Why Business Advice is Shit



Oct 18, 2021
Listening to business and mindset advice is a waste of time at best, and will set you back at worst.

Successful Business Gurus & Mindset Gurus:

To get successful they lied about their wealth, and faked being wealthy, and faked having run "successful" companies, so they can sell you shitty advice. Fake Billionaires & Fake Millionaires lie because they are not about to tell you the secret to their success is to lie constantly, and lie better than the next fake Guru, and use pushy sales tactics to take money from vulnerable people, as well as other manipulation techniques. Examples of these fake guru's are Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Ferris, Tai Lopez, Caleb Madex, John Crestani, Alex Becker, Grant Cardone, Dan Pena, Dan Lock, Kevin David, Jet Set Fly/Josh King Madrid, Ricky Gutierrez, and Kevin Zang.

Other Mindset Gurus such as Tony Robins may not have pretended to be wealthy in the begining, but they got wealthy using psychological manipulation and cult tactics and they are not about to tell you that.

These guru's will give you advice like
  • "Provide Real Value" - so that you mistakenly trust they are not scamming you.
  • "Good things come to those who invest in themselves" so you buy their over priced course of inapplicable platitudes and bad advice
  • "Take action now" So you buy their over priced shitty course right now
  • "Learn from some one more successful than you" Again so you buy their shit.
  • "Leaders make fast decisions" So when you're in their "free" seminar enduring high pressure sales tactics to sign up for the first of many bullshit courses that will drain you of your money, you don't over think things and sign up.
This entire industry is lies, fluff, and manipulation to take your money. The advice is ALL intended to instill in you the beliefs and patterns that will funnel you through bigger and bigger courses to take all your money, until your credit cards are all maxed out and you are of no more use to them.

UnSuccessful Business Mindset/Gurus:

These are fake millionaires and billionaires, that are still failing in the scam guru industry. They may rent lambos, take pics in fake jets, take pics with attractive women, and wear fake gold watches but despite their effort they are still failing.

They give shit advice like don't focus on success metrics (above advice) because they honestly have zero clue on how to succeed.

Actual Rich People:

Examples are Gary Vee and Elon Musk.

They give advice like never stop the Grind, little sleep, never stop working. This is for their brand so they can make more money, not because it's actually good advice or even what they do. You really think people making billion dollar decisions are in a state of non-stop action without time to slow down, reflect, relax and come to quality decisions? Do you think the google CEOs decided to put relaxation Pods in their buildings because they thought success comes from a nonstop grind? It's more bullshit advice.

Rich people are also not likely to tell you the secrets to their industry, because the only reason they still make money is because competition in their industry continues to make worse decisions. If anything, they will intentionally give out BAD advice.

There may be some rich people who have given actual good advice, but there's so much bad advice that it becomes nearly impossible to distinguish the good advice from the bad.

If you can distinguish the good advice from the bad, then you already know the good advice from your own intelligence and/or experience and it was pointless for you to have listened to the advice giver.

So what should you do?

This is my current understanding, and may be shitty advice as well. Feel free to ignore this part.
  • Don't look for universal rules. Strategies in one niche will have the opposite effect in other niches.
  • Do Study Phycology as it applies to your industry - Not some one elses bullshit abstract theories, but experiments that have been conducted and come to your own conclusions. There's a good chance you'll have a better interpretation of the results of phycological experiments than the autistic incel scientist who wrote the research paper and doesn't understand people or the the click bait journalist who processed that paper into sensational bullshit. Avoid Surveys, people lie even when anonymous. Study the aspects of phycology that are applicable to the industry you are trying to dominate.
  • Look for failures in your industry and analyze them, and develop theories on them. Pay special attention to failures that look like they should have succeeded.
  • Understand that you can't just be a little better than the current players in your industry, because people already have familiarity and brand recognition with those players. To make money, you have to take away some one elses revenue within that industry and for any one to switch to your product, they have to believe yours is orders of magnitude better, otherwise they'll stay with what's familiar. The existing successful companies also have more social momentum, including comments, and engagement, and people look to others to decide if they want to try a product, which is another reason you can't just copy existing products but have to dominate them.
  • Come up with theories and models on the customer decision making processes and phycology of your industry. Find ways to validate or invalidate those models, piece by piece, through experiments and data collection. Contrary to what the fake gurus will tell you, your competition is also working extremely hard and you can not out work them. You both have the same amount of hours in a day. You must make better decisions, by having a more accurate model of reality than they do.

Anyways, that's pretty much it. I can't tell you how much time I've wasted listening to these fake gurus, and reading bullshit mindset books and all that crap. Hopefully this helps some people avoid wasting time.
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  • JFL
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Great thread, man. Crazy how the threads shilling shitcoins get more attention tho, cage at the state of this forum...
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if you're luck you become rich enough to retire in your 40s or 50s. aint nobody got time to wait that long until they've lost their prime

the true key is to maximize risk:reward. you either make it or you starve to death. no middle ground.

just lol if you didn't go all in on bitcoin when it was 0.001 usd then hold it like a mad man until it was 60k :lul:
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: LooksOrDeath, mulattomaxxer, Deleted member 3573 and 5 others
Great thread, man. Crazy how the threads shilling shitcoins get more attention tho, cage at the state of this forum...
Most People want fast easy and massive results and have low attention spans.

In the looksmaxing section most people look for quick solutions and fuck themselves in the long run.
In the money making section most people look for quick solutions and fuck themselves in the long run.

if you're luck you become rich enough to retire in your 40s or 50s. aint nobody got time to wait that long until they've lost their prime

the true key is to maximize risk:reward. you either make it or you starve to death. no middle ground.

just lol if you didn't go all in on bitcoin when it was 0.001 usd then hold it like a mad man until it was 60k :lul:
Low Risk/High Reward is ideal. Being smart enough, and understanding human nature, game theory, and politics well enough to have invested in bitcoin early knowing it was going to succeed is ideal. Most things come down to game theory and phycology.
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Every person i talked to with hustle mindset is borderline retarded
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Great fucking thread.
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Every person i talked to with hustle mindset is borderline retarded
Keep Grindin.
Keep hustlin,
Anything is possible,
I promise you.

Just take that first hards step, of actually doing something.
Like getting arrested, or something

  • JFL
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Keep Grindin.
Keep hustlin,
Anything is possible,
I promise you.

Just take that first hards step, of actually doing something.
Like getting arrested, or something

Be really really good looking and lucky is the best piece of advice all parents should give their children.
  • JFL
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fake guru's are Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Ferris, Tai Lopez, Caleb Madex, John Crestani, Alex Becker, Grant Cardone, Dan Pena, Dan Lock, Kevin David, Jet Set Fly/Josh King Madrid, Ricky Gutierrez, and Kevin Zang.
Other Mindset Gurus such as Tony Robins may not have pretended to be wealthy
true. they make money, through their books/courses, etc... And if they are wealthy, it's due to their teaching company.
Actual Rich People:
There may be some rich people who have given actual good advice,
Best book on this matter, imo. From 300 million net worth entrepreneur (magazines); Felix Dennis.
A bit outdated, because old book. but in essence still true and great.

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I am really into entrepenourship, economics, financial... I am not rich, because BEING RICH is about the correct things FOR A LONG TIME. But I know more or less the basics, specially because of older people I know, and because economics is universal to any scale.

I am writing this as a hypotetical perfect capitalist environment, without stupid regulations, state-monopolies, state netpotism, total free market (aka full meritocracy), no taxes on capitalization (like in Switzerland per example, in my country tax is 19% kek)

If you live in a western country, more or less the environment is somewhat close to "utopycal" in relative terms compared to socialist shitholes. If you live in a leftie country, your priority must be leave that corrupt and unmoral shithole.

