It is over


i had my best-looking girlfriend when I was ugly asf and a KHHV loser.

Now I only get mediocre bitches that I couldn't care less about. Even though I mog my old self and am experienced now.
you look like ray donovan if he went to art school
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i was truecel 3PSL subhuman till 18yo. I started growing into my look as I got older and lost weight.

View attachment 2853758
this was the last part of my ascension from truecel to human being.

I lost my KHHV status in 2019, was still truecel in 2018.

women are too flaky nowadays. we as men can only adjust, I feel like.

women have ruined dating. I need to be the best in fast pleasure or else its over for me.


personally I felt like she had an insane imaginary image of my life which came crumbling down over time.
We were long-distance and I was social-maxxed back then. Part of the top frats, everything etc. I was mega-smart, top scoring. Was extremely athletic too.

I was literally the perfect guy. Socially, athletic, academically, everything.
so she thought of me as this top-mogger with a super-bright future.

Then she was introduced to my mental illnesses and insecurities, my reality, this fantasy came crumbling down.
Now she wasn't dealing with an absolute mogger, but with a potential failure. And then she ditched me.

I can't cope with this. The moment I shared my insecurities and my difficulties in life, is the moment I got ditched.

idk man. Women are so fucking brutal and narcy, emotionless.

I wish there was world without women and I didnt have to care about this shit. I would just chill with my bros.
the last line was so good

ok so do you have an actual mental illness diagnosed from a doctor or do you just say you have one? cause there is a big difference ( i would say the latter is prob more dangerous)

and jfl at you when calling urself a 3psl truecel, i was a legit truecel during high school i discovered this forum late 2021 and it pushed me to get plastic surgery as soon as i finished hs, i was the ugliest looking in my class no one wanted to be friends with me. i would say i mog know, prob am top 3 best looking guys face wise in my whole uni BUTT ironically i developed more genuine relationships with girls when i was ugly, i dont like how people assume stuff about people from their looks

anyway you at least had a great time at uni and i would say you are doing well now, good looking and top marks academically? how could you not be doing well

for me prime life was middle school, didnt care about looks or girls back then, i was living life and was doing whatever i wanted without caring about what society thinks
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i had my best-looking girlfriend when I was ugly asf and a KHHV loser.

Now I only get mediocre bitches that I couldn't care less about. Even though I mog my old self and am experienced now.
Not throwing shade or anything, but I thought yall were siblings for a second.
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This girl knew I was a 23yo virgin, while she was sexually active since 14yo already (n-count 7 at 19yo when we dated). She said she had never dated a virgin before and basically only dated fuckboys/players, the most popular guy of the school, etc. that type of shit.

We talked a lot over whatsapp, voice-called, etc. and the vibes were insanely good. Lots of similar 'teasing humor'. But it took a couple of weeks before we had our first-date.
The first-date/meeting was awkward as hell. Not at all the extremely nice vibe I had with her online.

But she could look past this and invited me to her appartement on our first-date, because she wanted to have sex with me and 'show me what I've been missing out on.' Insane.

The sex was absolutely garbage and she fucking roasted the shit out of me. Telling me it was the worst sex she's ever had and it was fucking disgusting to her. I fired back and told her she was being inconsiderate as fuck since she knew I was a virgin before we fucked, etc. She was used to guys just taking her instantly without any doubt, and the fact I didn't act like those fuckboys had her taken aback.

We worked through those issues over the next couple of weeks and I got more confident at sex and how it all works. Eventually we had the best sex life she has ever had (her words). We would 4-5 times per day. She told me I am the first guy she ever orgasmed with. Etc. It became one of the strongest points of our relationship.

A few months into the relationship, when we were getting really close. I had met her family and they liked me, we were making holiday plans together, then she told me that she wanted me to fuck other women.

I think it's because she felt guilty of her degenerate past compared to my virginity. She saw a future in us and wanted me to have some experiences other than her, to become a more 'full human'. A man who hasn't felt like he missed out on something. Bring us both to a more even level. She was really confident in the fact that she wouldn't lose me if I fucked other women (our relationship was REALLY good at this point, sex was REALLY good, everything was amazing.).
In fact she believed that if I fucked other women, I would appreciate her more, because I would realize she is way better than most women.

Honestly, this type of personality is unimaginable. Imagine a girl being like this, it's insane. I was going on holidays with male friends and I was making out with girls in clubs etc. while at the same time having a girlfriend and talking with her daily. And she knew everything that was going on.

