Taka's guide to Roids/trt, Ais and more. (NO BULLSHIT)



Mar 28, 2021
Should you use steroids? How and when to know.
Advice If You Are Going To Use Steroids
If you are going to use steroids, you understand and accept that you're putting your body in a toxic state in order to gain considerable amounts of muscle. If you do this long-term, you're very likely eventually going to hit a point where the constant stress and effects drug exposure have on your body has accumulated and is coming back to bite you. The best piece of advice, if you are going to use steroids, is to not start steroids until you have a very thorough understanding of how to train, how to eat (that doesn't just mean hitting optimal macros), and how to optimally implement pharmacology into your life in the lowest risk/highest reward way possible. The problem with this general advice is that a ton of people truly think they know how to diet and train when they've barely even started working out consistently so step one is to build a solid understanding of diet and training and research into what you are planning to use.

Risk Vs Reward
This section heavily depends on you, how intelligently you are going to train, diet, and use peds.
Some common Side effects-Vary person to person
- Hair loss - over the course of your cycling career, you will, unless you are a genetic phenom, experience increased androgenic alopecia (hair loss), especially when blasting yourself with High amounts of androgens.
- Acne - most of you guys should be good with skincare shit, proper skincare should eliminate this issue.
-Erectile Dysfunction - so many reasons why this can happen from crushed estrogen to Deca dick to low test.
- Psychiatric effects - mental addiction to roids, aggression/paranoia/anxiety - (highly common on tren, aggression common also on halo)
- Possible Gyno - if you have preexisting gyno and slam dbol and highly estrogenic compounds, and many others that can cause estrogen-like effects, you can worsen or develop gyno which is why Aromatase inhibitors are so important, more on this later.
-Liver, heart and organ issues - this should be fairly obvious, especially if you slam orals, blast high doses and have high drug exposure you can develop these issues, this shouldn't be, but certainly can be a problem if you regularly check up on your health with a doctor, monitor bloodwork (extremely important), eat healthily and supplement with organ protectors such as NAC and TUDCA (essential for cycles with lots of orals, but just in general) and don't retardedly rape your organs with dosages of roids that exceed reason.
-Balls shrinking, surprisingly not as common as people think and easily prevented by using 250ius of HCG a week, I don't think this is necessary for shorter cycles, more for trt, but to each their own.

Importance of bloodwork
Bloodwork is important for many reasons, it gives you a reference to what your baseline is for test, estrogen, ALT and AST ( liver enzymes) HDL and LDL ( healthy and unhealthy cholesterol) and more. Lets in future you finish a 16 week cycle and start your PCT, after a few weeks of pct you still feel terrible and go to do bloodwork, your levels are at a reasonable 450 ng/dl but you feel like shit, you have no bloodwork from before to compare it to and so you have no clue if you were at 700ng/dl before and felt good but now your back to a "normal range" you still feel horrible as a result of it being far lower then before. This is why we do bloodwork, so we know what the fuck is going on, same thing goes for your liver, let's say you have a 65 ALT level (liver enzyme) which is the high end of normal and do a heavy cycle involving orals and your bloodwork is 90 or so. If you hadn't done bloodwork you wouldn't have known that your liver was already in the high range of normal and so would be far more worried and panicked than you had to be.
Now I'm not here to bullshit you and be like "with xxx cycle and xxx dosage along with my premium coaching plan you can gain *insert stupid amount of muscle here*" but I am going to tell you that steroids are fucking amazing for recovery, muscle gain, overall mood, and confidence mentally.

If you’ve ever looked at the progression of a pro bodybuilder, you will probably notice that even if they started out with an average build, once they properly went into bodybuilding their physiques fucking exploded. These guys have an amazing genetic response to roids/peds, and it allows them to reach insane levels of muscle mass very quickly. Now, if the average person with an average genetic response to anabolics took the exact same drugs, he probably wouldn’t even gain half as much muscle as the pro bodybuilder did who took those drugs. obviously beyond the fact of the pro bodybuilder training harder and eating better than most average people, the most important reason is that the pro bodybuilder’s body simply responds far better to anabolics than the average human. The genetic response is incredibly important in determining a bodybuilder’s development. If we took two guys, with the exact same diet and workout routine and gave them the exact same cycle, their gains would NOT be exactly the same. There would be a difference, and that difference would be dictated by their genetics and genetic response to drugs.

With this same logic in terms of the majority of us, we will not explode and look insane, we will have to work hard, eat smart and cycle efficiently without abusing drugs. we can definitely gain considerable amounts of solid muscle mass. i won't specify amounts of muscle gain because of how dependant it is person to person and for me to say you will gain "20lbs of muscle in 6 weeks" wouldn't be honest, but its certainly enough to put a sarms cycle to shame.