1) Most important thing is focus on long term, this is based in every aspect of life, economics isn't different.

2) You need to create added value. OP spotted this as a cope, it isn't, is literally the key of the creation of wealth. Wealth is created BTW. In the long term, the market ALWAYS, ALWAYS benefits the one who adds value. Because people, companies... seek efficience, and thats is reached with added value. So make sure yo do something, sell something, design something that benefits other people (your potential clients). There is no need to create something new, just improving something, is adding value.

Examples; steam machine added value by making faster, less workers same production; McDonald's added value was making faster food; Ford added value by allowing faster transportation of people and goods; TSMC add value by designing and creating the most efficient and fastest microprocessators; Disney added value is entretaining people; Lockhead Martin adds value by creating most deadliest weapons, UBER adds value by making more efficient the taxi infustry; Lionel Messi adds value as entretaining, Zara added value by fabricating good clothes as a low price; Joe Biden adds value... as nothing, politicians don't add value, they are just state leaches; Ryannair added value by allowing to fly, cheaper as conventional planes, looksmax adds value by creating a space to discuss looks improvement to people.

3) CAPITALIZATION. You know why is called Capitalism? Is called capitalization because is the action of saving plusvalies of work and invest them to create more wealth into the future. Thats why I said WEALTH don't exist per se, it needs to be created and it is infinite. WEALTH = efficience in life, not coins or dollars (thats just a currency to try to materialize labour).

Capitalization is your #1 goal for you if you want to become richer, wealthier. Without capitalization, the world would crumble and go back to mediaval era. Capitalization is the number one goal, or should be, for every fucking company in the world, including modern states (almost none state does that, thats why the system will collapse soon or later IMO), and for your, because as I said, economics are simple and universal, what you should do is what Apple INC should do and what the Helvetica Confederation should do.

For dumbs, save money, and invest it, invest invest invest, not only are you become richer, you are helping world economy. Economy doesn't need consumers, need investors. Don't burn capital with stupid things, save and invest to create wealth, and to become wealthier, because investiments give returns.

When a company that has 3 factories, wants to become wealthier, what it does? It starts to save plusvalies (here is where commies cry) to invest them into building a new factory.

By the simple act of investing the non spent plusvalies, that company, apsrt to become more efficient into producing more goods, spent money on architects, builders, trucks, metallurgic industry, interior designers, truck drivers, bought the land...

it REDISTRIBUITED ITS WEALTH how it is supposed to be, not by theft (taxes). And redistributed its wealth with people and companies that added value. Everything, to become more efficient. Good eh? Of course, politicians took 0 of that wealth, so leaches will make you belive that they are the oned that need to redistribute wealth, instead of a free market, as said before, meritocracy.

And all of this joins with the added value point.

By capitalization or invest, there are infinite ways. Invest into stocks (companies), invest in information (education, learning thing that add value makes you more value in the market, maybe you work with you computer, so you invest into buying a more powerful computer (adds value). Bitcoin isn't an invest by definition, is just normal saving.

250 years ago, capitalism didnt existed, what people produced (very little) was spent. It was with the creation of the firsts investiment institutions (old banks) that capitalism was born. 250 years ago, almost the total world population lived in total poverty. Now this all changed, people never lived better, there is no point in history where people were richer than today. The total succes of CAPITALISM.

Because the farmer that saved, invested in a tractor that made its work thousand of times more efficient, that way famines stoped. A farmer from The Netherlands is 500x times more efficient than a farmer from the Congo. The family of the dutch farmer been capitalizating hundreds of years, the Congo farmer doesn't even capitalize.

If you have 1000€ and you don't spend the max you can into a improvement that will make you generate more than 1000€. You will never by rich by you owm means, and if you win lottery, eventually, you will lose everything.

4) Focus on your branch. This is also related to the added value part. If you want to entrepenourship, you need to add value, and the most probably way you are gonna add value between market competitors is in a branch that you understand.

If you are a baker, you wont start a bussiness about clothes. If you are expert in engineering, you want to add value by making some engineering aspect of something more efficient. That way you will become wealthier. Entrepeneour in the branch you understand.

Those points were universal rules, now some quick pragmatic tips:
-Don't waste time, time is not purchesable. Regular people nowadays waste a shitton of time. Don't do that.
-You should aim to become a capitalist, thats means, the one that puts the capital. You start as a worker, then worker and capitalist, and finally capitalist. Thats when you soley need to sit and relax. You capital is the one adding value, by allowing economy to invest and become more efficient, more richer.

1) Focus on long term, don't get distracted by short term.
2) Try to add value. Something, a service, a good, a knowledge, a strategy, that improves already existing things.
3) Work, save, invest, work, save, invest. Capitalization.
4) Improve your already know branches. Something you are passionate, you already worked, you studied...
5) Don't waste you life, dont be a regular sheep, do things. You will die, don't be a fucking nihilist.
6) Capitalization is buying free time in your future.

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2) You need to create added value. OP spotted this as a cope, it isn't, is literally the key of the creation of wealth. Wealth is created BTW. In the long term, the market ALWAYS, ALWAYS benefits the one who adds value. Because people, companies... seek efficience, and thats is reached with added value. So make sure yo do something, sell something, design something that benefits other people (your potential clients). There is no need to create something new, just improving something, is adding value.

Examples; steam machine added value by making faster, less workers same production; McDonald's added value was making faster food; Ford added value by allowing faster transportation of people and goods; TSMC add value by designing and creating the most efficient and fastest microprocessators; Disney added value is entretaining people; Lockhead Martin adds value by creating most deadliest weapons, UBER adds value by making more efficient the taxi infustry; Lionel Messi adds value as entretaining, Zara added value by fabricating good clothes as a low price; Joe Biden adds value... as nothing, politicians don't add value, they are just state leaches; Ryannair added value by allowing to fly, cheaper as conventional planes, looksmax adds value by creating a space to discuss looks improvement to people.
Even in your attempt to Cherry pick examples of companies providing "real" value you put in an example like mcdonalds. Eating fast food garbage can save you $1.50 per day (click for source link) which is $547.5 per year, while obesity costs $1,800 average excess annual medical costs (click for source link), lowers IQ, lowers productivity, which in turn lowers economic output so eating at mcdonalds has an expected net excess cost.

Which is why companies like coke cola have spent millions to shift the public's focus towards exercise and away from obesity despite all of the studies (click for source link). Then you have "non profits" like American council on exercise that say 18% to 25% is normal healthy range of bodyfat, despite no evidence to support this and an actually study showing the optimal healthy bodyfat percentage is at most 15% and likely lower. This lie is spread throughout the entire internet, including webmd, and wikipedia and is the information that automatically pops up when you google it.

If you haven't figured out by now, non-profits are funded by companies to promote disinformation to get the public to make self harming decisions that benefit corporations. This information then propagates to the rest of the internet, making the internet in general a source of disinformation. The entire world is farm animals for mega corporations.

Most people believe in religion and many other provable false things because there minds have been taken over by memes and propaganda.

You are not selling to people who can determine "value" but highly malleable, delusional animals that are barely hanging on to reality. Super bowl ads aren't giving logical breakdowns of why you should buy one product over another but are using anchoring and more cutting edge brainwashing techniques to tie emotions to specific brands and products to trigger purchase decisions.

Your other points are mostly all good. Fiats are scams created by governments to take money from poor dumb people via inflation, so you have to invests. Index funds don't keep up with the real inflation, and after expenses the average mutual fund doesn't even keep up with index funds and it's impossible to predict which mutual funds will be profitable based on past performance. So the investment world is a kill or be killed world where you have to be smarter than all the other investors in order to take their money essentially.

