Life is cucked if you're atheist

Imagine being "randomly" born on this shit world devoid of meaning where being a good person or not you just stop existing, morals are fake, and it all counts for jackshit...

...Aand you still wageslave, do chores, entertain yourself with bullshit, and everything else.


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i don’t know what the truth is, i’m just a man
did you take an IQ test
no, i'm too high iq to sit around taking tests when i can just accurately estimate it based on what i believe and how i behave
  • JFL
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no, i'm too high iq to sit around taking tests when i can just accurately estimate it based on what i believe and how i behave
How were your grades in highschool

That’s a pretty good indicator assuming you at least somewhat tried
you still have morals as an atheist, you just dont get them all from a book
Yes u learn judeo christian values from your parents jfl
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Your kike religion tells its followers (goyim) to submit to authority and be a good little goy boy
So does the capitalist system, except you’re submitting to a mere man or x company
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Morality is kinda bs, we are all just animals at the end of the day and run of instincts. Did morality even exist before religion?
Morality is the suppression of instinct. If we just lived off instinct like wild animals rape, murder and theft would be rife. Blacks are a good example of wild animals acting naturally.

Living off instinct is unsustainable and degrades society
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No, that's just what atheists faggots do and are.

Why do you think like 98% of LGBTQ+ and a majority of drug users are atheist?
Druggies aren’t even atheist though, despite what they say. They take psychoactives, dance and sing in groups worshipping an idol (x musician). Essentially a cult, at events known as “festivals”
"dude, christianity is just judaism, just with different theology, traditions, laws, history, teachings, communities, and uh everything else"

Why were the Jews ostracized from Christian countries in the middle ages if they were so similar?

Another atheist nigger babble turned into mush
They were ostracized because of usury, money lending based on greed
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To become atheistic you gotta be somewhat incel/depressed
True why would u believe in a god if everybody treats u like shit as a result of his creation. Ur sub5 looks are from god
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I don't suport Hitler but everyone has to at least comply with Jews to be successful and at least oppose the regime, if you don't larp as a Jew you will never be successful, I doubt all those claiming to support Jews actually do they just take mony
This depends on how you define success.
If it's just money then that's still relatively easy to be successful (abet becoming more difficult each year due to the fiat Ponzi scheme and
death and debt Edomite currency that's designed to inevitably go to it's mathematical intrinsic value of $0). Not to mention forced ID for investing. There are loopholes for investing with 0 no ID even at large amounts but it becomes more difficult as time goes on.

If you include status and fame then for the most part yest this is the standard. There are loopholes in using the non Edomite controlled social media but the fame will be minor in comparison to what you can become on mainstream social media or some kind of famous celebrity/athlete which virtually all must comply with the satanic cultists and get the injections.

Then if you desire money, fame and power the only possible way is to completely sell out aka sell one's soul at this point. Nobody gets into this tier without either being a Jeq/Satanists/sell one's soul at least within the confines of our society. You can operate outside these confines and achieve this but it if you become to big they eventually kill you.
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Being atheistic is the basis of becoming nihilistic

Nihilism, (from Latin nihil, “nothing”), originally a philosophy of moral and epistemological skepticism that arose in 19th-century Russia during the early years of the reign of Tsar Alexander II. The term was famously used by Friedrich Nietzsche to describe the disintegration of traditional morality in Western society. In the 20th century, nihilism encompassed a variety of philosophical and aesthetic stances that, in one sense or another, denied the existence of genuine moral truths or values, rejected the possibility of knowledge or communication, and asserted the ultimate meaninglessness or purposelessness of life or of the universe.

Agreed, one is in denial if they believe they're not nihilistic as atheists but unfortunately they have to be since the atheist belief system is synonymous with the philosophy of Nihilism. They can pretend

If you're an atheist you have to believe a random cosmic explosion happened 14 billion years, creating a near infinite space that's expanding at the speed of light a Milky way moving at 1.3 MPH, earth orbits around the sun at 66,600 MPH and rotates at 1,000 MPH while you come from bacteria that randomly creates marine life to lizards to Turd flinging apes to humans on a tiny blue ball with magical force that holds everything down equally, and there's no afterlife just nothing so you merge with your creator of nothing after your physical death. So you come from nothing randomly as an insignificant piece of matter and go back to nothing and nothing you do changes anything for the eternal no matter what you believe. Nothing matters because your life is random, insignificant and everybody and everything goes back to NOTHING inevitably. Even though all this is contradictory to legitimate science they have to believe in this as their view as atheists but can pretend they're not nihilists but that doesn't change the fact that they have to be as they're bound by the confines of their blind faith in nothing. They can also say they don't believe in nothing or the Edomite created pseudoscience alternative to a divine creator but if they select apathy or anything else you still end up with nothing as your belief system because with no intelligent design then the only alternative is NOTHING.