To be frank, I'm not incredibly intelligent in terms of PCT for one main reason which is I'm not fucking coming off.
However, here is a quick checklist of shit to think about and a helpful video for you to go through and watch.
- Depending on your ester you need to wait for longer for a cycle, if you are using 500mgs of test a week and stop for 2 weeks you still have 125mgs of test in your system, your still technically on cycle. Wait for the ester to run out first.
- Not using HCG, seriously, even low dose HCG would highly benefit your pct protocol.
- Not continuing to use Organ supports, your pct is the time to cleanse your body of the chemicals, let your organs recover and your balls kick back in.
-Use your bloodwork as a frame for what you are trying to get back to. you want to be as close to baseline as possible.
-Not training as hard and letting your eating lack. If you want to keep as much of your gains as possible you need to train as hard as possible, don't expect to retain all of your strength, 60-75% of it is realistic and in terms of gains, it depends on how close you were to your genetic limit, which allows you to keep muscle on easier, and how successfully you did your pct. Please research more for yourself, I can't guarantee the success of your pct and I don't want to pretend my understanding of PCT is excellent.

<-- please watch, skip to time with actual shit about pct.
Sarms-debunking some shit
I fucking hate some of these retards claiming sarms will do a whole host of bullshit. You will not gain "10kg of muscle" on a fucking sarm cycle, with a test base that becomes a good possibility, but alone? fuck no. Sarms are great, they have less organ toxicity, won't necessarily shut you down, and will provide significant improvements from natty training but they are blown out of the water by steroids. I may make a thread on sarms going into detail on how to use them properly.
One claim I will address is that sarms can be used for heightmaxxing, some retarded "coach with 5 years of experience" said you could in theory use sarms for heightmaxxing as they would suppress estrogen and test production he claims you "wouldn't feel low t" because of the sarms mimicking test. This is incredibly incorrect. You would feel fucking terrible if you ran sarms long term, or long enough for heightmaxxing purposes. If you were a teen and did this it would cut out Test to DHT conversion and guess what, bye bye to your dick growth and manly features. Even on oral-only steroid cycle, most people feel shit after a few weeks. DO NOT USE SARMS FOR HEIGHTMAXXING PURPOSES, EVEN IF IN THEORY IT SEEMS LIKE A REASONABLE IDEA IT WILL BE DICK GROWTH SUICIDE FOR TEENS, also having weaker androgens then testosterone for heightmaxxing is dumb as fuck, because androgens play a huge role in height growth and velocity anyways. This "coach" also posted a picture of someone on "sarms only" when the dude was fucking roided to the gills, to help sell his fake shitty coaching plan to half-assed looksmaxxers who couldn't give a fuck to be realistic and research for themselves.
- sarms are useful, injectable sarms will become more popular with time, and a steroidal-sarm like YK11 which inhibits myostatin is going to be something I personally experiment with in future due to myostatin's (or lack thereof) importance in gaining ridiculous amounts of muscle past normal.
-don't expect 10kg of muscle from a rad cycle, 5kg in 8 weeks on a solid rad cycle is more reasonable to aim for, but still, you can't guarantee or predetermine gains on this shit.

Ais are super useful, they make sure or reduce the chances of us getting gyno, help with heightmaxxers and are essential for keeping estrogen in check.
You should not use cookie-cutter dosages of Ai's, do not predetermine Ai usage for a cycle, it is dependant on how you feel, if you are bloating and what you are using. If you are experiencing high Est and using dbol or even high dose test you should use an AI.

What Ais to use, for me i personally think Aromasin is the easiest and most reasonable Ai to use. it only reduces estrogen aromatisation by around about 80% which is solid for our purposes, heightmaxxers can use this too, Arimidex and letrozole are other much stronger Ai's and so i would avoid them. Ais can and will make you feel like shit if you crash your estrogen super low, do not nuke your estrogen unless you want weird dick function, strange lack of fucks in regards to women, overheating and hot flushes and a host of other unusual sides. you shouldn't use 25mgs every other day, start low, see how you feel and how you respond. Reminder we never want to unnecessarily stress our body with doses higher than we need.
quick tip, take Aromasin with fats like peanut butter, it helps it to be more bioavailable and work more efficiently.
TRT/Roid dosages
TRT will unironically make you feel fucking fantastic, a dose of 100mgs alone is enough to make far more gains than a natty would, and feel good. The best esters for TRT are Enanthate, Cypionate if you want to dose less, or Sustanon. Propionate could be used if you want to microdose 10mgs daily. On trt your test levels will stay consistent, which unlike natties means your levels don't really drop, you could have a shit nights sleep, not have eaten enough, have wanked 7 times in a day and your test levels would remain the same due to them being artificial. In the long run, this means we have an advantage for building muscle and preventing catabolism.
Dosing 2x weekly is best for most people as this helps to keep pretty stable serum levels without having to inject daily, if you wanted to microdose daily with lower amounts this would also work, but you should inject subQ if you want to do this as it would be easier and reduce scar tissue. For me, i use a borderline cycle/high trt dose of 250mgs test weekly, i will be lowering this to 200mgs weekly in the near future though. I dose on Wednesday and Sunday with 125mgs each time. I inject subQ due to it being easier. I also use letrozole due to my aims of height maintenance and MK677 for hunger and increased GH/igf levels.

