The Ultimate Guide To Fragrance and Pheromones



Aesthetics Matter
Aug 11, 2018
Table of contents

I. Introduction

II. Why smell is important for men when attracting women

III. How important is smell compared to other factors for attraction

IV. Fragrance guide

V. Fragrance vs Natural body odor

VI. Pheromones guide

VII. Combining fragrance and pheromones to become a king

VIII. My experience

IX. Conclusion

X. Sources

I. Introduction

If you’re reading this then I’m sure you know what fragrance is, you probably call it cologne and can buy it for $10 at your local clothing store. However, what you’re oblivious to is the wide world of aroma, with fragrance only being a single piece of the puzzle. In this megaguide, I will take you on a journey across the wide world of aroma, to help you cultivate your signature, so you may smell like a king.

Foreword: [ISPOILER]The large majority of what I say is backed by scientific studies, if you disagree with something then check those[/ISPOILER]

II. Why smell is important for attracting women
For starters, the sense of smell is very a valuable tool for humans and a way of communicating different things, most notably how healthy you are and how strong your immune system is. When it comes to attraction, humans use the smell emanating from various areas of others as a tool to understand different things about them and notably to find someone who has an immune system that will produce the most healthy offspring. However, women have a better sense of smell than men, on average possessing around 50% more olfactory (smelling) neurons in their brain, and therefore vet the traits of a man using this tool to a greater degree compared to men towards women. You should read this thread to understand indicators of youth/health vs dimorphism. Now, the two major factors for how sexually worthy you smell to a woman are: your androgen levels thus synonymously your perceived dominance(dimorphism), and your health level (indicators of health/youth). This is important to note as you will learn later how different molecules form your aromatic footprint. Simply stated, you want to optimize your health and androgens to smell as attractive as possible. Notably, the olfactory region of the brain is connected to the amygdala and hippocampus, (which are the brain regions associated with processing emotions and storing memories, respectively) more directly than any other sense is connected to them, and is the key reason why we experience smell induced memories most potently. With that being said, you can imagine how powerful smell is, especially for women, when interacting with men and formulating their impressions.

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Looks(frame and height included)=confidence and NT=smell=voice
Meaning all these factors are correlated, would it not stand to reason that being good looking(mainly in a health indicating way but also relating to dimorphism)is a signal of good health and development? Such is the logic used when making the correlation between looks, personality, smell, voice and health. These factors are all intertwined, a good looking person is likely to have been brought up in a healthy environment or if not they have chad genes and are sporting a healthy immune system, are more likely to be within their right mind and have the characteristics/personality traits you would associate with being healthy, as well as the smell(as humans can smell how healthy others are). Also a person who is dominant and aggressive will likely look this way because of their prenatal T, have the personality traits, may have a deep voice, and also will smell of the heightened androgen levels, and this is because that’s who they truly are. With this is mind the way to smell healthy and or masculine, is to be healthy or masculine.

III. How important is smell compared to other factors for attraction

Looks(w/height & frame)>NT & Confidence>smell>voice

As stated earlier, all these pillars for attraction are connected. With that being said, even if smell is not as high on the totem pole for attraction compared to looks or NT/confidence, that doesn’t mean it’s not important at all, and that also doesn’t negate the fact that it is one of the major pillars for attraction & human communication, and is also one of the lowest effort, highest reward things you can work on, to compensate for a lack in another area(depending on how far you take it), or have a strong influence on others. I know from personal experience what crazy emotions you can elicit in people by mastering aroma, and how you can control the way people view you.

IV. Fragrance guide
Your first thought when trying to buy a fragrance might be to look for the “Top 10 most popular panty dropping men’s fragrances” but this is not a good idea. As if you wear Dior sauvage, then not only will you will smell like everybody else, but you will smell like a desperate tryhard who’s only wearing fragrance for validation. Also as stated earlier women make a strong mental association with smells so you might smell like an old boyfriend that she doesn’t like, this makes impressions harder. What you want to buy is a fragrance that isn’t so popular, so you can smell unique.

Fragrance seasons
Fragrances are organized into the 4 seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Fragrances with mostly warm and spicy notes like amber or incense will fit the Winter or Autumn category typically. While fragrance with only bright and lighter notes like citrus and floral notes will be in the Spring or Summer category. This is important as you don’t want to wear a winter fragrance in high heat, as it will project too much and choke everybody out. Vice versa, fragrances that are too light will not project in very cold weather, this isn’t a big issue if you’re indoors but if you want your smell to survive outside then you can opt for denser fragrances. Some fragrances with balanced notes can be worn year round.

Synthetic vs Natural
Synthetic fragrances have notes that smell “chemically”and remind you of a typical cheap fragrance. These are the gas station fragrances that you want to stay away from, as they don’t smell pleasant compared to more natural smelling fragrances. But even natural smelling fragrances are made with synthetic ingredients, it’s just the type of ingredients used come together to produce a more natural smelling fragrance, although many natural smelling fragrances will be blended with non synthetic ingredients as well.

Harmful toxins
Within fragrances there can be estrogenic toxins. This isn’t a large issue as fragrance is in everything, so you’re 100% already being exposed to them and not even cognizant, but in the event you decide to go all natural, then you should know that you can still buy fragrances that are natural, and even make your own natural fragrances like I do myself. Keep in mind that you can chelate toxins from your body through a healthy lifestyle and using activated charcoal and other toxin chelators.

Fragrance concentrations
The common concentrations for fragrances are eau de toilette, eau de parfum, and parfum. The concentration dictates the amount of fragrance oil in the bottle with edt being the least potent, edp being more concentrated, and parfum being the most concentrated. Typically this also aligns with the seasons of the fragrance with summer fragrances being edt and winter fragrance being edp or parfum.

