SEAfoid talks about her dead white gigachad husband and will never remarry



Jun 11, 2021

  • JFL
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur, Gilbert_Durandal, chaddyboi66 and 4 others
I can actually relate to this.

On a whole, a lot of men aren’t subjectively attractive to me. Unfortunately, the men I’m into weren’t really into women like me. They’ll want to sleep with me, but not actually in a relationship with me. It doesn’t help that my late partner was ridiculously attractive and was the type of man I usually go after so every man seems to mediocre to below average compared to him. I’m in therapy and still grieving his death.

The dating world sucks. People just want to take and take without giving back ever. It seems that everyone wants relationships perks/benefits without relationship commitment and responsibilities. You’re not alone. Women have to be more careful than men when it comes to relationships for many reasons. You have to have your standards high as a woman because our lives and wellbeing depends on what we would allow or not allow when it comes to men.

Women are conditioned to accept less from men. They are demonized by both men and women alike for being “too picky” or having “unrealistic expectations.” All you want is men who are easy on the eyes (to you) and not creepy to pursue you. That’s not unrealistic. It’s literally the bare minimum. Everything else will fall in line or be a deal breaker after you manage to get through the damn door: compatibility, goals, views on this or that, lifestyles and etc.

I found that the undesirable men stayed away from me finally once I looked more “intimidating” and reserved rather than looking passive and introverted. My self esteem grew, my confidence boundless and me generally taking less shit from anyone. This doesn’t mean I’m rude to people. It means I am more concise, direct and assertive.

I did notice when I was with my partner, a lot of attractive men (to me) showed a lot of genuine romantic interest in me. I suppose this was because I was glowing with happiness, confidence and warmth. I was more carefree and approachable. It was ridiculous. I don’t think I’m going to date again because a lot of men won’t be able to surpass or even just match my late partner. I’m not looking to date a clone of him. He was a lot of things and did a lot of things that many men refuse to do or are incapable of doing.


Next month will be first anniversary of his death.

He loved me in a way that a lot of men are legitimately incapable of. He loved everything about me. From the way I spoke, talked about the things I loved, when my eyes would light up when I would see a nice piece of cheese to buy, how I would jump during horror movies and so on. He loved it when I would teach him about stargazing, explained things to him in a “nerdy” way, push up the brim of my glasses while analyzing something or my witty/chaotic moments.

He loved being physically affectionate, a lot of our physical intimacy not leading up to sexual intimacy at all. The man loved holding my hand, playing with the ends of my hair, making small circles on my upper arm and lifting me up to spin me around. Even when he would game, he wanted my legs in his lap to remain connected to me. During game loading or end of matches, he would take time to love me up then go back to gaming.

When it came to actual sexual intimacy, this man loved up everything, even my feet, upper arms and shoulder blades. He especially loved up the areas I was insecure about. Man was a giver. My pleasure was his pleasure. He was capable of doing rough sex. He was a very muscular and intimidating man. But he was never rough with me. Only gentle, primal and passionate towards me. Afterwards, the aftercare was elite and he never skipped it.

He drove me everywhere, did all of the heavy lifting and put my furniture together, carried all of the grocery bags, walked my dog and so forth despite him being tired and sore from his physical training because he wanted to make my life easier. The man worked out for like 4-7 hours a day doing heavy weightlifting, running 5-10 miles daily and doing insane workouts. But he refused to let me do a ton of physical labor because he would remind me that’s why he’s there for.

If I was sick, he would stay by my side despite me telling him to leave so I wouldn’t infect him. He would tidy up my room, bring me meds or warm beverages, take care of my cats and dog and make sure the rest of my apartment was good. After all of that, he cuddle me afterwards and not be grossed out at all.

You would think I cooked, cleaned for him, gave him non stop hjs or bjs, looked like a model and so forth in order to have such a man. In reality, it wasn’t a requirement for me to service him in order to keep him with me. All I did was exist and he loved me for existing. I am a pudgy short Asian woman while he looked like a black haired green eyed version of Thor. Yeah, I cooked for him sometimes, but he never asked me to do that for him or felt entitled to my cooking.

He matched my chaotic energy effortlessly (he was actually more chaotic), we had similar interests and hobbies, geeked out with me over some stuff we loved, was a pagan like me and had similar views like me. We did have our stark differences. He was outdoorsy, a hunter, used firearms all of the time and a retired vet. I was a potato who did none of that. I like skincare, hair care, am a foodies, like the finer things in life and wouldn’t last a day out in the wilderness.


