The vile condition of women.


Deleted member 61895

Feb 1, 2024
Dear MI6. 6, CIA and FBI remember that this posting is a comedic dark humour post by a man who is currently a bit drunk. Thank you, you fine gentlemen.

Yes, I might be typing this after a bit of lone drinking.
I might of hit one too many buzzes but it matters no more and may the heavenly lord forgive my hateful trangressions against mankind and its wicked.

Chapter 1: Feminsim is a blight to women.
The harness has rotted long ago.
What once was a low population world with a balance of different men and women in land locked regions and cultures, now lies a horrid cesspit of despair and vulgar actions.
Before we all were able to attain women and keep them, as they would seek our wealth, stability and manhood which would eventually make them develop feelings for us at the start or over a course of time. Or even that back in the days man and woman would automatticly choose their looksmatch by nature and basic instincts.

Days of the near future and present have clearly prove to become a back hash on all the works of our preivous forefathers such as women staying in line and not having anything that can harness political, economic or social power.
As giving women such things only perverted their already weak and delicate souls into cursed creatures that only seak ever so temporary pleasure without thinking twice or even a meer morsel for the future of not just themselves but their whole legacy ahead and their family.
Feminisim is an unholy act of terrorism that god loathes and will send all people who supported it to hell to rot for eternity.

Chapter 2: Women are the biggest protectors and projectors of perversion and degeneracy.
It is always those rancid disgusting utterly mindless demonic cretins that will WHINE about how "you can't be homophobic or wahahaha I have no father wahaha" nonsense.
I cannot put into words how utterly dangerous and vile are moronic western women, not all of them are like this but a vast majority.
No I take back my word, most of women are just worthless little brain washed creatures who cannot even formulate a SIMPLE PAPER ABOUT WHAT THEY EVEN WANT IN THEIR FUTURES IN TWO YEARS.
Do not mistake my words my peers, men are another unholy cataylst of improper and premature mindsets but it is always THE WOMEN who accepts DISGUSTING worthless sinful spawns of satan into society because "I feel so bad, everyone deserves rights" NO NO THEY DO NOT, EVERY RACE MIXXED CHILD SHOULD STIERLISED, SODOMITES SHOULD BE BURNT ALIVE, PERVERTS SHOULD BE DESTROYED, MUSLIMS SHOULD BE GENOCIDED AND EVERY UNHOLY CREATURE OR "MAN" SHOULD BE BURNING.
Women should never EVER have the single right who choosing which people to accept into the world and society.
Nothing disgusts me more when they accepts some sodomite or addict of some stupid drink or drug, as those wastes of air only create more problems.
In short, foids need to be slienced when it comes to the topic of ethics and different "cUlTuReS".

Chapter 3: I have never seen more imcompentent lot of people.
Wanna know something.
The niggers at least have some level of intellect to thrive in mud swamps called africa, the sand niggers are just disgusting morons but least they can run an economy, at least the kikes can destroy and control many things, at least the gooks can create and help new tech to come around, at least the spics can. No they are just retarded like niggers but then the whites run the world yadadadada but want to know which group cannot do anything if even the life depended on it.
Women, they are the most emotional and most moronic lot I had the sheer displeasure of working around, talking or just existing around in general.
They are just so illogical it just pains my sanity and the sanctity of my holy will.

Chapter 4: The end of my rant.
I do not hate the concept of women but what has come to reality has disgusted me beyond basic human comprehension.
I had countless chances to be with attractive women and all, my life has been greatly treated by everyone I had come across.
Even then, Even when I have been blessed.
I still cannot shake off the sheer disgust I have towards such unfaithful, such vile, such disgusting and unself respecting and unmodest women.
I blame men for this, some moronic retard allowed this to happen.

May god destroy every gentile and worthless soul, I only await and will watch the slow burning of all and everything.
Utterly vile. KJV 1 Peter 3:7 - Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
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Take your pills bro.
Dear MI6. 6, CIA and FBI remember that this posting is a comedic dark humour post by a man who is currently a bit drunk. Thank you, you fine gentlemen.

Yes, I might be typing this after a bit of lone drinking.
I might of hit one too many buzzes but it matters no more and may the heavenly lord forgive my hateful trangressions against mankind and its wicked.

Chapter 1: Feminsim is a blight to women.
The harness has rotted long ago.
What once was a low population world with a balance of different men and women in land locked regions and cultures, now lies a horrid cesspit of despair and vulgar actions.
Before we all were able to attain women and keep them, as they would seek our wealth, stability and manhood which would eventually make them develop feelings for us at the start or over a course of time. Or even that back in the days man and woman would automatticly choose their looksmatch by nature and basic instincts.

Days of the near future and present have clearly prove to become a back hash on all the works of our preivous forefathers such as women staying in line and not having anything that can harness political, economic or social power.
As giving women such things only perverted their already weak and delicate souls into cursed creatures that only seak ever so temporary pleasure without thinking twice or even a meer morsel for the future of not just themselves but their whole legacy ahead and their family.
Feminisim is an unholy act of terrorism that god loathes and will send all people who supported it to hell to rot for eternity.

Chapter 2: Women are the biggest protectors and projectors of perversion and degeneracy.
It is always those rancid disgusting utterly mindless demonic cretins that will WHINE about how "you can't be homophobic or wahahaha I have no father wahaha" nonsense.
I cannot put into words how utterly dangerous and vile are moronic western women, not all of them are like this but a vast majority.
No I take back my word, most of women are just worthless little brain washed creatures who cannot even formulate a SIMPLE PAPER ABOUT WHAT THEY EVEN WANT IN THEIR FUTURES IN TWO YEARS.
Do not mistake my words my peers, men are another unholy cataylst of improper and premature mindsets but it is always THE WOMEN who accepts DISGUSTING worthless sinful spawns of satan into society because "I feel so bad, everyone deserves rights" NO NO THEY DO NOT, EVERY RACE MIXXED CHILD SHOULD STIERLISED, SODOMITES SHOULD BE BURNT ALIVE, PERVERTS SHOULD BE DESTROYED, MUSLIMS SHOULD BE GENOCIDED AND EVERY UNHOLY CREATURE OR "MAN" SHOULD BE BURNING.
Women should never EVER have the single right who choosing which people to accept into the world and society.
Nothing disgusts me more when they accepts some sodomite or addict of some stupid drink or drug, as those wastes of air only create more problems.
In short, foids need to be slienced when it comes to the topic of ethics and different "cUlTuReS".

Chapter 3: I have never seen more imcompentent lot of people.
Wanna know something.
The niggers at least have some level of intellect to thrive in mud swamps called africa, the sand niggers are just disgusting morons but least they can run an economy, at least the kikes can destroy and control many things, at least the gooks can create and help new tech to come around, at least the spics can. No they are just retarded like niggers but then the whites run the world yadadadada but want to know which group cannot do anything if even the life depended on it.
Women, they are the most emotional and most moronic lot I had the sheer displeasure of working around, talking or just existing around in general.
They are just so illogical it just pains my sanity and the sanctity of my holy will.

Chapter 4: The end of my rant.
I do not hate the concept of women but what has come to reality has disgusted me beyond basic human comprehension.
I had countless chances to be with attractive women and all, my life has been greatly treated by everyone I had come across.
Even then, Even when I have been blessed.
I still cannot shake off the sheer disgust I have towards such unfaithful, such vile, such disgusting and unself respecting and unmodest women.
I blame men for this, some moronic retard allowed this to happen.

May god destroy every gentile and worthless soul, I only await and will watch the slow burning of all and everything.
Utterly vile. KJV 1 Peter 3:7 - Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
You're insane

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