Therefore, atheists that believe they're not nhilists simply are delusional or do not understand the meaning of them being an atheist.
This depends on how you define success.
If it's just money then that's still relatively easy to be successful (abet becoming more difficult each year due to the fiat Ponzi scheme and
death and debt Edomite currency that's designed to inevitably go to it's mathematical intrinsic value of $0). Not to mention forced ID for investing. There are loopholes for investing with 0 no ID even at large amounts but it becomes more difficult as time goes on.

If you include status and fame then for the most part yest this is the standard. There are loopholes in using the non Edomite controlled social media but the fame will be minor in comparison to what you can become on mainstream social media or some kind of famous celebrity/athlete which virtually all must comply with the satanic cultists and get the injections.

Then if you desire money, fame and power the only possible way is to completely sell out aka sell one's soul at this point. Nobody gets into this tier without either being a Jeq/Satanists/sell one's soul at least within the confines of our society. You can operate outside these confines and achieve this but it if you become to big they eventually kill you.
Mirin high effort rely.

At what point do you think you start getting controlled by Jews. I doubt a 300k gaming channel is controlled, or if you even have a few million followers on a social media. At what number of subscribers on a YouTube channel do you think you start getting controlled?

Jfk for example got assassinated even though technically he supported Jews, when he resisted he died but maybe he was larping from the beginning and hated them always.
Nihilism, (from Latin nihil, “nothing”), originally a philosophy of moral and epistemological skepticism that arose in 19th-century Russia during the early years of the reign of Tsar Alexander II. The term was famously used by Friedrich Nietzsche to describe the disintegration of traditional morality in Western society. In the 20th century, nihilism encompassed a variety of philosophical and aesthetic stances that, in one sense or another, denied the existence of genuine moral truths or values, rejected the possibility of knowledge or communication, and asserted the ultimate meaninglessness or purposelessness of life or of the universe.

Agreed, one is in denial if they believe they're not nihilistic as atheists but unfortunately they have to be since the atheist belief system is synonymous with the philosophy of Nihilism. They can pretend

If you're an atheist you have to believe a random cosmic explosion happened 14 billion years, creating a near infinite space that's expanding at the speed of light a Milky way moving at 1.3 MPH, earth orbits around the sun at 66,600 MPH and rotates at 1,000 MPH while you come from bacteria that randomly creates marine life to lizards to Turd flinging apes to humans on a tiny blue ball with magical force that holds everything down equally, and there's no afterlife just nothing so you merge with your creator of nothing after your physical death. So you come from nothing randomly as an insignificant piece of matter and go back to nothing and nothing you do changes anything for the eternal no matter what you believe. Nothing matters because your life is random, insignificant and everybody and everything goes back to NOTHING inevitably. Even though all this is contradictory to legitimate science they have to believe in this as their view as atheists but can pretend they're not nihilists but that doesn't change the fact that they have to be as they're bound by the confines of their blind faith in nothing. They can also say they don't believe in nothing or the Edomite created pseudoscience alternative to a divine creator but if they select apathy or anything else you still end up with nothing as your belief system because with no intelligent design then the only alternative is NOTHING.

Therefore, atheists that believe they're not nhilists simply are delusional or do not understand the meaning of them being an atheist.
Dnr, so people who have never heard about religion are all nihilistic? It‘s a term that says nothing matter as we all die. I can create my own meaning of life, religion isn‘t the only meaning you can chose from
Mirin high effort rely.

At what point do you think you start getting controlled by Jews. I doubt a 300k gaming channel is controlled, or if you even have a few million followers on a social media. At what number of subscribers on a YouTube channel do you think you start getting controlled?

Jfk for example got assassinated even though technically he supported Jews, when he resisted he died but maybe he was larping from the beginning and hated them always.

Abe Lincoln was also assassinated by the Edomites/Canaanites as he tried to go off the central banks as did JFK. Both were killed a month after this action.

It depends on the level of control you're talking about. Just being on their platforms is a level of control. Just living in this American corporation is a level of control. You would need to start from the ground up and free yourself from any level of control to be all but untouchable.

1.) Off grid: I personally moved to the Ozarks in Missouri as it's the best place to live off grid in America (Alaska and Montana are ok). Being outside of city limits (roughly 100 miles) is a solid start. Ensure you have good soil, water, sun, etc. Being as far away from the tyrannical corporations, military and cops means it's going to take them more time and effort to go after you so there's a level of laziness here. Not only that you're free of the 5G frequencies and much, privacy, etc.

