[10K ESSAY] how i got a threesome recently (could be helpful insight for non-NT?)


Deleted member 7076

May 18, 2020


this is how i got a threesome from start to finish with timelines

so most people here cope alot tbh

i think im around 5-5.5psl idc but my skin and hair are at their best tbh. strong neck. and my facial leanness is really good aswell. im a twink, i have nearly no muscle on my frame, only just started gymcelling recentlyy. im 5'11 so i dont really have height halo its just a neutral trait. so im not chad by any means. im not @Amnesia or @Salludon.

i think theres a big misconception on this site. that once youre chadlite, you will be handed pussy

jfl if you think that

because i used to be 4psl maybe even sub 4psl when i was bloated and had acne and a weak neck.

and i still got sex back then

it just wasn't as frequent as now and the quality of girl wasn't as good.

but never the less, i was able to get girls

mainly through social circle and partying.

all my NT normie friends who would get roasted on this site have sex regularly

looks are literally nothing if you are sub 6PSL. if girls aren't comfortable with your personality, then they wont fuck with u at all

what im saying is that the difference between a guy who fucks once a month and a guy who fucks weekly is not their looks

its jjust the first guy is NT but the guy who fucks weekly is giga NT

the more NT, the better

in saying that you dont need to be super low inhib tbh

just not high inhib to say shit that gets girls wet, thats literally how low inhib u have to be

alright so ill do a quick summary off the top of my head how i got a threesome from not knowing these girls at all in 2 weeks

day 1
first day of uni for me.

MORNINGish like 10am? i remember going up to every single person and introducing myself, handshake, talk about something random. depending on who i met i talked different. if it was a first year student i would ask eg "what course u doing" ect ect basically meaningless shit. its not what u say, literally everyone says this stuff on first days. its how u say it. idk bruh i cant teach my microexpressions and shit like that, but like, you have to communicate physically. i have a really deep voice which helps with this, it grabs attention really well. i can sit into a random group of girls and say 1 word and all their heads will turn because of my voice. so i cant really comment on if u have a high voice because yeah thats a failo.

anyway, i probably met ~20 people in total this day and forgot all their names but i can detect whos hyper-NT and whos non-NT in like 1 second. And i added all the people who are NT enough on social media (facebook, snap, whatever they had) and didnt bother asking non-NT because they aren't opportunity makers. NT friends help u find more girls and im sorry but non-NT people are just boring as fuck and wont have any girls generally speaking unless they are 6PSL+.

Now anyway at like 3PM the uni had an event with like food and stuff for first years and we were assigned groups according to our courses. I chilled with the group for a bit, got some foids snapchats from the group. But they were all curry foids with only one white becky so i wasnt really interested at all, but we are still friends. Anyway after some time of being at this event thing i got bored and left the group to walk around the uni by myself to learn the place. I found the food court and sat on a random bench in front of a sushi place. i didnt have much money on me so i didnt order shit, so i just went on my phone for a bit. then 2 foids sat like maybe 1 persons distances away from my right side. I never seen these girls before but they looked youngish so i just interuppted them mid sentence with some random shit. first thing i said was 'do u understand what this means?' and i was referring to a snapchat someone sent me that i didnt understand. they responded 'no sorry' and then i did the same shit as before. i said 'oh damn. im....' and introduced my self like normal. they were first year students in the same department to me. I honestly dont remember what the fuck we talked about but we talked for like 30 mins and then i got their details (important). we then walked around campus, i was talking the whole time we were all just talking, nothing sexual, just generic talking. we sat down at another place in the middle of no where where there wasnt many students. it was like one of those 'pod' things that shelters u from the rain but it wasnt raining. anyway we talked in the pod for a bit and then i started meantioning more contriversial topics like drugs and stuff. i remmeber saying random shit like 'ill stay away from drugs but when im like 70 ill try heroin just because life is shit when ur old anyway so might aswell'. i could tell that we were all getting more comfortable with each other and we just had a nice vibe going. given every other first year student was still at this event, we just completely ditched it so we can talk xD. Then we left the pod area and i remember on the walk to where we were going next i saw a girl that i met earlier. i saw this as an easy opportunity to show them my status and i exchanged a joke with that girl i met earlier and she reciprocated. obviously the 2 girls i was talking to the whole time didnt say anything just giggled at my little joke but deep down inside i know that they were thinking 'its first day and he already knows this random foid accross this massive campus? must have status or something?' ect etc. Then we walked and walked until we found a lake by the campus to sit down at because it was a nice view, and to keep talking. I think i was talking aboht my goals and aspirations at this point or something like that, i forget. anyway one of the 2 foids jokingly pushed me softly from my back as if she was pushing me into the lake. in my mind i knew that these girls were pretty comfortable with me because i never initiated any physical contact whatsoever but the foid did first at this moment, so it was a good sign but still not anywhere near being sexual obviously. Anyway we kept talking random shit and i gave both like shoulder taps to show them i have hands xD but like very friendly physical contact, nothiing sexual.

it was pretty late by now maybe like 6PM so one foid had to leave, she hugged her friend first, then hugged me and we said bye. this was the less attractive foid that was leaving, so i was left with the better looking one. i was contemplating showing some interest to the girl now it was just me and her but there was a chance it would fuck up the friendship we just created so i didnt do anything and i just talked with her until i got to my bus stop, hugged her, left and went home.

now im home at like 8PM i see on facebook theres an event at 5PM in a couple days and i snap one of the girls if they wanted to come with me because i didnt want to go alone. she said yes and i asked her to dm the other friend because she left me on read jfl.

day 4
5PM, day of the uni event so i get to see those 2 foids again. I get to the venue late as fuck because i got lost on campus so thats how i first approached. it was only one of the foid friends here first, so i arrived second. anyway we joked around about me being late and shit and she called me low iq essentially for getting lost. then shortly after the other foid arrived (~10 minutes after me) and then the first foid tried talking shit about me to her about me being late so i had to defend myself hahaha. but nah it was all fun and games it was funny. the event was like a social thing for all years of uni students to meet basically. i walked the 2 foids to a random group and i introduced myself, and they followed behind me and introduced theirselves and we talked with these new people for a bit. I saw some people i met on the first day and ditched the 2 foids and talked to them for a bit (shows them i can leave them whenever i want). I ditched them for ages because i was talking to so many other people and when we finally 'reunited' i talked with the 2 foids again for a bit. I told one of the 2 foids (the better looking one) that i would go and sit in the group of like 8 foids in front of me and say nothing but 'Hi'. and then i did it, i say 'hi' and they were all asking my name and i just didnt say and it was pretty awkward but i was sat there laughing while the foid i told the dare i would do to was laughing her ass off. but that was an important moment. to show that im low inhib and comfortable with girls. then i go back to the 2 foids and they were talked to some random, non-NT tbh, guys. I introduce myself to all of them and we sit down and talk for a bit, i was basically the centre of the conversation, everything i said, the boys would all say something jfl. i literally faked a headache to get some attention, i was like, 'oh fuck i got a headache' and then everyone in the group stopped what they were saying and were all telling me that they would walk me to the pharmacy and shit jfl wtf. they literally simped for me. somehow the 2 foids made plans with the boys to drive around the city to end the night, and so i came. we drove to the city and ditched the social event. i forgot to mention i might of in the paragraph but during the social event, i made sure to wrap my arms accross both the 2 foids to show im comfortable with them.

so now it was maybe 9PM? i dont recall exact times. but it was me, the 2 foids, and maybe 6 other boys that i mentioned simped for me earlier xD. anyway, only 1 boy, came in the car with me and the 2 foids while the rest of the boys took a different car. the less attractive one was driving, with the other boy in the front seat. so it was just me and the more attractive foid in the back. we kept talking while the driver and shotgun talked about their own conversation. i started talking about more sexual topics. my aspirations to become a porn star. stuff like that, even though its not true, its just a fun conversation. she was reciprocating, i mentioned jokes about my dick and she would laugh pretty hard at them. she said she could help me with my career with finances and stuff. so i knew she was engaged with my fake stories, she seemed into it. anyway, i could talk about sex with her comfortably now, even though we havent done anything sexual at all. we arrive at the city and walk around, nothing notable really happened after the car ride other than alot of walking and talking. then we all went home. i messaged only the foids when i got home to hangout again because i found an event the next week happeneing in our department with free food and stuff so it sounded fun.

day 10
the event was at 5PM again, exxcept no more of those boys. i mogged the fuck out of them, ngl. and they were slighlty non-NT, so it was a relief it was just me and the 2 foids again. I arrive pretty late, both the foids got there before me. We talk about what happened in our first weeks and stuff like that. we didnt really socialise with other people but i mention i see other people i know but dont approach them (just showing i know people). The 2 foids never ever approached random groups unless I approached, i had to lead everytime. So i see some older people and approach them and introduce myself, maybe i can get some uni tips from them. then the 2 foids follow me like sheep and introduce themselfs, and they actually did most the talking, because i was feeling kind of tired. anyway we finished talking to that group of people and ditched the event early to walk around campus at night. the 2 foids tried getting food from the food court with student discoutns but they werent working so they made the plan of driving to dominos and getting alcohol. so we start driving, i insist that we go to the grocer to get some mixers with the drinks, because i knew it was going to be cheap alcohol. we got some lemonade and cocacola and then got the alcohol, which was 3 bottles of red wine, 1 for each of us. it was 8 standard ddrinks in the whole bottle, so i knew that we would get fucked up. i then say we should get pizza if we are getting drunk and they made me pay (fucking jews). but we got the pizza. then we drove back to the foids place, the less attractive ones house. she called her dad, he wasnt home and wasnt coming for a day.

we arrive at her house at around 7, 8PM? idk. we walk in, no ones home. keep in mind, i havent really done anything sexual other than talk with the more attractive one about sex. we get in her room, it was pretty small. i sat in the middle of the bed, with the two foids on either side of me. then we started drinking, i made sure no-one touched the pizza until we got drunk (cause it tastes better drunk xD). the way we drank, was to a drinking game of truth or dare, but no dares, just truths. and the questions were super sexual, for example ' have u ever fucked somone within 3 days of meeting them?" stuff like that. even if u answered, u would drink. so we drank quite alot. we werent drunk but pretty tipsy by now and just going through the questions on the iphone. then we just quit the game, i put them both in a tight headlock (girls secretly love that shit) and they were like 'ooo 16tyo kinkyy'. we didnt do anything yet, we just kept talking after that. the more attractive one started playing with my hair 'how do u get it so curly and soft 16tyo? boys have it so easy i swear!' and i was just like 'water' (inb4 i kms because im actually gonna get screwed by the norwood reaper in the future if i dont intervene with pharmacology). the less attractive foid was already grinding on my dick and shit and i didnt try doing anything. after a bit, i gave the more attractive one a compliment that was like.. 'i never told u this before, but... *i lean in to her ear and whisper* you're really fucking hot' then i went from the neck to the thigh to the boob to th pussy. the less attractive foid was a hoe ngl, but the more attractive one was harder but we all fucked for some time. the less attractive one was blackout drunk and slept instantly after snoring and shit. but me and the more attractive foid were relatively not drunk. so we just stayed up talking, it was like 2AM. i was lying down in the middle of the bed, with both foids to my left and right, but just talking to the one awake. we had a really deep conversation, it was a great experience. i remember she would just look me in my eyes for like 10 minutes straight and both wouldnt eeven look away, we were like so deep in the conversation. she was laying stomach down so i had a nice view of her ass which was nice. we kept talking to like 4AM. then she started getting tired but i kept saying 'wake up' and every time she would giggle and wake up. i honestly dont remember what we talked about much but it was definetlt one of the deepest conversations of my life, she actually had personality. anyway at like 6AM i said 'wake up' and she didnt giggle so it was time to sleep for real now. and then i wake up at like 9AM, both foids on either side, dick against the more attractive one, morning wood. then we=hen we all woke up they took me home and i think they hung out afterwards and stayed at her house but i went home to sleep properly.

hopefully that gives some insight onto how sex happens, because i remember seeing a user on here saying 'how tf do i get a girlfriend' or sum shit. it just happens like that.