How to apply fragrance
You want to make sure that your body is moisturized on the areas you apply fragrance. Applying fragrance on to hydrated skin will help it project more and last longer. You also want to apply fragrance to areas that radiate the most heat, like your neck and pulse points. Also don’t neglect the lower body, and applying fragrance to the clothes is good as well, but make sure to apply it directly to the skin primarily. Make sure not to apply too much fragrance, lighter fragrances can get more sprays around 5, but heavy ones should get around 3. Different atomizers (the spraying bit of the bottle) spray different amounts of fragrances so this can fluctuate but you’ll know what is excessive. There’s also a compound known as Iso E super that you can layer or mix with fragrances to enhance the performance.

Where to buy fragrance
Most fragrances can be found on online discounters, search for them on fragrantica and you can find them for cheaper than retail price. You can also use fragrantica to search for good fragrances as they have note breakdowns and a review feature. Be careful when buying fragrances off eBay or sites like this because there are many scammers selling counterfeit fragrances.

Top Fragrances
I’ll list the best fragrances of each season, but you need to find what YOU enjoy. However, not everyman wears fragrance so it maybe it’s not a huge issue to just buy the most popular one.

Top Summer fragrances
[ISPOILER]Dior Sauvage or Acqua di gio[/ISPOILER]

Top Autumn fragrances
[ISPOILER]Jean Paul Gaultier Le male or Dolce & Gabbana the one for men[/ISPOILER]

Top Winter fragrances
[ISPOILER]Paco Rabanne 1 Million or Parfums de Marly Layton[/ISPOILER]

Top Spring fragrances
[ISPOILER]Creed Aventus or Terre d’Hermes[/ISPOILER]

I advise you to go to your local fragrance store and smell different fragrances to find what you like. You should buy fragrances that you like and not just buy ones recommended as if you blindly buy it without knowledge on different notes then you can be disappointed with your purchase. Smell is very subjective so even fragrances that others adore can smell horrible to you. Wearing a fragrance you love will also boost your confidence and morale.[/UWSL]

V. Fragrance vs natural body odor
Typically, when women are asked what fragrances they like on a man, they will say they enjoy their mans natural smell after a shower and they like light fragrances. What they really mean is they enjoy smelling the “aroma footprint” of a man they like, this is due to what I stated earlier about women smelling the immune system, indicators of health and other areas of a mans smell composition. Women will smell that a man checks out internally, and fragrances can mask this. What you want to keep in mind is that you still want your natural aroma to be present (assuming it checks out) by not overdoing the fragrance, and by maximizing your natural aroma. To maximize your body odor you want to first be health maxxed, (keep in mind that if you’re in puberty and producing lots of androgens then your smell will permeate more than someone who is past their prime so take precaution) the main factor involved in your body odor is digestive health(I’m not going to go on a tangent so search this forum for threads) having that in control in combination with digestive enzyme and chlorophyll supplementation (basically an internal deodorant) will make you produce body odor that is pleasant enough to allow you to use less soap or no soap when you shower and scrub your pits. Another factor is that you want to ensure that you’re not sedentary and allowing mildew to fester on your incubating nether regions, being out in the open with the wind and suns rays on your body will help to prevent funky smells and have other positive effects on your aroma. Another major tool for this that I have experience with is ammonia oxidizing bacteria. Basically it’s good bacteria that breaks down the bacteria and other things on your skin, neutralizing the odor and turning it into nitric oxide. AOB is prevalent in dirt, water, and everywhere that life exists, and prior to the spread of hygienic products, they existed on our skin to prevent odor. You can buy a product called mother dirt, or you purchase AOB that is meant to purify fish tank water. Spray some on your nether regions and high BO areas after a no soap shower, and maybe even apply a light unscented deodorant. You also want to make sure that there are lots of good minerals, zinc and magnesium etc. on your skin, you can find mineral rich skin products to apply. If you’d rather just use an artificial pheromone and not go through this trouble for simplicity’s sake that will work.

VI. Pheromones Guide
Disclaimer: [ISPOILER]Pheromones may or may not be pseudoscience, science has proved their existence in humans, but they have yet to prove if their purported effects are legitimate, you need to try it for yourself to see if it’s effective, but in my experience it has been.[/ISPOILER]

you probably don’t care about the science but basically there’s an organ in maybe half the populations nose that is meant to smell pheromones, it’s called the VNO. this is what pheromones act on, though supposedly even though this organ is present, it’s “inactive” in humans, but let’s move on…

Effects of pheromones
Pheromones can elicit effects on other people from increasing cortisol, to making them feel comforted. Pheromones can also elicit many effects different on the user, like making them feel more energetic, increasing libido, to making colors appear more vibrant. You can also smell how genetically similar you are to people as a measure to prevent incest.

Types of pheromones

Androstadienone, the “love” pheromone- Makes women feel protected and comforted, known for making the wearer appear more attractive and eliciting crushes.
Androstenone, the “sexual” pheromone- One of the most widely studied pheromones, this androgen can cause women to feel sexually aroused, it is intimidating in high doses, cashing a fear based respect and can also make other men feel threatened and make them confrontational. Featured in almost all pheromone blends.
Androstanone, the “charm & dominance” pheromone- Features the same effects as androstErone, with less of the fear based respect and more of a charming type of respect.
Androsterone, the “respect” pheromone- Makes the user appear more reliable and mature. Used alone it can create an old man vibe, but is featured in most blends.
Epi-Androsterone, the “charming” pheromone- This androgen gives the wearer a youthful and charming, social vibe. It is believed to elevate your social status and respect, being well received by both genders.
Androsterone Sulfate, “fun, warm, and social” pheromone- Not produced predominantly in males or females, may uplift mood and increase sociability while making people see you positively.
Alpha Androstenol, “conversation” pheromone- Can make people more social around you and makes you seem more playful, it is commonly used to buffer the effects of aggressive pheromones like androstenone.
Beta Androstenol, “truth serum” pheromone- Beta Androstenol is known for creating a sense of familiarity and bond with the user, can make people reveal things about themselves to you as if you’re already well acquainted. Used in combination with Alpha Androstenol which can open up conversations, to deepen said conversations
Androstenetrione, “visual beautification” pheromone- This pheromone can make the wearer appear more attractive to other people by modulating how they see you, this effect extends to the wearer as well, making everything around you appear more bright and as if it has a filter that makes things more “beautiful” also creates feelings of affection and is an emotion amplifier.
DHEA, “youthful and funny” pheromone- This compound can make situations more playful, both in effects on others and the user and improve your sense of well being.
DHEAS, “social attention” pheromone- Has unique effects compared to DHEA, makes you more verbally articulate, and witty, is very attractive to younger women and can make you feel energized.