The world economy is stagnant not growing and we are fighting over a fixed pie, and as spending decreases as a larger portion of the population becomes retired we will be fighting over a shrinking pie.

Lockhead Martin adds value by creating most deadliest weapons
Helping destabilize nations and destroy their economy to promote the petro dollar, which allows the U.S. to drain wealth from poorer countries around the world via inflation, which is then fed back into the machine that bombs poor countries to promote the petro dollar. It's a parasitic system, and any company that supports it is by definition part of that parasite and not "adding value" at least not in terms of benefiting humans.

4) Focus on your branch. This is also related to the added value part. If you want to entrepenourship, you need to add value, and the most probably way you are gonna add value between market competitors is in a branch that you understand.

If you are a baker, you wont start a bussiness about clothes. If you are expert in engineering, you want to add value by making some engineering aspect of something more efficient. That way you will become wealthier. Entrepeneour in the branch you understand.

Like I said you have to dominate a niche taking sales from your competition, and taking food from mouths of your competitions children by doing some combination of creating a product that better appeals to the constantly shifting irrational emotions of the consumer, and having a more effective propaganda campaign than your competition. It's survival of the fittest and when you can automate something you fire your workers and let them starve, or else you will be the one that get's outcompeted and you will starve.

Don't get me wrong I love capitalism, communism causes more people to starve, but don't buy into the lies rich people tell themselves so that they can sleep at night. And I'm not demonizing the rich, poor people are fucking loosers that need to step up.
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Even in your attempt to Cherry pick examples of companies providing "real" value you put in an example like mcdonalds. Eating fast food garbage can save you $1.50 per day (click for source link) which is $547.5 per year, while obesity costs $1,800 average excess annual medical costs (click for source link), lowers IQ, lowers productivity, which in turn lowers economic output so eating at mcdonalds has an expected net excess cost.

Which is why companies like coke cola have spent millions to shift the public's focus towards exercise and away from obesity despite all of the studies (click for source link). Then you have "non profits" like American council on exercise that say 18% to 25% is normal healthy range of bodyfat, despite no evidence to support this and an actually study showing the optimal healthy bodyfat percentage is at most 15% and likely lower. This lie is spread throughout the entire internet, including webmd, and wikipedia and is the information that automatically pops up when you google it.

If you haven't figured out by now, non-profits are funded by companies to promote disinformation to get the public to make self harming decisions that benefit corporations. This information then propagates to the rest of the internet, making the internet in general a source of disinformation. The entire world is farm animals for mega corporations.

Most people believe in religion and many other provable false things because there minds have been taken over by memes and propaganda.

You are not selling to people who can determine "value" but highly malleable, delusional animals that are barely hanging on to reality. Super bowl ads aren't giving logical breakdowns of why you should buy one product over another but are using anchoring and more cutting edge brainwashing techniques to tie emotions to specific brands and products to trigger purchase decisions.

Your other points are mostly all good. Fiats are scams created by governments to take money from poor dumb people via inflation, so you have to invests. Index funds don't keep up with the real inflation, and after expenses the average mutual fund doesn't even keep up with index funds and it's impossible to predict which mutual funds will be profitable based on past performance. So the investment world is a kill or be killed world where you have to be smarter than all the other investors in order to take their money essentially.

The world economy is stagnant not growing and we are fighting over a fixed pie, and as spending decreases as a larger portion of the population becomes retired we will be fighting over a shrinking pie.

Helping destabilize nations and destroy their economy to promote the petro dollar, which allows the U.S. to drain wealth from poorer countries around the world via inflation, which is then fed back into the machine that bombs poor countries to promote the petro dollar. It's a parasitic system, and any company that supports it is by definition part of that parasite and not "adding value" at least not in terms of benefiting humans.

Like I said you have to dominate a niche taking sales from your competition, and taking food from mouths of your competitions children by doing some combination of creating a product that better appeals to the constantly shifting irrational emotions of the consumer, and having a more effective propaganda campaign than your competition. It's survival of the fittest and when you can automate something you fire your workers and let them starve, or else you will be the one that get's outcompeted and you will starve.

Don't get me wrong I love capitalism, communism causes more people to starve, but don't buy into the lies rich people tell themselves so that they can sleep at night. And I'm not demonizing the rich, poor people are fucking loosers that need to step up.
You aren't the one determinating what adds value, is the market. You can just analyse the market.

BTW the more weapons has a country, the higher peace levels are reached. We are living in the most peaceful period of history, and thats thanks to having deadliest weapons.
You aren't the one determinating what adds value, is the market. You can just analyse the market.
Sure but the phrase "create value" can confuse people with no business experience.

"Create what sells better than the competition." is more precise, but when precision is added it becomes clear that this advice is both common sense and in no way applicable, because you can't know what will take your competitors customers until you test it.

It's because there is no such thing as business advice, only basic logic and math, and experience in a specific niche gained through many failures.
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Listening to business and mindset advice is a waste of time at best, and will set you back at worst.

Successful Business Gurus & Mindset Gurus:

To get successful they lied about their wealth, and faked being wealthy, and faked having run "successful" companies, so they can sell you shitty advice. Fake Billionaires & Fake Millionaires lie because they are not about to tell you the secret to their success is to lie constantly, and lie better than the next fake Guru, and use pushy sales tactics to take money from vulnerable people, as well as other manipulation techniques. Examples of these fake guru's are Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Ferris, Tai Lopez, Caleb Madex, John Crestani, Alex Becker, Grant Cardone, Dan Pena, Dan Lock, Kevin David, Jet Set Fly/Josh King Madrid, Ricky Gutierrez, and Kevin Zang.

Other Mindset Gurus such as Tony Robins may not have pretended to be wealthy in the begining, but they got wealthy using psychological manipulation and cult tactics and they are not about to tell you that.

These guru's will give you advice like
  • "Provide Real Value" - so that you mistakenly trust they are not scamming you.
  • "Good things come to those who invest in themselves" so you buy their over priced course of inapplicable platitudes and bad advice
  • "Take action now" So you buy their over priced shitty course right now
  • "Learn from some one more successful than you" Again so you buy their shit.
  • "Leaders make fast decisions" So when you're in their "free" seminar enduring high pressure sales tactics to sign up for the first of many bullshit courses that will drain you of your money, you don't over think things and sign up.
This entire industry is lies, fluff, and manipulation to take your money. The advice is ALL intended to instill in you the beliefs and patterns that will funnel you through bigger and bigger courses to take all your money, until your credit cards are all maxed out and you are of no more use to them.

UnSuccessful Business Mindset/Gurus:

These are fake millionaires and billionaires, that are still failing in the scam guru industry. They may rent lambos, take pics in fake jets, take pics with attractive women, and wear fake gold watches but despite their effort they are still failing.

They give shit advice like don't focus on success metrics (above advice) because they honestly have zero clue on how to succeed.

Actual Rich People:

Examples are Gary Vee and Elon Musk.

They give advice like never stop the Grind, little sleep, never stop working. This is for their brand so they can make more money, not because it's actually good advice or even what they do. You really think people making billion dollar decisions are in a state of non-stop action without time to slow down, reflect, relax and come to quality decisions? Do you think the google CEOs decided to put relaxation Pods in their buildings because they thought success comes from a nonstop grind? It's more bullshit advice.

Rich people are also not likely to tell you the secrets to their industry, because the only reason they still make money is because competition in their industry continues to make worse decisions. If anything, they will intentionally give out BAD advice.

There may be some rich people who have given actual good advice, but there's so much bad advice that it becomes nearly impossible to distinguish the good advice from the bad.

