What’s ideal male height?

Saw a 5'3 guy slayin a cute girl last night at the bar. Height doesnt fuckin matter. Woman want a good face, thats all. Stop with this height bs.


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As tall as you can be without being a lanklet.
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6 foot? Are you autistic? that’s below average height in netherlands, bosnia, montonegro etc.

It’s 6’3-6’6 depending on country.
The whole world isn't the netherlands, the netherlands are nothing but a small shithole with 12 people.
My point stands.
Being over 6'2 is already bad, but being over 6'4 is automatically incel
Guy on the right is fat, still looks DOM as fuck due to his height and frame.
Olivier Richters is an unmoggable beast.

At 6'0 you're a literal manlet if you go to a club.
Cope, I go to clubs as a 6'0 and always one of the tallest there.
No one gives a fuck about looking DOM, woman or not interested in that shit. Both those 2 guys are invisible to women.
  • JFL
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Cope, I go to clubs as a 6'0 and always one of the tallest there.
No one gives a fuck about looking DOM, woman or not interested in that shit. Both those 2 guys are invisible to women.

"dimorphism isn't real" Having a large frame is important as fuck past highschool.

Where do you live? I'm in the UK where the average is supposedly 5'10 but clearly the subhumans don't go clubbing because there are more dudes than I can count whose shoulders are above my head.
At the very best I am on the lower side of average at 184cm.
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From my experience (16) the shorter dudes are usually broader (atleast to height) and get the chicks while the taller lads are usually the igloer incels
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"dimorphism isn't real" Having a large frame is important as fuck past highschool.

Where do you live? I'm in the UK where the average is supposedly 5'10 but clearly the subhumans don't go clubbing because there are more dudes than I can count whose shoulders are above my head.
At the very best I am on the lower side of average at 184cm.
What do you mean, Im from Portugal and I go clubbing every weekends and always heightmog most of the people. Not just in Portugal, but I have also been to the Netherlands as a younger guy (170cm at the time) and at that time I was still taller than most of the population on the street
  • JFL
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What do you mean, Im from Portugal and I go clubbing every weekends and always heightmog most of the people. Not just in Portugal, but I have also been to the Netherlands as a younger guy (170cm at the time) and at that time I was still taller than most of the population on the street

I also mog oldcels which gives me a dopamine rush but when I step into a highschool classroom or even worse a club I get towered over like a 5'4 foid would get towered over me. I am exactly 184cm. If a man isn't taller than me, he is the same height as me. Anyone shorter than me is rare as fuck.

"dimorphism isn't real" Having a large frame is important as fuck past highschool.

Where do you live? I'm in the UK where the average is supposedly 5'10 but clearly the subhumans don't go clubbing because there are more dudes than I can count whose shoulders are above my head.
At the very best I am on the lower side of average at 184cm.
you’re not lower side of average at 184cm in U.K. jfl
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you’re not lower side of average at 184cm in U.K. jfl
among my competition I am. Clearly all the shorter males have decided to LDAR instead. It doesn't matter if I mog oldcels, Asians or lower class subhumans if I get mogged by actual good looking, tall males who are my competition for attracting foids.
among my competition I am. Clearly all the shorter males have decided to LDAR instead. It doesn't matter if I mog oldcels, Asians or lower class subhumans if I get mogged by actual good looking, tall males who are my competition for attracting foids.
i’m 5’9 in U.K. and I do just fine mate. Obviously it’s falio and I am manlet but I don’t feel incredibly short
What do you mean, Im from Portugal and I go clubbing every weekends and always heightmog most of the people. Not just in Portugal, but I have also been to the Netherlands as a younger guy (170cm at the time) and at that time I was still taller than most of the population on the street
this guy just really claimed he mogged most of the people on the street in Netherlands

at 5’7

A24B8A3D 8501 4319 A73A 63A83D1F8812

  • JFL
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The ideal height is 6'3.
The people on this site are more excited in height than the women themselves.
Research shows that couples with a 20 cm gap are happier. I've seen cases where the woman has already rejected the guy for being too tall.
The tallest women in the world are 5'7 170cm, so the ideal height would be 6'3.
But that only applies to girls in the Netherlands.
Girls in the USA, for example, with 5'5 165cm, the ideal height would be 6'1.
Going from 6'3 to height would be a problem, it would be difficult to gain weight and muscles, back problems, difficulty in getting on an airplane.
Although the ideal difference is 20 cm, most couples who see the difference are 13 cm.
Remember that Face is the most important, the hottest girls I met were dating men with 5'7, shows that they just want someone taller.
And remember that Mike tyson with 5'10, knocked out several guys with + 6'3.

Unnamed 2
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Ideal male height is about 6'1"-6'2" unfrauded, then you're supposed to fraud to about 6'5" for maximum SMV gains

You want to stand around 6'4"-6'6" frauded, but those heights are actually very unhealthy, so your best bet is frauding those heights,

From a health/aging and combat/fighting stand point, 5'10"-6'0" is the ideal range,

So you need to strike a balance between the two, being 6'1"-6'2" is just slightly outside of that range, meanwhile it's also tall enough to fraud 6'4" at the least.

