Ultimate Post on the life of Manlets and why the situation should End



Did you just call me a little bitch?
Oct 29, 2022
Another copy/paste from the Limb Lengthening Forum that was banned/deleted. Lots of this was geared towards a Leg Lengthening Forum but I think it is worth posting here. Let me know what you guys think.

have been to bars and clubs quite often, also at on college campus parties. I had no trouble finding women and was known as the guy who slept around the most. Here's the thing though. Most of the girls I slept with were actually very hard to get in my opinion, and the only reason I slept around was because I didn't find any quality ones to stay with me. I always considered myself to have a very good personality, very funny, and had a lot of "game" (good vibes, etc) to bring them home, which in many cases still didn't work out even after bringing them home. IMO your "vibe" as a short man is everything. As soon as that "vibe" is off it's like you jog their memory to the real problem. You will always end up feeling manipulative, because you are constantly changing scene, changing this and that to keep her entertained to avoid the truth of your height. It's NOT in your head. It's in your head as in when the memory gets jogged and when the knowledge of your height becomes known to both of you intuitively when things are slow, is when she'll break it off or you will knowing its over anyways. Do yourself and the world a favor by getting LL surgery because being manipulative sucks and screws everyone over, and LOTS of short guys with both women and work making short men very hard to be around.

Lots of men assume that they will reduce competition by keeping men short. In reality you don't really have a choice over their decisions but even if you did, what you really would be doing is allowing short men to exist which in itself is a problem for everyone. Often tall men will not understand the struggles of short men but you will often have to work with a short man, this in turn will cause problem because they still exist and WILL cause problems for you. Now take that short man and give him some height. Literally a bit of extra calcium and basic elements to add to the bone and the problem is solved. It's a win win scenario. You are happier because he is happier. It's like if you were to take all ugly chicks and get them going to the gym and able to change their face. Ugly women add nothing to society and neither do short men, if you were to take all of the uglies and allow them to make themselves hotter somehow it would benefit the whole of society, you aren't taking from one person and giving to another, you're taking from the dust on the ground, of which there is more than enough for humans on earth.

More useful info. Many short men that comment on getting tons of girls are actually talking about their youth prior to university where personality and looks was more important than height or are just lying/coping in general. Short men are the biggest copers and liars of all time next to East Indians, with East Indians weighing heavier on the dishonourable lying side than the coping side, but both are still detestable. Confidence and height weigh heavier than looks and personality after high school. Confidence weighs over personality, and height weighs over looks. I see confidence without personality being the result of height taking priority over other things. Confidence with personality would be like Vera from Mr. Robot for reference or Homelander (The boys), or Ragnar from Vikings. Height without personality would be like Chris Evans, and lots of other "basic" men who are just there for looks/height. Doesn't mean personality and looks aren't important but are lessened in their degree. My highschool girlfriend was hot even with me being super insecure in general and I had tons of girls low key like me who could have been (a couple would have if they had the money) been supermodels. I was more shy than anything, it didn't have anything to do with height at the time we broke up (Which was in first year university). University I had a couple dates where the girls were very attractive, and probably could have kept them if I wasn't so stressed out and anxiety ridden from low sleep, and low social activity from university (had a very technical degree, not something like business). I see this every once in awhile where short guys have very good looking, good women, that are supportive, feminine, etc, but the guys have a bit of a chip on their shoulder and have a strong "center" that is difficult to penetrate due to the fact that they've learned to do this. If the girl eventually leaves it is hard to swallow for the guy because there is no improvement that can be made on his part.

Confidence will always trump everything else after high school, for a time, but it is height and other things maintain the confidence, and confidence without the others will end up weighing higher on the manipulative side. When my confidence is really high I get the same looks as a 6'2 guy, but like I said before this is difficult and can become almost manipulative to maintain. I spend most of my time inside away from women now (burned out from clubs, friends aren't in the area anymore, not getting good results, etc), and have had very attractive women even in higher 20's give strong messages to come and talk to them (in situations outside of clubs), even one who said she likes 6' guys prior to trying to get my attention (i'm still pretty shy/low confidence so I can't follow through on these situations, which 100% likely came from being short in the first place), but the more charisma you have being short the harder the blow when you get turned down for a 6' Chris Evans (I don't really know Chris Evans but he seems like a plug from the couple of quick interview portions I have seen).