NT+decent looks=sex

without NT, 0 sex

the end.


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dn rd cause from a user named 16tyo
honey badger lol GIF
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Tales from the essay school
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congrats if true. the closest thing to a threesome that i have was a french kiss with 2 girls.
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ttagging bros before i disappear again

@SubhumanCurrycel @Ocelot @sandcelmuttcel @Thongmaster
@Native @Bewusst @ArvidGustavsson
@thecel @reptiles @MisterMercedes
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Reactions: thecel, .👽., Ocelot and 3 others
you’re not-NT for writing this Larp humble brag cringey thread. It’s freshman year everyone gets laid boyo. “Staying up till 4am having a deep conversation with a girl” that’s fucking weak you should be ashamed. You’re high Inhib and pretty retarded, and your writing sucks I feel bad for the TAs that had to read your shit
  • JFL
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  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 12611, chaddyboi66, joeveniro and 15 others
I AM gonna Read when home BHAI❤️
Life of Chad - New York Times best seller
you’re not-NT for writing this Larp humble brag cringey thread. It’s freshman year everyone gets laid boyo. “Staying up till 4am having a deep conversation with a girl” that’s fucking weak you should be ashamed. You’re high Inhib and pretty retarded, and your writing sucks I feel bad for the TAs that had to read your shit
laid is different from threesome
  • +1
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logging out if u r wondering why no reacts or replies from me to u
zyzz dance didn't read lol | Post workout, Gym motivation, Creatine
  • JFL
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Did read everything, just mirin.
  • +1
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thanks bro inspiring af
@16tyo damn bro arent you 17yo now? And you had a 3some? Crazy shit mirin indeed. You are very NT ngl
10 days wtf I'd rather jerk off and kill myself
10 minutes or nothing
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 3573
@16tyo damn bro arent you 17yo now? And you had a 3some? Crazy shit mirin indeed. You are very NT ngl
yes 17
10 days wtf I'd rather jerk off and kill myself
10 minutes or nothing
if u think about it it was only 3 days from being strangers, we didnt hang out at all in the days in between
  • +1
Reactions: .👽. and Deleted member 10782
View attachment 1021535

this is how i got a threesome from start to finish with timelines

so most people here cope alot tbh

i think im around 5-5.5psl idc but my skin and hair are at their best tbh. strong neck. and my facial leanness is really good aswell. im a twink, i have nearly no muscle on my frame, only just started gymcelling recentlyy. im 5'11 so i dont really have height halo its just a neutral trait. so im not chad by any means. im not @Amnesia or @Salludon.

i think theres a big misconception on this site. that once youre chadlite, you will be handed pussy

jfl if you think that

because i used to be 4psl maybe even sub 4psl when i was bloated and had acne and a weak neck.

and i still got sex back then

it just wasn't as frequent as now and the quality of girl wasn't as good.

but never the less, i was able to get girls

mainly through social circle and partying.

all my NT normie friends who would get roasted on this site have sex regularly

looks are literally nothing if you are sub 6PSL. if girls aren't comfortable with your personality, then they wont fuck with u at all

what im saying is that the difference between a guy who fucks once a month and a guy who fucks weekly is not their looks

its jjust the first guy is NT but the guy who fucks weekly is giga NT

the more NT, the better

in saying that you dont need to be super low inhib tbh

just not high inhib to say shit that gets girls wet, thats literally how low inhib u have to be

alright so ill do a quick summary off the top of my head how i got a threesome from not knowing these girls at all in 2 weeks

day 1
first day of uni for me.

MORNINGish like 10am? i remember going up to every single person and introducing myself, handshake, talk about something random. depending on who i met i talked different. if it was a first year student i would ask eg "what course u doing" ect ect basically meaningless shit. its not what u say, literally everyone says this stuff on first days. its how u say it. idk bruh i cant teach my microexpressions and shit like that, but like, you have to communicate physically. i have a really deep voice which helps with this, it grabs attention really well. i can sit into a random group of girls and say 1 word and all their heads will turn because of my voice. so i cant really comment on if u have a high voice because yeah thats a failo.

anyway, i probably met ~20 people in total this day and forgot all their names but i can detect whos hyper-NT and whos non-NT in like 1 second. And i added all the people who are NT enough on social media (facebook, snap, whatever they had) and didnt bother asking non-NT because they aren't opportunity makers. NT friends help u find more girls and im sorry but non-NT people are just boring as fuck and wont have any girls generally speaking unless they are 6PSL+.

Now anyway at like 3PM the uni had an event with like food and stuff for first years and we were assigned groups according to our courses. I chilled with the group for a bit, got some foids snapchats from the group. But they were all curry foids with only one white becky so i wasnt really interested at all, but we are still friends. Anyway after some time of being at this event thing i got bored and left the group to walk around the uni by myself to learn the place. I found the food court and sat on a random bench in front of a sushi place. i didnt have much money on me so i didnt order shit, so i just went on my phone for a bit. then 2 foids sat like maybe 1 persons distances away from my right side. I never seen these girls before but they looked youngish so i just interuppted them mid sentence with some random shit. first thing i said was 'do u understand what this means?' and i was referring to a snapchat someone sent me that i didnt understand. they responded 'no sorry' and then i did the same shit as before. i said 'oh damn. im....' and introduced my self like normal. they were first year students in the same department to me. I honestly dont remember what the fuck we talked about but we talked for like 30 mins and then i got their details (important). we then walked around campus, i was talking the whole time we were all just talking, nothing sexual, just generic talking. we sat down at another place in the middle of no where where there wasnt many students. it was like one of those 'pod' things that shelters u from the rain but it wasnt raining. anyway we talked in the pod for a bit and then i started meantioning more contriversial topics like drugs and stuff. i remmeber saying random shit like 'ill stay away from drugs but when im like 70 ill try heroin just because life is shit when ur old anyway so might aswell'. i could tell that we were all getting more comfortable with each other and we just had a nice vibe going. given every other first year student was still at this event, we just completely ditched it so we can talk xD. Then we left the pod area and i remember on the walk to where we were going next i saw a girl that i met earlier. i saw this as an easy opportunity to show them my status and i exchanged a joke with that girl i met earlier and she reciprocated. obviously the 2 girls i was talking to the whole time didnt say anything just giggled at my little joke but deep down inside i know that they were thinking 'its first day and he already knows this random foid accross this massive campus? must have status or something?' ect etc. Then we walked and walked until we found a lake by the campus to sit down at because it was a nice view, and to keep talking. I think i was talking aboht my goals and aspirations at this point or something like that, i forget. anyway one of the 2 foids jokingly pushed me softly from my back as if she was pushing me into the lake. in my mind i knew that these girls were pretty comfortable with me because i never initiated any physical contact whatsoever but the foid did first at this moment, so it was a good sign but still not anywhere near being sexual obviously. Anyway we kept talking random shit and i gave both like shoulder taps to show them i have hands xD but like very friendly physical contact, nothiing sexual.

it was pretty late by now maybe like 6PM so one foid had to leave, she hugged her friend first, then hugged me and we said bye. this was the less attractive foid that was leaving, so i was left with the better looking one. i was contemplating showing some interest to the girl now it was just me and her but there was a chance it would fuck up the friendship we just created so i didnt do anything and i just talked with her until i got to my bus stop, hugged her, left and went home.

now im home at like 8PM i see on facebook theres an event at 5PM in a couple days and i snap one of the girls if they wanted to come with me because i didnt want to go alone. she said yes and i asked her to dm the other friend because she left me on read jfl.

day 4
5PM, day of the uni event so i get to see those 2 foids again. I get to the venue late as fuck because i got lost on campus so thats how i first approached. it was only one of the foid friends here first, so i arrived second. anyway we joked around about me being late and shit and she called me low iq essentially for getting lost. then shortly after the other foid arrived (~10 minutes after me) and then the first foid tried talking shit about me to her about me being late so i had to defend myself hahaha. but nah it was all fun and games it was funny. the event was like a social thing for all years of uni students to meet basically. i walked the 2 foids to a random group and i introduced myself, and they followed behind me and introduced theirselves and we talked with these new people for a bit. I saw some people i met on the first day and ditched the 2 foids and talked to them for a bit (shows them i can leave them whenever i want). I ditched them for ages because i was talking to so many other people and when we finally 'reunited' i talked with the 2 foids again for a bit. I told one of the 2 foids (the better looking one) that i would go and sit in the group of like 8 foids in front of me and say nothing but 'Hi'. and then i did it, i say 'hi' and they were all asking my name and i just didnt say and it was pretty awkward but i was sat there laughing while the foid i told the dare i would do to was laughing her ass off. but that was an important moment. to show that im low inhib and comfortable with girls. then i go back to the 2 foids and they were talked to some random, non-NT tbh, guys. I introduce myself to all of them and we sit down and talk for a bit, i was basically the centre of the conversation, everything i said, the boys would all say something jfl. i literally faked a headache to get some attention, i was like, 'oh fuck i got a headache' and then everyone in the group stopped what they were saying and were all telling me that they would walk me to the pharmacy and shit jfl wtf. they literally simped for me. somehow the 2 foids made plans with the boys to drive around the city to end the night, and so i came. we drove to the city and ditched the social event. i forgot to mention i might of in the paragraph but during the social event, i made sure to wrap my arms accross both the 2 foids to show im comfortable with them.

so now it was maybe 9PM? i dont recall exact times. but it was me, the 2 foids, and maybe 6 other boys that i mentioned simped for me earlier xD. anyway, only 1 boy, came in the car with me and the 2 foids while the rest of the boys took a different car. the less attractive one was driving, with the other boy in the front seat. so it was just me and the more attractive foid in the back. we kept talking while the driver and shotgun talked about their own conversation. i started talking about more sexual topics. my aspirations to become a porn star. stuff like that, even though its not true, its just a fun conversation. she was reciprocating, i mentioned jokes about my dick and she would laugh pretty hard at them. she said she could help me with my career with finances and stuff. so i knew she was engaged with my fake stories, she seemed into it. anyway, i could talk about sex with her comfortably now, even though we havent done anything sexual at all. we arrive at the city and walk around, nothing notable really happened after the car ride other than alot of walking and talking. then we all went home. i messaged only the foids when i got home to hangout again because i found an event the next week happeneing in our department with free food and stuff so it sounded fun.

