Muslim Guy Sarfaraz brutally murders 16 year old Hindu girl (head smashed with stone) in Delhi, capital of India [GORE][VIDEO]

What can I do Bhai i don't have knowledge that time i surely give you
Oh you didn’t know that? Then you’re excused. I thought you knew and you still rejected. 🤣
Why did no one step in then? You don’t have more information than just him going rage mode and stabbing someone to death. We all know bharatis hate muzzies so why did nothing happen there and then?
Moron detected.

JFL I’m glad I’m not Vedic then because I can’t imagine life without eating meat.
Bruh Muslims kill kafir all the time everyday, it’s not exactly and unbelievable story.
Bruh Muslims kill kafir all the time everyday, it’s not exactly and unbelievable story.
You claimed that they don’t get lynched in Bharat even though it’s documented. That’s why I called you a moron.
have an ounce of shame for Bhagwan's sake. check this pic, she is putting Rakhi on his hand.

they are now brother and sister. this chad hindu guy saved his muslim sister from being the fourth wife of a 75 year old Maulavi.

We are not like them.
View attachment 2231610
You are one of the funniest nigga here 🤣🤣😭
You claimed that they don’t get lynched in Bharat even though it’s documented. That’s why I called you a moron.
You underestimate the apathy people have for each other, I’ve seen homeless people dying on the street and everyone walked past them
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You underestimate the apathy people have for each other, I’ve seen homeless people dying on the street and everyone walked past them
There’s articles from the New York Times that speak of Islamic people getting lynched. You can look them up yourself.
he is muslim, muslims dont consider themselves as indian.

he wanted to marry the 16 year old hindu girl, she refused, so he killed her and smashed her head with stone numerous times.
This is what happens when jb maxxer don't get their way .
  • +1
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This is what happens when jb maxxer don't get their way .
I am a JB maxxer and when I don’t get my way I don’t kill the bitch (I know I should but I cannot be bothered)
State of i(ncel)slam. They could never conquer the world despite wasting their entire life on a book that determined their fate to conquer all only to be cucked by neighboring nations and ideologies (including Israel jfl) that they resort their masculinity and prowess to beating kids in India in their own created dystopia.

St. Hamudi knew it.

Get some wine down.

All the previous middle eastern empires did civilization better.
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Muslims eat meat that's why they are stronger while bruhmins still lay on there veggies. JFL
Brahmins are the one community that made hindus cucks, made us hate ourselves by dividing us in castes, kept the knowledge to themselves, made us eat only veggies.
There’s articles from the New York Times that speak of Islamic people getting lynched. You can look them up yourself.
new york times is a propaganda wing. check out their twitter page, people are fact checking and posting community notes proving that they are peddling false info.

also few days back a CIA document was leaked that showed USA is promoting Islamist contents too much through FB, Youtube,Insta in South Asian countries . any single post that shows the brutality of muslims , gets instant suppression.

these cuck westerners could not stop their women from getting

PrinceLuenLeoncur ED , and they are interfering in other countries. Americans are truly evil.​

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arreh suar ki awlaad, if I start giving stats this whole sites server's gonna crash.

mofo you muslims are doing this all over the world.

sweden, germany , norway from zero rape country to police are now telling women not to go out after 6 pm.

7865+ reported (yes, the real number is close to 50000+) hindu/christian/buddhist/parsi/tribal women got killed by scum of this earth muslim men.

Abe chutiye OP india se kam biased news source nahi mila kya tujhe gandu 🤣🤣 aisa hi koi stat koi unbiased news source se bata fir maanu
have an ounce of shame for Bhagwan's sake. check this pic, she is putting Rakhi on his hand.

they are now brother and sister. this chad hindu guy saved his muslim sister from being the fourth wife of a 75 year old Maulavi.