For steroids the whole "start with 500 test E" thing is bullshit, you don't need that high at all. A starting cycle of 300mgs test for 16 weeks with an oral of choice for either the end or start of the cycle would be perfect. Avoid orals like Dbol, Anadrol, Superdrol, and stronger shit in general for your first cycle. Turinabol and Anavar are both excellent first picks with dosages from 10-20mgs being plenty for additional good gains. The longer you can ride out a lower dose and reap its gains the better, why stress your body with higher doses when you should be playing with lower doses and finding what's right for you, and helping to develop some proper experience with substance use.
TRT is a godsend, for almost all ages, you can use low dose HCG on cycle to keep your balls from shrinking if you are susceptible, and if you want kids you can come off, run a strong fertility protocol to get your wife pregnant, then go back on. As long as your health is being kept in check and you feel good that is what is important.

Shit to think about

Steroids aren't simple, they will fuck you up if you are not smart and sensible, and you will regret not knowing enough about them before you decide to start them. I seriously suggest researching for your own. You will not "just do one cycle" They are addictive, and you will want to go onto TRT after a few cycles because of convenience. Develop a strong understanding for the pharmacology and be careful with what you do. don't be a fucking retard, don't hop on tren after 3 cycles, don't lack on training or diet.

ps. never written a big thread before, may write more in future on different stuff, hope you enjoyed it or found it useful.
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high IQ, tag me in your SARMS thread
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For steroids the whole "start with 500 test E" thing is bullshit, you don't need that high at all. A starting cycle of 300mgs test for 16 weeks with an oral of choice for either the end or start of the cycle would be perfect.

So "start with 500 test e" is bullshit but your great idea is to suggest nothing less than 16 weeks plus an oral :lul:

- 16 week is expert/advanced length
- First cycle should be only testosterone, so cycle after cycle you can learn how the compounds you keep adding ONE BY ONE affect you

Not exactly in this order, but should be something like:

1st cycle - test only 8/10 weeks
2nd cycle - test with mild oral
3rd cycle - test with mild oral, maybe a bit higher dose on the oral 12/14 weeks in total
4rd cycle - test with another injectable or harsher oral
5th cycle - two injectables (not tren) longer time
6th cycle - test, tren, or maybe 3 compounds (no tren in this case)

and so on

Just delete this thread
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I guess we can all answer the question now, if roids make your voice deeper

  • JFL
Reactions: fjor2096, everythingisacope, EverythingMaxxer and 2 others
I guess we can all answer the question now, if roids make your voice deeper

100% deeper voice and hairier

i have new hairs on my back that i didnt have before
High effort thread, bumped
So "start with 500 test e" is bullshit but your great idea is to suggest nothing less than 16 weeks plus an oral :lul:

- 16 week is expert/advanced length
- First cycle should be only testosterone, so cycle after cycle you can learn how the compounds you keep adding ONE BY ONE affect you

Should be something like:

1st cycle - test only 8/10 weeks
2nd cycle - test with mild oral
3rd cycle - test with mild oral, maybe a bit higher dose on the oral 12/14 weeks
4rd cycle - test with another injectable or harsher oral
5th cycle - two injectables (not tren) longer time
6th cycle - test tren

and so on

Just delete this thread
oral is good for a kickstarter, especially with 250-300mgs of test. i agree with your other cycles but 8-10 weeks the muscle would hardly be able to stick after that short a time period. at least 12 weeks imo, plus I said low dose var or turinibol, hardly going to have huge adverse effects. 500mgs is an unecessasarily high dose of test for a first cycle
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100% deeper voice and hairier

i have new hairs on my back that i didnt have before
I also have a deeper voice and hair on my back that I didnt have 3 years ago and I never took roids

it could very well just be natural aging in your case as well, atleast its safe to say that juicing wont guarantee a deeper voice
Should you use steroids? How and when to know.
Advice If You Are Going To Use Steroids
If you are going to use steroids, you understand and accept that you're putting your body in a toxic state in order to gain considerable amounts of muscle. If you do this long-term, you're very likely eventually going to hit a point where the constant stress and effects drug exposure have on your body has accumulated and is coming back to bite you. The best piece of advice, if you are going to use steroids, is to not start steroids until you have a very thorough understanding of how to train, how to eat (that doesn't just mean hitting optimal macros), and how to optimally implement pharmacology into your life in the lowest risk/highest reward way possible. The problem with this general advice is that a ton of people truly think they know how to diet and train when they've barely even started working out consistently so step one is to build a solid understanding of diet and training and research into what you are planning to use.