If you can distinguish the good advice from the bad, then you already know the good advice from your own intelligence and/or experience and it was pointless for you to have listened to the advice giver.

So what should you do?

This is my current understanding, and may be shitty advice as well. Feel free to ignore this part.
  • Don't look for universal rules. Strategies in one niche will have the opposite effect in other niches.
  • Do Study Phycology as it applies to your industry - Not some one elses bullshit abstract theories, but experiments that have been conducted and come to your own conclusions. There's a good chance you'll have a better interpretation of the results of phycological experiments than the autistic incel scientist who wrote the research paper and doesn't understand people or the the click bait journalist who processed that paper into sensational bullshit. Avoid Surveys, people lie even when anonymous. Study the aspects of phycology that are applicable to the industry you are trying to dominate.
  • Look for failures in your industry and analyze them, and develop theories on them. Pay special attention to failures that look like they should have succeeded.
  • Understand that you can't just be a little better than the current players in your industry, because people already have familiarity and brand recognition with those players. To make money, you have to take away some one elses revenue within that industry and for any one to switch to your product, they have to believe yours is orders of magnitude better, otherwise they'll stay with what's familiar. The existing successful companies also have more social momentum, including comments, and engagement, and people look to others to decide if they want to try a product, which is another reason you can't just copy existing products but have to dominate them.
  • Come up with theories and models on the customer decision making processes and phycology of your industry. Find ways to validate or invalidate those models, piece by piece, through experiments and data collection. Contrary to what the fake gurus will tell you, your competition is also working extremely hard and you can not out work them. You both have the same amount of hours in a day. You must make better decisions, by having a more accurate model of reality than they do.

Anyways, that's pretty much it. I can't tell you how much time I've wasted listening to these fake gurus, and reading bullshit mindset books and all that crap. Hopefully this helps some people avoid wasting time.

I made the same mistakes when I was 16 to 18. Read all the bullshit books and then realised I wasted two years digging myself deeper into the mess instead of getting ahead
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Sure but the phrase "create value" can confuse people with no business experience.

"Create what sells better than the competition." is more precise, but when precision is added it becomes clear that this advice is both common sense and in no way applicable, because you can't know what will take your competitors customers until you test it.

It's because there is no such thing as business advice, only basic logic and math, and experience in a specific niche gained through many failures.
Thats where you talent and experience enters into game. A good bussinessman is the one that is capable of the perfect analysis of the market, so he can act after that by providing some added value. A better product, a cheaper product, a faster service, a different service, a more specific service... Thats another point. Is not easy, there are people capable, there are people that aren't. In fact is what makes it hards, what makes you rich, due to the supply and demand law.
Listening to business and mindset advice is a waste of time at best, and will set you back at worst.

Successful Business Gurus & Mindset Gurus:

To get successful they lied about their wealth, and faked being wealthy, and faked having run "successful" companies, so they can sell you shitty advice. Fake Billionaires & Fake Millionaires lie because they are not about to tell you the secret to their success is to lie constantly, and lie better than the next fake Guru, and use pushy sales tactics to take money from vulnerable people, as well as other manipulation techniques. Examples of these fake guru's are Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Ferris, Tai Lopez, Caleb Madex, John Crestani, Alex Becker, Grant Cardone, Dan Pena, Dan Lock, Kevin David, Jet Set Fly/Josh King Madrid, Ricky Gutierrez, and Kevin Zang.

Other Mindset Gurus such as Tony Robins may not have pretended to be wealthy in the begining, but they got wealthy using psychological manipulation and cult tactics and they are not about to tell you that.

These guru's will give you advice like
  • "Provide Real Value" - so that you mistakenly trust they are not scamming you.
  • "Good things come to those who invest in themselves" so you buy their over priced course of inapplicable platitudes and bad advice
  • "Take action now" So you buy their over priced shitty course right now
  • "Learn from some one more successful than you" Again so you buy their shit.
  • "Leaders make fast decisions" So when you're in their "free" seminar enduring high pressure sales tactics to sign up for the first of many bullshit courses that will drain you of your money, you don't over think things and sign up.
This entire industry is lies, fluff, and manipulation to take your money. The advice is ALL intended to instill in you the beliefs and patterns that will funnel you through bigger and bigger courses to take all your money, until your credit cards are all maxed out and you are of no more use to them.

UnSuccessful Business Mindset/Gurus:

These are fake millionaires and billionaires, that are still failing in the scam guru industry. They may rent lambos, take pics in fake jets, take pics with attractive women, and wear fake gold watches but despite their effort they are still failing.

They give shit advice like don't focus on success metrics (above advice) because they honestly have zero clue on how to succeed.

Actual Rich People:

Examples are Gary Vee and Elon Musk.

They give advice like never stop the Grind, little sleep, never stop working. This is for their brand so they can make more money, not because it's actually good advice or even what they do. You really think people making billion dollar decisions are in a state of non-stop action without time to slow down, reflect, relax and come to quality decisions? Do you think the google CEOs decided to put relaxation Pods in their buildings because they thought success comes from a nonstop grind? It's more bullshit advice.

Rich people are also not likely to tell you the secrets to their industry, because the only reason they still make money is because competition in their industry continues to make worse decisions. If anything, they will intentionally give out BAD advice.

There may be some rich people who have given actual good advice, but there's so much bad advice that it becomes nearly impossible to distinguish the good advice from the bad.

If you can distinguish the good advice from the bad, then you already know the good advice from your own intelligence and/or experience and it was pointless for you to have listened to the advice giver.

So what should you do?

This is my current understanding, and may be shitty advice as well. Feel free to ignore this part.
  • Don't look for universal rules. Strategies in one niche will have the opposite effect in other niches.
  • Do Study Phycology as it applies to your industry - Not some one elses bullshit abstract theories, but experiments that have been conducted and come to your own conclusions. There's a good chance you'll have a better interpretation of the results of phycological experiments than the autistic incel scientist who wrote the research paper and doesn't understand people or the the click bait journalist who processed that paper into sensational bullshit. Avoid Surveys, people lie even when anonymous. Study the aspects of phycology that are applicable to the industry you are trying to dominate.
  • Look for failures in your industry and analyze them, and develop theories on them. Pay special attention to failures that look like they should have succeeded.
  • Understand that you can't just be a little better than the current players in your industry, because people already have familiarity and brand recognition with those players. To make money, you have to take away some one elses revenue within that industry and for any one to switch to your product, they have to believe yours is orders of magnitude better, otherwise they'll stay with what's familiar. The existing successful companies also have more social momentum, including comments, and engagement, and people look to others to decide if they want to try a product, which is another reason you can't just copy existing products but have to dominate them.
  • Come up with theories and models on the customer decision making processes and phycology of your industry. Find ways to validate or invalidate those models, piece by piece, through experiments and data collection. Contrary to what the fake gurus will tell you, your competition is also working extremely hard and you can not out work them. You both have the same amount of hours in a day. You must make better decisions, by having a more accurate model of reality than they do.

Anyways, that's pretty much it. I can't tell you how much time I've wasted listening to these fake gurus, and reading bullshit mindset books and all that crap. Hopefully this helps some people avoid wasting time.

Elon Musk's daddy owned an emerald mine. A LOT of wealth is based of of intergenerations/having a rich daddy. (not saying the businessmen are successful but you have to START with wealth to make more wealth). Kinda like social dynamics, you need friends to make more friends.
  • +1
Reactions: Dreadnoughtus and Lmao
Listening to business and mindset advice is a waste of time at best, and will set you back at worst.

