Why "Personality" Matters



Resident Professor
Sep 1, 2018
I'm going to explain why YOU agree with me that personality matters.

Let's talk about Todd. Todd is a fictional person we're going to use for this example.

We can separate Todd into two distinct parts

1. Who he is (appearance, money, status, everything that you could know without interacting with him)
2. What he does (what he says, where he goes, how he talks, ect)

Let's pretend that Todd is unable to change the first category. Here's the million dollar question.

Is there anything he can do increase/lower his chances of getting a girl by JUST messing with the second category?

The answer is an undeniable yes. There are things he say say, places he can go, and ways he can speak, to improve his chances.

How much does category 2 matter? There's no way to know for sure, but if someone's goal is to Looksmax, and all they focus on is category 2, then IMO they're not truly reaching their potential.
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I made a thread about this. Personality does matter, but ONLY when you meet her minimum attraction standards.
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I made a thread about this. Personality does matter, but ONLY when you meet her minimum attraction standards.

I don't even agree with that. Again, we can go back to my example and make Todd really unattractive/low status/poor. The question is, is there ANYTHING he can do in the second category to improve his chances, and the answer is still yes. Relationships are a numbers game.
I'm going to explain why YOU agree with me that personality matters.

Let's talk about Todd. Todd is a fictional person we're going to use for this example.

We can separate Todd into two distinct parts

1. Who he is (appearance, money, status, everything that you could know without interacting with him)
2. What he does (what he says, where he goes, how he talks, ect)

Let's pretend that Todd is unable to change the first category. Here's the million dollar question.

Is there anything he can do increase/lower his chances of getting a girl by JUST messing with the second category?

The answer is an undeniable yes. There are things he say say, places he can go, and ways he can speak, to improve his chances.

How much does category 2 matter? There's no way to know for sure, but if someone's goal is to Looksmax, and all they focus on is category 2, then IMO they're not truly reaching their potential.

I definitely agree with this, not only from what i have read but also from real life observations i have made since years ago and own experience.

Important thing to remember here is that category 1, if maxed to the highest limit possible will also raise the bar in regards to category 2 for Todd.
I definitely agree with this, not only from what i have read but also from real life observations i have made since years ago and own experience.

Important thing to remember here is that category 1, if maxed to the highest limit possible will also raise the bar in regards to category 2 for Todd.

I agree that there's a relationship between the two, probably a lot stronger for 1 than 2 (1 raises 2 much more than 2 raises 1). The goal of this post was to demonstrate that category 2 can have an effect on Todd's chances independent of category 1, which is what we talk about the most on this Forum.
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I agree that there's a relationship between the two, probably a lot stronger for 1 than 2 (1 raises 2 much more than 2 raises 1). The goal of this post was to demonstrate that category 2 can have an effect on Todd's chances independent of category 1, which is what we talk about the most on this Forum.

Yeah man, definitely a valuable and high iq post
Dealing with common practises in the industry of magnetic levitating phenomenon I've discovered the intricate and complex pathway for a celestial object of mass [(39i + 27c)x10^-81] Kgs will transfer its rest energy entirey via telekentic interactions between sub-atomic particles like the W boson and anti-proton. The thorough investigation into my peer-reviewed meta analysis shockingly revealed a 1000 year old secret revelation by Jesus which states;

That you're a bluepilled cuck :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:
Dealing with common practises in the industry of magnetic levitating phenomenon I've discovered the intricate and complex pathway for a celestial object of mass [(39i + 27c)x10^-81] Kgs will transfer its rest energy entirey via telekentic interactions between sub-atomic particles like the W boson and anti-proton. The thorough investigation into my peer-reviewed meta analysis shockingly revealed a 1000 year old secret revelation by Jesus which states;

That you're a bluepilled cuck :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:

I mean, I can't argue with Jesus
Personality is irrelevant without status.
You can have an alpha personality but without status you'll remain the bottom rung.

Looks>Status(or the projection of status)>everything else.
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I don't even agree with that. Again, we can go back to my example and make Todd really unattractive/low status/poor. The question is, is there ANYTHING he can do in the second category to improve his chances, and the answer is still yes. Relationships are a numbers game.
I disagree boyo. If you don't meet her minimum attraction standards then NOTHING can make you more attractive, although it's not only looks that make you attractive as a man. Although I do agree with the fact that what you do can make you LESS attractive. I'll write you an example if you don't understand.
Although I do agree with the fact that what you do can make you LESS attractive.