Risk Vs Reward
This section heavily depends on you, how intelligently you are going to train, diet, and use peds.
Some common Side effects-Vary person to person
- Hair loss - over the course of your cycling career, you will, unless you are a genetic phenom, experience increased androgenic alopecia (hair loss), especially when blasting yourself with High amounts of androgens.
- Acne - most of you guys should be good with skincare shit, proper skincare should eliminate this issue.
-Erectile Dysfunction - so many reasons why this can happen from crushed estrogen to Deca dick to low test.
- Psychiatric effects - mental addiction to roids, aggression/paranoia/anxiety - (highly common on tren, aggression common also on halo)
- Possible Gyno - if you have preexisting gyno and slam dbol and highly estrogenic compounds, and many others that can cause estrogen-like effects, you can worsen or develop gyno which is why Aromatase inhibitors are so important, more on this later.
-Liver, heart and organ issues - this should be fairly obvious, especially if you slam orals, blast high doses and have high drug exposure you can develop these issues, this shouldn't be, but certainly can be a problem if you regularly check up on your health with a doctor, monitor bloodwork (extremely important), eat healthily and supplement with organ protectors such as NAC and TUDCA (essential for cycles with lots of orals, but just in general) and don't retardedly rape your organs with dosages of roids that exceed reason.
-Balls shrinking, surprisingly not as common as people think and easily prevented by using 250ius of HCG a week, I don't think this is necessary for shorter cycles, more for trt, but to each their own.

Importance of bloodwork
Bloodwork is important for many reasons, it gives you a reference to what your baseline is for test, estrogen, ALT and AST ( liver enzymes) HDL and LDL ( healthy and unhealthy cholesterol) and more. Lets in future you finish a 16 week cycle and start your PCT, after a few weeks of pct you still feel terrible and go to do bloodwork, your levels are at a reasonable 450 ng/dl but you feel like shit, you have no bloodwork from before to compare it to and so you have no clue if you were at 700ng/dl before and felt good but now your back to a "normal range" you still feel horrible as a result of it being far lower then before. This is why we do bloodwork, so we know what the fuck is going on, same thing goes for your liver, let's say you have a 65 ALT level (liver enzyme) which is the high end of normal and do a heavy cycle involving orals and your bloodwork is 90 or so. If you hadn't done bloodwork you wouldn't have known that your liver was already in the high range of normal and so would be far more worried and panicked than you had to be.
Now I'm not here to bullshit you and be like "with xxx cycle and xxx dosage along with my premium coaching plan you can gain *insert stupid amount of muscle here*" but I am going to tell you that steroids are fucking amazing for recovery, muscle gain, overall mood, and confidence mentally.

If you’ve ever looked at the progression of a pro bodybuilder, you will probably notice that even if they started out with an average build, once they properly went into bodybuilding their physiques fucking exploded. These guys have an amazing genetic response to roids/peds, and it allows them to reach insane levels of muscle mass very quickly. Now, if the average person with an average genetic response to anabolics took the exact same drugs, he probably wouldn’t even gain half as much muscle as the pro bodybuilder did who took those drugs. obviously beyond the fact of the pro bodybuilder training harder and eating better than most average people, the most important reason is that the pro bodybuilder’s body simply responds far better to anabolics than the average human. The genetic response is incredibly important in determining a bodybuilder’s development. If we took two guys, with the exact same diet and workout routine and gave them the exact same cycle, their gains would NOT be exactly the same. There would be a difference, and that difference would be dictated by their genetics and genetic response to drugs.

With this same logic in terms of the majority of us, we will not explode and look insane, we will have to work hard, eat smart and cycle efficiently without abusing drugs. we can definitely gain considerable amounts of solid muscle mass. i won't specify amounts of muscle gain because of how dependant it is person to person and for me to say you will gain "20lbs of muscle in 6 weeks" wouldn't be honest, but its certainly enough to put a sarms cycle to shame.

To be frank, I'm not incredibly intelligent in terms of PCT for one main reason which is I'm not fucking coming off.
However, here is a quick checklist of shit to think about and a helpful video for you to go through and watch.
- Depending on your ester you need to wait for longer for a cycle, if you are using 500mgs of test a week and stop for 2 weeks you still have 125mgs of test in your system, your still technically on cycle. Wait for the ester to run out first.
- Not using HCG, seriously, even low dose HCG would highly benefit your pct protocol.
- Not continuing to use Organ supports, your pct is the time to cleanse your body of the chemicals, let your organs recover and your balls kick back in.
-Use your bloodwork as a frame for what you are trying to get back to. you want to be as close to baseline as possible.
-Not training as hard and letting your eating lack. If you want to keep as much of your gains as possible you need to train as hard as possible, don't expect to retain all of your strength, 60-75% of it is realistic and in terms of gains, it depends on how close you were to your genetic limit, which allows you to keep muscle on easier, and how successfully you did your pct. Please research more for yourself, I can't guarantee the success of your pct and I don't want to pretend my understanding of PCT is excellent.

