Would you rather live the life of an athlete, or a male model

Recieving validation from looks alone is peak experience a person can experience.
Being high end model, actor or musician who is known as a "ladies person" females lust over is better than being athlete for me at least.
But actors & musicians are not models + get more attention than them. Most high end models don’t hit the level of like even B - C list actors. But athletes can be lusted for looks
I would rather be Brad Pitt than some football player. This is my personal preference, I don't insult people if they think otherwise.
Well tbf that’s Brad Pitt. If the question was picking attractive actor vs athlete ID probably lean more to attractive actor then. But yea Idk validation on looks instead of skill and dominance is something I would not prefer.
Idc both are 10/10 smv
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athlete mogs
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Athlete because much bigger status halo.
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probs athlete. a lot of athletes are near model tier anyway. there is like a connection with athleticism and attractiveness. you will get loads of women anyway just do to status and money alone. it's a lot of work so i would just want to be a kicker for a football team. i wouldn't want to be tackled all the time by dudes who are not only genetically gifted but have been training their whole lives to hit you as hard as they can.

i don't really like sports but baseball would probably be the laziest sport you can play.
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Athlete for sure. I will become the ultimate fighter
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But yea Idk validation on looks instead of skill and dominance is something I would not prefer.
Validation on looks is the peak experience someone can experience.
I hang around a lot with Chads and also know one big male model and their lives are unimaginable to us, they are also better than those of sportsmen I know.
You don't have to be literally Brad Pitt, but let's say the most attractive guy in your town or generation, woman worship you, you get hit on in the clubs, you get catcalled by woman, you are a wet dream of every prime pussy in your surroundings, and that is only because of your looks, just because of your existance.
These guys experience better lives than chads in hollywood movies.
Life of an athlete - wake up go to practise, play in games; get paid a shit ton of money, party, fuck girls left right and centre doesn’t matter how you look

Life of a male model - wake up, rub 500 jew creams on face, spoon under ur eyes, go to ur modelling gig/casting, 500 other people who look like you or better are also there, run on the runway for 5 seconds, get some cool pics, extremely malnourished and starve yourself. Job is based on how you look (highest levels atleast)

Please answer seriously as I’m doing this as a part of my university assignment. On marketability psychology
I would kill to be either

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