We are not like them.
View attachment 2231610
What about the viral videos of sanghis telling hindu cucks to trap muslim women for only one purpose i.e having children with them?
Nigga you don't live here, you have no idea what you are talking about most Muslims here are dalit converts hence the dark skin, I live in Lucknow and I see subhuman darkskin Muslims everywhere and I know some Brahmins with lightskin Pakistani pheno, India is way too diverse, you can't tell someone's caste by just looking at him, users here were calling average Indo Brachid guy white passing when @forevermirin posted a YouTube video, you Westerners have no idea how people actually look in India
Lmao you fucking coping shitskin north hindu dindu, I don't have to live in India to know that your average north indian, is a fucking shitskin. Holy shit lmfao are you really trying to argue with me right now that your average north indian is lightskin if they are not dalits? Lmao you have to be retarded, or insane, or both, and you must think I'm like you to fall for this bullshit. Not even NORTHWEST INDIANS are lightskin on average lmfao, they are usually lightbrown, like me (i don't consider myself fair, my sister is literally way lighter than me, maybe the pic i showed might've been a little misleading due to some lighting issues even though i took it in a closed room).

Muh north indians are all lightskin if they aren't dalits" did you forget how I just said that I went to a mosque mostly made up of paki punjabis, and even they are a mixed bag, but usually they tend to be lightbrown just like me on average. Do you dumbasses even know what "lightskin" is, or are you guys all so use to being black as fuck, that when one of you are born with a shade lighter than night time you think "OH IM SO FAIRRR SARRR". Because I swear you guys are like that, lmao I'm so use to curries on the internet bragging about being " so fair saaaar!" but when I go to click on their pic they are usually just some brown shitskin or lightbrown at best lmao. You guys really think that you are fair just because you aren't as dark as some south indian dalit/ tribal lmao.

There is not a single, I repeat A SINGLE, ethnic group in curryland where the average person in that ethnic group is fair skinned, even northwest indians are usually lightbrown skin on average. Lightskin people can essentially be considered anomalies in each ethnic group in india actually.

So much coping from the ugly hindu dindus over here. I've seen your kind lmao here in the states plenty of times, whether you're north indian or south indian, you people range from shitskin brown to black as night. You people are on the short range spectrum of height, usually from 5'7 to 5'10 at most, and lastly but not least, you are also a bunch of delusional copers lmao

  • JFL
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Lmao you fucking coping shitskin north hindu dindu, I don't have to live in India to know that your average north indian, is a fucking shitskin. Holy shit lmfao are you really trying to argue with me right now that your average north indian is lightskin if they are not dalits? Lmao you have to be retarded, or insane, or both, and you must think I'm like you to fall for this bullshit. Not even NORTHWEST INDIANS are lightskin on average lmfao, they are usually lightbrown, like me (i don't consider myself fair, my sister is literally way lighter than me, maybe the pic i showed might've been a little misleading due to some lighting issues even though i took it in a closed room).

Muh north indians are all lightskin if they aren't dalits" did you forget how I just said that I went to a mosque mostly made up of paki punjabis, and even they are a mixed bag, but usually they tend to be lightbrown just like me on average. Do you dumbasses even know what "lightskin" is, or are you guys all so use to being black as fuck, that when one of you are born with a shade lighter than night time you think "OH IM SO FAIRRR SARRR". Because I swear you guys are like that, lmao I'm so use to curries on the internet bragging about being " so fair saaaar!" but when I go to click on their pic they are usually just some brown shitskin or lightbrown at best lmao. You guys really think that you are fair just because you aren't as dark as some south indian dalit/ tribal lmao.

There is not a single, I repeat A SINGLE, ethnic group in curryland where the average person in that ethnic group is fair skinned, even northwest indians are usually lightbrown skin on average. Lightskin people can essentially be considered anomalies in each ethnic group in india actually.