Pregnenolone, “hilarity” pheromone- This molecule makes people perceive things in a positive light, and can make you giddy, powerful stress modulator.
Estratetraenol, “nurturing and protective” pheromone- This is a female pheromone that creates a feeling of comfort and friendliness, in male blends is used in small doses as a buffer for aggressive pheromones, in female blend can create a sense of vulnerability and inspires men to be more chivalrous.
Alpha THDOC, “reset” pheromone- This one is not officially considered a pheromone but does have pheromone like effects. This molecule can create strange reactions such as blanking out and hysterical laughter. Is known to reset people’s perception of you.
Beta THDOC, “disinhibition” pheromone- Again this one is actually a neurosteroid, this one is an allosteric modulator of GABA-a and increases disinhibitions, this one will amplify people emotions towards you, which can be a good or bad thing.
Copulins- Copulins are actually vaginal secretions from healthy fertile women that act as a lubricant. This compound is a female pheromone that is used to attract men and can boost their testosterone levels. Men can use copulins in trace amounts to give off a player vibe. Quick side note pure copulins smell very funky.
Hedione- This is actually a fragrance molecule that is a derivative of the jasmine flower. It’s present in all popular men’s fragrances, and studies show that it has the power to arouse women.
Iso E super- This fragrance molecule is meant to increase projection of fragrances but may also have some pheromone like qualities, with ladies enjoying the scent.
Astaxanthin- I’m sure the looksmaxers know this carotenoid, it’s used to produce pheromone-like effects that enhance mood, and give an inviting and fun aura.

ps: [ISPOILER]there are more many more pheromones out there that haven’t been tested, and other experimental ones that aren’t as popular.[/ISPOILER]

Pheromone Blends
There are many pheromone blends that exist but not all of them are approved by users. These are the ones with the best reviews.

Xist by pheromoneXS
This blend is purported to help men break out of the friend zone by “reseting” their feelings. It also has the properties of increasing perceived social worth, and can make women see you in a romantic way that builds with exposure.

Swoon by pheromone treasures
This blend is purported to cause a playful, yet romantic aura, that attracts younger women. It causes women to feel affection and “crushy” type feelings toward you.

Alpha Maschio by Alpha dream
This blend will supposedly give you “balls of steel” and eliminate social anxiety, while improving verbal fluency and assertiveness. Will give you a bad boy or player kind of aura.

Evolve XS by pheromoneXS
This blend is supposed to start off as a social blend, then convert to a strong sexual blend that causes physical attraction in women and sexual tension. Users also note this blend can help induce orgasms in women during sex.

Bad wolf by Liquid alchemy labs
This blend is an incredibly strong sexual that will give you a dominant aura. It can intimidate women in high doses and cause fear or confrontation in men.

APi by pheromoneXS
This blend is meant to increase your perceived social status and make women chase you. It is also a social blend and can give you the aura of a leader in a smooth way.

Glace by Alpha dream
This social is meant to increase carefree feelings and enhance conversations in a fun and extroverted way.

Core by Apex pheromones
This blend can enhance your own signature or be mixed with another blend. It has the effects of increasing attention and popularity, like a spotlight effect.

TKO by Apex pheromones
This blend has the effect of making things look more “beautiful” and is supposed to extend to other people’s view of you. It also can improve your social standing and popularity.

Alpha Q
This blend is supposed to be a jack of all trades, with social, sexual and alpha properties. It also has the added benefit of being a beautifier.

How to use pheromones
Pheromones are meant to be used sparingly. However, if you want to overdose on them to see if they actually have an effect then that’s fine, some people even say they have better effects when they use very high doses. The amount you should use will be listed on the blend, individual mones are dosed the same, usually 2-4 drops or sprays on your pulse points. The oil based ones last longer but don’t diffuse as well compared to the alcohol sprays, as with fragrance. Apparently they can linger on your skin for a while and require heavy scrubbing to clean off, personally, I ignore this point and shower regularly. Keep in mind almost all androgen pheromones convert into androstenone with time, if you see the effects of this pheromone you will why using high doses can be bad.

VII. Mixing fragrance and pheromones to become a king
If you’re using pheromones
, then it’s within your best interest to combine them with fragrance. This is how you’ll reap the most benefits of them, also some of them can have an unpleasant smell that you’re meant to mask. The best way to do this is to apply your pheromones like usual, and then apply the fragrance afterward. You can even mix together different pheromone blends AND different fragrances as I do, this is how you’ll really become a smell king. This relates to my theory for maximizing results.
My theory for maximizing results
[ISPOILER]I surmise that mixing together different blends and fragrances caused me to amplify my effects. I use fragrances of different categories, along with different pheromones, to create a very complex smell profile. I also theorize that a reason we enjoy fragrances is it gives the impression of abundance. Smelling like vanilla and citrus will subconsciously communicate to people that you have access to these things, when you blend together a fragrance with multiple different smells, you subconsciously communicate that you have access to many resources. This appeals to the dopaminergic and outward, resource seeking aspect of people’s minds.[/ISPOILER]

VIII. My experience with blending
I have blended together fragrances and mones on 2 occasions, both being incredibly profound experiences. One time I had an event where the whole my whole high school would be, I combined 4 different fragrances, a hedione and iso e super spray, TKO pheromone and copulins. I called an Uber to the event, after I got in the ride my driver complimented me a few minutes later, then he was insisting that I tell him what I was wearing(I told him the name of one of the fragrances)he was basically praising my fragrance the entire ride. When I got to the event, I walked up to my friends and I kid you not, immediately they were all in awe of my aroma, complimenting me, then a few minutes later a stacy(literally the most popular and one of the baddest girls at my school)walked by and was like “who smells so good?!” You can’t even make this up, I felt like a king. One of my close friends even gave me a super genuine compliment told when we were alone, he was like “Yo, you smell really good” I said thanks bro I know. Then he was like, “No bro, like you smell REALLY good, like that fragrance is fire.” So it’s clear to me that this was a success. The other time I used a similar mix at work as an experiment, I only had one middle aged lady stop me but it was very genuine. She asked if it was me that smelled so good and I said yes, then she basically demanded that I tell her what I was wearing. Keep in mind that I have been wearing fragrances for pretty much all my life and prior to blending all these things I had only ever received a compliment from my mom jfl. I only blended fragrances on these 2 occasions because I’m kind of a rotter at the moment and don’t want too much attention on me without being confident/ good looking and soft maxxed enough to handle it, so I’ll wait till after ascension.

