Estimate my body fat [PICS INCLUDED]



Mentally disabled
Nov 21, 2018
186cm, 64kg. Completely relaxed and breathing normally, no flexing whatsoever, shoulders relaxed too and not pushed backwards. Yellow lighting from above.

IMG 3553 IMG 3554 IMG 3556

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I'd say around 15-16%
You should focus more on building muscle rather than losing fat atm tbh.
I'd say around 15-16%
You should focus more on building muscle rather than losing fat atm tbh.
You are right but I'd rather get down to 11-12% first, it shouldn't take more than 1 month anyways

bulk and put on 20lbs
Why though? It's not even summer yet.
facial leanness but tbh everyone is saying that I should bulk first so idk I might change my mind
holy FUCK what a frame GOD
mogs my ethnic ass to oblivion
you have better posture than me regardless much weaker muscles.

but that looks like 20% BF
you have better posture than me regardless much weaker muscles.

but that looks like 20% BF

ok fuck all the guys that tell me to bulk tbh tbh gonna stick to my plan and cut for 1 month before lean bulking
ok fuck all the guys that tell me to bulk tbh tbh gonna stick to my plan and cut for 1 month before lean bulking
It's not 20% bodyfat. It's 14%. I'm 14% too, but I have a bit more mass.
You won't gain a significant amount of bodyfat if you lean bulk. Consider this, if you manage to gain 75% muscle 25% fat (which is doable with good sleep, workout and diet) your bodyfat percentage won't increase significantly.
JFL at the people who cut when they're below 22 BMI. Literally no reason to do that with your physique. What is there to cut, muscle? I guarantee that with gaining 20 pounds of lean mass and say 4-5 pounds of fat your SMV gains would be infinitely higher than cutting down to 10% bodyfat.

Dirty bulk is a meme, going higher than 600 surplus is a meme. Don't fall for them. Lean bulk for life.

Just saw in another thread that you're 64kg at 186cm. That's 18.5 bmi. If you consider cutting at that BMI, visit a doctor and ask for perscription for hormone blockers, because you probably have anorexia, and that means you're a woman.
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if it was 14% his abs would be visible
what a framecel..
that's over 16%
It's not 20% bodyfat. It's 14%. I'm 14% too, but I have a bit more mass.
You won't gain a significant amount of bodyfat if you lean bulk. Consider this, if you manage to gain 75% muscle 25% fat (which is doable with good sleep, workout and diet) your bodyfat percentage won't increase significantly.
JFL at the people who cut when they're below 22 BMI. Literally no reason to do that with your physique. What is there to cut, muscle? I guarantee that with gaining 20 pounds of lean mass and say 4-5 pounds of fat your SMV gains would be infinitely higher than cutting down to 10% bodyfat.

Dirty bulk is a meme, going higher than 600 surplus is a meme. Don't fall for them. Lean bulk for life.

Just saw in another thread that you're 64kg at 186cm. That's 18.5 bmi. If you consider cutting at that BMI, visit a doctor and ask for perscription for hormone blockers, because you probably have anorexia, and that means you're a woman.

How much weight should I gain before cutting? I don't wanna become a fatcel... 8kg and then I cut for a bit?
With 8kg I should reach 72kg mark and from there I can cut back to 69, put on another 7kg and cut to 73kg.
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They are visible. You have to imagine adding in some definition because his phobe wouldnt capture that.

Are you sure? This is as visible as they get when they are "contracted"

IMG 3562 IMG 3564
btw I'm so used to looking at myself in the mirror and not in photos that I thought I looked much less slander. By actually looking at my pics it would seem a bit ridiculous to cut tbh tbh
JFL at the people who cut when they're below 22 BMI. Literally no reason to do that with your physique. What is there to cut, muscle? I guarantee that with gaining 20 pounds of lean mass and say 4-5 pounds of fat your SMV gains would be infinitely higher than cutting down to 10% bodyfat.

I can guarantee it's quite the opposite.
jfl at weighting 60kg at 185cm and not having visible abs
We have a very similar body shape lol. I'm 62kg at 182cm and my proportions are pretty equal to yours. Our bf must be relatively low. I have eaten 1500kcal at max. in the past weeks or even months.
Put on muscle
I find that girls don't care about muscle. It's all about low body fat and facial leanness. It all depends on the type of woman you're going for though.
I'll say it a million times, the only cure to looking "skinnyfat" (although you just look "normalskinny") is to gain lean mass. If you eat within 600 caloric surplus, you will not gain a significant amount of fat, but you will gain a significant amount of muscle assuming you work out 3 to 6 times a week (Full body for 3 or PPL for 6)
Don't be so damn scared of putting on fat either, or you're going to be a twig for life. Eat clean, count calories, make sure you're getting about 500-600 caloric surplus and sleep well. I guarantee the amount of fat you put on compared to muscle will be minimal.
What people don't get is that looking twiggy or skinnyfat is not just because of low weight or high fat. It's because of low musclemass coupled with low weight. You haven't even begun working out, and yet you're scared of eating too much?