<-- please watch, skip to time with actual shit about pct.
Sarms-debunking some shit
I fucking hate some of these retards claiming sarms will do a whole host of bullshit. You will not gain "10kg of muscle" on a fucking sarm cycle, with a test base that becomes a good possibility, but alone? fuck no. Sarms are great, they have less organ toxicity, won't necessarily shut you down, and will provide significant improvements from natty training but they are blown out of the water by steroids. I may make a thread on sarms going into detail on how to use them properly.
One claim I will address is that sarms can be used for heightmaxxing, some retarded "coach with 5 years of experience" said you could in theory use sarms for heightmaxxing as they would suppress estrogen and test production he claims you "wouldn't feel low t" because of the sarms mimicking test. This is incredibly incorrect. You would feel fucking terrible if you ran sarms long term, or long enough for heightmaxxing purposes. If you were a teen and did this it would cut out Test to DHT conversion and guess what, bye bye to your dick growth and manly features. Even on oral-only steroid cycle, most people feel shit after a few weeks. DO NOT USE SARMS FOR HEIGHTMAXXING PURPOSES, EVEN IF IN THEORY IT SEEMS LIKE A REASONABLE IDEA IT WILL BE DICK GROWTH SUICIDE FOR TEENS, also having weaker androgens then testosterone for heightmaxxing is dumb as fuck, because androgens play a huge role in height growth and velocity anyways. This "coach" also posted a picture of someone on "sarms only" when the dude was fucking roided to the gills, to help sell his fake shitty coaching plan to half-assed looksmaxxers who couldn't give a fuck to be realistic and research for themselves.
- sarms are useful, injectable sarms will become more popular with time, and a steroidal-sarm like YK11 which inhibits myostatin is going to be something I personally experiment with in future due to myostatin's (or lack thereof) importance in gaining ridiculous amounts of muscle past normal.
-don't expect 10kg of muscle from a rad cycle, 5kg in 8 weeks on a solid rad cycle is more reasonable to aim for, but still, you can't guarantee or predetermine gains on this shit.

Ais are super useful, they make sure or reduce the chances of us getting gyno, help with heightmaxxers and are essential for keeping estrogen in check.
You should not use cookie-cutter dosages of Ai's, do not predetermine Ai usage for a cycle, it is dependant on how you feel, if you are bloating and what you are using. If you are experiencing high Est and using dbol or even high dose test you should use an AI.

What Ais to use, for me i personally think Aromasin is the easiest and most reasonable Ai to use. it only reduces estrogen aromatisation by around about 80% which is solid for our purposes, heightmaxxers can use this too, Arimidex and letrozole are other much stronger Ai's and so i would avoid them. Ais can and will make you feel like shit if you crash your estrogen super low, do not nuke your estrogen unless you want weird dick function, strange lack of fucks in regards to women, overheating and hot flushes and a host of other unusual sides. you shouldn't use 25mgs every other day, start low, see how you feel and how you respond. Reminder we never want to unnecessarily stress our body with doses higher than we need.
quick tip, take Aromasin with fats like peanut butter, it helps it to be more bioavailable and work more efficiently.
TRT/Roid dosages
TRT will unironically make you feel fucking fantastic, a dose of 100mgs alone is enough to make far more gains than a natty would, and feel good. The best esters for TRT are Enanthate, Cypionate if you want to dose less, or Sustanon. Propionate could be used if you want to microdose 10mgs daily. On trt your test levels will stay consistent, which unlike natties means your levels don't really drop, you could have a shit nights sleep, not have eaten enough, have wanked 7 times in a day and your test levels would remain the same due to them being artificial. In the long run, this means we have an advantage for building muscle and preventing catabolism.
Dosing 2x weekly is best for most people as this helps to keep pretty stable serum levels without having to inject daily, if you wanted to microdose daily with lower amounts this would also work, but you should inject subQ if you want to do this as it would be easier and reduce scar tissue. For me, i use a borderline cycle/high trt dose of 250mgs test weekly, i will be lowering this to 200mgs weekly in the near future though. I dose on Wednesday and Sunday with 125mgs each time. I inject subQ due to it being easier. I also use letrozole due to my aims of height maintenance and MK677 for hunger and increased GH/igf levels.