No, I understand, but I'm not sure you do. That's exactly my point, that what you do matters. You seem to both agree, and then say you disagree.
Personality is irrelevant without status.
You can have an alpha personality but without status you'll remain the bottom rung.

Looks>Status(or the projection of status)>everything else.

So you believe that Todd is unable to affect his chances by working on Category 2?
Personality is irrelevant without status.
You can have an alpha personality but without status you'll remain the bottom rung.

Looks>Status(or the projection of status)>everything else.
This guy's right

Personality can only do so much for you really. You can improve your chances, but it won't be a dealbreaker for the majority of cases.
No, I understand, but I'm not sure you do. That's exactly my point, that what you do matters. You seem to both agree, and then say you disagree.

So you believe that Todd is unable to affect his chances by working on Category 2?
He is, but only if others haven't assessed his status yet. Meaning it only works if you do so around a new group of people, if you do so around a group of people that are already aware of his low status, it won't change a thing.
Personality without looks/status/money won’t help you much. Personality helps but if you have sone of that. Women need to be attracted to you first and I doubt women can be attracted to just your personality.

There always has to be something else attractive about you. So I’m not saying it’s not important but as other posters have said, without LMS, the impact would be almost insignificant
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Personality is v underrated, o'pry and gandy look good but were virgins into their 20's because of autism.
He is, but only if others haven't assessed his status yet. Meaning it only works if you do so around a new group of people, if you do so around a group of people that are already aware of his low status, it won't change a thing.

You may want to re-read my post. I never made the claim that Todd wasn't able to meet new people, in fact, I made sure to include the option "where he goes" for this purpose. Regardless, you seem to agree with my post, so I'll move on.
Personality without looks/status/money won’t help you much. Personality helps but if you have sone of that. Women need to be attracted to you first and I doubt women can be attracted to just your personality.

There always has to be something else attractive about you. So I’m not saying it’s not important but as other posters have said, without LMS, the impact would be almost insignificant

I appreciate with you're coming from, but this post really didn't talk about how much Category 2 mattered. We seem to agree that Category 2 can affect Todd's chances, which was the reasoning behind the post.
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I'm an autistic sperg and people love me. It's all about being gl
This guy's right

Personality can only do so much for you really. You can improve your chances, but it won't be a dealbreaker for the majority of cases.

Right, and have many foids have u approached lol

So many niggas here say this and that but approached like 2 women in their entire lives
You're growing out your hair?
Not super long. Like faded on sides and top long enough that when I pull down it goes to my lips
Not super long. Like faded on sides and top long enough that when I pull down it goes to my lips

Send me your goal pic
*for the hair
No, I understand, but I'm not sure you do. That's exactly my point, that what you do matters. You seem to both agree, and then say you disagree.
I agree partly, let me try explain with an example. Let's assume Todd is a good looking, tall, high status male. Todd wants to screw Stacy, Stacy is attracted to Todd and would bend over 5 minutes after meeting him but then todd does something crazy, right out of the blue, something that overshadows his looks and destroys his status, todd goes to the middle of the bar (where Stacy, her friends and dozens of other people are present) pulls his owns pants down, gets on one of the table, while everyone is watching and tries sucking his own dick, everyone is shocked, but at the same time they are laughing their asses off, obviously this stunt has turned off Stacy and she is definitely less attracted to him, she probably doesn't even want to fuck him anymore, this is because of WHAT HE DID. Now let's say Todd is an ugly, low status, poor male and Stacy knows this. NOTHING that Todd does will make Stacy have sex with him because there is simply nothing Todd has to offer because he is a low value male. His personality is irrelevant, what says, does or acts like can only make him less attractive or keep him at the attraction level he is currently at, he simply cannot bang Stacy.
I agree partly, let me try explain with an example. Let's assume Todd is a good looking, tall, high status male. Todd wants to screw Stacy, Stacy is attracted to Todd and would bend over 5 minutes after meeting him but then todd does something crazy, right out of the blue, something that overshadows his looks and destroys his status, todd goes to the middle of the bar (where Stacy, her friends and dozens of other people are present) pulls his owns pants down, gets on one of the table, while everyone is watching and tries sucking his own dick, everyone is shocked, but at the same time they are laughing their asses off, obviously this stunt has turned off Stacy and she is definitely less attracted to him, she probably doesn't even want to fuck him anymore, this is because of WHAT HE DID. Now let's say Todd is an ugly, low status, poor male and Stacy knows this. NOTHING that Todd does will make Stacy have sex with him because there is simply nothing Todd has to offer because he is a low value male. His personality is irrelevant, what says, does or acts like can only make him less attractive or keep him at the attraction level he is currently at, he simply cannot bang Stacy.

