I can't believe how we are so obsessed with Looks theory and hate personality



?????? ????
Aug 13, 2018
Yes obviously looks matter. Obviously they determine your dating pool.

It's still funny how personality is destroyed whenever it comes up because it's 'blue-pilled'.

Personality increases our chances so much more UNLESS people here go doing surgery and other stuff.. simply going on a Natty T boosting diet won't do shit.
Most people don't do shit about their looks except training their muscles. The only muscles you need well-developed are Shoulders/Neck/Traps. You'll get the others from playing sports or some shit.

But being NT matters a lot more. Yesterday I was NT as fuck because I had some alcohol in my system and drank shitton of sugar (bye T welcome short-term energy jfl)
People liked being around me and I naturally was the leader of some 2 niggers and some alcohol influenced girls which were low-energy. I was high energy af. I made friends with some other nigger in an instant and got to know some girls just because of being NT.
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Yes obviously looks matter. Obviously they determine your dating pool.

It's still funny how personality is destroyed whenever it comes up because it's 'blue-pilled'.

Personality increases our chances so much more UNLESS people here go doing surgery and other stuff.. simply going on a Natty T boosting diet won't do shit.
Most people don't do shit about their looks except training their muscles. The only muscles you need well-developed are Shoulders/Neck/Traps. You'll get the others from playing sports or some shit.

But being NT matters a lot more. Yesterday I was NT as fuck because I had some alcohol in my system and drank shitton of sugar (bye T welcome short-term energy jfl)
People liked being around me and I naturally was the leader of some 2 niggers and some alcohol influenced girls which were low-energy. I was high energy af. I made friends with some other nigger in an instant and got to know some girls just because of being NT.
STOP WITH THE PERSONALITY BULLSHIT!!!! There is nothing wrong with my personality, girls find me funny, they like talking to me, they find me "entertaining". The only reason they don't spread their legs for me is because they don't like my FACE. My oneitis used to text me first and would talk to me for over an hour, she liked my personality. The only reason i didn't stick my cock in her is because my face was not up to par. Now stop making these retarded personality posts, most incels are incels cause of their looks, not their fucking PERSONALITY.
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Yes obviously looks matter. Obviously they determine your dating pool.

It's still funny how personality is destroyed whenever it comes up because it's 'blue-pilled'.

Personality increases our chances so much more UNLESS people here go doing surgery and other stuff.. simply going on a Natty T boosting diet won't do shit.
Most people don't do shit about their looks except training their muscles. The only muscles you need well-developed are Shoulders/Neck/Traps. You'll get the others from playing sports or some shit.

But being NT matters a lot more. Yesterday I was NT as fuck because I had some alcohol in my system and drank shitton of sugar (bye T welcome short-term energy jfl)
People liked being around me and I naturally was the leader of some 2 niggers and some alcohol influenced girls which were low-energy. I was high energy af. I made friends with some other nigger in an instant and got to know some girls just because of being NT.
no its cuz ur gl lmao.
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STOP WITH THE PERSONALITY BULLSHIT!!!! There is nothing wrong with my personality, girls find me funny, they like talking to me, they find me "entertaining". The only reason they don't spread their legs for me is because they don't like my FACE. My oneitis used to text me first and would talk to me for over an hour, she liked my personality. The only reason i didn't stick my cock in her is because my face was not up to par. Now stop making these retarded personality posts, most incels are incels cause of their looks, not their fucking PERSONALITY.

Most incels are low energy losers who can't talk normally to people because they never learned to do so. Most incels don't know how to act when in a group of 4-5 girls and some males.. They just don't. They become instant shut in losers
no its cuz ur gl lmao.
If I wasn't NT I couldn't get these chances. If I was just GL with no personality I wouldn't have experienced anything and would just sit at home posting on this forum.

Idk if I am gl or not but being NT increases your chances a lot more than just being GL.
I don't know how people battle these thoughts.
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Most incels are low energy losers who can't talk normally to people because they never learned to do so. Most incels don't know how to act when in a group of 4-5 girls and some males.. They just don't. They become instant shut in losers
Did you not read what i fucking said? I don't have those problems, i'm seen as a funny, charismatic guy, i'm high energy as fuckkkkkk, i'm high t as fuckkk, the reason i don't get laid is because acne has scarred my face and my nose is way too fucking big, most incels have no issue with their personalities, most of them are funny, low innhib, even charismatic, these characteristics will help attract female attention but if the females don't find you attractive, they will "friendzone" you and if you're really subhuman, they will ignore you next time. Now stop with the :bluepill: cuck shit.
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Did you not read what i fucking said? I don't have those problems, i'm seen as a funny, charismatic guy, i'm high energy as fuckkkkkk, i'm high t as fuckkk, the reason i don't get laid is because acne has scarred my face and my nose is way too fucking big, most incels have no issue with their personalities, most of them are funny, low innhib, even charismatic, these characteristics will help attract female attention but if the females don't find you attractive, they will "friendzone" you and if you're really subhuman, they will ignore you next time. Now stop with the :bluepill: cuck shit.

They won't do shit to me because I don't accept that behaviour.

most incels have no issue with their personalities, most of them are funny, low innhib, even charismatic

Go on incels.me pls. That's a top 1% incel you describe.
Pretty much 99% incels are shut in losers who do nothing but LDAR and stay at home and never go outside. Most have no friends.

You probably are below average in looks-level that's why you don't get laid but it's still possible. It's not :bluepill: cuck shit if it obviously works.
The black-pill has destroyed too many people mentally. I will retreat from it and focus on Red/Blue-pill. You can't get laid if you don't have any blue-pills.

Sergeant explained it here kinda. You need Red-pill and blue-pill to ascend if you're average.
If you are under-average you won't get laid consistently so it's kinda over.

Save up for surgery if you don't like your nose
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This has nothing to do with bluepill. Yes looks does matter especially for your SMV status, but without any game, vice-versa you won't have any succes with girls.
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This has nothing to do with bluepill. Yes looks does matter especially for your SMV status, but without any game, vice-versa you won't have any succes with girls.

Unless you are legit PSL8-9 and have no competition you can have succes with girls despite having no 'game'. I hate the word game since it reminds me of PUA coaches.

If you are between 60 percentile - 95 percentile you need to have personality. Under 60 percentile and you'll need lots of status/money. Above 95 percentile and you've won the genetic lottery
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Unless you are legit PSL8-9 and have no competition you can have succes with girls despite having no 'game'.
You always face competition.
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You always face competition.

You can choose not to compete. If you are PSL 8-9 you'll always get success with girls.
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Perosnality is underrated. All these incels that shit on it are weak betas and they would be killed very fast if laws didnt exist
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