So much coping from the ugly hindu dindus over here. I've seen your kind lmao here in the states plenty of times, whether you're north indian or south indian, you people range from shitskin brown to black as night. You people are on the short range spectrum of height, usually from 5'7 to 5'10 at most, and lastly but not least, you are also a bunch of delusional copers lmao

Iam from India and let me tell you, dont waste your time on deluded curries like these, its over for their iq
@human304 abe gandu ki aulaad gobar khaaya tha kya nashte me jo op india jaise news outlet quote karrha hai :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

OpIndia is an Indian right-wing news website that frequently publishes misinformation.[3][4][20] Founded in December 2014,[10] the website has published fake news[29] and Islamophobic[33] commentary on multiple occasions, including a 2020 incident in which it falsely claimed that a Hindu boy was sacrificed in a Bihar mosque.[34

Islam will always lead to this you cannot have Muslims in a civilized society I'm going to make a thread about this later
No sweet Bashan?
There’s articles from the New York Times that speak of Islamic people getting lynched. You can look them up yourself.

Iam from India and let me tell you, dont waste your time on deluded curries like these, its over for their iq
It's literally crazy, I can post so many videos of street interviews FROM NORTH INDIA, and the average skin color you'll see, is either brown or dark brown, with a few sprinkles of lightbrown and lightskin people here and there, north indians are literally some of most coping copers I've ever had the displeasure of meeting in real life lmao, here's another:

Curries being curries.
Lmao you fucking coping shitskin north hindu dindu, I don't have to live in India to know that your average north indian, is a fucking shitskin. Holy shit lmfao are you really trying to argue with me right now that your average north indian is lightskin if they are not dalits? Lmao you have to be retarded, or insane, or both, and you must think I'm like you to fall for this bullshit. Not even NORTHWEST INDIANS are lightskin on average lmfao, they are usually lightbrown, like me (i don't consider myself fair, my sister is literally way lighter than me, maybe the pic i showed might've been a little misleading due to some lighting issues even though i took it in a closed room).

Muh north indians are all lightskin if they aren't dalits" did you forget how I just said that I went to a mosque mostly made up of paki punjabis, and even they are a mixed bag, but usually they tend to be lightbrown just like me on average. Do you dumbasses even know what "lightskin" is, or are you guys all so use to being black as fuck, that when one of you are born with a shade lighter than night time you think "OH IM SO FAIRRR SARRR". Because I swear you guys are like that, lmao I'm so use to curries on the internet bragging about being " so fair saaaar!" but when I go to click on their pic they are usually just some brown shitskin or lightbrown at best lmao. You guys really think that you are fair just because you aren't as dark as some south indian dalit/ tribal lmao.

There is not a single, I repeat A SINGLE, ethnic group in curryland where the average person in that ethnic group is fair skinned, even northwest indians are usually lightbrown skin on average. Lightskin people can essentially be considered anomalies in each ethnic group in india actually.

So much coping from the ugly hindu dindus over here. I've seen your kind lmao here in the states plenty of times, whether you're north indian or south indian, you people range from shitskin brown to black as night. You people are on the short range spectrum of height, usually from 5'7 to 5'10 at most, and lastly but not least, you are also a bunch of delusional copers lmao

I don't know what's your definition of lightskin but if you call yourself lightskin then there are many guys with your skintone, the main point is you have a hard time accepting that your average Muslim is darkskin in India as well, I recently went to a Muslim wedding and I only saw two guys above 5'10", I was height mogging them all at just 5'9", I didn't even say anything that ridiculous? I just said you can't tell someone's ethnicity by just looking at them, there are many darkskin midget subhuman Muslims where I live and some Iranid Muslims too but they're rare. Just because someone's darkskin it doesn't mean he's automatically a shitskin Hindu lmfao @RAMU KAKA
@human304 abe gandu ki aulaad gobar khaaya tha kya nashte me jo op india jaise news outlet quote karrha hai :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

OpIndia is an Indian right-wing news website that frequently publishes misinformation.[3][4][20] Founded in December 2014,[10] the website has published fake news[29] and Islamophobic[33] commentary on multiple occasions, including a 2020 incident in which it falsely claimed that a Hindu boy was sacrificed in a Bihar mosque.[34

gives Wikipedia as source.

arreh madarchod just search the articles on google , i gave opindia cause it has a consolidated list of incidents where hindu girls were killed by muslim men. most other reliable news publications dont have opindia like structured topics based on tags.