Therefore I would deduce something closer to 6'1" barefoot/unfrauded being ideal, assuming you are frauding 6'4"
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Ideal male height is about 6'1"-6'2" unfrauded, then you're supposed to fraud to about 6'5" for maximum SMV gains

You want to stand around 6'4"-6'6" frauded, but those heights are actually very unhealthy, so your best bet is frauding those heights,

From a health/aging and combat/fighting stand point, 5'10"-6'0" is the ideal range,

So you need to strike a balance between the two, being 6'1"-6'2" is just slightly outside of that range, meanwhile it's also tall enough to fraud 6'4" at the least.

Therefore I would deduce something closer to 6'1" barefoot/unfrauded being ideal, assuming you are frauding 6'4"
This tbh, i'm 6'2 and I fraud with boots to 6'3. There's still no height for your face. It's ridiculous how little height matters really. It's like 5% of attraction. Face is around 80% and frame is 15% imo.
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This tbh, i'm 6'2 and I fraud with boots to 6'3. There's still no height for your face. It's ridiculous how little height matters really. It's like 5% of attraction. Face is around 80% and frame is 15% imo.
it's because height only matters significantly when you break out of the 5'9 - 6'3 range, once you go above/below, that's when it starts to halo/failo you.
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It's ridiculous how little height matters really. It's like 5% of attraction and frame is 15% imo.
Studies actually disprove this.

We know what sort of frame women find ideal, and we know what sort of musculature women find ideal, but studies have shown that in practice these are thrown out the window in favour of height.
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This depends on your location but where I live it’s 6’5-6’6.
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Giphy 3
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Massive coping in this thread. Ideal for attraction is 6'3"-6'5", period
Massive coping in this thread. Ideal for attraction is 6'3"-6'5", period
Depends on where you live but i’d never say 6’5 and above is ideal. It’s To tall and you don’t fit in this manlet world
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It depends what country you're in, in UK or US around 6'3 has the broadest appeal to women, you mog 98% of guys but aren't "freakshow" territory. Once you get to 6'5+ it starts to become impractical, it's more polarising so you'll turn more women off but you'll get the odd woman who has a fetish for giants.

I assume in tall countries like the Netherlands where the average height is 6ft+ then the ideal height must be slightly higher than UK or US.
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186cm exactly.
185 is manlet
187 is lanklet
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5'4", yes I really said 5'4"
No such thing as too tall if you're proportionate.

These men are 7'2 and 7'4. They'd make a 6'5 man look like a child. They'd make him incel if they're in the same room.

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I know 5ft 10 pretty boys who absolutely slay in night clubs, more than these mountains ever would.

Taking your "no such thing as too tall" theory, you honestly believe most women would prefer a proportionate 8ft man to a proportionate 6ft 3 man?
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6 ft 3 is Ideal Imo
6 ft 4 and above still good.But not Ideal
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Theres no ideal height, for me, in my opinion, ideal would be 6'3, but if you just want to height mog people and be giant being 6'7 is better, if you want to be f1 driver 5'7 is the best, like a said for me the best would be 6'3, im 6'2 now and im still growing so maybe i will hit 6'3
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The same thread over and over and over again.
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I know 5ft 10 pretty boys who absolutely slay in night clubs, more than these mountains ever would.

Taking your "no such thing as too tall" theory, you honestly believe most women would prefer a proportionate 8ft man to a proportionate 6ft 3 man?

8ft is obviously over the top. They would absolutely take a proportionate 7'4 man over a 6'3 man because the 6'3 man would look like a child next to him.
8ft is obviously over the top. They would absolutely take a proportionate 7'4 man over a 6'3 man because the 6'3 man would look like a child next to him.
I don’t think people realize how tall 7’4 really is cause they never meet one. The taller person i’ve ever know/seen is my 16 year old cousin at 6’6 and i live in sweden
8ft is obviously over the top. They would absolutely take a proportionate 7'4 man over a 6'3 man because the 6'3 man would look like a child next to him.
No chance. 7'4 they see as a freak, and the physical part of the relationship would be too impractical also.

We're also overlooking face here. As I said, 5ft 10 pretty boy is getting laid far more than a 7'4 ogre.
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if your feet touch the ground you have the good height
  • JFL
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A built, wide-framed athletic 6'5 with good face is god-tier.

Can give off professional athlete, male model, high-class, fortune 500 business leader vibe. You are tall in every country without being freakish.

It is a heroic & handsome height. The creme de la creme.

After 6'5, the reported male self-satisfaction with height survey scores begin to drop off drastically. 6'6+ / 2m+ also starts to look uncanny.
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All these "Ideal height" threads are a reflection of how insecure most of you faggots are. Whether you are short or tall, you're still a whiny little bitch. Deal with it.
6'3 is ideal, taller than that makes most humans look weird next to them
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