My mates told me: 'bro she only told you this because she's cheating on you herself. She's cheating on you and this is how she deals with it by having you cheat on her too.'

but I always knew they were insecure faggots coping with how amazing my relationship was with her. They simply don't know how good our relationship was, how good our sex-life was, everything.

My fault in this was that I never realized how rare this shit is. I loved her, but I thought I could find a girl like her since I was a KHHV before her and I believed that now that I have some experience, I could get similar experiences with girls like I did with her.

Nope. She was one of the few diamonds in piles of shit that is most women.

I fucked up because I didn't fight for her. I gave up too easily. We had some conflicts, fights, but we kept in touch for months in a state where we still loved each other but didn't know how to go forward due to some minor issues.

I could've fixed all those issues, but instead I gave up and let it die.
Wow what a story. How did you meet that girl? I'm not gonna lie bro I don't know how I would've handled her berating me for not being good at sex (even though it was literally your first time like wtf does she expect? no guy is good at sex first time) - You handled it with a mindset of you wanting to get better. I assume you probably also wanted to make her feel good to make you feel good too, right? Part of the idea of sex for me is that if I can make her feel good and say all this shit like "best ive ever had" "i came so much" etc etc it basically validates me. Almost better than the actual sex itself I think.

Why were the vibes off with that girl the first meeting? Were you shy or did she just turn out to be worse than you imagined she'd be? Maybe the "chemistry" was just off that day but tbh as I type that I feel like it kinda sounds like something a redditor would say.
We worked through those issues over the next couple of weeks and I got more confident at sex and how it all works. Eventually we had the best sex life she has ever had (her words). We would 4-5 times per day. She told me I am the first guy she ever orgasmed with. Etc. It became one of the strongest points of our relationship.
Mirin bro. So what changed after this? Because it sounds like in the beginning she was extremely rude to you, and then you say she was great after. It couldn't have been just the sex, no?
I think it's because she felt guilty of her degenerate past compared to my virginity. She saw a future in us and wanted me to have some experiences other than her, to become a more 'full human'. A man who hasn't felt like he missed out on something. Bring us both to a more even level. She was really confident in the fact that she wouldn't lose me if I fucked other women (our relationship was REALLY good at this point, sex was REALLY good, everything was amazing.).
In fact she believed that if I fucked other women, I would appreciate her more, because I would realize she is way better than most women.
That could be the case. But I'm gonna be honest I would think the same thing as your bros. I would think she's doing it because she was doing stuff on the side. Have you never had any suspicions of this? You say you knew your relationship was great so tbh I can't argue. You know better than I when it comes to your relationships. Maybe I'm just too jaded. How did your relationship end?

it's so sad because she probably made assumptions of you which werent true. Yet you didn't fight those assumptions, despite knowing that they weren't true.
Lack of self-esteem. You don't believe you deserve her and sort of sabotage your own relationship with her.

I felt extremely similar vibes with this girl I dated where I started self-sabotaging.

I regret it so much now.
Well I can't blame her bro. A small part of me thinks if I saw apps on her phone I would forgive her because she meant that much to me. She was just a better person than me overall, and I don't think I'd have been able to get over it. It would've made me jaded and bitter (this experience made her less trusting of me and obviously I can't blame her) - I was completely self sabotaging. She always looked amazing and yet I stopped caring as time went on. I got too comfortable and it cost me. You know how it goes then when it comes to self sabotage. It's all stemming from a mindset of "i dont deserve her" and you of course know that we do things to be self destructive. That's always been my problem too: self destructive behavior. Been that way all my life. I don't know if I should've told her I didn't cheat. I showed her the messages on my phone and she didn't see anything, but that doesn't make a difference because if the roles were reversed, I would've just thought "there's something im missing" "she's just hiding it well" and it would've ended the relationship anyway :(

awkward bro hug GIF
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the last line was so good

ok so do you have an actual mental illness diagnosed from a doctor or do you just say you have one? cause there is a big difference ( i would say the latter is prob more dangerous)
only clinical depression and likely have severe personality disorders from parental childhood abuse.
and jfl at you when calling urself a 3psl truecel, i was a legit truecel during high school i discovered this forum late 2021 and it pushed me to get plastic surgery as soon as i finished hs, i was the ugliest looking in my class no one wanted to be friends with me. i would say i mog know, prob am top 3 best looking guys face wise in my whole uni BUTT ironically i developed more genuine relationships with girls when i was ugly, i dont like how people assume stuff about people from their looks

anyway you at least had a great time at uni and i would say you are doing well now, good looking and top marks academically? how could you not be doing well
ive never had a great time and I am definitely not having a great time right now.

