Combination of very strict parents and shitty social skills made me come out a retard

I missed out on A LOT of essential early socialization from middleschool, to now (16yo).

Havent made a new friend or had a converation with a girl my age in 5 years.

How can i cope?

Parents are still very strict and overprotective if i want to do something with a friend they would probably have to know almost every detail.

I’ve overheard their converations with other guests with the same mindset and they know they are extremely overprotective, from what i understand have been keeping me in a cage and plan to do so until marriage because they don’t want me to “get corrupted by the west”.

I’m definitely not getting married until mid 30s because of looks and HORRIBLE social skills. Also i most likely will rope at 19-20 if i have the balls and if my life doesnt get better.

So i’m screwed what can i do? What should i do?
Kill them
You ethnics (Im ethnic too so this cannot offend u in any way even if it does fuck u) will come to the west, refuse to adapt to the culture, then call ur country the best. Like if ur country and its culture is so good then fucking go the fuck back nigger.

Anyways enough for the rant, advise for u would be, hmmmmmmm. If ur parents are too srs abt studies like most ethnic parents then u can join some afterschool classes and socialise there, pref with girls. If not and they are just torturing, then Id say slowly try to gain freedom by like say increasing ur time spent coming home from school by 2-3 minutes every week, then using that time to socialize once u have a lot of time on ur hands
be nice to them they will start going less harder on you
Combination of very strict parents and shitty social skills made me come out a retard

I missed out on A LOT of essential early socialization from middleschool, to now (16yo).

Havent made a new friend or had a converation with a girl my age in 5 years.

How can i cope?

Parents are still very strict and overprotective if i want to do something with a friend they would probably have to know almost every detail.

I’ve overheard their converations with other guests with the same mindset and they know they are extremely overprotective, from what i understand have been keeping me in a cage and plan to do so until marriage because they don’t want me to “get corrupted by the west”.

I’m definitely not getting married until mid 30s because of looks and HORRIBLE social skills. Also i most likely will rope at 19-20 if i have the balls and if my life doesnt get better.

So i’m screwed what can i do? What should i do?
Based parents tbh but tell them you understand the west is crooked so they let you out
what are they strict about specifically?
I have very strict parents too so ik what ur going thru

Also tell them to fuck off and ur getting a job
getting a job is non negotiable atp, if you dont u will be stuck with them forever
See if you can SAT/ACT maxx and get a scholarship to university
You need to start not listening and acting suicidal if they confront you say you feel suicidal becuase they wont let you have friends just manipulite them into feeling bad for you and if they still tell you no just go outside even when they say you cant and meet your friends in town or at their house.

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