For steroids the whole "start with 500 test E" thing is bullshit, you don't need that high at all. A starting cycle of 300mgs test for 16 weeks with an oral of choice for either the end or start of the cycle would be perfect. Avoid orals like Dbol, Anadrol, Superdrol, and stronger shit in general for your first cycle. Turinabol and Anavar are both excellent first picks with dosages from 10-20mgs being plenty for additional good gains. The longer you can ride out a lower dose and reap its gains the better, why stress your body with higher doses when you should be playing with lower doses and finding what's right for you, and helping to develop some proper experience with substance use.
TRT is a godsend, for almost all ages, you can use low dose HCG on cycle to keep your balls from shrinking if you are susceptible, and if you want kids you can come off, run a strong fertility protocol to get your wife pregnant, then go back on. As long as your health is being kept in check and you feel good that is what is important.

Shit to think about

Steroids aren't simple, they will fuck you up if you are not smart and sensible, and you will regret not knowing enough about them before you decide to start them. I seriously suggest researching for your own. You will not "just do one cycle" They are addictive, and you will want to go onto TRT after a few cycles because of convenience. Develop a strong understanding for the pharmacology and be careful with what you do. don't be a fucking retard, don't hop on tren after 3 cycles, don't lack on training or diet.

ps. never written a big thread before, may write more in future on different stuff, hope you enjoyed it or found it useful.

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8-10 weeks the muscle would hardly be able to stick after that short a time period.

Wrong. The keepable gains arent determined by the length of the cycle.

3 factors play on this:

which substances you used
how fast you restored your hormone system
how well you keep your discipline (diet, training)
  • +1
Reactions: BrownBoy
U low t zoomers will not get it

You are tripping if you think he was natty

Injectable testosterone was already available by the time he was like 10yo

Maybe you think steroid use started since Arnold :lul:
  • +1
Reactions: oldcelloser
Wrong. The keepable gains arent determined by the length of the cycle.

3 factors play on this:

which substances you used
how fast you restored your hormone system
how well you keep your discipline (diet, training)
not like i didnt also mention all of these other things in my thread? i will look more into the effects of cycle duration on keepable muscle mass, might be misremembering the correlation of the two. Im sure there is also a diminishing return with duration to gains kept also.
I guess we can all answer the question now, if roids make your voice deeper

lol his voice is so annoying, he looks high T but sounds like a faggot
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Reactions: Toth's thot and oldcelloser
I want to reach my genetic potential and I can’t be bothered waiting years to attain it. I was thinking maybe one cycle of sarms could do the trick and once I’m off I just maintain the gevrtuc potential which I believe is attractive enough and doable to maintain (lifestyle and diet). What would your advice be ?
Should you use steroids? How and when to know.
Advice If You Are Going To Use Steroids
If you are going to use steroids, you understand and accept that you're putting your body in a toxic state in order to gain considerable amounts of muscle. If you do this long-term, you're very likely eventually going to hit a point where the constant stress and effects drug exposure have on your body has accumulated and is coming back to bite you. The best piece of advice, if you are going to use steroids, is to not start steroids until you have a very thorough understanding of how to train, how to eat (that doesn't just mean hitting optimal macros), and how to optimally implement pharmacology into your life in the lowest risk/highest reward way possible. The problem with this general advice is that a ton of people truly think they know how to diet and train when they've barely even started working out consistently so step one is to build a solid understanding of diet and training and research into what you are planning to use.

Risk Vs Reward
This section heavily depends on you, how intelligently you are going to train, diet, and use peds.
Some common Side effects-Vary person to person
- Hair loss - over the course of your cycling career, you will, unless you are a genetic phenom, experience increased androgenic alopecia (hair loss), especially when blasting yourself with High amounts of androgens.
- Acne - most of you guys should be good with skincare shit, proper skincare should eliminate this issue.
-Erectile Dysfunction - so many reasons why this can happen from crushed estrogen to Deca dick to low test.
- Psychiatric effects - mental addiction to roids, aggression/paranoia/anxiety - (highly common on tren, aggression common also on halo)
- Possible Gyno - if you have preexisting gyno and slam dbol and highly estrogenic compounds, and many others that can cause estrogen-like effects, you can worsen or develop gyno which is why Aromatase inhibitors are so important, more on this later.
-Liver, heart and organ issues - this should be fairly obvious, especially if you slam orals, blast high doses and have high drug exposure you can develop these issues, this shouldn't be, but certainly can be a problem if you regularly check up on your health with a doctor, monitor bloodwork (extremely important), eat healthily and supplement with organ protectors such as NAC and TUDCA (essential for cycles with lots of orals, but just in general) and don't retardedly rape your organs with dosages of roids that exceed reason.
-Balls shrinking, surprisingly not as common as people think and easily prevented by using 250ius of HCG a week, I don't think this is necessary for shorter cycles, more for trt, but to each their own.