I don't understand this example, why is Todd trying to bang the highest status girl in the room? I mean, I know the meme of every girl will only settle for Chad, but putting that aside, you basically set up a no-win scenario.
There is always a solution if you can think outside the box and are ready to put the work in. There are other ways to get women which have nothing to do with winning them over with your charming PUA personality
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I don't understand this example, why is Todd trying to bang the highest status girl in the room? I mean, I know the meme of every girl will only settle for Chad, but putting that aside, you basically set up a no-win scenario.
Fine! Let's replace Stacy with becky. Becky is an average woman will Todd is ugly af, basically subhuman, the same result will ensue. Point I'm trying to make is that personality CANNOT COMPENSATE for being a low value male, if a girl looks at you at finds you attractive or at the very least worthy of having sex with due to which ever part of L.M.S, then personality matters otherwise it doesn't! If she doesn't find you worthy enough to fuck your nice personality,the things you do, what you say, etc, will only push you into the friendzone.(at best)
personality CANNOT COMPENSATE for being a low value male

You keep strawmanning me dude. I never said that it could "make up", because we're talking about two separate factors aka the ones I outlined in my post. I don't think this is going to lead anywhere productive, sorry dude.
You keep strawmanning me dude. I never said that it could "make up", because we're talking about two separate factors aka the ones I outlined in my post. I don't think this is going to lead anywhere productive, sorry dude.

Your statement is valid only in the case that Todd passes the minimum threshold for attractiveness - this is a proven fact. Study here: https://googleweblight.com/i?u=http...ttractive-men-dating-material-study/&hl=pt-BR
Unattractive men are not seen as dating material regardless of any other factors.

Combine this with the Okcupid study which shows 80% of men are seen as unattractive and this study: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003347207000565
which shows that the only significant factor in determining male physical attractiveness was face.

In other words personality matters only if you have an 8+/10 face (IRL standards). Then yes, personality will have an effect on the outcome of Todd's interactions with women. At least in the developed 1st world countries where these studies were conducted.
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You keep strawmanning me dude. I never said that it could "make up", because we're talking about two separate factors aka the ones I outlined in my post. I don't think this is going to lead anywhere productive, sorry dude.
Scroll up, in my first post I said personality doesn't make up for an unattractive man, you need to be at a certain level of attractiveness in order for your personality to matter, you DISAGREED with this, resulting in this argument. You said there is still something Todd can do to improve his chances, in category 2 even though he isn't attractive enough, imo that is :bluepill:. We can bring someone else on board to help decide this if you want?
Your statement is valid only in the case that Todd passes the minimum threshold for attractiveness - this is a proven fact. Study here: https://googleweblight.com/i?u=http...ttractive-men-dating-material-study/&hl=pt-BR
Unattractive men are not seen as dating material regardless of any other factors.

Combine this with the Okcupid study which shows 80% of men are seen as unattractive and this study: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003347207000565
which shows that the only significant factor in determining male physical attractiveness was face.

In other words personality matters only if you have an 8+/10 face (IRL standards). Then yes, personality will have an effect on the outcome of Todd's interactions with women. At least in the developed 1st world countries where these studies were conducted.
This is exactly what I'm trying to explain to him!
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Your statement is valid only in the case that Todd passes the minimum threshold for attractiveness - this is a proven fact. Study here: https://googleweblight.com/i?u=http...ttractive-men-dating-material-study/&hl=pt-BR
Unattractive men are not seen as dating material regardless of any other factors.

Combine this with the Okcupid study which shows 80% of men are seen as unattractive and this study: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003347207000565
which shows that the only significant factor in determining male physical attractiveness was face.