Successful Business Gurus & Mindset Gurus:

To get successful they lied about their wealth, and faked being wealthy, and faked having run "successful" companies, so they can sell you shitty advice. Fake Billionaires & Fake Millionaires lie because they are not about to tell you the secret to their success is to lie constantly, and lie better than the next fake Guru, and use pushy sales tactics to take money from vulnerable people, as well as other manipulation techniques. Examples of these fake guru's are Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Ferris, Tai Lopez, Caleb Madex, John Crestani, Alex Becker, Grant Cardone, Dan Pena, Dan Lock, Kevin David, Jet Set Fly/Josh King Madrid, Ricky Gutierrez, and Kevin Zang.

Other Mindset Gurus such as Tony Robins may not have pretended to be wealthy in the begining, but they got wealthy using psychological manipulation and cult tactics and they are not about to tell you that.

These guru's will give you advice like
  • "Provide Real Value" - so that you mistakenly trust they are not scamming you.
  • "Good things come to those who invest in themselves" so you buy their over priced course of inapplicable platitudes and bad advice
  • "Take action now" So you buy their over priced shitty course right now
  • "Learn from some one more successful than you" Again so you buy their shit.
  • "Leaders make fast decisions" So when you're in their "free" seminar enduring high pressure sales tactics to sign up for the first of many bullshit courses that will drain you of your money, you don't over think things and sign up.
This entire industry is lies, fluff, and manipulation to take your money. The advice is ALL intended to instill in you the beliefs and patterns that will funnel you through bigger and bigger courses to take all your money, until your credit cards are all maxed out and you are of no more use to them.

UnSuccessful Business Mindset/Gurus:

These are fake millionaires and billionaires, that are still failing in the scam guru industry. They may rent lambos, take pics in fake jets, take pics with attractive women, and wear fake gold watches but despite their effort they are still failing.

They give shit advice like don't focus on success metrics (above advice) because they honestly have zero clue on how to succeed.

Actual Rich People:

Examples are Gary Vee and Elon Musk.

They give advice like never stop the Grind, little sleep, never stop working. This is for their brand so they can make more money, not because it's actually good advice or even what they do. You really think people making billion dollar decisions are in a state of non-stop action without time to slow down, reflect, relax and come to quality decisions? Do you think the google CEOs decided to put relaxation Pods in their buildings because they thought success comes from a nonstop grind? It's more bullshit advice.

Rich people are also not likely to tell you the secrets to their industry, because the only reason they still make money is because competition in their industry continues to make worse decisions. If anything, they will intentionally give out BAD advice.

There may be some rich people who have given actual good advice, but there's so much bad advice that it becomes nearly impossible to distinguish the good advice from the bad.

If you can distinguish the good advice from the bad, then you already know the good advice from your own intelligence and/or experience and it was pointless for you to have listened to the advice giver.

So what should you do?

This is my current understanding, and may be shitty advice as well. Feel free to ignore this part.
  • Don't look for universal rules. Strategies in one niche will have the opposite effect in other niches.
  • Do Study Phycology as it applies to your industry - Not some one elses bullshit abstract theories, but experiments that have been conducted and come to your own conclusions. There's a good chance you'll have a better interpretation of the results of phycological experiments than the autistic incel scientist who wrote the research paper and doesn't understand people or the the click bait journalist who processed that paper into sensational bullshit. Avoid Surveys, people lie even when anonymous. Study the aspects of phycology that are applicable to the industry you are trying to dominate.
  • Look for failures in your industry and analyze them, and develop theories on them. Pay special attention to failures that look like they should have succeeded.
  • Understand that you can't just be a little better than the current players in your industry, because people already have familiarity and brand recognition with those players. To make money, you have to take away some one elses revenue within that industry and for any one to switch to your product, they have to believe yours is orders of magnitude better, otherwise they'll stay with what's familiar. The existing successful companies also have more social momentum, including comments, and engagement, and people look to others to decide if they want to try a product, which is another reason you can't just copy existing products but have to dominate them.
  • Come up with theories and models on the customer decision making processes and phycology of your industry. Find ways to validate or invalidate those models, piece by piece, through experiments and data collection. Contrary to what the fake gurus will tell you, your competition is also working extremely hard and you can not out work them. You both have the same amount of hours in a day. You must make better decisions, by having a more accurate model of reality than they do.

Anyways, that's pretty much it. I can't tell you how much time I've wasted listening to these fake gurus, and reading bullshit mindset books and all that crap. Hopefully this helps some people avoid wasting time.

All of this shit just to realize genetics > everything
  • JFL
Reactions: Be_ConfidentBro, mulattomaxxer and noodlelover
Because the people you’re getting advice from is your competition!
Keep Grindin.
Keep hustlin,
Anything is possible,
I promise you.

Just take that first hards step, of actually doing something.
Like getting arrested, or something

Fuck I love Jeremy Meeks. I am caging at this video hard, its just too good.

I think most people lack the comprehension to see anything from outside their own reality. When Meeks talks about making $180,000 for a four hour music video and says making money is easy I just couldn't stop laughing.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Be_ConfidentBro, eduardkoopman and noodlelover
To get rich this is what you need:
Have the right interests at the right time, having the right ideas, living in the right place (i.e. San Francisco), knowing the right people giving you the right amount of support.

To summarize this: You gotta be lucky.
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: LooksOrDeath
Listening to business and mindset advice is a waste of time at best, and will set you back at worst.

Successful Business Gurus & Mindset Gurus:

To get successful they lied about their wealth, and faked being wealthy, and faked having run "successful" companies, so they can sell you shitty advice. Fake Billionaires & Fake Millionaires lie because they are not about to tell you the secret to their success is to lie constantly, and lie better than the next fake Guru, and use pushy sales tactics to take money from vulnerable people, as well as other manipulation techniques. Examples of these fake guru's are Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Ferris, Tai Lopez, Caleb Madex, John Crestani, Alex Becker, Grant Cardone, Dan Pena, Dan Lock, Kevin David, Jet Set Fly/Josh King Madrid, Ricky Gutierrez, and Kevin Zang.

Other Mindset Gurus such as Tony Robins may not have pretended to be wealthy in the begining, but they got wealthy using psychological manipulation and cult tactics and they are not about to tell you that.

These guru's will give you advice like
  • "Provide Real Value" - so that you mistakenly trust they are not scamming you.
  • "Good things come to those who invest in themselves" so you buy their over priced course of inapplicable platitudes and bad advice
  • "Take action now" So you buy their over priced shitty course right now
  • "Learn from some one more successful than you" Again so you buy their shit.
  • "Leaders make fast decisions" So when you're in their "free" seminar enduring high pressure sales tactics to sign up for the first of many bullshit courses that will drain you of your money, you don't over think things and sign up.
This entire industry is lies, fluff, and manipulation to take your money. The advice is ALL intended to instill in you the beliefs and patterns that will funnel you through bigger and bigger courses to take all your money, until your credit cards are all maxed out and you are of no more use to them.

UnSuccessful Business Mindset/Gurus:

These are fake millionaires and billionaires, that are still failing in the scam guru industry. They may rent lambos, take pics in fake jets, take pics with attractive women, and wear fake gold watches but despite their effort they are still failing.

They give shit advice like don't focus on success metrics (above advice) because they honestly have zero clue on how to succeed.

Actual Rich People:

Examples are Gary Vee and Elon Musk.

They give advice like never stop the Grind, little sleep, never stop working. This is for their brand so they can make more money, not because it's actually good advice or even what they do. You really think people making billion dollar decisions are in a state of non-stop action without time to slow down, reflect, relax and come to quality decisions? Do you think the google CEOs decided to put relaxation Pods in their buildings because they thought success comes from a nonstop grind? It's more bullshit advice.

Rich people are also not likely to tell you the secrets to their industry, because the only reason they still make money is because competition in their industry continues to make worse decisions. If anything, they will intentionally give out BAD advice.