Importance of bloodwork
Bloodwork is important for many reasons, it gives you a reference to what your baseline is for test, estrogen, ALT and AST ( liver enzymes) HDL and LDL ( healthy and unhealthy cholesterol) and more. Lets in future you finish a 16 week cycle and start your PCT, after a few weeks of pct you still feel terrible and go to do bloodwork, your levels are at a reasonable 450 ng/dl but you feel like shit, you have no bloodwork from before to compare it to and so you have no clue if you were at 700ng/dl before and felt good but now your back to a "normal range" you still feel horrible as a result of it being far lower then before. This is why we do bloodwork, so we know what the fuck is going on, same thing goes for your liver, let's say you have a 65 ALT level (liver enzyme) which is the high end of normal and do a heavy cycle involving orals and your bloodwork is 90 or so. If you hadn't done bloodwork you wouldn't have known that your liver was already in the high range of normal and so would be far more worried and panicked than you had to be.
Now I'm not here to bullshit you and be like "with xxx cycle and xxx dosage along with my premium coaching plan you can gain *insert stupid amount of muscle here*" but I am going to tell you that steroids are fucking amazing for recovery, muscle gain, overall mood, and confidence mentally.

If you’ve ever looked at the progression of a pro bodybuilder, you will probably notice that even if they started out with an average build, once they properly went into bodybuilding their physiques fucking exploded. These guys have an amazing genetic response to roids/peds, and it allows them to reach insane levels of muscle mass very quickly. Now, if the average person with an average genetic response to anabolics took the exact same drugs, he probably wouldn’t even gain half as much muscle as the pro bodybuilder did who took those drugs. obviously beyond the fact of the pro bodybuilder training harder and eating better than most average people, the most important reason is that the pro bodybuilder’s body simply responds far better to anabolics than the average human. The genetic response is incredibly important in determining a bodybuilder’s development. If we took two guys, with the exact same diet and workout routine and gave them the exact same cycle, their gains would NOT be exactly the same. There would be a difference, and that difference would be dictated by their genetics and genetic response to drugs.

With this same logic in terms of the majority of us, we will not explode and look insane, we will have to work hard, eat smart and cycle efficiently without abusing drugs. we can definitely gain considerable amounts of solid muscle mass. i won't specify amounts of muscle gain because of how dependant it is person to person and for me to say you will gain "20lbs of muscle in 6 weeks" wouldn't be honest, but its certainly enough to put a sarms cycle to shame.

To be frank, I'm not incredibly intelligent in terms of PCT for one main reason which is I'm not fucking coming off.
However, here is a quick checklist of shit to think about and a helpful video for you to go through and watch.
- Depending on your ester you need to wait for longer for a cycle, if you are using 500mgs of test a week and stop for 2 weeks you still have 125mgs of test in your system, your still technically on cycle. Wait for the ester to run out first.
- Not using HCG, seriously, even low dose HCG would highly benefit your pct protocol.
- Not continuing to use Organ supports, your pct is the time to cleanse your body of the chemicals, let your organs recover and your balls kick back in.
-Use your bloodwork as a frame for what you are trying to get back to. you want to be as close to baseline as possible.
-Not training as hard and letting your eating lack. If you want to keep as much of your gains as possible you need to train as hard as possible, don't expect to retain all of your strength, 60-75% of it is realistic and in terms of gains, it depends on how close you were to your genetic limit, which allows you to keep muscle on easier, and how successfully you did your pct. Please research more for yourself, I can't guarantee the success of your pct and I don't want to pretend my understanding of PCT is excellent.

<-- please watch, skip to time with actual shit about pct.
Sarms-debunking some shit
I fucking hate some of these retards claiming sarms will do a whole host of bullshit. You will not gain "10kg of muscle" on a fucking sarm cycle, with a test base that becomes a good possibility, but alone? fuck no. Sarms are great, they have less organ toxicity, won't necessarily shut you down, and will provide significant improvements from natty training but they are blown out of the water by steroids. I may make a thread on sarms going into detail on how to use them properly.
One claim I will address is that sarms can be used for heightmaxxing, some retarded "coach with 5 years of experience" said you could in theory use sarms for heightmaxxing as they would suppress estrogen and test production he claims you "wouldn't feel low t" because of the sarms mimicking test. This is incredibly incorrect. You would feel fucking terrible if you ran sarms long term, or long enough for heightmaxxing purposes. If you were a teen and did this it would cut out Test to DHT conversion and guess what, bye bye to your dick growth and manly features. Even on oral-only steroid cycle, most people feel shit after a few weeks. DO NOT USE SARMS FOR HEIGHTMAXXING PURPOSES, EVEN IF IN THEORY IT SEEMS LIKE A REASONABLE IDEA IT WILL BE DICK GROWTH SUICIDE FOR TEENS, also having weaker androgens then testosterone for heightmaxxing is dumb as fuck, because androgens play a huge role in height growth and velocity anyways. This "coach" also posted a picture of someone on "sarms only" when the dude was fucking roided to the gills, to help sell his fake shitty coaching plan to half-assed looksmaxxers who couldn't give a fuck to be realistic and research for themselves.
- sarms are useful, injectable sarms will become more popular with time, and a steroidal-sarm like YK11 which inhibits myostatin is going to be something I personally experiment with in future due to myostatin's (or lack thereof) importance in gaining ridiculous amounts of muscle past normal.
-don't expect 10kg of muscle from a rad cycle, 5kg in 8 weeks on a solid rad cycle is more reasonable to aim for, but still, you can't guarantee or predetermine gains on this shit.