day 10
the event was at 5PM again, exxcept no more of those boys. i mogged the fuck out of them, ngl. and they were slighlty non-NT, so it was a relief it was just me and the 2 foids again. I arrive pretty late, both the foids got there before me. We talk about what happened in our first weeks and stuff like that. we didnt really socialise with other people but i mention i see other people i know but dont approach them (just showing i know people). The 2 foids never ever approached random groups unless I approached, i had to lead everytime. So i see some older people and approach them and introduce myself, maybe i can get some uni tips from them. then the 2 foids follow me like sheep and introduce themselfs, and they actually did most the talking, because i was feeling kind of tired. anyway we finished talking to that group of people and ditched the event early to walk around campus at night. the 2 foids tried getting food from the food court with student discoutns but they werent working so they made the plan of driving to dominos and getting alcohol. so we start driving, i insist that we go to the grocer to get some mixers with the drinks, because i knew it was going to be cheap alcohol. we got some lemonade and cocacola and then got the alcohol, which was 3 bottles of red wine, 1 for each of us. it was 8 standard ddrinks in the whole bottle, so i knew that we would get fucked up. i then say we should get pizza if we are getting drunk and they made me pay (fucking jews). but we got the pizza. then we drove back to the foids place, the less attractive ones house. she called her dad, he wasnt home and wasnt coming for a day.

we arrive at her house at around 7, 8PM? idk. we walk in, no ones home. keep in mind, i havent really done anything sexual other than talk with the more attractive one about sex. we get in her room, it was pretty small. i sat in the middle of the bed, with the two foids on either side of me. then we started drinking, i made sure no-one touched the pizza until we got drunk (cause it tastes better drunk xD). the way we drank, was to a drinking game of truth or dare, but no dares, just truths. and the questions were super sexual, for example ' have u ever fucked somone within 3 days of meeting them?" stuff like that. even if u answered, u would drink. so we drank quite alot. we werent drunk but pretty tipsy by now and just going through the questions on the iphone. then we just quit the game, i put them both in a tight headlock (girls secretly love that shit) and they were like 'ooo 16tyo kinkyy'. we didnt do anything yet, we just kept talking after that. the more attractive one started playing with my hair 'how do u get it so curly and soft 16tyo? boys have it so easy i swear!' and i was just like 'water' (inb4 i kms because im actually gonna get screwed by the norwood reaper in the future if i dont intervene with pharmacology). the less attractive foid was already grinding on my dick and shit and i didnt try doing anything. after a bit, i gave the more attractive one a compliment that was like.. 'i never told u this before, but... *i lean in to her ear and whisper* you're really fucking hot' then i went from the neck to the thigh to the boob to th pussy. the less attractive foid was a hoe ngl, but the more attractive one was harder but we all fucked for some time. the less attractive one was blackout drunk and slept instantly after snoring and shit. but me and the more attractive foid were relatively not drunk. so we just stayed up talking, it was like 2AM. i was lying down in the middle of the bed, with both foids to my left and right, but just talking to the one awake. we had a really deep conversation, it was a great experience. i remember she would just look me in my eyes for like 10 minutes straight and both wouldnt eeven look away, we were like so deep in the conversation. she was laying stomach down so i had a nice view of her ass which was nice. we kept talking to like 4AM. then she started getting tired but i kept saying 'wake up' and every time she would giggle and wake up. i honestly dont remember what we talked about much but it was definetlt one of the deepest conversations of my life, she actually had personality. anyway at like 6AM i said 'wake up' and she didnt giggle so it was time to sleep for real now. and then i wake up at like 9AM, both foids on either side, dick against the more attractive one, morning wood. then we=hen we all woke up they took me home and i think they hung out afterwards and stayed at her house but i went home to sleep properly.

hopefully that gives some insight onto how sex happens, because i remember seeing a user on here saying 'how tf do i get a girlfriend' or sum shit. it just happens like that.

NT+decent looks=sex

without NT, 0 sex

the end.


View attachment 1021534
How the fuck can you talk so much

Like what the fuck do you talk about for such a long time with random foids

I cant even talk for such a long time to my classmates that I know years and we share many same hobbies
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: s3-s3, bwrauycnee, Deleted member 275 and 3 others
where are the pics
Imagine writing an essay with decent info and not a single ungrateful degenerate appreciates it
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: blite, Deleted member 32529, mogstar and 5 others
shit writing didnt get an erection
Can someone summarize it for me
View attachment 1021535

this is how i got a threesome from start to finish with timelines

so most people here cope alot tbh

i think im around 5-5.5psl idc but my skin and hair are at their best tbh. strong neck. and my facial leanness is really good aswell. im a twink, i have nearly no muscle on my frame, only just started gymcelling recentlyy. im 5'11 so i dont really have height halo its just a neutral trait. so im not chad by any means. im not @Amnesia or @Salludon.

i think theres a big misconception on this site. that once youre chadlite, you will be handed pussy

jfl if you think that

because i used to be 4psl maybe even sub 4psl when i was bloated and had acne and a weak neck.

and i still got sex back then

it just wasn't as frequent as now and the quality of girl wasn't as good.

but never the less, i was able to get girls

mainly through social circle and partying.

all my NT normie friends who would get roasted on this site have sex regularly

looks are literally nothing if you are sub 6PSL. if girls aren't comfortable with your personality, then they wont fuck with u at all

what im saying is that the difference between a guy who fucks once a month and a guy who fucks weekly is not their looks

its jjust the first guy is NT but the guy who fucks weekly is giga NT

the more NT, the better

in saying that you dont need to be super low inhib tbh

just not high inhib to say shit that gets girls wet, thats literally how low inhib u have to be

alright so ill do a quick summary off the top of my head how i got a threesome from not knowing these girls at all in 2 weeks

day 1
first day of uni for me.

MORNINGish like 10am? i remember going up to every single person and introducing myself, handshake, talk about something random. depending on who i met i talked different. if it was a first year student i would ask eg "what course u doing" ect ect basically meaningless shit. its not what u say, literally everyone says this stuff on first days. its how u say it. idk bruh i cant teach my microexpressions and shit like that, but like, you have to communicate physically. i have a really deep voice which helps with this, it grabs attention really well. i can sit into a random group of girls and say 1 word and all their heads will turn because of my voice. so i cant really comment on if u have a high voice because yeah thats a failo.

anyway, i probably met ~20 people in total this day and forgot all their names but i can detect whos hyper-NT and whos non-NT in like 1 second. And i added all the people who are NT enough on social media (facebook, snap, whatever they had) and didnt bother asking non-NT because they aren't opportunity makers. NT friends help u find more girls and im sorry but non-NT people are just boring as fuck and wont have any girls generally speaking unless they are 6PSL+.

Now anyway at like 3PM the uni had an event with like food and stuff for first years and we were assigned groups according to our courses. I chilled with the group for a bit, got some foids snapchats from the group. But they were all curry foids with only one white becky so i wasnt really interested at all, but we are still friends. Anyway after some time of being at this event thing i got bored and left the group to walk around the uni by myself to learn the place. I found the food court and sat on a random bench in front of a sushi place. i didnt have much money on me so i didnt order shit, so i just went on my phone for a bit. then 2 foids sat like maybe 1 persons distances away from my right side. I never seen these girls before but they looked youngish so i just interuppted them mid sentence with some random shit. first thing i said was 'do u understand what this means?' and i was referring to a snapchat someone sent me that i didnt understand. they responded 'no sorry' and then i did the same shit as before. i said 'oh damn. im....' and introduced my self like normal. they were first year students in the same department to me. I honestly dont remember what the fuck we talked about but we talked for like 30 mins and then i got their details (important). we then walked around campus, i was talking the whole time we were all just talking, nothing sexual, just generic talking. we sat down at another place in the middle of no where where there wasnt many students. it was like one of those 'pod' things that shelters u from the rain but it wasnt raining. anyway we talked in the pod for a bit and then i started meantioning more contriversial topics like drugs and stuff. i remmeber saying random shit like 'ill stay away from drugs but when im like 70 ill try heroin just because life is shit when ur old anyway so might aswell'. i could tell that we were all getting more comfortable with each other and we just had a nice vibe going. given every other first year student was still at this event, we just completely ditched it so we can talk xD. Then we left the pod area and i remember on the walk to where we were going next i saw a girl that i met earlier. i saw this as an easy opportunity to show them my status and i exchanged a joke with that girl i met earlier and she reciprocated. obviously the 2 girls i was talking to the whole time didnt say anything just giggled at my little joke but deep down inside i know that they were thinking 'its first day and he already knows this random foid accross this massive campus? must have status or something?' ect etc. Then we walked and walked until we found a lake by the campus to sit down at because it was a nice view, and to keep talking. I think i was talking aboht my goals and aspirations at this point or something like that, i forget. anyway one of the 2 foids jokingly pushed me softly from my back as if she was pushing me into the lake. in my mind i knew that these girls were pretty comfortable with me because i never initiated any physical contact whatsoever but the foid did first at this moment, so it was a good sign but still not anywhere near being sexual obviously. Anyway we kept talking random shit and i gave both like shoulder taps to show them i have hands xD but like very friendly physical contact, nothiing sexual.

it was pretty late by now maybe like 6PM so one foid had to leave, she hugged her friend first, then hugged me and we said bye. this was the less attractive foid that was leaving, so i was left with the better looking one. i was contemplating showing some interest to the girl now it was just me and her but there was a chance it would fuck up the friendship we just created so i didnt do anything and i just talked with her until i got to my bus stop, hugged her, left and went home.

now im home at like 8PM i see on facebook theres an event at 5PM in a couple days and i snap one of the girls if they wanted to come with me because i didnt want to go alone. she said yes and i asked her to dm the other friend because she left me on read jfl.

day 4
5PM, day of the uni event so i get to see those 2 foids again. I get to the venue late as fuck because i got lost on campus so thats how i first approached. it was only one of the foid friends here first, so i arrived second. anyway we joked around about me being late and shit and she called me low iq essentially for getting lost. then shortly after the other foid arrived (~10 minutes after me) and then the first foid tried talking shit about me to her about me being late so i had to defend myself hahaha. but nah it was all fun and games it was funny. the event was like a social thing for all years of uni students to meet basically. i walked the 2 foids to a random group and i introduced myself, and they followed behind me and introduced theirselves and we talked with these new people for a bit. I saw some people i met on the first day and ditched the 2 foids and talked to them for a bit (shows them i can leave them whenever i want). I ditched them for ages because i was talking to so many other people and when we finally 'reunited' i talked with the 2 foids again for a bit. I told one of the 2 foids (the better looking one) that i would go and sit in the group of like 8 foids in front of me and say nothing but 'Hi'. and then i did it, i say 'hi' and they were all asking my name and i just didnt say and it was pretty awkward but i was sat there laughing while the foid i told the dare i would do to was laughing her ass off. but that was an important moment. to show that im low inhib and comfortable with girls. then i go back to the 2 foids and they were talked to some random, non-NT tbh, guys. I introduce myself to all of them and we sit down and talk for a bit, i was basically the centre of the conversation, everything i said, the boys would all say something jfl. i literally faked a headache to get some attention, i was like, 'oh fuck i got a headache' and then everyone in the group stopped what they were saying and were all telling me that they would walk me to the pharmacy and shit jfl wtf. they literally simped for me. somehow the 2 foids made plans with the boys to drive around the city to end the night, and so i came. we drove to the city and ditched the social event. i forgot to mention i might of in the paragraph but during the social event, i made sure to wrap my arms accross both the 2 foids to show im comfortable with them.