you dont have to take opindia as source. you just click on first article , take the victim and perpetrators name , search on google, you get hundreds of different news source.

then do for the second article . just the same.

shala duffar madarchod, zero intelligence.

haar shala behenchod. i never wanted to curse you , but you are such a dumbass, i had to .
gives Wikipedia as source.

arreh madarchod just search the articles on google , i gave opindia cause it has a consolidated list of incidents where hindu girls were killed by muslim men. most other reliable news publications dont have opindia like structured topics based on tags.

you dont have to take opindia as source. you just click on first article , take the victim and perpetrators name , search on google, you get hundreds of different news source.

then do for the second article . just the same.

shala duffar madarchod, zero intelligence.

haar shala behenchod. i never wanted to curse you , but you are such a dumbass, i had to .
What a fucking asshole you're you curry, maybe if you're to get out of your jhopdi you would realise that opindia is right wing news source and never reliable, agar op india jaisa koi itna bada index nahi banata iska matlab ye hai ki wo index Banna deserve hi nahi karta, nia themselves said love jihad doesnt exist you fucker
Shit religions wars going here. God damn
What a fucking asshole you're you curry, maybe if you're to get out of your jhopdi you would realise that opindia is right wing news source and never reliable, agar op india jaisa koi itna bada index nahi banata iska matlab ye hai ki wo index Banna deserve hi nahi karta, nia themselves said love jihad doesnt exist you fucker
you are so thick that you completely missed the point again.

shala madarchod, vaag, shala duffar.

you muslims are scum of this earth. Puts your women in black garbage bags and just attacks nonmuslim women.

Vologne, germnay one night 1200 women molested. Sweden, norway now insafe.

Uk grooming gang. Your men smashed this 16 year old girls head not just once, six times.

You are a barbaric virus to civilization.

jaa vaag. madarchod, haar shala, pure din kharap kar diya, itna duffar kaise paida hote, did someone drop you when you are a kid.

Still giving a baby proof formula:

1. Go to, opindia,
2. Search the term love jihad
3. First article : hindu girl Sakshi killed by muslim Sarfaraz
4. According to terrorists, opindia is a propaganda site, so this news must be false.
5. So now search "sakshi killed by sarfaraz" on google,duckduckgo,bing, yandex to verify the autheticity
6. If its propaganda there won’t be any reliable news agencies covering this.
7. But muslims are terrorists and liars so hundreds of news links pops up on the search,all from reputed news sources and tv channels, who geta sued if they publish false info.

You muslims are liars so you still wont accept this.
you are so thick that you completely missed the point again.

shala madarchod, vaag, shala duffar.

you muslims are scum of this earth. Puts your women in black garbage bags and just attacks nonmuslim women.

Vologne, germnay one night 1200 women molested. Sweden, norway now insafe.

Uk grooming gang. Your men smashed this 16 year old girls head not just once, six times.

You are a barbaric virus to civilization.

jaa vaag. madarchod, haar shala, pure din kharap kar diya, itna duffar kaise paida hote, did someone drop you when you are a kid.

Still giving a baby proof formula:

1. Go to, opindia,
2. Search the term love jihad
3. First article : hindu girl Sakshi killed by muslim Sarfaraz
4. According to terrorists, opindia is a propaganda site, so this news must be false.
5. So now search "sakshi killed by sarfaraz" on google,duckduckgo,bing, yandex to verify the autheticity
6. If its propaganda there won’t be any reliable news agencies covering this.
7. But muslims are terrorists and liars so hundreds of news links pops up on the search,all from reputed news sources and tv channels, who geta sued if they publish false info.

You muslims are liars so you still wont accept this.
Abe to dumb stone worshipper 🤦 mai ek single news ki baat nahi karrha hai, tune jo op india ka archive diya hai jiska naam hi love jihad hai waisa kuch exist hi nahi karta, ye sab individual cases hai chutiye, par teri iq chodi ji jaisi hai 🤡

Ab agar ye case ko mai bolu ki ye bhagwa love trap hai to?
And even i, as a muslim want sahil to be hanged, iam not saving him you dumb fucker. Do you even know what happens in sharia for such a crime? If not then stop barking
you are so thick that you completely missed the point again.

shala madarchod, vaag, shala duffar.

you muslims are scum of this earth. Puts your women in black garbage bags and just attacks nonmuslim women.

