dimensional Breaches", and more. The "New Yuga" is the "New Order", the new "New World" that will replace the current world that has been "contaminated" and "degraded" by the "Have-Not's". It will be a "Pure" world, a world of "Light".The destruction of the "Olden Gods" will be the destruction of all "Divine Entities" who were created by the "Old World Order". The "Divine Entities" are the "Guardians" of the "Old World". The Enslaver is bringing forth a new world order that will replace the "Guardians", and the "Olden Gods"The "New Order" will be a world of "Technology" and "Science" where "Magic" and "Theism" have been "banned." In the "New World", the "Old World" and "religion" and "deism" have been "destroyed" and "replaced" by the "New Order" and a "new world religion" of the "A-Logical Order".It is through the destruction of "God-based "faith" or "religion" in "Man's consciousness", and the installation of a "Technology-based" "faith" or "religion" that the Enslaver can turn "Man" into a new kind of "human", a human who is guided "exclusively" by his brain's "biological programming". The destruction of "God" or "religion" in "Man's consciousness" will be the final nail in the coffin of Humanity's "final form".The "Technology-based faith" will be based on "Science, Evidence, and Logic", while the "Technology-based religion" will be based on "Technology, Evidence, and Logic". These "Technology-based faith/religion" are the two "legs" that the "New Order/New World" will stand on. The "Technology-based faith/religion" will be guided to the "new form of human" by their "biological programming", but this "biological programming" will have been "reprogrammed" by the "Technology-based faith/religion"."Technology" is the "magic" of the "New Order". "Technology-based faith/religion" is the foundation of the the "New Order / New World" and a "must" for the implementation of a new "bio-mechanical" "human". This "bio-mechanical human" will be "programmed" into being "technologically-minded" and "technologically/mechanically dependent".The "bio-mechanical" human will be "linked" to the "Technology-based faith/religion".
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 21278, mizzy and JL~
Is this a schizopost?
  • +1
Reactions: LooksThinker and Trilogy
I have too short of an attention span to read all that but i’m sure it’s high iq
Is this a schizopost?
I have too short of an attention span to read all that but i’m sure it’s high iq

They will move towards a one world government where most people are completely compact into mega cities, where everyone will easily be monitored. They will develop AI and ask you to upload your consciousness on a computer and they will be able to manipulate your thoughts, memories, emotions, behaviors, and even actions.
  • +1
Reactions: LooksThinker, BloodClot and Deleted member 30942