Ais are super useful, they make sure or reduce the chances of us getting gyno, help with heightmaxxers and are essential for keeping estrogen in check.
You should not use cookie-cutter dosages of Ai's, do not predetermine Ai usage for a cycle, it is dependant on how you feel, if you are bloating and what you are using. If you are experiencing high Est and using dbol or even high dose test you should use an AI.

What Ais to use, for me i personally think Aromasin is the easiest and most reasonable Ai to use. it only reduces estrogen aromatisation by around about 80% which is solid for our purposes, heightmaxxers can use this too, Arimidex and letrozole are other much stronger Ai's and so i would avoid them. Ais can and will make you feel like shit if you crash your estrogen super low, do not nuke your estrogen unless you want weird dick function, strange lack of fucks in regards to women, overheating and hot flushes and a host of other unusual sides. you shouldn't use 25mgs every other day, start low, see how you feel and how you respond. Reminder we never want to unnecessarily stress our body with doses higher than we need.
quick tip, take Aromasin with fats like peanut butter, it helps it to be more bioavailable and work more efficiently.
TRT/Roid dosages
TRT will unironically make you feel fucking fantastic, a dose of 100mgs alone is enough to make far more gains than a natty would, and feel good. The best esters for TRT are Enanthate, Cypionate if you want to dose less, or Sustanon. Propionate could be used if you want to microdose 10mgs daily. On trt your test levels will stay consistent, which unlike natties means your levels don't really drop, you could have a shit nights sleep, not have eaten enough, have wanked 7 times in a day and your test levels would remain the same due to them being artificial. In the long run, this means we have an advantage for building muscle and preventing catabolism.
Dosing 2x weekly is best for most people as this helps to keep pretty stable serum levels without having to inject daily, if you wanted to microdose daily with lower amounts this would also work, but you should inject subQ if you want to do this as it would be easier and reduce scar tissue. For me, i use a borderline cycle/high trt dose of 250mgs test weekly, i will be lowering this to 200mgs weekly in the near future though. I dose on Wednesday and Sunday with 125mgs each time. I inject subQ due to it being easier. I also use letrozole due to my aims of height maintenance and MK677 for hunger and increased GH/igf levels.

For steroids the whole "start with 500 test E" thing is bullshit, you don't need that high at all. A starting cycle of 300mgs test for 16 weeks with an oral of choice for either the end or start of the cycle would be perfect. Avoid orals like Dbol, Anadrol, Superdrol, and stronger shit in general for your first cycle. Turinabol and Anavar are both excellent first picks with dosages from 10-20mgs being plenty for additional good gains. The longer you can ride out a lower dose and reap its gains the better, why stress your body with higher doses when you should be playing with lower doses and finding what's right for you, and helping to develop some proper experience with substance use.
TRT is a godsend, for almost all ages, you can use low dose HCG on cycle to keep your balls from shrinking if you are susceptible, and if you want kids you can come off, run a strong fertility protocol to get your wife pregnant, then go back on. As long as your health is being kept in check and you feel good that is what is important.

Shit to think about

Steroids aren't simple, they will fuck you up if you are not smart and sensible, and you will regret not knowing enough about them before you decide to start them. I seriously suggest researching for your own. You will not "just do one cycle" They are addictive, and you will want to go onto TRT after a few cycles because of convenience. Develop a strong understanding for the pharmacology and be careful with what you do. don't be a fucking retard, don't hop on tren after 3 cycles, don't lack on training or diet.

ps. never written a big thread before, may write more in future on different stuff, hope you enjoyed it or found it useful.

read every word
  • +1
Reactions: TakaTeo
You geneticsmog me to the shadow realm if you can tolerate 250mg/week without an AI and get no side effects, I get gyno flareups on half that
  • +1
Reactions: Gaia262
Would testosterone be a good choice for a gym noob wanting to do a body recomp
You geneticsmog me to the shadow realm if you can tolerate 250mg/week without an AI and get no side effects, I get gyno flareups on half that
Start with DIM 250 mg daily
That doesn’t work try Alchmy
That doesn’t work try aromestane
Why do people always say 'TRT is for life'.
So taking a highish dose TRT does is for life but they never say 'it's for life' for people who blast much larger amounts?
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Reactions: Jew_Supremacist

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