Vologne, germnay one night 1200 women molested. Sweden, norway now insafe.

Uk grooming gang. Your men smashed this 16 year old girls head not just once, six times.

You are a barbaric virus to civilization.

jaa vaag. madarchod, haar shala, pure din kharap kar diya, itna duffar kaise paida hote, did someone drop you when you are a kid.

Still giving a baby proof formula:

1. Go to, opindia,
2. Search the term love jihad
3. First article : hindu girl Sakshi killed by muslim Sarfaraz
4. According to terrorists, opindia is a propaganda site, so this news must be false.
5. So now search "sakshi killed by sarfaraz" on google,duckduckgo,bing, yandex to verify the autheticity
6. If its propaganda there won’t be any reliable news agencies covering this.
7. But muslims are terrorists and liars so hundreds of news links pops up on the search,all from reputed news sources and tv channels, who geta sued if they publish false info.

You muslims are liars so you still wont accept this.
Abe to dumb stone worshipper 🤦 mai ek single news ki baat nahi karrha hai, tune jo op india ka archive diya hai jiska naam hi love jihad hai waisa kuch exist hi nahi karta, ye sab individual cases hai chutiye, par teri iq chodi ji jaisi hai 🤡

Ab agar ye case ko mai bolu ki ye bhagwa love trap hai to?
arreh madarchod go visit a doctor. The process i described works for every single love jihad news on opindia.
arreh madarchod go visit a doctor. The process i described works for every single love jihad news on opindia.
It maybe does, but op india mixes hate and lies in it you chutiya andhbhakt
Why this cases mostly done by Muslim ?

cause their holy book tells them to.

O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Surah Al-Ahzab - 59​

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cause their holy book tells them to.

O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Surah Al-Ahzab - 59​

Proud to be kafir
Proud to be kafir

you sure about that? in india terrorists like that Ramu guy are breeding like Rabbits, while in Pakistan hindus are getting massacred .

our Hindu leaders were cucks, even today i hate these cuck hindus, gives their vote to Islamist Party just for some freebie.
View attachment 2233869

you sure about that? in india terrorists like that Ramu guy are breeding like Rabbits, while in Pakistan hindus are getting massacred .

our Hindu leaders were cucks, even today i hate these cuck hindus, gives their vote to Islamist Party just for some freebie.
Bhai ila
View attachment 2233869

you sure about that? in india terrorists like that Ramu guy are breeding like Rabbits, while in Pakistan hindus are getting massacred .

our Hindu leaders were cucks, even today i hate these cuck hindus, gives their vote to Islamist Party just for some freebie
Time to unity hindus fuck those muzzies

Delhi’s Shahbad Dairy area, a 16-year-old girl named SAKSHI was brutally killed by SAHIL SARFARAZ. In the murder, which has been caught on CCTV camera, SAKSHI was stabbed over 20 times and then her head was crushed using a boulder by SAHIL SARFARAZ.​

View attachment 2230216
View attachment 2230216

Why aren't these other utter SUBHUMANS stopping him or helping the child?

Don't get me wrong I'm no white knight who would risk my life for nothing but intervening here would be a moral imperative.
Why aren't these other utter SUBHUMANS stopping him or helping the child?

Don't get me wrong I'm no white knight who would risk my life for nothing but intervening here would be a moral imperative.
He had a gang of 10 standing near with knives. People were afraid.
  • Woah
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Lmao you fucking coping shitskin north hindu dindu, I don't have to live in India to know that your average north indian, is a fucking shitskin. Holy shit lmfao are you really trying to argue with me right now that your average north indian is lightskin if they are not dalits? Lmao you have to be retarded, or insane, or both, and you must think I'm like you to fall for this bullshit. Not even NORTHWEST INDIANS are lightskin on average lmfao, they are usually lightbrown, like me (i don't consider myself fair, my sister is literally way lighter than me, maybe the pic i showed might've been a little misleading due to some lighting issues even though i took it in a closed room).