There may be some rich people who have given actual good advice, but there's so much bad advice that it becomes nearly impossible to distinguish the good advice from the bad.

If you can distinguish the good advice from the bad, then you already know the good advice from your own intelligence and/or experience and it was pointless for you to have listened to the advice giver.

So what should you do?

This is my current understanding, and may be shitty advice as well. Feel free to ignore this part.
  • Don't look for universal rules. Strategies in one niche will have the opposite effect in other niches.
  • Do Study Phycology as it applies to your industry - Not some one elses bullshit abstract theories, but experiments that have been conducted and come to your own conclusions. There's a good chance you'll have a better interpretation of the results of phycological experiments than the autistic incel scientist who wrote the research paper and doesn't understand people or the the click bait journalist who processed that paper into sensational bullshit. Avoid Surveys, people lie even when anonymous. Study the aspects of phycology that are applicable to the industry you are trying to dominate.
  • Look for failures in your industry and analyze them, and develop theories on them. Pay special attention to failures that look like they should have succeeded.
  • Understand that you can't just be a little better than the current players in your industry, because people already have familiarity and brand recognition with those players. To make money, you have to take away some one elses revenue within that industry and for any one to switch to your product, they have to believe yours is orders of magnitude better, otherwise they'll stay with what's familiar. The existing successful companies also have more social momentum, including comments, and engagement, and people look to others to decide if they want to try a product, which is another reason you can't just copy existing products but have to dominate them.
  • Come up with theories and models on the customer decision making processes and phycology of your industry. Find ways to validate or invalidate those models, piece by piece, through experiments and data collection. Contrary to what the fake gurus will tell you, your competition is also working extremely hard and you can not out work them. You both have the same amount of hours in a day. You must make better decisions, by having a more accurate model of reality than they do.

Anyways, that's pretty much it. I can't tell you how much time I've wasted listening to these fake gurus, and reading bullshit mindset books and all that crap. Hopefully this helps some people avoid wasting time.

Very good stuff bro

analyzing market failures, customer decision making process models and taking psychologists with a pinch of salt resonated with me.

what some people like cardone or garyvee did for me was like a pep talk and a momentary boost when i worked in sales. That all needed optimism.

Ive also listened to almost all the gurus you mentioned and most were shit.
“high ticket closer” - fucking dan lok. Wanna punch him in the fuckjng face tat rat

tbh pena helped me once when i was in deep depression. His thing was -“ are you a fucking pussy?” I said no. Took a cold shower. Sat me down. Did my work. Got through when none of the self help like meditation or nlp worked

i think most of this wanting to listen to gurus comes from a lack of a father figure who you trusted enough to help you make the right choices for you. Maybe you respected him and he was successful and a model citizen, but he didn’t understand who you were.

have you read shit like
influence by robert cialdini
zero to one -thiel
Laws of human nature - greene

What did you think of it?
Very good stuff bro

analyzing market failures, customer decision making process models and taking psychologists with a pinch of salt resonated with me.
Definitly. The world is mostly niche specific. It's why Donald Trump is great at real estate but failed horrible when he tried to open a Casino. There are some general phycological principles every one should be aware of, but it's mostly about discovering the specific phycology of your niche.

what some people like cardone or garyvee did for me was like a pep talk and a momentary boost when i worked in sales. That all needed optimism.
As a pep talk these guys can do great. I have read and studied a book on motivation, as well studied Tony Robins Books. I can't say it's all useless and books are much lower cost than wasting a bunch of money on a seminar, and you can actually take your time and study them.

  • Expand your body. Move your body. Doing a little dance can be a more effective motivation than meditating cross legged in the corner.
  • Use your imagination - Some Examples: Imagine being bigger, Imagine others are smaller, Imagine energy coming into you, Imagine your a cartoon character, Imagine doing the thing you want to do (get's you ready to do it).
    • However you use your imagine, imagine in as much detail as possible with all five senses
  • Start very slow, and build up.
    • For talking to girls, this could mean going to the venue every day for 2 weeks, then going there are walking past the girls for another week, then going there and walking up to the girls, but turning to look at something, then going there walking up and giving them a quick complement on their attire, etc. Slowly building up.
    • For going to the gym, every day for 5 mins imagine going to the gym and working out, then the next week, go to the gym but don't do anything, just stay for 30 seconds then go home, then the next week go and do two sets and go home. By building up the habit slowly it's more sustainable.
  • Know that you haven't "Tried everything" because it's impossible to try every strategy for getting something in one life time. You just need to look for a new strategy if you are stuck.
You worked in sales, which is soul crushing, so you may have some other good tips?
Ive also listened to almost all the gurus you mentioned and most were shit.
“high ticket closer” - fucking dan lok. Wanna punch him in the fuckjng face tat rat
tbh pena helped me once when i was in deep depression. His thing was -“ are you a fucking pussy?” I said no. Took a cold shower. Sat me down. Did my work. Got through when none of the self help like meditation or nlp worked
Oh yah, we're the average of the people we hang around. Today that extends to books, movies, and videos. Sometimes we just need to watch a movie, read a book, or video that will motivate us to get going. People that have similar mindsets, and world perspectives that allow them to succeed in the same niche you want to. It's why I hang around here, to osmosis absorb the motivation for looks maxing.
i think most of this wanting to listen to gurus comes from a lack of a father figure who you trusted enough to help you make the right choices for you. Maybe you respected him and he was successful and a model citizen, but he didn’t understand who you were.

have you read shit like
influence by robert cialdini
zero to one -thiel
Laws of human nature - greene
After skimming through 48 laws of power, I consider Robert Green a professional bull shitter so I don't read his stuff. You can be high IQ and come up with very good sounding theories, but those theories don't mean shit when they interact with the real world which always contains information we would be completely unaware of unless we interacted with it.

I want to absorb the consolidated scientific understanding of multiple life times of people in the most efficient time possible. This means specifically not reading career authors, which are good at writing and wasting my time, but reading some one who has spent a career studying and advancing a single specific area and then has written exactly one book to consolidate all of their knowledge.

As for influence, I just skimmed through it. It seems fine. Looks like mostly basic sales stuff but it looks too fluffy for my tastes. Two full pages to describe the anchoring effect is way too much for me. It looks like, you could get the same thing in one page by googling "The psychological principles of sales". But if my job was in sales, I would have read it more carefully. As for those kind of things I think a 10% reading, 90% doing ratio is good. So 10% reading about a theory, then trying to apply it to see if it's actually applicable to what you do. I have some books on pickup that I promised myself I wouldn't read until I'm more looks maxed and ready to start learning that part. I have in the past made the mistake of wasting tons of time reading theory I couldn't yet apply, rather than learning one concept and trying to apply it for a while, then reading another concept which would have been much better for me.

For Peter Thiel, I've listen to all of his talks. I believe I have applied some of his advice. Specifically in moving towards smaller and smaller niches that I'm more likely to be able to dominate, because competition destroys profits. Also the general concept of competitive advantage and "moats", which I use in my own business pursuit as well as analyzing cryptos to invest in. That's actually saved me from making bad decisions.

I may have been too harsh in my original post. I think all of the major real business and investment guys (Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, etc.) are worth listening to but then thinking critically to figure out if what they're saying is for their brand, some thing they do that doesn't actually help them, something they do that's not applicable to your situation, or something we can use.