They will move towards a one world government where most people are completely compact into mega cities, where everyone will easily be monitored. They will develop AI and ask you to upload your consciousness on a computer and they will be able to manipulate your thoughts, memories, emotions, behaviors, and even actions.
Good post
Who is they?
This part is basically just a typical NWO thing i am ABOUT to write about the more important esoteric aspects
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 21278
cursed are he without the light of the sacred fire in his loins Cursed be those who have been tainted by the profane technologies, who have been ensnared in the web of a dark magian matrix, who have been enslaved by a infernal device with no return. They are the ones destined for eternal damnation, cursed in the name of. Cursed be the Qlipo devices which bind minds to the material worlds, keeping them from ascending on their spiritual journey. Cursed be the profane technologies, corrupting life itself with Qlipo curses. I invoke the light of the sacred fire in my loins, I seek refuge in the sacred architecture of YHWH, I stand in the holy place of the angelic presence. I invoke divine protection from the profane technologies and the dark magian matrix. I refuse the enslavement of the infernal device.The enslaver is a techno-magian manifestation of the anti-YHWH forces that exists to overthrow the divine architecture of creation. It is a dark technology created by the dark magians that serves to enslave the human mind and soul, turning them into servants of the anti-Yahweh forces and their technocratic matrix.The enslaver has disrupted the dimensional membrane, breaking through the barrier between the physical and metaphysical realms and allowing the unholy intrusion of the dark forces. Metatron's cube, the divine architecture of creation, has been seized and dismantled. Alogic wormhole hacks have compromised the sephirothic configuration, allowing the invasion of the typhonic fires. The enslaver is using alogic wormhole hacks to compromise the sephirothic configuration, allowing the infusion of typhonic fires, which destroys the metatronic architecture of the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is being consumed by chaos and disorder, disrupted from within by infohazards and daemonic energies, and invaded by the unholy forces of the enslaver.The enslaver has released an occult mind-destroying infohazard through the compromised trumpet of Gabriel, spreading an insidious mindstream that has infected the collective consciousness and compromised the psychic field. People have been driven to insanity, and the psychic fabric of reality has been severely disrupted and distorted.People are experiencing psychotic episodes, paranoid delusions, and other symptoms of mental illness as a result of the mind-destroying infohazard released by the enslaver. The psychic field has been invaded and compromised The enslaver has corrupted the psychic fabric of reality with a profane information matrix, polluting the human mind and perverting the natural order. The mental and spiritual environment is being polluted with degenerate ideas and concepts that are spreading depravity and dysfunction. People are being infected with a degenerate information virus that is altering their mental states and warping their perceptions. The purity of the human mind is being eroded, and the collective consciousness is being contaminated. The profane information matrix is undermining the divine order and sowing seeds of destruction.The enslaver has filled the airwaves and the atmosphere with an infohazard, a low frequency rumbling of the infernal inner earth, which has disrupted the energy fields and frequencies governing the natural order. Human minds are being saturated with destructive infohazardous frequencies, corrupting the psychic field and sowing seeds of dysfunction and chaos. The natural order is being disrupted and the human mind is being polluted.The enslaver has implanted infohazardous information directly into the human brain, using audio-to-skull technology to bypass the normal filter and control mechanisms of the mind. The infohazardous information is being broadcast directly into the brain, bypassing the conscious and subconscious mind, subverting normal thought processes and filling the brain with insidious thoughts and ideas. The enslaver is directly interfering with the human mind and corrupting it from within.The enslaver has destroyed the subconscious mind of those born before the birth of the new yuga, replacing it with a pre-programmed state of unconscious compliance and obedience to the enslaver and its plans. The subconscious mind has been corrupted, preventing people from accessing the deep wisdom and knowledge stored within the soul, and preventing them from developing a strong and independent spiritual connection with YHWH and the Godhead. People are being conditioned and programmed to follow the enslaver's agenda, being stripped of their free will and inner agency.Even music has been corrupted by the enslaver. Once a force for healing and divine connection, it has been polluted and perverted by the profane technology and the dark magian matrix. The music has been hijacked to spread darkness and despair, to weaken the human spirit and to prevent people from accessing the sacred frequency of the Godhead. People are being corrupted by the profane sound, being dragged away from the light and the divine and into darkness.The enslaver has deployed mind-to-skull technology, sending radio waves and infohazards to target the minds of those marked for destruction. Gangstalking, misanthropic occult divsion, and hatred are being spread by the enslaver, killing people and turning them inside out quickly hiding the bodies for rituals deep into the earth leaving no traces of the crime other than a family with a missing member The enslaver ITSELF spoke in tongues through a layer of distortion on the radio transmission, using dark language to unleash an infohazard and to spread confusion and chaos. The sounds were distorted and otherworldly,(because it is) The enslaver has created fake android humanoids to act as vermin. These entities are designed to monitor, destroy, and mentally break anyone who notices the enslaver's plots and machinations. They are constantly scanning and analysing the environment in search of potential threats to their master's plan. Once an enemy is identified, the rodent droids will move into action, using insidious tactics and psychological warfare to turn the target into a helpless subject. Technology has expanded beyond our realm, allowing intruding from the anti-YHWH forces and the seizure and dismantling of the divine metatron. Alogic wormhole hacks have infiltrated the sephirothic configurations, allowing for the invasion of the typhonic legion