Muh north indians are all lightskin if they aren't dalits" did you forget how I just said that I went to a mosque mostly made up of paki punjabis, and even they are a mixed bag, but usually they tend to be lightbrown just like me on average. Do you dumbasses even know what "lightskin" is, or are you guys all so use to being black as fuck, that when one of you are born with a shade lighter than night time you think "OH IM SO FAIRRR SARRR". Because I swear you guys are like that, lmao I'm so use to curries on the internet bragging about being " so fair saaaar!" but when I go to click on their pic they are usually just some brown shitskin or lightbrown at best lmao. You guys really think that you are fair just because you aren't as dark as some south indian dalit/ tribal lmao.

There is not a single, I repeat A SINGLE, ethnic group in curryland where the average person in that ethnic group is fair skinned, even northwest indians are usually lightbrown skin on average. Lightskin people can essentially be considered anomalies in each ethnic group in india actually.

So much coping from the ugly hindu dindus over here. I've seen your kind lmao here in the states plenty of times, whether you're north indian or south indian, you people range from shitskin brown to black as night. You people are on the short range spectrum of height, usually from 5'7 to 5'10 at most, and lastly but not least, you are also a bunch of delusional copers lmao

Yea agreed, all of South India looks the same to any Westerner.:lul:
its a religious matter bro, this shit gets resolved on the streets. dilli jaat gaand todenge in mullo ki.
True, jats, marwaris, even Biharis are based and high t asf, this looks like a low t cuck area of non indo aryanic native Hindus who aren't even real Hindus anyway. Bengalis are also generally low t unfortunately.
Lmao you fucking coping shitskin north hindu dindu, I don't have to live in India to know that your average north indian, is a fucking shitskin. Holy shit lmfao are you really trying to argue with me right now that your average north indian is lightskin if they are not dalits? Lmao you have to be retarded, or insane, or both, and you must think I'm like you to fall for this bullshit. Not even NORTHWEST INDIANS are lightskin on average lmfao, they are usually lightbrown, like me (i don't consider myself fair, my sister is literally way lighter than me, maybe the pic i showed might've been a little misleading due to some lighting issues even though i took it in a closed room).

Muh north indians are all lightskin if they aren't dalits" did you forget how I just said that I went to a mosque mostly made up of paki punjabis, and even they are a mixed bag, but usually they tend to be lightbrown just like me on average. Do you dumbasses even know what "lightskin" is, or are you guys all so use to being black as fuck, that when one of you are born with a shade lighter than night time you think "OH IM SO FAIRRR SARRR". Because I swear you guys are like that, lmao I'm so use to curries on the internet bragging about being " so fair saaaar!" but when I go to click on their pic they are usually just some brown shitskin or lightbrown at best lmao. You guys really think that you are fair just because you aren't as dark as some south indian dalit/ tribal lmao.

There is not a single, I repeat A SINGLE, ethnic group in curryland where the average person in that ethnic group is fair skinned, even northwest indians are usually lightbrown skin on average. Lightskin people can essentially be considered anomalies in each ethnic group in india actually.

So much coping from the ugly hindu dindus over here. I've seen your kind lmao here in the states plenty of times, whether you're north indian or south indian, you people range from shitskin brown to black as night. You people are on the short range spectrum of height, usually from 5'7 to 5'10 at most, and lastly but not least, you are also a bunch of delusional copers lmao

That's outright false, all curries around me are so tall honestly, they all have robust jawlines and huge stature, I feel like a midget at 5'8, you definitely don't have much experience with the newer generation
Nah, my dna test show that I'm half south indian and half north indian, I'm a mix of different castes from literal dalits all the way up to rajputs from jammu apparently
You're supposed to narrow it down to 3 populations lmao

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