Where height really comes in is in high competition situations, where society is heading right now. Never, ever, regardless of confidence, will you be able to go on something like the Bachelorette, or compete in high class bars, go to high class work suppers (I'm talking Google, Apple, etc, not commonplace work suppers), without being at least 5'10.5. If you even do manage to sway these situations in your favor you will become an idol or icon for all other short men and people in general, and held to an even higher status to lead with and will be seen less human and more godly, where people will "use" you for your amazing vibes, thinking a god must not have human qualities so it's okay that your desires aren't taken into account. This is why I said short men are manipulative and have to change scenes often to avoid these situations.

I have seen the charts where men say, "if you are on inch shorter on this graph you will have half the opportunities with women, so sad, poor men!" No you will have 1/10 the opportunities each inch you go down, and the fact that women have to settle eventually gives you the "half" number that they came up with. It's way worse than they initially tried to make it sound. The chart makes it sound like if you were to go on a Bachelorette where there was equal men and women you have a 50% lower chance of getting the hottest woman on the show than the guy an inch taller taller than you. No you will never get the hottest one. Put yourself on the same type of show 50 times and you will never get the hottest one, but you will still end up with one as that's the way things have to go. Add to the fact that the one you ended up with you already saw trying to bang the other men and probably disrespected you to your face 50 times before she ended up with you and you are left with a relationship that was broken from the start, and she may still cheat on you still. The communication in the relationship will be horrible with your thoughts not taken into account because she if she took them into account she will have to admit that you were her last choice, and she will grow to ignore your feelings to avoid having to talk about the truth. So, just get leg lengthening. Unless you are a person who say's "LOL $100,000! That could have paid for a lot of therapy!" then you deserve a better life, especially at 5'6 where your situation is much worse than mine. If you are a person that says that then you're too stupid to even begin to rationalize with, and everything you get is more than you deserve so be happy with what you have.

I am 5'8.7. This height is not called short on the internet but it is short in real life, just look around you. End of high school I was 5'6, but had a growth spurt in university. A lot of this information is for guys below my height realistically, but I still have dealt with these aspects to a smaller scale than many of you, which is still enough to want the surgery.

I have heard the women complaints of "Oh men have to do nothing and we have to do everything for our looks! We take care of so much stuff and they take care of nothing and we will have to cater to them." I never understood this and always thought females we're just useless complainers, but I realized recently they are actually right. I just didn't understand because I was a short man and realized that they simp even for average height guys, and it's the average to above that really have to put in no effort at all. You just wake up, shower, and go to work. You can have a buzzcut they don't care. Short men also can do the same thing and doing your hair etc will be seen as a cope anyways but the point is that you will have to work very hard to pass on your genetics, where your son will have to do the same thing, on and on, until finally one manlet gives up and gets leg lengthening or assisted suicide. Also I think when you break your bones your genetics will assume the new body forced onto it. Meaning I believe genetics will change so it doesn't get passed on further. Otherwise what is "work" and why don't we look like apes anymore, whatever you do for survival nature will take and use whatever has been working.

More points for getting Leg Lengthening:

- Height is measurable and obvious, if a girl has struck out on love and is just looking to avoid conflict instead of pursue true love anymore she will pick a 6' guy, as life has become more of a "checkbox" at this point in her life and your good personality is not measureable so what checkbox can she simply "check-off". You say you don't want this girl because she's not worth your time? Maybe she had bad times like you do and is settling now and could've been a good partner. Regardless however you struck out from height, and her personality is not utilized and neither is yours. Lose-Lose situation for both of you.

- When in a situation with lazy or "base" or normie people, height will always be the obvious factor because it's measureable like I mentioned and takes no effort to notice. So if you are around low quality people and short it's actually 10x worse for you than being around high quality people. Now take the fact that most "high quality" people in society are considered tall. You are now in a bad cycle. You may, as a short man, decide to change your friend group to be around "lower quality" people as you don't fit in the with the "higher quality" types, but this actually 10 folded your initial problem.