so now it was maybe 9PM? i dont recall exact times. but it was me, the 2 foids, and maybe 6 other boys that i mentioned simped for me earlier xD. anyway, only 1 boy, came in the car with me and the 2 foids while the rest of the boys took a different car. the less attractive one was driving, with the other boy in the front seat. so it was just me and the more attractive foid in the back. we kept talking while the driver and shotgun talked about their own conversation. i started talking about more sexual topics. my aspirations to become a porn star. stuff like that, even though its not true, its just a fun conversation. she was reciprocating, i mentioned jokes about my dick and she would laugh pretty hard at them. she said she could help me with my career with finances and stuff. so i knew she was engaged with my fake stories, she seemed into it. anyway, i could talk about sex with her comfortably now, even though we havent done anything sexual at all. we arrive at the city and walk around, nothing notable really happened after the car ride other than alot of walking and talking. then we all went home. i messaged only the foids when i got home to hangout again because i found an event the next week happeneing in our department with free food and stuff so it sounded fun.

day 10
the event was at 5PM again, exxcept no more of those boys. i mogged the fuck out of them, ngl. and they were slighlty non-NT, so it was a relief it was just me and the 2 foids again. I arrive pretty late, both the foids got there before me. We talk about what happened in our first weeks and stuff like that. we didnt really socialise with other people but i mention i see other people i know but dont approach them (just showing i know people). The 2 foids never ever approached random groups unless I approached, i had to lead everytime. So i see some older people and approach them and introduce myself, maybe i can get some uni tips from them. then the 2 foids follow me like sheep and introduce themselfs, and they actually did most the talking, because i was feeling kind of tired. anyway we finished talking to that group of people and ditched the event early to walk around campus at night. the 2 foids tried getting food from the food court with student discoutns but they werent working so they made the plan of driving to dominos and getting alcohol. so we start driving, i insist that we go to the grocer to get some mixers with the drinks, because i knew it was going to be cheap alcohol. we got some lemonade and cocacola and then got the alcohol, which was 3 bottles of red wine, 1 for each of us. it was 8 standard ddrinks in the whole bottle, so i knew that we would get fucked up. i then say we should get pizza if we are getting drunk and they made me pay (fucking jews). but we got the pizza. then we drove back to the foids place, the less attractive ones house. she called her dad, he wasnt home and wasnt coming for a day.

we arrive at her house at around 7, 8PM? idk. we walk in, no ones home. keep in mind, i havent really done anything sexual other than talk with the more attractive one about sex. we get in her room, it was pretty small. i sat in the middle of the bed, with the two foids on either side of me. then we started drinking, i made sure no-one touched the pizza until we got drunk (cause it tastes better drunk xD). the way we drank, was to a drinking game of truth or dare, but no dares, just truths. and the questions were super sexual, for example ' have u ever fucked somone within 3 days of meeting them?" stuff like that. even if u answered, u would drink. so we drank quite alot. we werent drunk but pretty tipsy by now and just going through the questions on the iphone. then we just quit the game, i put them both in a tight headlock (girls secretly love that shit) and they were like 'ooo 16tyo kinkyy'. we didnt do anything yet, we just kept talking after that. the more attractive one started playing with my hair 'how do u get it so curly and soft 16tyo? boys have it so easy i swear!' and i was just like 'water' (inb4 i kms because im actually gonna get screwed by the norwood reaper in the future if i dont intervene with pharmacology). the less attractive foid was already grinding on my dick and shit and i didnt try doing anything. after a bit, i gave the more attractive one a compliment that was like.. 'i never told u this before, but... *i lean in to her ear and whisper* you're really fucking hot' then i went from the neck to the thigh to the boob to th pussy. the less attractive foid was a hoe ngl, but the more attractive one was harder but we all fucked for some time. the less attractive one was blackout drunk and slept instantly after snoring and shit. but me and the more attractive foid were relatively not drunk. so we just stayed up talking, it was like 2AM. i was lying down in the middle of the bed, with both foids to my left and right, but just talking to the one awake. we had a really deep conversation, it was a great experience. i remember she would just look me in my eyes for like 10 minutes straight and both wouldnt eeven look away, we were like so deep in the conversation. she was laying stomach down so i had a nice view of her ass which was nice. we kept talking to like 4AM. then she started getting tired but i kept saying 'wake up' and every time she would giggle and wake up. i honestly dont remember what we talked about much but it was definetlt one of the deepest conversations of my life, she actually had personality. anyway at like 6AM i said 'wake up' and she didnt giggle so it was time to sleep for real now. and then i wake up at like 9AM, both foids on either side, dick against the more attractive one, morning wood. then we=hen we all woke up they took me home and i think they hung out afterwards and stayed at her house but i went home to sleep properly.

hopefully that gives some insight onto how sex happens, because i remember seeing a user on here saying 'how tf do i get a girlfriend' or sum shit. it just happens like that.

NT+decent looks=sex

without NT, 0 sex

the end.


View attachment 1021534
NT meaning exactly?
How the fuck can you talk so much

Like what the fuck do you talk about for such a long time with random foids

I cant even talk for such a long time to my classmates that I know years and we share many same hobbies
literally any topic, then theres like a million subtopics in that topic

unless you make highly controversial claims, people are unlikely to contradict you even if its not even true what ur saying
View attachment 1021535

this is how i got a threesome from start to finish with timelines

so most people here cope alot tbh

i think im around 5-5.5psl idc but my skin and hair are at their best tbh. strong neck. and my facial leanness is really good aswell. im a twink, i have nearly no muscle on my frame, only just started gymcelling recentlyy. im 5'11 so i dont really have height halo its just a neutral trait. so im not chad by any means. im not @Amnesia or @Salludon.

i think theres a big misconception on this site. that once youre chadlite, you will be handed pussy

jfl if you think that

because i used to be 4psl maybe even sub 4psl when i was bloated and had acne and a weak neck.

and i still got sex back then

it just wasn't as frequent as now and the quality of girl wasn't as good.

but never the less, i was able to get girls

mainly through social circle and partying.

all my NT normie friends who would get roasted on this site have sex regularly

looks are literally nothing if you are sub 6PSL. if girls aren't comfortable with your personality, then they wont fuck with u at all

what im saying is that the difference between a guy who fucks once a month and a guy who fucks weekly is not their looks

its jjust the first guy is NT but the guy who fucks weekly is giga NT

the more NT, the better

in saying that you dont need to be super low inhib tbh

just not high inhib to say shit that gets girls wet, thats literally how low inhib u have to be

alright so ill do a quick summary off the top of my head how i got a threesome from not knowing these girls at all in 2 weeks

day 1
first day of uni for me.

MORNINGish like 10am? i remember going up to every single person and introducing myself, handshake, talk about something random. depending on who i met i talked different. if it was a first year student i would ask eg "what course u doing" ect ect basically meaningless shit. its not what u say, literally everyone says this stuff on first days. its how u say it. idk bruh i cant teach my microexpressions and shit like that, but like, you have to communicate physically. i have a really deep voice which helps with this, it grabs attention really well. i can sit into a random group of girls and say 1 word and all their heads will turn because of my voice. so i cant really comment on if u have a high voice because yeah thats a failo.

anyway, i probably met ~20 people in total this day and forgot all their names but i can detect whos hyper-NT and whos non-NT in like 1 second. And i added all the people who are NT enough on social media (facebook, snap, whatever they had) and didnt bother asking non-NT because they aren't opportunity makers. NT friends help u find more girls and im sorry but non-NT people are just boring as fuck and wont have any girls generally speaking unless they are 6PSL+.

Now anyway at like 3PM the uni had an event with like food and stuff for first years and we were assigned groups according to our courses. I chilled with the group for a bit, got some foids snapchats from the group. But they were all curry foids with only one white becky so i wasnt really interested at all, but we are still friends. Anyway after some time of being at this event thing i got bored and left the group to walk around the uni by myself to learn the place. I found the food court and sat on a random bench in front of a sushi place. i didnt have much money on me so i didnt order shit, so i just went on my phone for a bit. then 2 foids sat like maybe 1 persons distances away from my right side. I never seen these girls before but they looked youngish so i just interuppted them mid sentence with some random shit. first thing i said was 'do u understand what this means?' and i was referring to a snapchat someone sent me that i didnt understand. they responded 'no sorry' and then i did the same shit as before. i said 'oh damn. im....' and introduced my self like normal. they were first year students in the same department to me. I honestly dont remember what the fuck we talked about but we talked for like 30 mins and then i got their details (important). we then walked around campus, i was talking the whole time we were all just talking, nothing sexual, just generic talking. we sat down at another place in the middle of no where where there wasnt many students. it was like one of those 'pod' things that shelters u from the rain but it wasnt raining. anyway we talked in the pod for a bit and then i started meantioning more contriversial topics like drugs and stuff. i remmeber saying random shit like 'ill stay away from drugs but when im like 70 ill try heroin just because life is shit when ur old anyway so might aswell'. i could tell that we were all getting more comfortable with each other and we just had a nice vibe going. given every other first year student was still at this event, we just completely ditched it so we can talk xD. Then we left the pod area and i remember on the walk to where we were going next i saw a girl that i met earlier. i saw this as an easy opportunity to show them my status and i exchanged a joke with that girl i met earlier and she reciprocated. obviously the 2 girls i was talking to the whole time didnt say anything just giggled at my little joke but deep down inside i know that they were thinking 'its first day and he already knows this random foid accross this massive campus? must have status or something?' ect etc. Then we walked and walked until we found a lake by the campus to sit down at because it was a nice view, and to keep talking. I think i was talking aboht my goals and aspirations at this point or something like that, i forget. anyway one of the 2 foids jokingly pushed me softly from my back as if she was pushing me into the lake. in my mind i knew that these girls were pretty comfortable with me because i never initiated any physical contact whatsoever but the foid did first at this moment, so it was a good sign but still not anywhere near being sexual obviously. Anyway we kept talking random shit and i gave both like shoulder taps to show them i have hands xD but like very friendly physical contact, nothiing sexual.

it was pretty late by now maybe like 6PM so one foid had to leave, she hugged her friend first, then hugged me and we said bye. this was the less attractive foid that was leaving, so i was left with the better looking one. i was contemplating showing some interest to the girl now it was just me and her but there was a chance it would fuck up the friendship we just created so i didnt do anything and i just talked with her until i got to my bus stop, hugged her, left and went home.

now im home at like 8PM i see on facebook theres an event at 5PM in a couple days and i snap one of the girls if they wanted to come with me because i didnt want to go alone. she said yes and i asked her to dm the other friend because she left me on read jfl.