What did you think of it?
I guess, in summary I would say, listening/reading the advice of specific industry experts, and getting their life long lessons is good. But never pay more than the cost of a book. Also, I wouldn't waste time reading any career authors, or listening to fake gurus.
This means specifically not reading career authors, which are good at writing and wasting my time, but reading some one who has spent a career studying and advancing a single specific area and then has written exactly one book to consolidate all of their knowledge.
This makes a lot of sense to me. I actually considered his stuff gospel until i realized i was basically just over analyzing every single thing and person in my life based on some very true patterns throughout history. I mean it could and most often was true, but i didn’t have to be on guard all the time. I enjoyed mastery a lot and think it was one of his best works. Helped me find i path and go deeper into my own psyche and find greater meaning in my work.

mostly basic sales stuff but it looks too fluffy for my tastes.
100% academical shit

have in the past made the mistake of wasting tons of time reading
Same bro i really bought into the “ceos read 65 books a year” stuff at one point as well 🤣

  • Expand your body. Move your body. Doing a little dance can be a more effective motivation than meditating cross legged in the corner.
  • Use your imagination - Some Examples: Imagine being bigger, Imagine others are smaller, Imagine energy coming into you, Imagine your a cartoon character, Imagine doing the thing you want to do (get's you ready to do it).
    • However you use your imagine, imagine in as much detail as possible with all five senses
  • Start very slow, and build up.
    • For talking to girls, this could mean going to the venue every day for 2 weeks, then going there are walking past the girls for another week, then going there and walking up to the girls, but turning to look at something, then going there walking up and giving them a quick complement on their attire, etc. Slowly building up.
    • For going to the gym, every day for 5 mins imagine going to the gym and working out, then the next week, go to the gym but don't do anything, just stay for 30 seconds then go home, then the next week go and do two sets and go home. By building up the habit slowly it's more sustainable.
  • Know that you haven't "Tried everything" because it's impossible to try every strategy for getting something in one life time. You just need to look for a new strategy if you are stuck.
You worked in sales, which is soul crushing, so you may have some other g
Very cool stuff. I use visualization a lot too. To create a better reality like you mentioned above and also to come up with ideas. I know it sounds strange, but id wake up, sit in a chair and close my eyes and imagine feeling how id feel once id gotten the idea i wanted. In this process if feeling, the idea would appear out of thin air thereby createing the reality i wanted. Sounds metaphysical. But mysticism was the language of the ages, but science is the contemporary language and we can see scans of the brain going into various states during meditation and visualization. And syncing up with different regionsof the brain creating a sort of coherence or oneness in pursuit of the task.

I worked as an engineer prospecting huge contracting companies. Due to the scale of the projects we handled, its impact and prestige, sometimes due to work for the gov or hospitals it was actually very fulfilling although rather high pressure . Since these weren’t impulse buy situations most of the sales stuff didnt ir couldnt have the space to work. If use some closing scripts for sure, but that was more of a style thing where they’d feel “damn we signed a purchase order with this cool kid”. The thing i took the most out of it was the value exchange proposition. Wherein as a business you provide a certain service or product in exchange for x amount. Neither party is obligated to buy or sell and that true value exchange brings about a sense of mutual respect. This helped me demand proper payment schemes where i refuse d to compete with the market standard, rather justify why my pricing is higher and at a lower final discount leading to a low risk payment for our company with partial advance payments to begin manufacturing and then rest of the payment before product delivery. But then i kept a reputation for timely delivery and personal availability which was the price i paid ( as should i for igher pricea) which was very key in the industry, much more than some difference in pricing.

Specifically in moving towards smaller and smaller niches that I'm more likely to be able to dominate, because competition destroys profits. Also the general concept of competitive advantage and "moats", which I use in my own business pursuit as well as analyzing cryptos to invest in. That's actually saved me from making bad decisions.
Exactly whay i asked if you did read it. Thisis the only kind of business advice that makes sense to me. In this case, i think a lot of his advice works inter- disciplinarily

may have been too harsh in my original post. I think all of the major real business and investment guys (Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, etc.) are worth listening to but then thinking critically to figure out if what they're saying is for their brand, some thing they do that doesn't actually help them, something they do that's not applicable to your situation, or something we can use
yeah oneof the first biz books i read was “like a virgin from richard branson” - around somehwere in the middle i started to feel like yeah its good advice but mostly just marketing. But i did happen to take few lessons from it.

listening/reading the advice of specific industry experts, and getting their life long lessons is good. But never pay more than the cost of a book. Also, I wouldn't waste time reading any career authors, or listening to fake gurus
Id agree.

Btw what pickup books were you talking about?

blueprint decoded - made me realize holy shit this is how it works????
mystery method - basically game structure
rules of the game - learn what charm is

I think these ig shit covers the basics. But yeah in the new era, social media game is the shit and im really bad at that shit jfl
This makes a lot of sense to me. I actually considered his stuff gospel until i realized i was basically just over analyzing every single thing and person in my life based on some very true patterns throughout history. I mean it could and most often was true, but i didn’t have to be on guard all the time. I enjoyed mastery a lot and think it was one of his best works. Helped me find i path and go deeper into my own psyche and find greater meaning in my work.'
I knew a guy that was really into 48 laws of power and he was all obsessed about making power moves against his boss. I suppose it has value for some people, but it didn't appeal to me. I'd rather bypass the entire thing and design my life around not having to play status games or fake my personality to earn a living, then focus on dating women.
100% academical shit

Same bro i really bought into the “ceos read 65 books a year” stuff at one point as well 🤣
I really want to know if that's a myth because they have to have that reputation or if they really do read a bunch. I'm sure they read some.
Very cool stuff. I use visualization a lot too. To create a better reality like you mentioned above and also to come up with ideas. I know it sounds strange, but id wake up, sit in a chair and close my eyes and imagine feeling how id feel once id gotten the idea i wanted. In this process if feeling, the idea would appear out of thin air thereby createing the reality i wanted. Sounds metaphysical. But mysticism was the language of the ages, but science is the contemporary language and we can see scans of the brain going into various states during meditation and visualization. And syncing up with different regionsof the brain creating a sort of coherence or oneness in pursuit of the task.
I agree. I read a mixture of scientific books, and witch craft/eastern energy/magic etc. stuff to have a more full perspective. Although I think there's always a scientific explanation. For the law of attraction stuff, I think it increases motivation when done correctly and primes the brain to more easily recognize opportunities towards achieving the visualized goal. Sometimes the intuitive brain recognizes the opportunity so it's hard to rationally explain how you knew something.
I worked as an engineer prospecting huge contracting companies. Due to the scale of the projects we handled, its impact and prestige, sometimes due to work for the gov or hospitals it was actually very fulfilling although rather high pressure . Since these weren’t impulse buy situations most of the sales stuff didnt ir couldnt have the space to work. If use some closing scripts for sure, but that was more of a style thing where they’d feel “damn we signed a purchase order with this cool kid”. The thing i took the most out of it was the value exchange proposition. Wherein as a business you provide a certain service or product in exchange for x amount. Neither party is obligated to buy or sell and that true value exchange brings about a sense of mutual respect. This helped me demand proper payment schemes where i refuse d to compete with the market standard, rather justify why my pricing is higher and at a lower final discount leading to a low risk payment for our company with partial advance payments to begin manufacturing and then rest of the payment before product delivery. But then i kept a reputation for timely delivery and personal availability which was the price i paid ( as should i for igher pricea) which was very key in the industry, much more than some difference in pricing.
I like that. Exact opposite of Trumps negotiating tactics, from the books of his I read. It's like the prisoners dilemma, if repeat customers are needed then it's best for deals to be as fair as possible, but if it's more about making individual big one time deals per customer then you want to inflate everything and talk it up like Trump does.
Exactly whay i asked if you did read it. Thisis the only kind of business advice that makes sense to me. In this case, i think a lot of his advice works inter- disciplinarily

yeah oneof the first biz books i read was “like a virgin from richard branson” - around somehwere in the middle i started to feel like yeah its good advice but mostly just marketing. But i did happen to take few lessons from it.
Oh yah, I change my position on this. Advice from real billionaires who made it in a real industry (not self help) is good to listen to, as long as you can be critical enough to separate out the applicable advice from the self promotion bad advice, like "don't sleep 8 hours".
Id agree.