-If you have a good personality and are around high competition where they are taller and not interesting, when they see your personality is superior they can all unconsciously change the topic to something more "base" so that all of you have equal weight because there is nothing to allow your personality to show in the first place. This will allow height to become a more prominent factor and the "winner" is a lame tall guy, who will then get the girl, respect, money, whatever, thereby increasing their confidence further, to the point where they may even develop a personality because they have so many options and situations to learn from. More options = more confidence. Like I said before confidence as you get older is more important than personality, which is why this tactic works SOO well for the tall guy. Note this is unconcious or subconcious behaviour so it's no use trying to call it out. The more success they gain doing this the more unconcious it becomes and you won't have the momentum from your own personal wins to stop this. Just get leg lengthening and they won't be able to do it.

- Take a look at severely stressed out and suicidal men. Are they usually tall? Or are they usually short? I have noticed a much larger trend on towards short. Even if they aren't suicidal they are usually very very hardworking for little pay and respect. Actors especially you can see this trend. Look at Mac Miller when Ariane Grande went for Pete Davidson, or Kanye in the same situation. Pete Davidson is probably cool in reality but both guys happened to be short. Both of these guys influenced a lot of people with their music and for what? Mac is gone, and Kanye is crying 24/7.

- Being short is the one "handicap" where life does not give you any pity. All other handicaps do, whether it be weight, depression, etc. Note also if you have weight or depression, and handicapped, if you combine that with being short, the short will trump the others leaving you pitiless. You may say "I don't want others pitying me!" Well when you have the host of problems aforementioned you may wish that you didn't have to work as hard and be given some slack. The only way you will get pity is if you legally are entitled to it, such as an car accident, even then they may still resent having to give you money.

- Going through tough times makes you stronger, but only to a certain degree, after too much you will start to break down mentally as your strength did not yield results. IMO working to pay for your surgery and going through the pain of surgery, combined with previous pains in your life being short, means you deserve this break, take it for yourself, it's a gift from man to man to have this surgery available, don't be ungrateful or fall victim to the Stockholm syndrome of being short, which people engage by saying it's all in your head, love who you are, spend $100,000 on therapy so they can tell you that you should stay the same and changing means you are ungrateful, until you finally break, leading to further health problems. There was an experiment put on by the government (Simpletons leave now if you even made it this far) where they fed a person LSD in his water to see if they could eventually control him into doing whatever they say. As he started getting paranoid from the drugs he began asking them questions why he felt this way and they kept telling him there is nothing wrong with you it's all in your head. They continued feeding him the drug in his water until he felt hopeless and completely insane, and jumped out a window because he thought he was going insane. The solution to this problem was to remove the LSD from his drink, but the answer was not given to the patient for the fear of losing control of him, and because they really didn't care as they were focused on the experiment. This was the MK ultra experiment. A similar experiment could be done if the subject had been decreased and increased in height +/- 4 inches and forced to be confident in society. For the project to be successful in breaking the patient you would have to convince the short man through therapy sessions that the problem was all in his head. If he began to believe that height was the issue he would be less controllable and the experiment would be a failure. Of course the results wouldn't be as drastic but the point is that the solution is not more focus on your mind as this will compound the problem because it's not the true issue at hand. You also will not be given truthful information from others appearing to help in your LL journey. Even your own family may not support this regardless of the information you give them on the safety of the procedure because nobody likes a lack of control, even loved ones.

- In my experience as working in a high intelligence field of work. It's the extra 10% of benefits and hard work that result in successes. If you want to take away the 10% help you get go ahead, but you will become burned out and say to yourself "I could have done more". No you could not have. Like I said I worked with the top intelligences in university and we were all slightly smarter than the rest initially, where we had further successes in tests, eventually compounding to larger things allowing us to be more intelligent. If you do manage to avoid burnout in your quest to make it as a short man, go ahead, but I will take no pity on you because your bad vibe is going to effect everyone and unless you are really funny, or are a brilliant scientists who found the solution to some worldwide problem, the chances are your work is not actually useful and can be done without, contrary to what the manlets often believe.
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Just get fucking LL then.