Despite this, he loved me. Sure he teased me about being a princess and my girly habits/likes, and that I should become a barbarian like him, but I guess that’s why him and I balanced each other out so well.

He was protective and dominant without ever taking away my autonomy and voice. He sought my advice and thoughts, respected any differing opinions or thoughts of me, and never made a decision if I didn’t voice my approval. He loved teaching me the things he loved the way I loved teaching him the things I loved. The communication was immaculate.

I never had a guy that made me feel so seen, heard, loved, desired, beautiful and understood until I met him. He just got me. I never had to explain anything to him about myself and we were able to communicate non verbally effortlessly in public. We were always in sync.

I don’t think I will ever have a man ever love me like that ever again. A lot of men don’t love like that. They’re very transactional or entitled. Or they keep score. They demand unconditional love and for you to meet their high standards, but they do not practice what they preach and refuse to do the bare minimum for you. If you have high standards, you’re stuck up, prudish, unrealistic or superficial. People will tell you to lower your standards or be “realistic.” If you have low standards, you’re considered easy, low value and lack self respect. You’re told to raise your standards and again be “realistic.”

You can’t win.

Do what’s best for you to protect your peace, body, mind, soul and heart. Have someone love you the way you want to be loved and would love them. Do not be the only one who’s loving. Never settle for mediocrity or below. It’s better to have “high standards” and to be alone than to lower your standards and end up with someone you regret lowering your standards for.
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The passage describes the author's struggles with dating and finding a partner who meets her standards, especially in the wake of grieving her late partner, who was exceptionally hot, sexy, loving and supportive. She discusses the challenges of navigating a dating world where many seek benefits without commitment, and the societal pressure on women to lower their standards. She highlights the importance of self-esteem, confidence, and assertiveness in deterring undesirable attention and emphasizes the rare and unconditional love she received from her late partner, who appreciated her fully and contributed significantly to her well-being and happiness. The author advocates for maintaining high standards and not settling for less, stressing the importance of mutual love and respect in a relationship.
  • +1
Reactions: mirrormogger, PrinceLuenLeoncur and chaddyboi66
The passage describes the author's struggles with dating and finding a partner who meets her standards, especially in the wake of grieving her late partner, who was exceptionally hot, sexy, loving and supportive. She discusses the challenges of navigating a dating world where many seek benefits without commitment, and the societal pressure on women to lower their standards. She highlights the importance of self-esteem, confidence, and assertiveness in deterring undesirable attention and emphasizes the rare and unconditional love she received from her late partner, who appreciated her fully and contributed significantly to her well-being and happiness. The author advocates for maintaining high standards and not settling for less, stressing the importance of mutual love and respect in a relationship.
She isn't entitled to a high quality partner and/or being picky the same way she believes men aren't entitled to non-picky women and/or women with reasonable standards [yes, reasonable as in regard to superficial things you can't change like your looks].

There are plenty of good men out there who are more than willing to provide all the love ["unconditional" too] and support she could ever want, yet she chooses to shun them away right from the start simply because they're not attractive enough, and then further complains when the attractive men she wants [who have more selective power just like women] simply end up trying to use her for easy sex; the irony is so palpable it almost hurts.

How can one be so hypocritical as to complain about men [the attractive one she desires] not committing when she herself demonstrates an equally terrible and superficial trait of judging people based solely on the way they look [the one thing they can't change or even "improve" on]? You don't deserve anything let alone the right to complain when you're just as shallow as the people you complain about.

Jfl at talking about muh "standards" when she herself admits she's a "pudgy short Asian" compared to a "black haired green eyed version of Thor" and provided next to nothing compared to what he did for her. You're not entitled to a good looking partner or even just being picky especially when you're ugly yourself.

Self-esteem, confidence, and assertiveness are all important qualities but they must be earned; the way she seeks to use these traits merely comes off as no more than a pitifully vain attempt to stroke her own ego and inflate her own nigh non-existent sense of self-worth. In fact the entire discussion of herself here all comes off as very toxic/narcy, and just seems like a thinly veiled way to project some deep rooted insecurity she's just trying to cope with; she'll never be happy and quite honestly doesn't deserve to be either.

She expects someone to fill in that nigh bottomless gaping hole of insecurity in what she calls her [empty and selfish] heart; she didn't deserve any of the "rare and unconditional love" she received from her partner.
She complains about how men demand unconditional love and yet has demonstrated how she isn't willing to provide the same in return; all the while preaching to other women about "the importance of mutual love and respect in a relationship".
She again complains about men being "transactional and entitled" when the very first quality she listed in her line of her own [self-admitted] standards are "men who are easy on the eyes"; honestly, try naming me a more blatant and disgusting display of hypocrisy that this.
She complains about how men apparently "demand for you to meet their high standards" when her standards are literally based on the most superficial quality of a person; one they ultimately can't change or even work to improve on.