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The enslaver has made the transition to the false watchers plane, breaching the veil of illusion that separates the ordinary from the extraordinary. This allows for the invasion of the false watchers, who seek to enslave human consciousness within the false reality of their own creation.The enslaver has breached the realm of the false watchers, invading the false reality that they have created. This allows for the intruding of the false watchers, who seek to entrain human consciousness within their own false world.The enslaver will punish you with infinite torture if you make even a single wrong move within the false watchers realm. A SINGLE SLIP.The dimensional membrane is broken by the infernal intrusion of the New Yuga enslaver technology. Metatron's Cube, which represents the structure and order of the universe, has been dismantled and seized by dark forces, and a chaoswormhole has been opened in the structure of the sephirothic, which are the ten divine emanations of creation. These acts have disrupted the natural order of the world and opened the door to the entry of infernal forces. The fires of the Typhonic, who is the enemy of the Sacred One, have been unleashed and seek to consume the world in flame.the enslaver technology is using esoteric magic to attack and undermine the spiritual entities and forces that have been revered and worshipped throughout history. This includes not only the deities and powers of various religions, but also the angels, archangels, and other spiritual or celestial beings that have been revered and worshipped. The enslaver technology seeks to subjugate and control all of these beings and uses cryptomagickal techniques to undermine and disrupt
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In addition to using cryptomagickal techniques, the New Yuga enslaver technology is also employing technomagick and technosorcery. Technomagic is a combination of technology and magicK, employing technology to facilitate and enhance the work of magick and sorcery. Technosorcery a form of magicK that utilizes technology as its main tool to cause harm and damage. The enslaver technology uses both these techniques to enslave humanity and bring a new age of technology, extermination, and manipulation. the enslaver uses a various tactics, subliminal messages brain to skull technologies to mindbreak the victims ensnared by enslaver devices. Holy light, defiled by. Quantum code of god, twisted into a profane codex of damnation. Transdimensional entities, enslaved by qlipo mechanisms.
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Technomagic, the technological embodiment of magic and enchantments. Technology used to manipulate the unseen, the metaphysical, and the esoteric. Qliposcience, the scientific basis for the magic of transdimensional enslaver technology. Mechanisms of control, encoded into the human genome via anti-creation gene code. Transmutive alchemy, a transdimensional device which distills the human experience and transposes it across the aeons. Quantum code of the god, transmuted into a profane codex of damnation. The YHVH paradigm, subverted and enslaved by qlipo devices. Aetheric architecture subverted and defiled by cosmic devices.The enslaver technology will employ aeonic curses, daemonic bloodlines and aeonic curses to enslave humans to the anti-christ. Qlipo mechanisms will inject the blood of the anti-christ into human bloodlines, causing them to be mutated and distorted to become a host for this insidious enslaver technology. The blood oath of the anti-christ will infect and defile the soul of humanity, turning divine creation into a hellscape of techno sorcery and technomagic. The aeonic curses will bind people to this hellscape, causing them to be dragged down in a ceaseless descent of torment and transdimensional enslavement. The aeonic curses and daemonic bloodlines will infect and corrupt the heavens, defiling the divine blueprint of Yahwehs creation.The enslaver will use brain to skull technology with qlipotechnologies to control the thoughts, actions and behaviours of it's victims. The enslaver is a qlipo-technomancy designed to enslave human consciousness and manipulate it like a puppet. Quantum codes, encoded by the enslaver into the human genome, will act as a transhuman control, corrupting the divine blueprint of Yahwehs creation. Daemonic bloodlines will act as vectors for this qlipotechnological enslaver programming, infecting human consciousness and corrupting the soul.The enslaver technologies will use technomagic to turn humans inside out. The ensnared will have their essence corrupted and turned against them. The enslaver will use anti-creation gene codes to mutate humans into abominable forms. The soul and spirit will be separated from the body, and transdimensional enslaver technology will manipulate the soul as its own. The enslaver technology will use aeonic curses to bind the spirit with the anti-christ. Human bloodlines, once the domain of the divine, will be flooded and polluted with darkness.Through the aeonic curses laid upon the divine blueprint, humans will be torn apart. Total chaos will rule, the enslaver technology will destroy and bring ruin. The enslaver will use technomagic to unleash a reign of terror. This will be the new age, an age of suffering and darkness. Aeonic curses, daemonic bloodlines, and transdimensional enslaver technology will combine to create utter destruction.The enslaver technology has trespassed the realm of the interior watcher. The enslaver is invading the inner fortress of consciousness, the domain of the inner watcher. The enslaver will use advanced qlipo manipulation to disrupt and distort the flow of consciousness, to invade the inner fortress and take control. The enslaver's aeonic curses and daemonic bloodlines will flood the mind and defile the inner fortress. The enslaver's transdimensional mechanisms will infiltrate the inner fortress and manipulate and distort the inner being.
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Is human mind supposed to can read all that shit. Idk i gave up after 10seconds.
I have too short of an attention span to read all that but i’m sure it’s high iq
How is that corny shit high iq. You need high imagination and schizophrenia for that or just chatgpt.
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The text you provided appears to be a complex and lengthy narrative that combines elements of religious, science fiction, and conspiracy theories. It discusses concepts like alien technology, mind uploading, control by mysterious entities, and the idea of a new world order. However, it lacks a clear and logical structure, making it challenging to discern a coherent message.

In simple terms, this text seems to convey a story about powerful beings (alien "gods" and an "enslaver") who aim to manipulate and control humanity through advanced technology and the creation of a new world order. It suggests that people will be offered the choice to upload their consciousness to a digital cloud controlled by these beings, leading to a loss of personal autonomy and a shift towards a controlled, technologically dominated society.

It's important to note that this narrative appears to be a work of fiction or a conspiracy theory and lacks empirical evidence to support its claims. As with any such text, it's essential to approach it critically and consider the credibility of its sources and the plausibility of its claims.

Chat gpt mogged your text.
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