IX. Conclusion
This concludes the mega guide, this is the path to aroma ascension, and everything you need to know. Links to helpful resources for your fragrance journey will be down below. Peace…
Fragrance reviews and Info:

Pheromone reviews:

Pheromone Information:

X. Sources

Tagging fragrance and pheromonecels @oldcelloser @000 @alriodai @hairyballscel @PingPong @Jshd @Lasko123 @MiroslavBulldosex @TsarTsar444 @to_stop_da_cope @Lev Peshkov @Htobrother @Chadeep @BigBiceps @PikachuCandy @LastHopeForNorman @Blackpill3d @MikeMew'sBitch @Scientist @TraumatisedOgre @OOGABOOGA @Amexmaxx @sytyl @goat2x @AscendingHero @WannabeJock @King_ @mewcoper @BigJimsWornOutTires @datboijj @Aliens95 @kjsbdfiusdf @.👽. @RODEBLUR @Julian @joeveniro @quakociaptockh @RandomGuy @Zenturio @Toodlydood @Deusmaximus @coolguy1 @here @Tyronecell @JM10 @grimy @EdwardCullen @ifyouwannabemylover @africancel @looksmaxxer234 @RealLooksmaxxer @Blackeycel @PYT @jackieboy21 @astatine @Kroker @cloUder @OldVirgin @Rush @LondonVillie @gamma @LachowskiWannabe @Blackmannnns

Best of the Best worthy?







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Nice. Dn rd tho
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Reactions: cringemaxxer, Shkreliii, flippasav and 29 others
You didn't just buy vip lmao
  • Hmm...
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Reactions: Shkreliii, |Daddy_Zygos|, Deleted member 15338 and 1 other person
wait a minute thought u are wannabejock, who r u?
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  • JFL
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Reactions: Shkreliii, kekamphetamine, Sondern and 13 others
But pheromones is legit ngl. I borrowed some from friend and a girl I talked to was all over me, biting my shirt lmao
  • +1
  • Woah
  • JFL
Reactions: Shkreliii, Descargue96, |Daddy_Zygos| and 9 others
Tag didn't work, just me?
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Reactions: Beastchodecode, Shkreliii, zyMOGenic and 11 others
How does her pussy smell?:feelsgood:

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tldr ?
  • WTF
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Reactions: Shkreliii and Deleted member 6423
That’s how I know you didn’t read the whole thread including the natural pheromones part
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Thx for the tag
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  • +1
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  • JFL
Reactions: Shkreliii, |Daddy_Zygos|, Ken and 8 others
im a fragrence enjoyer myself. intrested in phermones now tbh but they are rather expensive 🤙
  • +1
Reactions: Shkreliii, ChristianChad, Yerico7 and 1 other person
im a fragrence enjoyer myself. intrested in phermones now tbh but they are rather expensive 🤙
You can find sample sizes for cheap on sites like pheromoneXS
  • +1
Reactions: Shkreliii
Natural pheromone = Smegma and sweaty balls in your oneitis mouth while u powder your ass pussy
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
  • +1
Reactions: Shkreliii, |Daddy_Zygos|, Deleted member 4757 and 6 others
too long man, i know that natural smell is better just use shower without soaps and shampoos
  • +1
Reactions: Shkreliii and Deleted member 6423
too long man, i know that natural smell is better just use shower without soaps and shampoos
Over for your dopamine tbh but go directly to part V then, that part will expound upon that
  • +1
Reactions: Shkreliii, PrinceLuenLeoncur, Lev Peshkov and 1 other person
no scent for recessed maxilla

good thread doe
  • +1
  • WTF
  • So Sad
Reactions: Shkreliii, nayb, cardiologist and 2 others
Pheromones are 100% bs lol
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Reactions: Shkreliii
Table of contents

I. Introduction

II. Why smell is important for men when attracting women

III. How important is smell compared to other factors for attraction

IV. Fragrance guide

V. Fragrance vs Natural body odor

VI. Pheromones guide

VII. Combining fragrance and pheromones to become a king

VIII. My experience

IX. Conclusion

X. Sources

I. Introduction

If you’re reading this then I’m sure you know what fragrance is, you probably call it cologne and can buy it for $10 at your local clothing store. However, what you’re oblivious to is the wide world of aroma, with fragrance only being a single piece of the puzzle. In this megaguide, I will take you on a journey across the wide world of aroma, to help you cultivate your signature, so you may smell like a king.

Foreword: [ISPOILER]The large majority of what I say is backed by scientific studies, if you disagree with something then check those[/ISPOILER]

II. Why smell is important for attracting women
For starters, the sense of smell is very a valuable tool for humans and a way of communicating different things, most notably how healthy you are and how strong your immune system is. When it comes to attraction, humans use the smell emanating from various areas of others as a tool to understand different things about them and notably to find someone who has an immune system that will produce the most healthy offspring. However, women have a better sense of smell than men, on average possessing around 50% more olfactory (smelling) neurons in their brain, and therefore vet the traits of a man using this tool to a greater degree compared to men towards women. You should read this thread to understand indicators of youth/health vs dimorphism. Now, the two major factors for how sexually worthy you smell to a woman are: your androgen levels thus synonymously your perceived dominance(dimorphism), and your health level (indicators of health/youth). This is important to note as you will learn later how different molecules form your aromatic footprint. Simply stated, you want to optimize your health and androgens to smell as attractive as possible. Notably, the olfactory region of the brain is connected to the amygdala and hippocampus, (which are the brain regions associated with processing emotions and storing memories, respectively) more directly than any other sense is connected to them, and is the key reason why we experience smell induced memories most potently. With that being said, you can imagine how powerful smell is, especially for women, when interacting with men and formulating their impressions.