Don't waste 2-3 years training while not really bothering to eat enough out of fear of becoming fat. Your lifts will begin stalling within 3 months and never even breach into "average strength" territory until you start actually eating. Don't waste time cutting now.

Oh and the reason why you don't have abs is because your core strength is shit, not because you aren't skinny enough. Try doing hanging leg raises and see how you perform, try doing a 5 minute strict form plank. If you can't perform well on these exercises, your core sucks, which is why your abs aren't showing. Squats help core as well because you need your core muscles to stabilize yourself.

I find that girls don't care about muscle. It's all about low body fat and facial leanness. It all depends on the type of woman you're going for though.
Girls don't care about muscle when you have a normal amount of musclemass. Same with fat, girls don't care if you've got a couple extra pounds of fat if you've got a solid build underneath. The SMV curve is steep at the edges. The more normal you look (normal being healthy strong male) the higher your SMV. Then you can afford to be a little bit more slender, or a little bit more bulky, as long as you look normal. But it's when you become too slender or too bulky your SMV starts plumetting at an insanely fast rate.

Case in point: Having low bodyfat with low musclemass makes you look like a twig/skinnyfat. Low bodyfat is worthless without at least some level of musclemass to support it.
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I'll say it a million times, the only cure to looking "skinnyfat" (although you just look "normalskinny") is to gain lean mass. If you eat within 600 caloric surplus, you will not gain a significant amount of fat, but you will gain a significant amount of muscle assuming you work out 3 to 6 times a week (Full body for 3 or PPL for 6)
Don't be so damn scared of putting on fat either, or you're going to be a twig for life. Eat clean, count calories, make sure you're getting about 500-600 caloric surplus and sleep well. I guarantee the amount of fat you put on compared to muscle will be minimal.
What people don't get is that looking twiggy or skinnyfat is not just because of low weight or high fat. It's because of low musclemass coupled with low weight. You haven't even begun working out, and yet you're scared of eating too much?

Don't waste 2-3 years training while not really bothering to eat enough out of fear of becoming fat. Your lifts will begin stalling within 3 months and never even breach into "average strength" territory until you start actually eating. Don't waste time cutting now.

Oh and the reason why you don't have abs is because your core strength is shit, not because you aren't skinny enough. Try doing hanging leg raises and see how you perform, try doing a 5 minute strict form plank. If you can't perform well on these exercises, your core sucks, which is why your abs aren't showing. Squats help core as well because you need your core muscles to stabilize yourself.

Girls don't care about muscle when you have a normal amount of musclemass. Same with fat, girls don't care if you've got a couple extra pounds of fat if you've got a solid build underneath. The SMV curve is steep at the edges. The more normal you look (normal being healthy strong male) the higher your SMV. Then you can afford to be a little bit more slender, or a little bit more bulky, as long as you look normal. But it's when you become too slender or too bulky your SMV starts plumetting at an insanely fast rate.

Case in point: Having low bodyfat with low musclemass makes you look like a twig/skinnyfat. Low bodyfat is worthless without at least some level of musclemass to support it.

what should my daily calories intake be if I'd train 5 times a week? Should I do cardio too twice a week?
pull ur pants up bro
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186cm, 64kg. Completely relaxed and breathing normally, no flexing whatsoever, shoulders relaxed too and not pushed backwards. Yellow lighting from above.

View attachment 5133View attachment 5134View attachment 5135
I would say around 12-13% body fat, as you look fairly lean yet have no abs, which means you're certainly above 10%. However, even though you are tall and thin, you have a good frame/shoulder width so you would look excellent if you packed on a lean 20 pounds of muscle mass, then dropped the body fat to 9 to 10% (don't go lower in body fat than 10% as it causes testosterone to drop significantly along with losses in muscle mass and strength so be careful there). Know what your waist measures at 10% body fat and then don't allow your waist to go lower than that measurement whenever you're leaning out. I know at 10% that my waist is 29.5 inches, so when on a cut I never diet down to lower than that measurement.
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what should my daily calories intake be if I'd train 5 times a week? Should I do cardio too twice a week?
You just gotta experiment.


This is just what one calculator says if you put in "I work out every now and then", but the problem is the calculator has no idea what kind of workout you do or how many calories you burn. I find the best way to find a decent amount is to just put in "light exercise" and add 500-600 calories to that. You're pretty skinny, moderately tall, so I'd say aim for 3000, NEVER below 2900, and it's kinda pointless to go above 3100.

If you weigh yourself the same time every week (like at the morning of every sunday or something), you should be gaining a little less than half a kilo a week. Sounds like a lot per week, but if you have a decent workout program you'll be gaining mostly muscle, especially in the beginning.
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Mfw when this could be me but I’m a lazy fuck :feelsree:

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