You Are A Bigger Subhuman Than You Think(hydrogen bomb blackpill)

You're wrong man, I know full well I'm ugly.
I guess the only case where it would be accurate is if you're diagnosed with clinical depression, people with depression have been found to be more accurate when describing themselves.
As a general rule of thumb, if you're here and you think you're above a 4.5 you've got another thing coming.

I think im. Clincally depressed i dont know
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I think im. Clincally depressed i dont know
1) Don’t sleep at night; wake up during the night with bad thoughts OR oversleep
2) Everything is seen badly; even good news
3) Lost of interest in everything; and nothing could make you happy ( note that even the thought of be a Chad won’t make you happy )
4) Suicidal Thoughts ( death is seen as a way out and usually associated with tranquility and so craven for this )
5) You feel your limbs heavy
6) You start to speak slow or babbling
7) Difficultly to start the day or complete your daily task including going to work or school. Especially if you are not doing them.

if u have these symptoms like i had then u most likely have clinical depression
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OP is right

It happens for many reasons: Others are too polite to say what they really think, incompetent people lack the skills to assess their abilities accurately, and such self-delusions can actually protect people's mental health, Dunning told LiveScience.

In studies, most people overestimate their IQ. For instance, in a classic 1977 study, 94 percent of professors rated themselves above average relative to their peers. In another study, 32 percent of the employees of a software company said they performed better than 19 out of 20 of their colleagues. And Dunning has found that people overestimate how charitable they'll be in future donation drives, but accurately guess their peers' donations.
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There are also fags who underestimate so they get hugbox effect. "Hurr, I'm such an ugly mongrel 2/10", hoping people will say "no, in reality you are high tier normie 7/10", but in reality they are 3.5/10 and know it. Pathetic really. Nothing more pathetic than overraters or underraters, they should all slit their fucking wrists. Rational objective unbiased reality is where it's at.
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OP is right

Thanks bro
Holy shit brutal blackpill. It's fucking over. I used to think I'm 2/10 now i think I'm -3/10

It's over for negativecels. I didn't asked to be born.
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  • So Sad
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@goat2x what do you think about truthmirrors? I think they are accurate because since its like seeing q complete new person one does not have the same biase to themselves. Like all non chads that do truthmirror test Will think they are subhuman But chads Will prob not notice a difference
Lmaoo , some guys are actually good looking on this site though, and I don't think anybody really over rates their looks on this site.

Consider my self a 4.5 psl tbh, long mid face, large forehead and not the most masculine jawline. However I think my eye area is pretty damn good except for colouring. Plus I've read studies that show that masculine jawlines aren't the best thing so I guess it's okay for me to have a feminine jawline to balance out my masculine features.

I do get attention from girls but they're not likely to be ones I'm interested in. I have had a couple girls interested in me but I didn't know how to proceed with approaching them
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keep coping mirror is how you look, think you look shit in photos because you're not used to seeing yourself not mirrored
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Absolutely brutal. Now I have no copes left.
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this website is shit for rating atleast the /rate section.
ton of jealous subhumans or edgy kids.
legit everyone copes when subhumans post their face saying they look good
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