View attachment 1409009
Looks(frame and height included)=confidence and NT=smell=voice
Meaning all these factors are correlated, would it not stand to reason that being good looking(mainly in a health indicating way but also relating to dimorphism)is a signal of good health and development? Such is the logic used when making the correlation between looks, personality, smell, voice and health. These factors are all intertwined, a good looking person is likely to have been brought up in a healthy environment or if not they have chad genes and are sporting a healthy immune system, are more likely to be within their right mind and have the characteristics/personality traits you would associate with being healthy, as well as the smell(as humans can smell how healthy others are). Also a person who is dominant and aggressive will likely look this way because of their prenatal T, have the personality traits, may have a deep voice, and also will smell of the heightened androgen levels, and this is because that’s who they truly are. With this is mind the way to smell healthy and or masculine, is to be healthy or masculine.

III. How important is smell compared to other factors for attraction

Looks(w/height & frame)>NT & Confidence>smell>voice

As stated earlier, all these pillars for attraction are connected. With that being said, even if smell is not as high on the totem pole for attraction compared to looks or NT/confidence, that doesn’t mean it’s not important at all, and that also doesn’t negate the fact that it is one of the major pillars for attraction & human communication, and is also one of the lowest effort, highest reward things you can work on, to compensate for a lack in another area(depending on how far you take it), or have a strong influence on others. I know from personal experience what crazy emotions you can elicit in people by mastering aroma, and how you can control the way people view you.

IV. Fragrance guide
Your first thought when trying to buy a fragrance might be to look for the “Top 10 most popular panty dropping men’s fragrances” but this is not a good idea. As if you wear Dior sauvage, then not only will you will smell like everybody else, but you will smell like a desperate tryhard who’s only wearing fragrance for validation. Also as stated earlier women make a strong mental association with smells so you might smell like an old boyfriend that she doesn’t like, this makes impressions harder. What you want to buy is a fragrance that isn’t so popular, so you can smell unique.

Fragrance seasons
Fragrances are organized into the 4 seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Fragrances with mostly warm and spicy notes like amber or incense will fit the Winter or Autumn category typically. While fragrance with only bright and lighter notes like citrus and floral notes will be in the Spring or Summer category. This is important as you don’t want to wear a winter fragrance in high heat, as it will project too much and choke everybody out. Vice versa, fragrances that are too light will not project in very cold weather, this isn’t a big issue if you’re indoors but if you want your smell to survive outside then you can opt for denser fragrances. Some fragrances with balanced notes can be worn year round.

Synthetic vs Natural
Synthetic fragrances have notes that smell “chemically”and remind you of a typical cheap fragrance. These are the gas station fragrances that you want to stay away from, as they don’t smell pleasant compared to more natural smelling fragrances. But even natural smelling fragrances are made with synthetic ingredients, it’s just the type of ingredients used come together to produce a more natural smelling fragrance, although many natural smelling fragrances will be blended with non synthetic ingredients as well.

Harmful toxins
Within fragrances there can be estrogenic toxins. This isn’t a large issue as fragrance is in everything, so you’re 100% already being exposed to them and not even cognizant, but in the event you decide to go all natural, then you should know that you can still buy fragrances that are natural, and even make your own natural fragrances like I do myself. Keep in mind that you can chelate toxins from your body through a healthy lifestyle and using activated charcoal and other toxin chelators.

Fragrance concentrations
The common concentrations for fragrances are eau de toilette, eau de parfum, and parfum. The concentration dictates the amount of fragrance oil in the bottle with edt being the least potent, edp being more concentrated, and parfum being the most concentrated. Typically this also aligns with the seasons of the fragrance with summer fragrances being edt and winter fragrance being edp or parfum.

How to apply fragrance
You want to make sure that your body is moisturized on the areas you apply fragrance. Applying fragrance on to hydrated skin will help it project more and last longer. You also want to apply fragrance to areas that radiate the most heat, like your neck and pulse points. Also don’t neglect the lower body, and applying fragrance to the clothes is good as well, but make sure to apply it directly to the skin primarily. Make sure not to apply too much fragrance, lighter fragrances can get more sprays around 5, but heavy ones should get around 3. Different atomizers (the spraying bit of the bottle) spray different amounts of fragrances so this can fluctuate but you’ll know what is excessive. There’s also a compound known as Iso E super that you can layer or mix with fragrances to enhance the performance.

Where to buy fragrance
Most fragrances can be found on online discounters, search for them on fragrantica and you can find them for cheaper than retail price. You can also use fragrantica to search for good fragrances as they have note breakdowns and a review feature. Be careful when buying fragrances off eBay or sites like this because there are many scammers selling counterfeit fragrances.

Top Fragrances
I’ll list the best fragrances of each season, but you need to find what YOU enjoy. However, not everyman wears fragrance so it maybe it’s not a huge issue to just buy the most popular one.