Btw what pickup books were you talking about?

blueprint decoded - made me realize holy shit this is how it works????
mystery method - basically game structure
rules of the game - learn what charm is
Yah I've read/watched all that, and more. Got laid from some of it. I've even gone as far as scowering the web to find any recordings of cult leaders that I can and then hyper analyzing and reverse engineering their most cutting edge tactics. I'll pm you some stuff to talk about that topic more, incase your interested. I have my own believes on all that, but it would be cool to talk to some one else that's smart and has been in sales.
I think these ig shit covers the basics. But yeah in the new era, social media game is the shit and im really bad at that shit jfl
It is.
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I knew a guy that was really into 48 laws of power and he was all obsessed about making power moves against his boss. I suppose it has value for some people, but it didn't appeal to me. I'd rather bypass the entire thing and design my life around not having to play status games or fake my personality to earn a living, then focus on dating women.
yeah tbh the rise of technology and access to info and market reach has made this stuff obsolete in many industries. but the shit still rings true as an overarching social and hierarchical playbook, not really just to get one up on other people but also mainly to prevent getting fucked over through realizing patterns in people's behavior

really want to know if that's a myth because they have to have that reputation or if they really do read a bunch. I'm sure they read some.
hahah i feel theyre in a way obligated to read some but also do hype the numbers up to keep up the type-A personality and this aura of divine intelligence and productivity to intimidate not only the market, but also their own staff

I agree. I read a mixture of scientific books, and witch craft/eastern energy/magic etc. stuff to have a more full perspective. Although I think there's always a scientific explanation. For the law of attraction stuff, I think it increases motivation when done correctly and primes the brain to more easily recognize opportunities towards achieving the visualized goal. Sometimes the intuitive brain recognizes the opportunity so it's hard to rationally explain how you knew something.
100%. explorers in the ages navigated terrain using intuition and i totally believe theres this sorta magnet, in my research, the work of the pineal gland that makes this possible when accessed properly

I like that. Exact opposite of Trumps negotiating tactics, from the books of his I read. It's like the prisoners dilemma, if repeat customers are needed then it's best for deals to be as fair as possible, but if it's more about making individual big one time deals per customer then you want to inflate everything and talk it up like Trump does.
ill comb through his books to get a perspective on that. i can understand nuance and take something from everyone.

"don't sleep 8 hours".
lmao, "you can sleep when youre dead". but yeah i do actually do some of that like staying up for 30 hours to get stuff done. when its time, its on. i can relax later

Yah I've read/watched all that, and more. Got laid from some of it. I've even gone as far as scowering the web to find any recordings of cult leaders that I can and then hyper analyzing and reverse engineering their most cutting edge tactics. I'll pm you some stuff to talk about that topic more, incase your interested. I have my own believes on all that, but it would be cool to talk to some one else that's smart and has been in sales.

thats awesome bro. i love watching cult leader documentaries too. how they use push-pull, being blatantly authentic and steadfast in their beliefs and creating this sense of craving among subjects for their attention. one of my favourites is osho. immensely charismatic, his silence and pauses said more than his words.

hmu with this stuff, im curious to know what you know too. rsdtyler talked about creating a cult movement in one of his videos which he, i believe has done successfully. there was a chapter in greene's 48 laws that talks about this too.

i believe in the ways of zeus where greatness or enlightenment comes with sacrifice. for me looksmaxxing and all this shit about personal fulfillment and achieving mastery and meaning is about reaching that potential. not just a way to bang some chicks or get 99 matches on tinder in 2 hours. i could care less about that, more about what ill be remembered for, something that lasts.
Today that extends to books, movies, and videos. Sometimes we just need to watch a movie, read a book, or video that will motivate us to get going. People that have similar mindsets, and world perspectives that allow them to succeed in the same niche you want to. It's why I hang around here, to osmosis absorb the motivation for looks maxing.
yoo hope you've watched The Edge with hopkins and alec baldwin. such an incredible movie!
yeah tbh the rise of technology and access to info and market reach has made this stuff obsolete in many industries. but the shit still rings true as an overarching social and hierarchical playbook, not really just to get one up on other people but also mainly to prevent getting fucked over through realizing patterns in people's behavior
I'll have to check it out at some point.
hahah i feel theyre in a way obligated to read some but also do hype the numbers up to keep up the type-A personality and this aura of divine intelligence and productivity to intimidate not only the market, but also their own staff
That makes the most sense. Real world experience with time to reflect is often enough. Though some specific things you have to read about to understand.
100%. explorers in the ages navigated terrain using intuition and i totally believe theres this sorta magnet, in my research, the work of the pineal gland that makes this possible when accessed properly
Yah. It seems improbable and internal compass wouldn't have evolved in us.
ill comb through his books to get a perspective on that. i can understand nuance and take something from everyone.
If you like doing chores while listening to stuff, I listened to his books on youtube. Some one uploaded them with a good narrator. :LOL:
lmao, "you can sleep when youre dead". but yeah i do actually do some of that like staying up for 30 hours to get stuff done. when its time, its on. i can relax later
Oh interesting. I've designed my entire life around my circadian rhythm.
thats awesome bro. i love watching cult leader documentaries too. how they use push-pull, being blatantly authentic and steadfast in their beliefs and creating this sense of craving among subjects for their attention. one of my favourites is osho. immensely charismatic, his silence and pauses said more than his words.

hmu with this stuff, im curious to know what you know too. rsdtyler talked about creating a cult movement in one of his videos which he, i believe has done successfully. there was a chapter in greene's 48 laws that talks about this too.

i believe in the ways of zeus where greatness or enlightenment comes with sacrifice. for me looksmaxxing and all this shit about personal fulfillment and achieving mastery and meaning is about reaching that potential. not just a way to bang some chicks or get 99 matches on tinder in 2 hours. i could care less about that, more about what ill be remembered for, something that lasts.
Nice. Will pm you.
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As someone who's a "professional" web developer and a copywriter, everything here is correct and extremely high IQ.

When I was taking courses for copywriting I got taught to give a "want" not a "need", and essentially everything you typed here about playing on emotions, calling to action etc... is like 1:1 (maybe you studied copywriting as well?)

And even though I know I am better at web development then 99% of agencies and provide FAR more value just for the fact I code from scratch, don't use WordPress and WordPress Themes and got told that by "professionals" I have talent, it doesn't matter shit and we still probably earn a similar salary if they market correctly.

I do earn really good money, but it's solely because I contact the right people with the right words, I knew talented people who didn't earn shit because they were underpricing, didn't copywrite correctly, did business with retards and had an imposter syndrome, all while people who did shitty WordPress themes earned $10k+ for a 10 page website because they did the marketing correctly

Value is a cope, fiat currency is a scam, it's all about gaslighting and having a high verbal IQ, the top 10% who provide the most value have a high performance IQ, the top 1% have a high verbal IQ and know how to talk well, organize their thoughts and not to fall into gaslighting & gaslight themselves

jfl even college degrees do matter unlike what others say, it's literally a worthless paper like fiat currency proving you wasted 3 years studying irrelevant concepts, but even business people got gaslighted into believing it's worth something and that it's a most in many job applications, and if people accept it as "valuable" much like fiat currency, then it does matter for you individually, you should always be the one who's setting what are the "valuable" things.
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