Despite the fact that she's just saying all of this to garner pity and validation under the guise of giving other women [unsolicited and really terrible] "advice" that isn't even the worst part in all of this...

No, the worst part about all this has to be that for as much as she may complain about and cry "woe is me the new widow, I'll never move on!", she will do just that the very moment the next handsome man she meets convinces her that he loves her.

She seems like no more than an awful, selfish, entitled, used up, and superficial hypocrite; I'm happy she's now suffering alone in her own misery and I hope she continues to do so for the rest of her pathetic life [until she learns how terrible she is and actually tries to improve herself anyway], God willing.
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Pikabro, Steins, Gilbert_Durandal and 1 other person
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Lol fuk dat bitch
  • +1
Reactions: chaddyboi66
  • +1
Reactions: Gilbert_Durandal
The passage describes the author's struggles with dating and finding a partner who meets her standards, especially in the wake of grieving her late partner, who was exceptionally hot, sexy, loving and supportive. She discusses the challenges of navigating a dating world where many seek benefits without commitment, and the societal pressure on women to lower their standards. She highlights the importance of self-esteem, confidence, and assertiveness in deterring undesirable attention and emphasizes the rare and unconditional love she received from her late partner, who appreciated her fully and contributed significantly to her well-being and happiness. The author advocates for maintaining high standards and not settling for less, stressing the importance of mutual love and respect in a relationship.
She isn't entitled to a high quality partner and/or being picky the same way she believes men aren't entitled to non-picky women and/or women with reasonable standards [yes, reasonable as in regard to superficial things you can't change like your looks].

There are plenty of good men out there who are more than willing to provide all the love ["unconditional" too] and support she could ever want, yet she chooses to shun them away right from the start simply because they're not attractive enough, and then further complains when the attractive men she wants [who have more selective power just like women] simply end up trying to use her for easy sex; the irony is so palpable it almost hurts.

How can one be so hypocritical as to complain about men [the attractive one she desires] not committing when she herself demonstrates an equally terrible and superficial trait of judging people based solely on the way they look [the one thing they can't change or even "improve" on]? You don't deserve anything let alone the right to complain when you're just as shallow as the people you complain about.

Jfl at talking about muh "standards" when she herself admits she's a "pudgy short Asian" compared to a "black haired green eyed version of Thor" and provided next to nothing compared to what he did for her. You're not entitled to a good looking partner or even just being picky especially when you're ugly yourself.

Self-esteem, confidence, and assertiveness are all important qualities but they must be earned; the way she seeks to use these traits merely comes off as no more than a pitifully vain attempt to stroke her own ego and inflate her own nigh non-existent sense of self-worth. In fact the entire discussion of herself here all comes off as very toxic/narcy, and just seems like a thinly veiled way to project some deep rooted insecurity she's just trying to cope with; she'll never be happy and quite honestly doesn't deserve to be either.

She expects someone to fill in that nigh bottomless gaping hole of insecurity in what she calls her [empty and selfish] heart; she didn't deserve any of the "rare and unconditional love" she received from her partner.
She complains about how men demand unconditional love and yet has demonstrated how she isn't willing to provide the same in return; all the while preaching to other women about "the importance of mutual love and respect in a relationship".
She again complains about men being "transactional and entitled" when the very first quality she listed in her line of her own [self-admitted] standards are "men who are easy on the eyes"; honestly, try naming me a more blatant and disgusting display of hypocrisy that this.
She complains about how men apparently "demand for you to meet their high standards" when her standards are literally based on the most superficial quality of a person; one they ultimately can't change or even work to improve on.

Despite the fact that she's just saying all of this to garner pity and validation under the guise of giving other women [unsolicited and really terrible] "advice" that isn't even the worst part in all of this...

No, the worst part about all this has to be that for as much as she may complain about and cry "woe is me the new widow, I'll never move on!", she will do just that the very moment the next handsome man she meets convinces her that he loves her.