In other words personality matters only if you have an 8+/10 face (IRL standards). Then yes, personality will have an effect on the outcome of Todd's interactions with women. At least in the developed 1st world countries where these studies were conducted.

Sorry man, we're too far apart to ever agree that 80% of men are below the minimum threshold.
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I made a thread about this. Personality does matter, but ONLY when you meet her minimum attraction standards.
Its quite easy to beat min. attraction if you are above avg.
sub4 males are fucked no matter how they act or what they say.
Its quite easy to beat min. attraction if you are above avg.
Indeed. But most people here are BELOW average, respective to where they live.
Indeed. But most people here are BELOW average, respective to where they live.
I woudnt say that tbh, Id say most incels are below avg. This site has all kinds of people. Most people here are possibly above avg or avg with mental issues. There are exceptions with below avg people tho. You fro example I woudnt say your are below avg in looks.
You said there is still something Todd can do to improve his chances, in category 2 even though he isn't attractive enough, imo that is :bluepill:.

Sure thing dude, let's run with this. Todd is now a hideous malformed creature with tentacles coming out of his dick. Ha ha, you really got me dude, now Category 2 doesn't matter.

I agree that saying that there isn't a minimum threshold wasn't true, I redact that statement, but trying to apply that neiche example to a concept makes it worthless.

Hell, I can pull out some really ugly guy who's got a GF and isn't wealthy/high status and say "look, ugly people can get GF's easy, just be like this guy." I'd argue against that as proof that looks don't matter, just like you would.
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I woudnt say that tbh, Id say most incels are below avg. This site has all kinds of people. Most people here are possibly above avg or avg with mental issues. There are exceptions with below avg people tho. You fro example I woudnt say your are below avg in looks.
Lol, you haven't even seen me. That being said, mental issues make you below average too, it's not all about looks, the average person doesn't have mental issues.
Lol, you haven't even seen me. That being said, mental issues make you below average too, it's not all about looks, the average person doesn't have mental issues.

But that does make me abv avg in looks if Im really NT (Im probably the most NT person active here). Im average in looks (in my country, get IOIs at parties and such reguralrz just dont react due to anxiety
Naw man, that would bassicly mean bassicly 80% guys are incels. Its a good point but I think personality matters, LOOKS MATTER A LOT, but its mostly just same looksmatching or women being a bit hypergamous but not that much
Your statement is valid only in the case that Todd passes the minimum threshold for attractiveness - this is a proven fact. Study here: https://googleweblight.com/i?u=http...ttractive-men-dating-material-study/&hl=pt-BR
Unattractive men are not seen as dating material regardless of any other factors.

Combine this with the Okcupid study which shows 80% of men are seen as unattractive and this study: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0003347207000565
which shows that the only significant factor in determining male physical attractiveness was face.

In other words personality matters only if you have an 8+/10 face (IRL standards). Then yes, personality will have an effect on the outcome of Todd's interactions with women. At least in the developed 1st world countries where these studies were conducted.
Sorry man, we're too far apart to ever agree that 80% of men are below the minimum threshold.
Theres no possibility women only go for chads. Thats an incel mentality and we are really smarter than that. I used to think that lol
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Sure thing dude, let's run with this. Todd is now a hideous malformed creature with tentacles coming out of his dick. Ha ha, you really got me dude, now Category 2 doesn't matter.

I agree that saying that there isn't a minimum threshold wasn't true, I redact that statement, but trying to apply that neiche example to a concept makes it worthless.

Hell, I can pull out some really ugly guy who's got a GF and isn't wealthy/high status and say "look, ugly people can get GF's easy, just be like this guy." I'd argue against that as proof that looks don't matter, just like you would.
Finally! You come to your senses! You agree with the fact that there is a minimum level of attractiveness a person must be at for personality to matter, that's all I wanted. As far as ugly,poor , dudes with low status having attractive gfs are concerned, they exist, I see one at they gym everyday, they are an anomaly, but they exist, remember though, people win the lottery too.
Sorry man, we're too far apart to ever agree that 80% of men are below the minimum threshold.