day 4
5PM, day of the uni event so i get to see those 2 foids again. I get to the venue late as fuck because i got lost on campus so thats how i first approached. it was only one of the foid friends here first, so i arrived second. anyway we joked around about me being late and shit and she called me low iq essentially for getting lost. then shortly after the other foid arrived (~10 minutes after me) and then the first foid tried talking shit about me to her about me being late so i had to defend myself hahaha. but nah it was all fun and games it was funny. the event was like a social thing for all years of uni students to meet basically. i walked the 2 foids to a random group and i introduced myself, and they followed behind me and introduced theirselves and we talked with these new people for a bit. I saw some people i met on the first day and ditched the 2 foids and talked to them for a bit (shows them i can leave them whenever i want). I ditched them for ages because i was talking to so many other people and when we finally 'reunited' i talked with the 2 foids again for a bit. I told one of the 2 foids (the better looking one) that i would go and sit in the group of like 8 foids in front of me and say nothing but 'Hi'. and then i did it, i say 'hi' and they were all asking my name and i just didnt say and it was pretty awkward but i was sat there laughing while the foid i told the dare i would do to was laughing her ass off. but that was an important moment. to show that im low inhib and comfortable with girls. then i go back to the 2 foids and they were talked to some random, non-NT tbh, guys. I introduce myself to all of them and we sit down and talk for a bit, i was basically the centre of the conversation, everything i said, the boys would all say something jfl. i literally faked a headache to get some attention, i was like, 'oh fuck i got a headache' and then everyone in the group stopped what they were saying and were all telling me that they would walk me to the pharmacy and shit jfl wtf. they literally simped for me. somehow the 2 foids made plans with the boys to drive around the city to end the night, and so i came. we drove to the city and ditched the social event. i forgot to mention i might of in the paragraph but during the social event, i made sure to wrap my arms accross both the 2 foids to show im comfortable with them.

so now it was maybe 9PM? i dont recall exact times. but it was me, the 2 foids, and maybe 6 other boys that i mentioned simped for me earlier xD. anyway, only 1 boy, came in the car with me and the 2 foids while the rest of the boys took a different car. the less attractive one was driving, with the other boy in the front seat. so it was just me and the more attractive foid in the back. we kept talking while the driver and shotgun talked about their own conversation. i started talking about more sexual topics. my aspirations to become a porn star. stuff like that, even though its not true, its just a fun conversation. she was reciprocating, i mentioned jokes about my dick and she would laugh pretty hard at them. she said she could help me with my career with finances and stuff. so i knew she was engaged with my fake stories, she seemed into it. anyway, i could talk about sex with her comfortably now, even though we havent done anything sexual at all. we arrive at the city and walk around, nothing notable really happened after the car ride other than alot of walking and talking. then we all went home. i messaged only the foids when i got home to hangout again because i found an event the next week happeneing in our department with free food and stuff so it sounded fun.

day 10
the event was at 5PM again, exxcept no more of those boys. i mogged the fuck out of them, ngl. and they were slighlty non-NT, so it was a relief it was just me and the 2 foids again. I arrive pretty late, both the foids got there before me. We talk about what happened in our first weeks and stuff like that. we didnt really socialise with other people but i mention i see other people i know but dont approach them (just showing i know people). The 2 foids never ever approached random groups unless I approached, i had to lead everytime. So i see some older people and approach them and introduce myself, maybe i can get some uni tips from them. then the 2 foids follow me like sheep and introduce themselfs, and they actually did most the talking, because i was feeling kind of tired. anyway we finished talking to that group of people and ditched the event early to walk around campus at night. the 2 foids tried getting food from the food court with student discoutns but they werent working so they made the plan of driving to dominos and getting alcohol. so we start driving, i insist that we go to the grocer to get some mixers with the drinks, because i knew it was going to be cheap alcohol. we got some lemonade and cocacola and then got the alcohol, which was 3 bottles of red wine, 1 for each of us. it was 8 standard ddrinks in the whole bottle, so i knew that we would get fucked up. i then say we should get pizza if we are getting drunk and they made me pay (fucking jews). but we got the pizza. then we drove back to the foids place, the less attractive ones house. she called her dad, he wasnt home and wasnt coming for a day.

we arrive at her house at around 7, 8PM? idk. we walk in, no ones home. keep in mind, i havent really done anything sexual other than talk with the more attractive one about sex. we get in her room, it was pretty small. i sat in the middle of the bed, with the two foids on either side of me. then we started drinking, i made sure no-one touched the pizza until we got drunk (cause it tastes better drunk xD). the way we drank, was to a drinking game of truth or dare, but no dares, just truths. and the questions were super sexual, for example ' have u ever fucked somone within 3 days of meeting them?" stuff like that. even if u answered, u would drink. so we drank quite alot. we werent drunk but pretty tipsy by now and just going through the questions on the iphone. then we just quit the game, i put them both in a tight headlock (girls secretly love that shit) and they were like 'ooo 16tyo kinkyy'. we didnt do anything yet, we just kept talking after that. the more attractive one started playing with my hair 'how do u get it so curly and soft 16tyo? boys have it so easy i swear!' and i was just like 'water' (inb4 i kms because im actually gonna get screwed by the norwood reaper in the future if i dont intervene with pharmacology). the less attractive foid was already grinding on my dick and shit and i didnt try doing anything. after a bit, i gave the more attractive one a compliment that was like.. 'i never told u this before, but... *i lean in to her ear and whisper* you're really fucking hot' then i went from the neck to the thigh to the boob to th pussy. the less attractive foid was a hoe ngl, but the more attractive one was harder but we all fucked for some time. the less attractive one was blackout drunk and slept instantly after snoring and shit. but me and the more attractive foid were relatively not drunk. so we just stayed up talking, it was like 2AM. i was lying down in the middle of the bed, with both foids to my left and right, but just talking to the one awake. we had a really deep conversation, it was a great experience. i remember she would just look me in my eyes for like 10 minutes straight and both wouldnt eeven look away, we were like so deep in the conversation. she was laying stomach down so i had a nice view of her ass which was nice. we kept talking to like 4AM. then she started getting tired but i kept saying 'wake up' and every time she would giggle and wake up. i honestly dont remember what we talked about much but it was definetlt one of the deepest conversations of my life, she actually had personality. anyway at like 6AM i said 'wake up' and she didnt giggle so it was time to sleep for real now. and then i wake up at like 9AM, both foids on either side, dick against the more attractive one, morning wood. then we=hen we all woke up they took me home and i think they hung out afterwards and stayed at her house but i went home to sleep properly.

hopefully that gives some insight onto how sex happens, because i remember seeing a user on here saying 'how tf do i get a girlfriend' or sum shit. it just happens like that.

NT+decent looks=sex

without NT, 0 sex

the end.


View attachment 1021534
Tdrl: be good looking and moderately NT (water)
  • +1
Reactions: Schizoidcel
nt is a meme
  • JFL
Reactions: Schizoidcel
Die zoomer die I hate u so I'm 26 and incel and s fuking zoomer is having threesome ahhhhh
  • +1
Reactions: Schizoidcel
Daily reminder that I will never read anything that isn't properly formatted.

OP, have you ever heard of paragraphs?

EDIT: Also, how cool it was that you wrote a literal fucking essay on this but only devoted one single fucking line to the part where you actually had sex.
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: JimmyDreamsOfZygos and Deleted member 11770
View attachment 1021535

this is how i got a threesome from start to finish with timelines

so most people here cope alot tbh

i think im around 5-5.5psl idc but my skin and hair are at their best tbh. strong neck. and my facial leanness is really good aswell. im a twink, i have nearly no muscle on my frame, only just started gymcelling recentlyy. im 5'11 so i dont really have height halo its just a neutral trait. so im not chad by any means. im not @Amnesia or @Salludon.

i think theres a big misconception on this site. that once youre chadlite, you will be handed pussy

jfl if you think that

because i used to be 4psl maybe even sub 4psl when i was bloated and had acne and a weak neck.

and i still got sex back then

it just wasn't as frequent as now and the quality of girl wasn't as good.

but never the less, i was able to get girls

mainly through social circle and partying.

all my NT normie friends who would get roasted on this site have sex regularly

looks are literally nothing if you are sub 6PSL. if girls aren't comfortable with your personality, then they wont fuck with u at all

what im saying is that the difference between a guy who fucks once a month and a guy who fucks weekly is not their looks

its jjust the first guy is NT but the guy who fucks weekly is giga NT

the more NT, the better

in saying that you dont need to be super low inhib tbh

just not high inhib to say shit that gets girls wet, thats literally how low inhib u have to be

alright so ill do a quick summary off the top of my head how i got a threesome from not knowing these girls at all in 2 weeks

day 1
first day of uni for me.

MORNINGish like 10am? i remember going up to every single person and introducing myself, handshake, talk about something random. depending on who i met i talked different. if it was a first year student i would ask eg "what course u doing" ect ect basically meaningless shit. its not what u say, literally everyone says this stuff on first days. its how u say it. idk bruh i cant teach my microexpressions and shit like that, but like, you have to communicate physically. i have a really deep voice which helps with this, it grabs attention really well. i can sit into a random group of girls and say 1 word and all their heads will turn because of my voice. so i cant really comment on if u have a high voice because yeah thats a failo.

anyway, i probably met ~20 people in total this day and forgot all their names but i can detect whos hyper-NT and whos non-NT in like 1 second. And i added all the people who are NT enough on social media (facebook, snap, whatever they had) and didnt bother asking non-NT because they aren't opportunity makers. NT friends help u find more girls and im sorry but non-NT people are just boring as fuck and wont have any girls generally speaking unless they are 6PSL+.

Now anyway at like 3PM the uni had an event with like food and stuff for first years and we were assigned groups according to our courses. I chilled with the group for a bit, got some foids snapchats from the group. But they were all curry foids with only one white becky so i wasnt really interested at all, but we are still friends. Anyway after some time of being at this event thing i got bored and left the group to walk around the uni by myself to learn the place. I found the food court and sat on a random bench in front of a sushi place. i didnt have much money on me so i didnt order shit, so i just went on my phone for a bit. then 2 foids sat like maybe 1 persons distances away from my right side. I never seen these girls before but they looked youngish so i just interuppted them mid sentence with some random shit. first thing i said was 'do u understand what this means?' and i was referring to a snapchat someone sent me that i didnt understand. they responded 'no sorry' and then i did the same shit as before. i said 'oh damn. im....' and introduced my self like normal. they were first year students in the same department to me. I honestly dont remember what the fuck we talked about but we talked for like 30 mins and then i got their details (important). we then walked around campus, i was talking the whole time we were all just talking, nothing sexual, just generic talking. we sat down at another place in the middle of no where where there wasnt many students. it was like one of those 'pod' things that shelters u from the rain but it wasnt raining. anyway we talked in the pod for a bit and then i started meantioning more contriversial topics like drugs and stuff. i remmeber saying random shit like 'ill stay away from drugs but when im like 70 ill try heroin just because life is shit when ur old anyway so might aswell'. i could tell that we were all getting more comfortable with each other and we just had a nice vibe going. given every other first year student was still at this event, we just completely ditched it so we can talk xD. Then we left the pod area and i remember on the walk to where we were going next i saw a girl that i met earlier. i saw this as an easy opportunity to show them my status and i exchanged a joke with that girl i met earlier and she reciprocated. obviously the 2 girls i was talking to the whole time didnt say anything just giggled at my little joke but deep down inside i know that they were thinking 'its first day and he already knows this random foid accross this massive campus? must have status or something?' ect etc. Then we walked and walked until we found a lake by the campus to sit down at because it was a nice view, and to keep talking. I think i was talking aboht my goals and aspirations at this point or something like that, i forget. anyway one of the 2 foids jokingly pushed me softly from my back as if she was pushing me into the lake. in my mind i knew that these girls were pretty comfortable with me because i never initiated any physical contact whatsoever but the foid did first at this moment, so it was a good sign but still not anywhere near being sexual obviously. Anyway we kept talking random shit and i gave both like shoulder taps to show them i have hands xD but like very friendly physical contact, nothiing sexual.