for me prime life was middle school, didnt care about looks or girls back then, i was living life and was doing whatever i wanted without caring about what society thinks
primary school for me tbh. was already being bullied etc. but I was very mentally resilient back then.
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Wow what a story. How did you meet that girl?
Tinder lmao. She had a video of her using that stair-walking machine in the gym and I made fun of her for walking stairs as a hobby.
I'm not gonna lie bro I don't know how I would've handled her berating me for not being good at sex (even though it was literally your first time like wtf does she expect? no guy is good at sex first time) - You handled it with a mindset of you wanting to get better. I assume you probably also wanted to make her feel good to make you feel good too, right? Part of the idea of sex for me is that if I can make her feel good and say all this shit like "best ive ever had" "i came so much" etc etc it basically validates me. Almost better than the actual sex itself I think.
It got really heated tbh and she ended up apologizing. I don't know if I would handle it anymore either now, I don't have as much patience with women anymore especially if they would do shit like this now.

And yeah I wanted to get better. Was watching videos about sex, fingering, etc. after that to get better lmao. Got a lot of practice.
Seeing here tremble etc. after orgasming was kinda insane cuz the male orgasm doesn't last long at all.

Why were the vibes off with that girl the first meeting? Were you shy or did she just turn out to be worse than you imagined she'd be? Maybe the "chemistry" was just off that day but tbh as I type that I feel like it kinda sounds like something a redditor would say.
it was just awkward at first, but at some point she just kept initiating physical contact and things went more naturally from then on. We didn't really talk/joke a lot that first date, mostly just cuddling/kissing.
Mirin bro. So what changed after this? Because it sounds like in the beginning she was extremely rude to you, and then you say she was great after. It couldn't have been just the sex, no?
Nah she was never rude. But she could be very confrontational and she would say whatever was on her mind without filter basically. Including roasting you, etc. Was a bit hard to deal with sometimes, especially since I come from a family where everything is bottled up and people avoid confrontation/honesty.
That could be the case. But I'm gonna be honest I would think the same thing as your bros. I would think she's doing it because she was doing stuff on the side. Have you never had any suspicions of this? You say you knew your relationship was great so tbh I can't argue. You know better than I when it comes to your relationships. Maybe I'm just too jaded. How did your relationship end?
Nah no suspicions back then. But I am also way more jaded now and I can imagine her being just another satanic whore who could've been cheating on me.

Idk it's over honestly. Women have ruined dating/sex/romance/family for me at this point. Too many bad experiences, too few good ones.
Well I can't blame her bro. A small part of me thinks if I saw apps on her phone I would forgive her because she meant that much to me. She was just a better person than me overall, and I don't think I'd have been able to get over it. It would've made me jaded and bitter (this experience made her less trusting of me and obviously I can't blame her) - I was completely self sabotaging. She always looked amazing and yet I stopped caring as time went on. I got too comfortable and it cost me. You know how it goes then when it comes to self sabotage. It's all stemming from a mindset of "i dont deserve her" and you of course know that we do things to be self destructive. That's always been my problem too: self destructive behavior. Been that way all my life. I don't know if I should've told her I didn't cheat. I showed her the messages on my phone and she didn't see anything, but that doesn't make a difference because if the roles were reversed, I would've just thought "there's something im missing" "she's just hiding it well" and it would've ended the relationship anyway :(

awkward bro hug GIF
The self-sabotage is too real. I also got complacent over time, not because I didn't care about her but because I thought it would never work out anyways. My stress-levels and the amount of energy it took to maintain the LTR with her was getting worse over time tbh.

We broke up because she made an issue of me voting for a 'far-right' political party. We argued for a couple of days about it and at that point I just gave up instead of finding a compromise or working things through.
I had strong feelings that I was never going to be good enough anyways and her making such an issue out of this political party vote was just her not liking me enough as a person.

Which was probably right. I doubt I am good enough for a relationship or ever will be.
Wouldn't have ended up 23yo KHHV and now 28yo truecel if I had any valuable qualities.

broken man broken world
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