It depends if we're talking about legitimate attraction or settling for someone unattractive because of economic reasons and peer pressure / fear of loneliness

But that does make me abv avg in looks if Im really NT (Im probably the most NT person active here). Im average in looks (in my country, get IOIs at parties and such reguralrz just dont react due to anxiety
Naw man, that would bassicly mean bassicly 80% guys are incels. Its a good point but I think personality matters, LOOKS MATTER A LOT, but its mostly just same looksmatching or women being a bit hypergamous but not that much

Theres no possibility women only go for chads. Thats an incel mentality and we are really smarter than that. I used to think that lol

They go for non-chads when its time to find a betabux. But she can never be physically attracted to a man who is not attractive. And according to women 80% of men are unattractive. This has been cross examined with random facebook profiles, so if you think men on dating sites are of lower quality than normally, you're wrong.
It depends if we're talking about legitimate attraction or settling for someone unattractive because of economic reasons and peer pressure / fear of loneliness

They go for non-chads when its time to find a betabux. But she can never be physically attracted to a man who is not attractive. And according to women 80% of men are unattractive. This has been cross examined with random facebook profiles, so if you think men on dating sites are of lower quality than normally, you're wrong.
Agreed. Not attractive guy is fucked no matter by the amount of personality. Id care to argue women only go for chads. I had women attracted to me, Im 18, so that theory is really flawed, as I had women attracted to me and Im average. Or does that make me a chad? :unsure:
Agreed. Not attractive guy is fucked no matter by the amount of personality. Id care to argue women only go for chads. I had women attracted to me, Im 18, so that theory is really flawed, as I had women attracted to me and Im average. Or does that make me a chad? :unsure:

That's not going to work, because the Blackpill uses the no true Scotsman falicy. If you're an Incel who gets in a relationship, you weren't actually an Incel to begin with. You get the idea. If you're an average looking guy who's doing well with Women, you aren't actually average looking, ect
You agree with the fact that there is a minimum level of attractiveness a person must be at for personality to matter, that's all I wanted.

The difference is the minimum level. A PSL 2 or below is fucked without any LM effort, but you'd probably have that number a fuck ton higher.
That's not going to work, because the Blackpill uses the no true Scotsman falicy. If you're an Incel who gets in a relationship, you weren't actually an Incel to begin with. You get the idea. If you're an average looking guy who's doing well with Women, you aren't actually average looking, ect

The difference is the minimum level. A PSL 2 or below is fucked without any LM effort, but you'd probably have that number a fuck ton higher.

Im not doing well with women, but I attract women, the only reason why I dont do well is cause I dont approach, but if I tried, I would probably have no problem getting a girlfriend. Everyone calls me average, but Im tall so thats also a important factor. I definitly get your idea tho, but I think its possible that Im average and I attract half or a bit over of the women most likely
It depends if we're talking about legitimate attraction or settling for someone unattractive because of economic reasons and peer pressure / fear of loneliness

I've done this so many times. You're going to say that the bottom 80% get into unhappy relationships, I can pull up numbers on happiness among women in relationships, you can say that they're lying and they're just waiting for a Chad to come along, ect. I'm just not interested in having this debate again, you're not bringing any new ideas to the table, just rehashing old talking points from .me
I've done this so many times. You're going to say that the bottom 80% get into unhappy relationships, I can pull up numbers on happiness among women in relationships, you can say that they're lying and they're just waiting for a Chad to come along, ect. I'm just not interested in having this debate again, you're not bringing any new ideas to the table, just rehashing old talking points from .me

what would you say is the % of men who are too physically unattractive for pesonality to be a factor?

(If you believe the idea that there is even a looks threshold)
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Personality matters, even if you don't pass the looks threshold.
what would you say is the % of men who are too physically unattractive for pesonality to be a factor?

Fuck dude, that's a tough question. I have no clue how the distribution would play out. Like, if we want to use this guy's scale which is like IRL but weighed (), then I'd say a 2 or below (excluding Looksmaxing, if a 2 loses 150lbs and gets a jaw implant, different rating obvs). Some quick maths would equal 25%ish percent, again, just on a random spread of people. Meaning if you ARE in the bottom 25%, you can climb into the top 75% through Looksmaxing in some form or anther, unless you were a 1, which I don't think are redeemable TBH.

*Keep in mind that this is just looks, not status or money or anything else we could factor in.

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