it was pretty late by now maybe like 6PM so one foid had to leave, she hugged her friend first, then hugged me and we said bye. this was the less attractive foid that was leaving, so i was left with the better looking one. i was contemplating showing some interest to the girl now it was just me and her but there was a chance it would fuck up the friendship we just created so i didnt do anything and i just talked with her until i got to my bus stop, hugged her, left and went home.

now im home at like 8PM i see on facebook theres an event at 5PM in a couple days and i snap one of the girls if they wanted to come with me because i didnt want to go alone. she said yes and i asked her to dm the other friend because she left me on read jfl.

day 4
5PM, day of the uni event so i get to see those 2 foids again. I get to the venue late as fuck because i got lost on campus so thats how i first approached. it was only one of the foid friends here first, so i arrived second. anyway we joked around about me being late and shit and she called me low iq essentially for getting lost. then shortly after the other foid arrived (~10 minutes after me) and then the first foid tried talking shit about me to her about me being late so i had to defend myself hahaha. but nah it was all fun and games it was funny. the event was like a social thing for all years of uni students to meet basically. i walked the 2 foids to a random group and i introduced myself, and they followed behind me and introduced theirselves and we talked with these new people for a bit. I saw some people i met on the first day and ditched the 2 foids and talked to them for a bit (shows them i can leave them whenever i want). I ditched them for ages because i was talking to so many other people and when we finally 'reunited' i talked with the 2 foids again for a bit. I told one of the 2 foids (the better looking one) that i would go and sit in the group of like 8 foids in front of me and say nothing but 'Hi'. and then i did it, i say 'hi' and they were all asking my name and i just didnt say and it was pretty awkward but i was sat there laughing while the foid i told the dare i would do to was laughing her ass off. but that was an important moment. to show that im low inhib and comfortable with girls. then i go back to the 2 foids and they were talked to some random, non-NT tbh, guys. I introduce myself to all of them and we sit down and talk for a bit, i was basically the centre of the conversation, everything i said, the boys would all say something jfl. i literally faked a headache to get some attention, i was like, 'oh fuck i got a headache' and then everyone in the group stopped what they were saying and were all telling me that they would walk me to the pharmacy and shit jfl wtf. they literally simped for me. somehow the 2 foids made plans with the boys to drive around the city to end the night, and so i came. we drove to the city and ditched the social event. i forgot to mention i might of in the paragraph but during the social event, i made sure to wrap my arms accross both the 2 foids to show im comfortable with them.

so now it was maybe 9PM? i dont recall exact times. but it was me, the 2 foids, and maybe 6 other boys that i mentioned simped for me earlier xD. anyway, only 1 boy, came in the car with me and the 2 foids while the rest of the boys took a different car. the less attractive one was driving, with the other boy in the front seat. so it was just me and the more attractive foid in the back. we kept talking while the driver and shotgun talked about their own conversation. i started talking about more sexual topics. my aspirations to become a porn star. stuff like that, even though its not true, its just a fun conversation. she was reciprocating, i mentioned jokes about my dick and she would laugh pretty hard at them. she said she could help me with my career with finances and stuff. so i knew she was engaged with my fake stories, she seemed into it. anyway, i could talk about sex with her comfortably now, even though we havent done anything sexual at all. we arrive at the city and walk around, nothing notable really happened after the car ride other than alot of walking and talking. then we all went home. i messaged only the foids when i got home to hangout again because i found an event the next week happeneing in our department with free food and stuff so it sounded fun.

day 10
the event was at 5PM again, exxcept no more of those boys. i mogged the fuck out of them, ngl. and they were slighlty non-NT, so it was a relief it was just me and the 2 foids again. I arrive pretty late, both the foids got there before me. We talk about what happened in our first weeks and stuff like that. we didnt really socialise with other people but i mention i see other people i know but dont approach them (just showing i know people). The 2 foids never ever approached random groups unless I approached, i had to lead everytime. So i see some older people and approach them and introduce myself, maybe i can get some uni tips from them. then the 2 foids follow me like sheep and introduce themselfs, and they actually did most the talking, because i was feeling kind of tired. anyway we finished talking to that group of people and ditched the event early to walk around campus at night. the 2 foids tried getting food from the food court with student discoutns but they werent working so they made the plan of driving to dominos and getting alcohol. so we start driving, i insist that we go to the grocer to get some mixers with the drinks, because i knew it was going to be cheap alcohol. we got some lemonade and cocacola and then got the alcohol, which was 3 bottles of red wine, 1 for each of us. it was 8 standard ddrinks in the whole bottle, so i knew that we would get fucked up. i then say we should get pizza if we are getting drunk and they made me pay (fucking jews). but we got the pizza. then we drove back to the foids place, the less attractive ones house. she called her dad, he wasnt home and wasnt coming for a day.

we arrive at her house at around 7, 8PM? idk. we walk in, no ones home. keep in mind, i havent really done anything sexual other than talk with the more attractive one about sex. we get in her room, it was pretty small. i sat in the middle of the bed, with the two foids on either side of me. then we started drinking, i made sure no-one touched the pizza until we got drunk (cause it tastes better drunk xD). the way we drank, was to a drinking game of truth or dare, but no dares, just truths. and the questions were super sexual, for example ' have u ever fucked somone within 3 days of meeting them?" stuff like that. even if u answered, u would drink. so we drank quite alot. we werent drunk but pretty tipsy by now and just going through the questions on the iphone. then we just quit the game, i put them both in a tight headlock (girls secretly love that shit) and they were like 'ooo 16tyo kinkyy'. we didnt do anything yet, we just kept talking after that. the more attractive one started playing with my hair 'how do u get it so curly and soft 16tyo? boys have it so easy i swear!' and i was just like 'water' (inb4 i kms because im actually gonna get screwed by the norwood reaper in the future if i dont intervene with pharmacology). the less attractive foid was already grinding on my dick and shit and i didnt try doing anything. after a bit, i gave the more attractive one a compliment that was like.. 'i never told u this before, but... *i lean in to her ear and whisper* you're really fucking hot' then i went from the neck to the thigh to the boob to th pussy. the less attractive foid was a hoe ngl, but the more attractive one was harder but we all fucked for some time. the less attractive one was blackout drunk and slept instantly after snoring and shit. but me and the more attractive foid were relatively not drunk. so we just stayed up talking, it was like 2AM. i was lying down in the middle of the bed, with both foids to my left and right, but just talking to the one awake. we had a really deep conversation, it was a great experience. i remember she would just look me in my eyes for like 10 minutes straight and both wouldnt eeven look away, we were like so deep in the conversation. she was laying stomach down so i had a nice view of her ass which was nice. we kept talking to like 4AM. then she started getting tired but i kept saying 'wake up' and every time she would giggle and wake up. i honestly dont remember what we talked about much but it was definetlt one of the deepest conversations of my life, she actually had personality. anyway at like 6AM i said 'wake up' and she didnt giggle so it was time to sleep for real now. and then i wake up at like 9AM, both foids on either side, dick against the more attractive one, morning wood. then we=hen we all woke up they took me home and i think they hung out afterwards and stayed at her house but i went home to sleep properly.

hopefully that gives some insight onto how sex happens, because i remember seeing a user on here saying 'how tf do i get a girlfriend' or sum shit. it just happens like that.

NT+decent looks=sex

without NT, 0 sex

the end.


View attachment 1021534
what is NT im a greycel
View attachment 1021535

this is how i got a threesome from start to finish with timelines

so most people here cope alot tbh

i think im around 5-5.5psl idc but my skin and hair are at their best tbh. strong neck. and my facial leanness is really good aswell. im a twink, i have nearly no muscle on my frame, only just started gymcelling recentlyy. im 5'11 so i dont really have height halo its just a neutral trait. so im not chad by any means. im not @Amnesia or @Salludon.

i think theres a big misconception on this site. that once youre chadlite, you will be handed pussy

jfl if you think that

because i used to be 4psl maybe even sub 4psl when i was bloated and had acne and a weak neck.

and i still got sex back then

it just wasn't as frequent as now and the quality of girl wasn't as good.

but never the less, i was able to get girls

mainly through social circle and partying.

all my NT normie friends who would get roasted on this site have sex regularly

looks are literally nothing if you are sub 6PSL. if girls aren't comfortable with your personality, then they wont fuck with u at all

what im saying is that the difference between a guy who fucks once a month and a guy who fucks weekly is not their looks

its jjust the first guy is NT but the guy who fucks weekly is giga NT

the more NT, the better

in saying that you dont need to be super low inhib tbh

just not high inhib to say shit that gets girls wet, thats literally how low inhib u have to be

alright so ill do a quick summary off the top of my head how i got a threesome from not knowing these girls at all in 2 weeks

day 1
first day of uni for me.

MORNINGish like 10am? i remember going up to every single person and introducing myself, handshake, talk about something random. depending on who i met i talked different. if it was a first year student i would ask eg "what course u doing" ect ect basically meaningless shit. its not what u say, literally everyone says this stuff on first days. its how u say it. idk bruh i cant teach my microexpressions and shit like that, but like, you have to communicate physically. i have a really deep voice which helps with this, it grabs attention really well. i can sit into a random group of girls and say 1 word and all their heads will turn because of my voice. so i cant really comment on if u have a high voice because yeah thats a failo.

anyway, i probably met ~20 people in total this day and forgot all their names but i can detect whos hyper-NT and whos non-NT in like 1 second. And i added all the people who are NT enough on social media (facebook, snap, whatever they had) and didnt bother asking non-NT because they aren't opportunity makers. NT friends help u find more girls and im sorry but non-NT people are just boring as fuck and wont have any girls generally speaking unless they are 6PSL+.