Top Summer fragrances
[ISPOILER]Dior Sauvage or Acqua di gio[/ISPOILER]

Top Autumn fragrances
[ISPOILER]Jean Paul Gaultier Le male or Dolce & Gabbana the one for men[/ISPOILER]

Top Winter fragrances
[ISPOILER]Paco Rabanne 1 Million or Parfums de Marly Layton[/ISPOILER]

Top Spring fragrances
[ISPOILER]Creed Aventus or Terre d’Hermes[/ISPOILER]

I advise you to go to your local fragrance store and smell different fragrances to find what you like. You should buy fragrances that you like and not just buy ones recommended as if you blindly buy it without knowledge on different notes then you can be disappointed with your purchase. Smell is very subjective so even fragrances that others adore can smell horrible to you. Wearing a fragrance you love will also boost your confidence and morale.[/UWSL]

V. Fragrance vs natural body odor
Typically, when women are asked what fragrances they like on a man, they will say they enjoy their mans natural smell after a shower and they like light fragrances. What they really mean is they enjoy smelling the “aroma footprint” of a man they like, this is due to what I stated earlier about women smelling the immune system, indicators of health and other areas of a mans smell composition. Women will smell that a man checks out internally, and fragrances can mask this. What you want to keep in mind is that you still want your natural aroma to be present (assuming it checks out) by not overdoing the fragrance, and by maximizing your natural aroma. To maximize your body odor you want to first be health maxxed, (keep in mind that if you’re in puberty and producing lots of androgens then your smell will permeate more than someone who is past their prime so take precaution) the main factor involved in your body odor is digestive health(I’m not going to go on a tangent so search this forum for threads) having that in control in combination with digestive enzyme and chlorophyll supplementation (basically an internal deodorant) will make you produce body odor that is pleasant enough to allow you to use less soap or no soap when you shower and scrub your pits. Another factor is that you want to ensure that you’re not sedentary and allowing mildew to fester on your incubating nether regions, being out in the open with the wind and suns rays on your body will help to prevent funky smells and have other positive effects on your aroma. Another major tool for this that I have experience with is ammonia oxidizing bacteria. Basically it’s good bacteria that breaks down the bacteria and other things on your skin, neutralizing the odor and turning it into nitric oxide. AOB is prevalent in dirt, water, and everywhere that life exists, and prior to the spread of hygienic products, they existed on our skin to prevent odor. You can buy a product called mother dirt, or you purchase AOB that is meant to purify fish tank water. Spray some on your nether regions and high BO areas after a no soap shower, and maybe even apply a light unscented deodorant. You also want to make sure that there are lots of good minerals, zinc and magnesium etc. on your skin, you can find mineral rich skin products to apply. If you’d rather just use an artificial pheromone and not go through this trouble for simplicity’s sake that will work.

VI. Pheromones Guide
Disclaimer: [ISPOILER]Pheromones may or may not be pseudoscience, science has proved their existence in humans, but they have yet to prove if their purported effects are legitimate, you need to try it for yourself to see if it’s effective, but in my experience it has been.[/ISPOILER]

you probably don’t care about the science but basically there’s an organ in maybe half the populations nose that is meant to smell pheromones, it’s called the VNO. this is what pheromones act on, though supposedly even though this organ is present, it’s “inactive” in humans, but let’s move on…

Effects of pheromones
Pheromones can elicit effects on other people from increasing cortisol, to making them feel comforted. Pheromones can also elicit many effects different on the user, like making them feel more energetic, increasing libido, to making colors appear more vibrant. You can also smell how genetically similar you are to people as a measure to prevent incest.

Types of pheromones

Androstadienone, the “love” pheromone- Makes women feel protected and comforted, known for making the wearer appear more attractive and eliciting crushes.
Androstenone, the “sexual” pheromone- One of the most widely studied pheromones, this androgen can cause women to feel sexually aroused, it is intimidating in high doses, cashing a fear based respect and can also make other men feel threatened and make them confrontational. Featured in almost all pheromone blends.
Androstanone, the “charm & dominance” pheromone- Features the same effects as androstErone, with less of the fear based respect and more of a charming type of respect.
Androsterone, the “respect” pheromone- Makes the user appear more reliable and mature. Used alone it can create an old man vibe, but is featured in most blends.
Epi-Androsterone, the “charming” pheromone- This androgen gives the wearer a youthful and charming, social vibe. It is believed to elevate your social status and respect, being well received by both genders.
Androsterone Sulfate, “fun, warm, and social” pheromone- Not produced predominantly in males or females, may uplift mood and increase sociability while making people see you positively.
Alpha Androstenol, “conversation” pheromone- Can make people more social around you and makes you seem more playful, it is commonly used to buffer the effects of aggressive pheromones like androstenone.
Beta Androstenol, “truth serum” pheromone- Beta Androstenol is known for creating a sense of familiarity and bond with the user, can make people reveal things about themselves to you as if you’re already well acquainted. Used in combination with Alpha Androstenol which can open up conversations, to deepen said conversations
Androstenetrione, “visual beautification” pheromone- This pheromone can make the wearer appear more attractive to other people by modulating how they see you, this effect extends to the wearer as well, making everything around you appear more bright and as if it has a filter that makes things more “beautiful” also creates feelings of affection and is an emotion amplifier.
DHEA, “youthful and funny” pheromone- This compound can make situations more playful, both in effects on others and the user and improve your sense of well being.
DHEAS, “social attention” pheromone- Has unique effects compared to DHEA, makes you more verbally articulate, and witty, is very attractive to younger women and can make you feel energized.

Pregnenolone, “hilarity” pheromone- This molecule makes people perceive things in a positive light, and can make you giddy, powerful stress modulator.
Estratetraenol, “nurturing and protective” pheromone- This is a female pheromone that creates a feeling of comfort and friendliness, in male blends is used in small doses as a buffer for aggressive pheromones, in female blend can create a sense of vulnerability and inspires men to be more chivalrous.
Alpha THDOC, “reset” pheromone- This one is not officially considered a pheromone but does have pheromone like effects. This molecule can create strange reactions such as blanking out and hysterical laughter. Is known to reset people’s perception of you.
Beta THDOC, “disinhibition” pheromone- Again this one is actually a neurosteroid, this one is an allosteric modulator of GABA-a and increases disinhibitions, this one will amplify people emotions towards you, which can be a good or bad thing.
Copulins- Copulins are actually vaginal secretions from healthy fertile women that act as a lubricant. This compound is a female pheromone that is used to attract men and can boost their testosterone levels. Men can use copulins in trace amounts to give off a player vibe. Quick side note pure copulins smell very funky.
Hedione- This is actually a fragrance molecule that is a derivative of the jasmine flower. It’s present in all popular men’s fragrances, and studies show that it has the power to arouse women.
Iso E super- This fragrance molecule is meant to increase projection of fragrances but may also have some pheromone like qualities, with ladies enjoying the scent.
Astaxanthin- I’m sure the looksmaxers know this carotenoid, it’s used to produce pheromone-like effects that enhance mood, and give an inviting and fun aura.

ps: [ISPOILER]there are more many more pheromones out there that haven’t been tested, and other experimental ones that aren’t as popular.[/ISPOILER]

Pheromone Blends
There are many pheromone blends that exist but not all of them are approved by users. These are the ones with the best reviews.