Having a shit face costs FAR more to fix and with no guarantee you’ll even come out looking harmonious.

I’d rather be a 5’9 Chad than a 6’2 LTN as I am because it would make surgery planning so much simpler.
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Reactions: Skywalker, Mewton, PURE ARYAN GENETICS and 1 other person
Just get fucking LL then.

Having a shit face costs FAR more to fix and with no guarantee you’ll even come out looking harmonious.

I’d rather be a 5’9 Chad than a 6’2 LTN as I am because it would make surgery planning so much simpler.
Yeah makes sense, but being 5’9 Chad you have to change with LL still. Being 6’2 I think if you hit gym, change your style a bit, leanmax and facemax even just a bit you should be okay. Also you’re in the same age range as me, M28, so hit me up if you have face surgery questions or want opinions because we should be getting our looksmaxing done asap. I’m pretty good with proportions and photoshop so if have questions or want certain mockups done I could probably help out.
Yeah makes sense, but being 5’9 Chad you have to change with LL still. Being 6’2 I think if you hit gym, change your style a bit, leanmax and facemax even just a bit you should be okay. Also you’re in the same age range as me, M28, so hit me up if you have face surgery questions or want opinions because we should be getting our looksmaxing done asap. I’m pretty good with proportions and photoshop so if have questions or want certain mockups done I could probably help out.

I’m pretty sure my steps are:

1. Fillers
2. NHS wisdom teeth extraction (waiting…)
3. Orthodontics
4. Fillers dissolved after 12-18 months
5. Bimax, possibly genio
6. Infraorbital and jaw angle implants

I am softmaxxed in every way at this point, so there is nothing left but surgery and to keep fighting my shit genetics in the gym.

But yea, LL would overall likely be cheaper and quicker than all this.
  • +1
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I’m pretty sure my steps are:

1. Fillers
2. NHS wisdom teeth extraction (waiting…)
3. Orthodontics
4. Fillers dissolved after 12-18 months
5. Bimax, possibly genio
6. Infraorbital and jaw angle implants

I am softmaxxed in every way at this point, so there is nothing left but surgery and to keep fighting my shit genetics in the gym.

But yea, LL would overall likely be cheaper and quicker than all this.
1 & 4 Too much maintenance IMO to get fillers done and can lead to a fem face, but I haven’t researched too heavily
2. Not sure how this will help with aesthetics
3. Necessary and super easy looksmax if teeth aren’t 100% aesthetic
5 & 6 Yeah make sure you get a good surgeon, just make sure that you have good mockups and find a surgeon that has created a similar jaw.

I’m talking with a couple LL surgeons, it‘s pretty expensive still imo.
Fixing bad height is a lot easier then fixing bad face
  • +1
Reactions: SntDomistheRealChad
1 & 4 Too much maintenance IMO to get fillers done and can lead to a fem face, but I haven’t researched too heavily
2. Not sure how this will help with aesthetics
3. Necessary and super easy looksmax if teeth aren’t 100% aesthetic
5 & 6 Yeah make sure you get a good surgeon, just make sure that you have good mockups and find a surgeon that has created a similar jaw.

I’m talking with a couple LL surgeons, it‘s pretty expensive still imo.

2 is necessary to clear the space for the BSSO cut later on. In theory it can be done at the same time as the bimax but I expect it would make the recovery even worse.

1 and 4 are a temporary solution to look a bit better until the implants get installed, I’d never go with fillers as a long term solution due to the maintenance and migration issues.

I’ve seen good results with fillers on the jaw and chin for males but the quantities used are absurd. Cheekbones are the one that typically ends up looking feminine.
Just get fucking LL then.

Having a shit face costs FAR more to fix and with no guarantee you’ll even come out looking harmonious.

I’d rather be a 5’9 Chad than a 6’2 LTN as I am because it would make surgery planning so much simpler.
6'2 LTN + beard frauding + gym = law

Also "5'9 men" arent even at a big disadvantage

People who claim 5"9 is why they're incel are 5"6 frauding

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