Now anyway at like 3PM the uni had an event with like food and stuff for first years and we were assigned groups according to our courses. I chilled with the group for a bit, got some foids snapchats from the group. But they were all curry foids with only one white becky so i wasnt really interested at all, but we are still friends. Anyway after some time of being at this event thing i got bored and left the group to walk around the uni by myself to learn the place. I found the food court and sat on a random bench in front of a sushi place. i didnt have much money on me so i didnt order shit, so i just went on my phone for a bit. then 2 foids sat like maybe 1 persons distances away from my right side. I never seen these girls before but they looked youngish so i just interuppted them mid sentence with some random shit. first thing i said was 'do u understand what this means?' and i was referring to a snapchat someone sent me that i didnt understand. they responded 'no sorry' and then i did the same shit as before. i said 'oh damn. im....' and introduced my self like normal. they were first year students in the same department to me. I honestly dont remember what the fuck we talked about but we talked for like 30 mins and then i got their details (important). we then walked around campus, i was talking the whole time we were all just talking, nothing sexual, just generic talking. we sat down at another place in the middle of no where where there wasnt many students. it was like one of those 'pod' things that shelters u from the rain but it wasnt raining. anyway we talked in the pod for a bit and then i started meantioning more contriversial topics like drugs and stuff. i remmeber saying random shit like 'ill stay away from drugs but when im like 70 ill try heroin just because life is shit when ur old anyway so might aswell'. i could tell that we were all getting more comfortable with each other and we just had a nice vibe going. given every other first year student was still at this event, we just completely ditched it so we can talk xD. Then we left the pod area and i remember on the walk to where we were going next i saw a girl that i met earlier. i saw this as an easy opportunity to show them my status and i exchanged a joke with that girl i met earlier and she reciprocated. obviously the 2 girls i was talking to the whole time didnt say anything just giggled at my little joke but deep down inside i know that they were thinking 'its first day and he already knows this random foid accross this massive campus? must have status or something?' ect etc. Then we walked and walked until we found a lake by the campus to sit down at because it was a nice view, and to keep talking. I think i was talking aboht my goals and aspirations at this point or something like that, i forget. anyway one of the 2 foids jokingly pushed me softly from my back as if she was pushing me into the lake. in my mind i knew that these girls were pretty comfortable with me because i never initiated any physical contact whatsoever but the foid did first at this moment, so it was a good sign but still not anywhere near being sexual obviously. Anyway we kept talking random shit and i gave both like shoulder taps to show them i have hands xD but like very friendly physical contact, nothiing sexual.

it was pretty late by now maybe like 6PM so one foid had to leave, she hugged her friend first, then hugged me and we said bye. this was the less attractive foid that was leaving, so i was left with the better looking one. i was contemplating showing some interest to the girl now it was just me and her but there was a chance it would fuck up the friendship we just created so i didnt do anything and i just talked with her until i got to my bus stop, hugged her, left and went home.

now im home at like 8PM i see on facebook theres an event at 5PM in a couple days and i snap one of the girls if they wanted to come with me because i didnt want to go alone. she said yes and i asked her to dm the other friend because she left me on read jfl.

day 4
5PM, day of the uni event so i get to see those 2 foids again. I get to the venue late as fuck because i got lost on campus so thats how i first approached. it was only one of the foid friends here first, so i arrived second. anyway we joked around about me being late and shit and she called me low iq essentially for getting lost. then shortly after the other foid arrived (~10 minutes after me) and then the first foid tried talking shit about me to her about me being late so i had to defend myself hahaha. but nah it was all fun and games it was funny. the event was like a social thing for all years of uni students to meet basically. i walked the 2 foids to a random group and i introduced myself, and they followed behind me and introduced theirselves and we talked with these new people for a bit. I saw some people i met on the first day and ditched the 2 foids and talked to them for a bit (shows them i can leave them whenever i want). I ditched them for ages because i was talking to so many other people and when we finally 'reunited' i talked with the 2 foids again for a bit. I told one of the 2 foids (the better looking one) that i would go and sit in the group of like 8 foids in front of me and say nothing but 'Hi'. and then i did it, i say 'hi' and they were all asking my name and i just didnt say and it was pretty awkward but i was sat there laughing while the foid i told the dare i would do to was laughing her ass off. but that was an important moment. to show that im low inhib and comfortable with girls. then i go back to the 2 foids and they were talked to some random, non-NT tbh, guys. I introduce myself to all of them and we sit down and talk for a bit, i was basically the centre of the conversation, everything i said, the boys would all say something jfl. i literally faked a headache to get some attention, i was like, 'oh fuck i got a headache' and then everyone in the group stopped what they were saying and were all telling me that they would walk me to the pharmacy and shit jfl wtf. they literally simped for me. somehow the 2 foids made plans with the boys to drive around the city to end the night, and so i came. we drove to the city and ditched the social event. i forgot to mention i might of in the paragraph but during the social event, i made sure to wrap my arms accross both the 2 foids to show im comfortable with them.

so now it was maybe 9PM? i dont recall exact times. but it was me, the 2 foids, and maybe 6 other boys that i mentioned simped for me earlier xD. anyway, only 1 boy, came in the car with me and the 2 foids while the rest of the boys took a different car. the less attractive one was driving, with the other boy in the front seat. so it was just me and the more attractive foid in the back. we kept talking while the driver and shotgun talked about their own conversation. i started talking about more sexual topics. my aspirations to become a porn star. stuff like that, even though its not true, its just a fun conversation. she was reciprocating, i mentioned jokes about my dick and she would laugh pretty hard at them. she said she could help me with my career with finances and stuff. so i knew she was engaged with my fake stories, she seemed into it. anyway, i could talk about sex with her comfortably now, even though we havent done anything sexual at all. we arrive at the city and walk around, nothing notable really happened after the car ride other than alot of walking and talking. then we all went home. i messaged only the foids when i got home to hangout again because i found an event the next week happeneing in our department with free food and stuff so it sounded fun.

day 10
the event was at 5PM again, exxcept no more of those boys. i mogged the fuck out of them, ngl. and they were slighlty non-NT, so it was a relief it was just me and the 2 foids again. I arrive pretty late, both the foids got there before me. We talk about what happened in our first weeks and stuff like that. we didnt really socialise with other people but i mention i see other people i know but dont approach them (just showing i know people). The 2 foids never ever approached random groups unless I approached, i had to lead everytime. So i see some older people and approach them and introduce myself, maybe i can get some uni tips from them. then the 2 foids follow me like sheep and introduce themselfs, and they actually did most the talking, because i was feeling kind of tired. anyway we finished talking to that group of people and ditched the event early to walk around campus at night. the 2 foids tried getting food from the food court with student discoutns but they werent working so they made the plan of driving to dominos and getting alcohol. so we start driving, i insist that we go to the grocer to get some mixers with the drinks, because i knew it was going to be cheap alcohol. we got some lemonade and cocacola and then got the alcohol, which was 3 bottles of red wine, 1 for each of us. it was 8 standard ddrinks in the whole bottle, so i knew that we would get fucked up. i then say we should get pizza if we are getting drunk and they made me pay (fucking jews). but we got the pizza. then we drove back to the foids place, the less attractive ones house. she called her dad, he wasnt home and wasnt coming for a day.

we arrive at her house at around 7, 8PM? idk. we walk in, no ones home. keep in mind, i havent really done anything sexual other than talk with the more attractive one about sex. we get in her room, it was pretty small. i sat in the middle of the bed, with the two foids on either side of me. then we started drinking, i made sure no-one touched the pizza until we got drunk (cause it tastes better drunk xD). the way we drank, was to a drinking game of truth or dare, but no dares, just truths. and the questions were super sexual, for example ' have u ever fucked somone within 3 days of meeting them?" stuff like that. even if u answered, u would drink. so we drank quite alot. we werent drunk but pretty tipsy by now and just going through the questions on the iphone. then we just quit the game, i put them both in a tight headlock (girls secretly love that shit) and they were like 'ooo 16tyo kinkyy'. we didnt do anything yet, we just kept talking after that. the more attractive one started playing with my hair 'how do u get it so curly and soft 16tyo? boys have it so easy i swear!' and i was just like 'water' (inb4 i kms because im actually gonna get screwed by the norwood reaper in the future if i dont intervene with pharmacology). the less attractive foid was already grinding on my dick and shit and i didnt try doing anything. after a bit, i gave the more attractive one a compliment that was like.. 'i never told u this before, but... *i lean in to her ear and whisper* you're really fucking hot' then i went from the neck to the thigh to the boob to th pussy. the less attractive foid was a hoe ngl, but the more attractive one was harder but we all fucked for some time. the less attractive one was blackout drunk and slept instantly after snoring and shit. but me and the more attractive foid were relatively not drunk. so we just stayed up talking, it was like 2AM. i was lying down in the middle of the bed, with both foids to my left and right, but just talking to the one awake. we had a really deep conversation, it was a great experience. i remember she would just look me in my eyes for like 10 minutes straight and both wouldnt eeven look away, we were like so deep in the conversation. she was laying stomach down so i had a nice view of her ass which was nice. we kept talking to like 4AM. then she started getting tired but i kept saying 'wake up' and every time she would giggle and wake up. i honestly dont remember what we talked about much but it was definetlt one of the deepest conversations of my life, she actually had personality. anyway at like 6AM i said 'wake up' and she didnt giggle so it was time to sleep for real now. and then i wake up at like 9AM, both foids on either side, dick against the more attractive one, morning wood. then we=hen we all woke up they took me home and i think they hung out afterwards and stayed at her house but i went home to sleep properly.

hopefully that gives some insight onto how sex happens, because i remember seeing a user on here saying 'how tf do i get a girlfriend' or sum shit. it just happens like that.

NT+decent looks=sex

without NT, 0 sex

the end.


View attachment 1021534
After reading that I reckon I can guess what uni u go to
ttagging bros before i disappear again

@SubhumanCurrycel @Ocelot @sandcelmuttcel @Thongmaster
@Native @Bewusst @ArvidGustavsson
@thecel @reptiles @MisterMercedes
  • JFL
Reactions: JimmyDreamsOfZygos

Be 5.5PSL (Top 10% of guys your age) and talk to girls.

NT+decent looks=sex

without NT decent looks, 0 sex

the end.
Very nice. I think people should stop using the words 'NT' or 'social skills' in this context though. Read your whole essay btw.

The average person, atleast where I live, is quite boring and would never do and experience these things from your essay. So being 'neurotypical' with 'average social skills and social behavior' is not enough.

Your behavior style is not neuro'typical'. You are extroverted, have ADHD, some kind of inner energy/fire that is fueled to seek out these interactions. That combined with good looks = lifefuel for good experiences.

But perhaps my view of how an average guy behaves has been distorted over the years due to interacting too much with STEM university subhumans tbh. over for me
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 7076
Very nice. I think people should stop using the words 'NT' or 'social skills' in this context though. Read your whole essay btw.

The average person, atleast where I live, is quite boring and would never do and experience these things from your essay. So being 'neurotypical' with 'average social skills' is not enough.

Your behavior style is not neurotypical. You are extroverted, have ADHD, some kind of inner energy/fire that is fueled to seek out these interactions. That combined with good looks = lifefuel for good experiences.

But perhaps my view of how an average guy behaves has been distorted over the years due to interacting too much with STEM university subhumans tbh. over for me
jfl i tagged the wrong thread in my other reply

i do feel like i am abit above average because whenever i talk to most guys i feel a little higher energy than them most the time.
Brutal for me how deliberate you were at making connections(only read first few paragraphs). I didnt have social media and basically slept all day, I missed out on so much over the last few years fuck.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: SoyGune, Deleted member 275 and Deleted member 7076
Do you use keyboard when writing this or just ur phone?
View attachment 1021535

this is how i got a threesome from start to finish with timelines

so most people here cope alot tbh

i think im around 5-5.5psl idc but my skin and hair are at their best tbh. strong neck. and my facial leanness is really good aswell. im a twink, i have nearly no muscle on my frame, only just started gymcelling recentlyy. im 5'11 so i dont really have height halo its just a neutral trait. so im not chad by any means. im not @Amnesia or @Salludon.

i think theres a big misconception on this site. that once youre chadlite, you will be handed pussy

jfl if you think that

because i used to be 4psl maybe even sub 4psl when i was bloated and had acne and a weak neck.

and i still got sex back then

it just wasn't as frequent as now and the quality of girl wasn't as good.

but never the less, i was able to get girls

mainly through social circle and partying.

all my NT normie friends who would get roasted on this site have sex regularly

looks are literally nothing if you are sub 6PSL. if girls aren't comfortable with your personality, then they wont fuck with u at all

what im saying is that the difference between a guy who fucks once a month and a guy who fucks weekly is not their looks

its jjust the first guy is NT but the guy who fucks weekly is giga NT

the more NT, the better

in saying that you dont need to be super low inhib tbh

just not high inhib to say shit that gets girls wet, thats literally how low inhib u have to be

alright so ill do a quick summary off the top of my head how i got a threesome from not knowing these girls at all in 2 weeks

day 1
first day of uni for me.