Xist by pheromoneXS
This blend is purported to help men break out of the friend zone by “reseting” their feelings. It also has the properties of increasing perceived social worth, and can make women see you in a romantic way that builds with exposure.

Swoon by pheromone treasures
This blend is purported to cause a playful, yet romantic aura, that attracts younger women. It causes women to feel affection and “crushy” type feelings toward you.

Alpha Maschio by Alpha dream
This blend will supposedly give you “balls of steel” and eliminate social anxiety, while improving verbal fluency and assertiveness. Will give you a bad boy or player kind of aura.

Evolve XS by pheromoneXS
This blend is supposed to start off as a social blend, then convert to a strong sexual blend that causes physical attraction in women and sexual tension. Users also note this blend can help induce orgasms in women during sex.

Bad wolf by Liquid alchemy labs
This blend is an incredibly strong sexual that will give you a dominant aura. It can intimidate women in high doses and cause fear or confrontation in men.

APi by pheromoneXS
This blend is meant to increase your perceived social status and make women chase you. It is also a social blend and can give you the aura of a leader in a smooth way.

Glace by Alpha dream
This social is meant to increase carefree feelings and enhance conversations in a fun and extroverted way.

Core by Apex pheromones
This blend can enhance your own signature or be mixed with another blend. It has the effects of increasing attention and popularity, like a spotlight effect.

TKO by Apex pheromones
This blend has the effect of making things look more “beautiful” and is supposed to extend to other people’s view of you. It also can improve your social standing and popularity.

Alpha Q
This blend is supposed to be a jack of all trades, with social, sexual and alpha properties. It also has the added benefit of being a beautifier.

How to use pheromones
Pheromones are meant to be used sparingly. However, if you want to overdose on them to see if they actually have an effect then that’s fine, some people even say they have better effects when they use very high doses. The amount you should use will be listed on the blend, individual mones are dosed the same, usually 2-4 drops or sprays on your pulse points. The oil based ones last longer but don’t diffuse as well compared to the alcohol sprays, as with fragrance. Apparently they can linger on your skin for a while and require heavy scrubbing to clean off, personally, I ignore this point and shower regularly. Keep in mind almost all androgen pheromones convert into androstenone with time, if you see the effects of this pheromone you will why using high doses can be bad.

VII. Mixing fragrance and pheromones to become a king
If you’re using pheromones
, then it’s within your best interest to combine them with fragrance. This is how you’ll reap the most benefits of them, also some of them can have an unpleasant smell that you’re meant to mask. The best way to do this is to apply your pheromones like usual, and then apply the fragrance afterward. You can even mix together different pheromone blends AND different fragrances as I do, this is how you’ll really become a smell king. This relates to my theory for maximizing results.
My theory for maximizing results
[ISPOILER]I surmise that mixing together different blends and fragrances caused me to amplify my effects. I use fragrances of different categories, along with different pheromones, to create a very complex smell profile. I also theorize that a reason we enjoy fragrances is it gives the impression of abundance. Smelling like vanilla and citrus will subconsciously communicate to people that you have access to these things, when you blend together a fragrance with multiple different smells, you subconsciously communicate that you have access to many resources. This appeals to the dopaminergic and outward, resource seeking aspect of people’s minds.[/ISPOILER]

VIII. My experience with blending
I have blended together fragrances and mones on 2 occasions, both being incredibly profound experiences. One time I had an event where the whole my whole high school would be, I combined 4 different fragrances, a hedione and iso e super spray, TKO pheromone and copulins. I called an Uber to the event, after I got in the ride my driver complimented me a few minutes later, then he was insisting that I tell him what I was wearing(I told him the name of one of the fragrances)he was basically praising my fragrance the entire ride. When I got to the event, I walked up to my friends and I kid you not, immediately they were all in awe of my aroma, complimenting me, then a few minutes later a stacy(literally the most popular and one of the baddest girls at my school)walked by and was like “who smells so good?!” You can’t even make this up, I felt like a king. One of my close friends even gave me a super genuine compliment told when we were alone, he was like “Yo, you smell really good” I said thanks bro I know. Then he was like, “No bro, like you smell REALLY good, like that fragrance is fire.” So it’s clear to me that this was a success. The other time I used a similar mix at work as an experiment, I only had one middle aged lady stop me but it was very genuine. She asked if it was me that smelled so good and I said yes, then she basically demanded that I tell her what I was wearing. Keep in mind that I have been wearing fragrances for pretty much all my life and prior to blending all these things I had only ever received a compliment from my mom jfl. I only blended fragrances on these 2 occasions because I’m kind of a rotter at the moment and don’t want too much attention on me without being confident/ good looking and soft maxxed enough to handle it, so I’ll wait till after ascension.

IX. Conclusion
This concludes the mega guide, this is the path to aroma ascension, and everything you need to know. Links to helpful resources for your fragrance journey will be down below. Peace…
Fragrance reviews and Info:

Pheromone reviews:

Pheromone Information:

X. Sources

Tagging fragrance and pheromonecels @oldcelloser @000 @alriodai @hairyballscel @PingPong @Jshd @Lasko123 @MiroslavBulldosex @TsarTsar444 @to_stop_da_cope @Lev Peshkov @Htobrother @Chadeep @BigBiceps @PikachuCandy @LastHopeForNorman @Blackpill3d @MikeMew'sBitch @Scientist @TraumatisedOgre @OOGABOOGA @Amexmaxx @sytyl @goat2x @AscendingHero @WannabeJock @King_ @mewcoper @BigJimsWornOutTires @datboijj @Aliens95 @kjsbdfiusdf @.👽. @RODEBLUR @Julian @joeveniro @quakociaptockh @RandomGuy @Zenturio @Toodlydood @Deusmaximus @coolguy1 @here @Tyronecell @JM10 @grimy @EdwardCullen @ifyouwannabemylover @africancel @looksmaxxer234 @RealLooksmaxxer @Blackeycel @PYT @jackieboy21 @astatine @Kroker @cloUder @OldVirgin @Rush @LondonVillie @gamma @LachowskiWannabe @Blackmannnns

Best of the Best worthy?