She seems like no more than an awful, selfish, entitled, used up, and superficial hypocrite; I'm happy she's now suffering alone in her own misery and I hope she continues to do so for the rest of her pathetic life [until she learns how terrible she is and actually tries to improve herself anyway], God willing.
1000% agree with your post but the sad thing is she still can easily get a bf or laid despite her huge character flaws

That is how easy a woman's life is in the 21st century. Men need to improve shit tons before they can date a LTB while women just need to be not fat
  • +1
Reactions: Pikabro, PrinceLuenLeoncur and chaddyboi66

no one is reading that long shit, especially if it comes from a foid on reddit
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Swarthy Knight, PrinceLuenLeoncur and sportsmogger

no one is reading that long shit, especially if it comes from a foid on reddit

is your sig fkn srs? they're the two biggest jew puppets on the planet
  • Love it
Reactions: albe.ORG
1000% agree with your post but the sad thing is she still can easily get a bf or laid despite her huge character flaws

That is how easy a woman's life is in the 21st century. Men need to improve shit tons before they can date a LTB while women just need to be not fat
Worst yet, this type of awful toxic behaviour isn't even unique to just her tbh.

Peak entitlement; most normies are like this by default ngl.

Jfl she does this all the while complaining about how other people [men in this case] are ackchyually the "entitled" ones too.
  • +1
Reactions: Pikabro, Swarthy Knight and Steins
Cap, she gonna get dicked down by yr 2
Worst yet, this type of awful toxic behaviour isn't even unique to just her tbh.

Peak entitlement; most normies are like this by default ngl.

Jfl she does this all the while complaining about how other people [men in this case] are ackchyually the "entitled" ones too.
Women live on tutorial mode with everybody saying what they want to hear, which is why they can't comprehend the simple logic of a top-tier men having numerous choices of women. Boys already knew about Stacies having many choices in high school yet you have women in their 30s and 40s still not grasping this simple logic.
  • +1
Reactions: Pikabro and chaddyboi66

no one is reading that long shit, especially if it comes from a foid on reddit
The passage describes the author's struggles with dating and finding a partner who meets her standards, especially in the wake of grieving her late partner, who was exceptionally hot, sexy, loving and supportive. She discusses the challenges of navigating a dating world where many seek benefits without commitment, and the societal pressure on women to lower their standards. She highlights the importance of self-esteem, confidence, and assertiveness in deterring undesirable attention and emphasizes the rare and unconditional love she received from her late partner, who appreciated her fully and contributed significantly to her well-being and happiness. The author advocates for maintaining high standards and not settling for less, stressing the importance of mutual love and respect in a relationship.
  • JFL
Reactions: albe.ORG
1000% agree with your post but the sad thing is she still can easily get a bf or laid despite her huge character flaws

That is how easy a woman's life is in the 21st century. Men need to improve shit tons before they can date a LTB while women just need to be not fat
And it’s because there’s always a man ready to be a woman’s little nigga simp bitch boy ruining it for the rest of us. Because of this I gave up with women last year it’s not worth the effort, why improve for a toilet? Why simp when foids can replace you easily? I just feel like there’s no point with women in 2024 just watch porn and be happy doing other shit
  • +1
Reactions: Pikabro and Steins
And it’s because there’s always a man ready to be a woman’s little nigga simp bitch boy ruining it for the rest of us. Because of this I gave up with women last year it’s not worth the effort, why improve for a toilet? Why simp when foids can replace you easily? I just feel like there’s no point with women in 2024 just watch porn and be happy doing other shit
Dating apps and social media fucked up the whole balance. Used to be that you just need to be the Chad of your neighborhood to succeed, now you have to fight with international gigachads. It's over if you aren't at least 6"1 with a pretty face.

Contrary to popular belief, porn is actually great as long as it is viewed in moderation, like not become a full-time coomer. When you feel the urge, just watch and jack off, and get back to focusing on your interests. If not for porn, our dicks will be making us waste time chasing some used-up roasties only to be ghosted.
Dating apps and social media fucked up the whole balance. Used to be that you just need to be the Chad of your neighborhood to succeed, now you have to fight with international gigachads. It's over if you aren't at least 6"1 with a pretty face.

Contrary to popular belief, porn is actually great as long as it is viewed in moderation, like not become a full-time coomer. When you feel the urge, just watch and jack off, and get back to focusing on your interests. If not for porn, our dicks will be making us waste time chasing some used-up roasties only to be ghosted.
WDYM international gigachad
WDYM international gigachad
rich good-looking studs around the world

the SEAfoid in your example probably got her white partner via dating apps

in the past without dating apps, she probably settle with a local MTN
rich good-looking studs around the world

the SEAfoid in your example probably got her white partner via dating apps

in the past without dating apps, she probably settle with a local MTN
she's American born

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