MORNINGish like 10am? i remember going up to every single person and introducing myself, handshake, talk about something random. depending on who i met i talked different. if it was a first year student i would ask eg "what course u doing" ect ect basically meaningless shit. its not what u say, literally everyone says this stuff on first days. its how u say it. idk bruh i cant teach my microexpressions and shit like that, but like, you have to communicate physically. i have a really deep voice which helps with this, it grabs attention really well. i can sit into a random group of girls and say 1 word and all their heads will turn because of my voice. so i cant really comment on if u have a high voice because yeah thats a failo.

anyway, i probably met ~20 people in total this day and forgot all their names but i can detect whos hyper-NT and whos non-NT in like 1 second. And i added all the people who are NT enough on social media (facebook, snap, whatever they had) and didnt bother asking non-NT because they aren't opportunity makers. NT friends help u find more girls and im sorry but non-NT people are just boring as fuck and wont have any girls generally speaking unless they are 6PSL+.

Now anyway at like 3PM the uni had an event with like food and stuff for first years and we were assigned groups according to our courses. I chilled with the group for a bit, got some foids snapchats from the group. But they were all curry foids with only one white becky so i wasnt really interested at all, but we are still friends. Anyway after some time of being at this event thing i got bored and left the group to walk around the uni by myself to learn the place. I found the food court and sat on a random bench in front of a sushi place. i didnt have much money on me so i didnt order shit, so i just went on my phone for a bit. then 2 foids sat like maybe 1 persons distances away from my right side. I never seen these girls before but they looked youngish so i just interuppted them mid sentence with some random shit. first thing i said was 'do u understand what this means?' and i was referring to a snapchat someone sent me that i didnt understand. they responded 'no sorry' and then i did the same shit as before. i said 'oh damn. im....' and introduced my self like normal. they were first year students in the same department to me. I honestly dont remember what the fuck we talked about but we talked for like 30 mins and then i got their details (important). we then walked around campus, i was talking the whole time we were all just talking, nothing sexual, just generic talking. we sat down at another place in the middle of no where where there wasnt many students. it was like one of those 'pod' things that shelters u from the rain but it wasnt raining. anyway we talked in the pod for a bit and then i started meantioning more contriversial topics like drugs and stuff. i remmeber saying random shit like 'ill stay away from drugs but when im like 70 ill try heroin just because life is shit when ur old anyway so might aswell'. i could tell that we were all getting more comfortable with each other and we just had a nice vibe going. given every other first year student was still at this event, we just completely ditched it so we can talk xD. Then we left the pod area and i remember on the walk to where we were going next i saw a girl that i met earlier. i saw this as an easy opportunity to show them my status and i exchanged a joke with that girl i met earlier and she reciprocated. obviously the 2 girls i was talking to the whole time didnt say anything just giggled at my little joke but deep down inside i know that they were thinking 'its first day and he already knows this random foid accross this massive campus? must have status or something?' ect etc. Then we walked and walked until we found a lake by the campus to sit down at because it was a nice view, and to keep talking. I think i was talking aboht my goals and aspirations at this point or something like that, i forget. anyway one of the 2 foids jokingly pushed me softly from my back as if she was pushing me into the lake. in my mind i knew that these girls were pretty comfortable with me because i never initiated any physical contact whatsoever but the foid did first at this moment, so it was a good sign but still not anywhere near being sexual obviously. Anyway we kept talking random shit and i gave both like shoulder taps to show them i have hands xD but like very friendly physical contact, nothiing sexual.

it was pretty late by now maybe like 6PM so one foid had to leave, she hugged her friend first, then hugged me and we said bye. this was the less attractive foid that was leaving, so i was left with the better looking one. i was contemplating showing some interest to the girl now it was just me and her but there was a chance it would fuck up the friendship we just created so i didnt do anything and i just talked with her until i got to my bus stop, hugged her, left and went home.

now im home at like 8PM i see on facebook theres an event at 5PM in a couple days and i snap one of the girls if they wanted to come with me because i didnt want to go alone. she said yes and i asked her to dm the other friend because she left me on read jfl.

day 4
5PM, day of the uni event so i get to see those 2 foids again. I get to the venue late as fuck because i got lost on campus so thats how i first approached. it was only one of the foid friends here first, so i arrived second. anyway we joked around about me being late and shit and she called me low iq essentially for getting lost. then shortly after the other foid arrived (~10 minutes after me) and then the first foid tried talking shit about me to her about me being late so i had to defend myself hahaha. but nah it was all fun and games it was funny. the event was like a social thing for all years of uni students to meet basically. i walked the 2 foids to a random group and i introduced myself, and they followed behind me and introduced theirselves and we talked with these new people for a bit. I saw some people i met on the first day and ditched the 2 foids and talked to them for a bit (shows them i can leave them whenever i want). I ditched them for ages because i was talking to so many other people and when we finally 'reunited' i talked with the 2 foids again for a bit. I told one of the 2 foids (the better looking one) that i would go and sit in the group of like 8 foids in front of me and say nothing but 'Hi'. and then i did it, i say 'hi' and they were all asking my name and i just didnt say and it was pretty awkward but i was sat there laughing while the foid i told the dare i would do to was laughing her ass off. but that was an important moment. to show that im low inhib and comfortable with girls. then i go back to the 2 foids and they were talked to some random, non-NT tbh, guys. I introduce myself to all of them and we sit down and talk for a bit, i was basically the centre of the conversation, everything i said, the boys would all say something jfl. i literally faked a headache to get some attention, i was like, 'oh fuck i got a headache' and then everyone in the group stopped what they were saying and were all telling me that they would walk me to the pharmacy and shit jfl wtf. they literally simped for me. somehow the 2 foids made plans with the boys to drive around the city to end the night, and so i came. we drove to the city and ditched the social event. i forgot to mention i might of in the paragraph but during the social event, i made sure to wrap my arms accross both the 2 foids to show im comfortable with them.

so now it was maybe 9PM? i dont recall exact times. but it was me, the 2 foids, and maybe 6 other boys that i mentioned simped for me earlier xD. anyway, only 1 boy, came in the car with me and the 2 foids while the rest of the boys took a different car. the less attractive one was driving, with the other boy in the front seat. so it was just me and the more attractive foid in the back. we kept talking while the driver and shotgun talked about their own conversation. i started talking about more sexual topics. my aspirations to become a porn star. stuff like that, even though its not true, its just a fun conversation. she was reciprocating, i mentioned jokes about my dick and she would laugh pretty hard at them. she said she could help me with my career with finances and stuff. so i knew she was engaged with my fake stories, she seemed into it. anyway, i could talk about sex with her comfortably now, even though we havent done anything sexual at all. we arrive at the city and walk around, nothing notable really happened after the car ride other than alot of walking and talking. then we all went home. i messaged only the foids when i got home to hangout again because i found an event the next week happeneing in our department with free food and stuff so it sounded fun.

day 10
the event was at 5PM again, exxcept no more of those boys. i mogged the fuck out of them, ngl. and they were slighlty non-NT, so it was a relief it was just me and the 2 foids again. I arrive pretty late, both the foids got there before me. We talk about what happened in our first weeks and stuff like that. we didnt really socialise with other people but i mention i see other people i know but dont approach them (just showing i know people). The 2 foids never ever approached random groups unless I approached, i had to lead everytime. So i see some older people and approach them and introduce myself, maybe i can get some uni tips from them. then the 2 foids follow me like sheep and introduce themselfs, and they actually did most the talking, because i was feeling kind of tired. anyway we finished talking to that group of people and ditched the event early to walk around campus at night. the 2 foids tried getting food from the food court with student discoutns but they werent working so they made the plan of driving to dominos and getting alcohol. so we start driving, i insist that we go to the grocer to get some mixers with the drinks, because i knew it was going to be cheap alcohol. we got some lemonade and cocacola and then got the alcohol, which was 3 bottles of red wine, 1 for each of us. it was 8 standard ddrinks in the whole bottle, so i knew that we would get fucked up. i then say we should get pizza if we are getting drunk and they made me pay (fucking jews). but we got the pizza. then we drove back to the foids place, the less attractive ones house. she called her dad, he wasnt home and wasnt coming for a day.

we arrive at her house at around 7, 8PM? idk. we walk in, no ones home. keep in mind, i havent really done anything sexual other than talk with the more attractive one about sex. we get in her room, it was pretty small. i sat in the middle of the bed, with the two foids on either side of me. then we started drinking, i made sure no-one touched the pizza until we got drunk (cause it tastes better drunk xD). the way we drank, was to a drinking game of truth or dare, but no dares, just truths. and the questions were super sexual, for example ' have u ever fucked somone within 3 days of meeting them?" stuff like that. even if u answered, u would drink. so we drank quite alot. we werent drunk but pretty tipsy by now and just going through the questions on the iphone. then we just quit the game, i put them both in a tight headlock (girls secretly love that shit) and they were like 'ooo 16tyo kinkyy'. we didnt do anything yet, we just kept talking after that. the more attractive one started playing with my hair 'how do u get it so curly and soft 16tyo? boys have it so easy i swear!' and i was just like 'water' (inb4 i kms because im actually gonna get screwed by the norwood reaper in the future if i dont intervene with pharmacology). the less attractive foid was already grinding on my dick and shit and i didnt try doing anything. after a bit, i gave the more attractive one a compliment that was like.. 'i never told u this before, but... *i lean in to her ear and whisper* you're really fucking hot' then i went from the neck to the thigh to the boob to th pussy. the less attractive foid was a hoe ngl, but the more attractive one was harder but we all fucked for some time. the less attractive one was blackout drunk and slept instantly after snoring and shit. but me and the more attractive foid were relatively not drunk. so we just stayed up talking, it was like 2AM. i was lying down in the middle of the bed, with both foids to my left and right, but just talking to the one awake. we had a really deep conversation, it was a great experience. i remember she would just look me in my eyes for like 10 minutes straight and both wouldnt eeven look away, we were like so deep in the conversation. she was laying stomach down so i had a nice view of her ass which was nice. we kept talking to like 4AM. then she started getting tired but i kept saying 'wake up' and every time she would giggle and wake up. i honestly dont remember what we talked about much but it was definetlt one of the deepest conversations of my life, she actually had personality. anyway at like 6AM i said 'wake up' and she didnt giggle so it was time to sleep for real now. and then i wake up at like 9AM, both foids on either side, dick against the more attractive one, morning wood. then we=hen we all woke up they took me home and i think they hung out afterwards and stayed at her house but i went home to sleep properly.

hopefully that gives some insight onto how sex happens, because i remember seeing a user on here saying 'how tf do i get a girlfriend' or sum shit. it just happens like that.

NT+decent looks=sex

without NT, 0 sex

the end.


View attachment 1021534

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