Chad gets laid after not having showered in a year and only applying deoderant every other day
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Read the whole thread, its amazing how my adhd has been severely reduced by quitting porn, tiktok, eating healthier, waking up early, not masturbating (cooming through P in V instead), lifting weights and then doing 30 minute cardio :feelsgood:

Next step is completely quitting any drug and starting meditating :ogre:
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Reactions: Shkreliii, Deleted member 13787, |Daddy_Zygos| and 12 others
Read the whole thread, its amazing how my adhd has been severely reduced by quitting porn, tiktok, eating healthier, waking up early, not masturbating (cooming through P in V instead), lifting weights and then doing 30 minute cardio :feelsgood:

Next step is completely quitting any drug and starting meditating :ogre:
Damn you’re inspirational to me man, I gotta get like you
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Best of the Best worthy?








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@tyronelite @Gargantuan

fragrances are underrated

Just Do It Shia GIF by MOODMAN
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chlorophyll supplementation (basically an internal deodorant) will make you produce body odor that is pleasant enough to allow you to use less soap or no soap when you shower and scrub your pits.
I tried the chlorophyll supplementation for a while and didn't really notice if it worked or not. However, recently I started using a solid piece of copper as a deodorant and I haven't had to wear any deodorant/antiperspirant since.

Theory behind testing copper as a deodorant:
"Body Odor" is created from bacteria digesting the apocrine sweat produced in your arm pits. Copper kills bacteria on contact. Rub copper on armpits or other malodorous areas to remove the bacteria and allow your natural scent to come through without interruption or modification.

Thanks for the high quality post. Hope this information is helpful.
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I tried the chlorophyll supplementation for a while and didn't really notice if it worked or not. However, recently I started using a solid piece of copper as a deodorant and I haven't had to wear any deodorant/antiperspirant since.

Theory behind testing copper as a deodorant:
"Body Odor" is created from bacteria digesting the apocrine sweat produced in your arm pits. Copper kills bacteria on contact. Rub copper on armpits or other malodorous areas to remove the bacteria and allow your natural scent to come through without interruption or modification.

Thanks for the high quality post. Hope this information is helpful.
But doesn't alcohol also kill bacteria? Or does that copper stat for a long time on your armpits?
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Reactions: Shkreliii, Deleted member 13787 and Tiddlywink
But doesn't alcohol also kill bacteria? Or does that copper stat for a long time on your armpits?
I'm not 100% sure how it works. Alcohol might accomplish the same effect.
I have noticed that even if I forget to use the copper for up to a week there is still no unpleasant smell.
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I'm not 100% sure how it works. Alcohol might accomplish the same effect.
I have noticed that even if I forget to use the copper for up to a week there is still no unpleasant smell.
Alcohol evaporates fast but i guess the copper traces just remain on your armpits unline Alcohol which evaporates in less then a minute, so that is why. Where can i buy this copper thing?
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Alcohol evaporates fast but i guess the copper traces just remain on your armpits unline Alcohol which evaporates in less then a minute, so that is why. Where can i buy this copper thing?
The one I got is called CopperTouch. Costs $30 I think.
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I tried the chlorophyll supplementation for a while and didn't really notice if it worked or not. However, recently I started using a solid piece of copper as a deodorant and I haven't had to wear any deodorant/antiperspirant since.

Theory behind testing copper as a deodorant:
"Body Odor" is created from bacteria digesting the apocrine sweat produced in your arm pits. Copper kills bacteria on contact. Rub copper on armpits or other malodorous areas to remove the bacteria and allow your natural scent to come through without interruption or modification.

Thanks for the high quality post. Hope this information is helpful.
Thank you for this, I’ll try this myself

This is also the principle of using AOB except it doesn’t eliminate all bacteria, just the odor causing ones. I need to find out if removing all the bacteria on these areas isn’t disruptive to the skin barrier
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Good thread and fragrances/smelling good is definitely underrated on this forum.

But in the end we still have to acknowledge that a nice fragrance won’t make an ugly guy attractive. Whereas it will halo a good looking guy even more.
It’s just a small bonus and only really helpful if you are atleast average looking.
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Thank you for this, I’ll try this myself

This is also the principle of using AOB except it doesn’t eliminate all bacteria, just the odor causing ones. I need to find out if removing all the bacteria on these areas isn’t disruptive to the skin barrier
I'd love to know what you find out.
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I cannot read sorry
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no need to write a guide for this. just try a few different aftershaves at the aftershave store. buy it. wear it.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Shkreliii, FrameMogger and Deleted member 6423
Good thread and fragrances/smelling good is definitely underrated on this forum.

But in the end we still have to acknowledge that a nice fragrance won’t make an ugly guy attractive. Whereas it will halo a good looking guy even more.
It’s just a small bonus and only really helpful if you are atleast average looking.
Yes, I would agree that fragrancemaxxing won’t improve your looks or psl, but what it will do is improve your “smell psl” if you will, my thread elaborates on my opinion. And by nature most people are within the average range and therefore can reap the benefits.
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good thread, already own most of the fragrances
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Alcohol evaporates fast but i guess the copper traces just remain on your armpits unline Alcohol which evaporates in less then a minute, so that is why. Where can i buy this copper thing?
Alcohol Will prolly make your skin dry asf and iritate it to some extent
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just tell me what to buy. I tried Prada Luna Rossa Carbon and Saint Laurent and all smelled like shit lmao
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Natural smell is ideal if you are healthy and have good hormone levels
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DHT to the scrotum for women to want to be skullfucked and for the men for feel at unease
  • JFL
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