2.) Change your political status: No more strawman (birth cert, Drivers license, SSID) you're no longer a slave to America Inc. No more extortion Income taxes or sales taxes, no more being harassed by the cops or requirements for licenses, tabs, plates, etc. You're part of the Union that is still activated and has over 40 million members of the Union now. This is a peaceful revolution similar to Yahshua's revolution as all he used was words and the truth. When you're under the corporation you do not actually have the rights of the Union. They operate under maritime law and not common law if you take up the strawman name on your licenses. This is how they can get away with breaking the bill of rights/constitution because they're not bound to these laws or rights in any way. The politicians are basically employees of the corporation and not leaders of any kind. After breaking out of this system they have 0 authority over you and only the authority that you give them.

3.) Self Sufficiency: Generation of your own electricity, food, medicines, batteries, water, filtration, clothes, etc. They can no longer shut these things off to control you once you produce these things for yourself.

4.) Being in a likeminded community that shares your race, faith, and passion for freedom. Living by yourself can be difficult especially if you have a goal of reaching out and helping the masses.

5.) Stockpile 3 years worth of food, clean water, guns, ammo, seeds, and 5 years worth of money aka silver and gold. I recommend building up to at least 4 million in net worth to afford your land, materials, supplies, house, etc. Keep about a year's worth of cash/currency on hand. The method I used 7 years ago when I started to acquire wealth from sources outside my job was investing in the new low cap coins like Cardano at 2 cents, sell at the top buy back in after a crash as it went back to 2 cents and sell on the way back up. The 4th year of the cycle is always the peak and it ranges from May to December and the bottom is normally 1 year- 2 years after the crash from the top. I bought in using about 30k of gift cards so I didn't use any of my credentials so it's untraceable. Also for 10 years I credit card renting aka I rented out about 20 different credit cards for authorized user and each card netted $250-$500 per month. I have no idea if this is still working.

6.) Land Patent: Acquire a land patent to actually own your land and not be a tenant (deed and title make you a renter). This means no eminent domain and no property taxes aka rent

6.) Use freedom platforms: Even if you go to platforms that they do not own well you're on their internet servers. You would have to go on a platform that controls everything from the ground up like odysee.TV as it can't be removed and neither can the videos. They would have to shut down the internet completely.

7.) YOUR INTERNET SERVICE: Then you would have to have everything on your own also and go through the dark web combined with everything to mask your internet browsing (IP mixers, proxy, Tor, etc). So once you've found a social media that has no way of being removed and found loopholes so there's no way they can shut you down.

8.) SPEED: Now to speed up the acquisition of followers you can do the following: buy a YouTube channel that already has millions of followers: play nice on those channels while you can but slowly send them over to the main freedom platform where you tell the truth. Flipa is a great site and you can buy the nameless faceless accounts that are high in subs (250K+) for around 10-25k). It saves a year or 2 of time. The niche needs to be something similar to the overall big legit channel that you send your vieqeers to. I don't knoq the precise number of subs YT will start to notice you and qant to buy you out but it also depends on the total views you get per video and watch time. You could have 1 million subs but it's irrelevant if you're just getting 80k vieqs a video and people watch for 2 minutes on average per video. If you're consistently getting 500k-1 million vieqs a vid and 10 minutes of average watch time then YouTube is going to try to buy you out.

10.) Eventually no longer using their currency: This is the life blood is the printing of the fake money. If you're still using it while out of society you're still feeding the beast. Completely get rid of all digital currency and cash once you're 100% off grid. I'd keep a year of cash for an emergency but that's it.

So if you desire complete control and no method for them to shut you down outside of just pulling a Waco Texas massacre on you and your people, I'd say they can't do much to you and even if you have a million followers they won't do much. However, if you start a community (qhat I've been doing) and have sufficient land for thousands of people to escape out of the soon to be mega cities then that's going to piss them off. The folloqers is one thing but to completely free people and operate as a powerful group together that's a direct threat to them. Our community is growing and the Union has a goal of 200 million souls to have a majority of people under the Union. We're building mega communities off grid and self sufficient similar to that of the Amish and some what close to and work with the Amish in some cases as we're getting them onto the Union which will be another half million members to the Union. If you commit a crime you cannot be in their courts as you're not under their authority. Even if you live in their city limits it's irrelevant as basically you are in the Union and the Union has the authority for punishment.

Basically after becoming completely free in every aspect possible and acquiring millions of folloqers and 10's of thousands in your physical community combined qith the Union getting over 100 million members in the next 4 years I believe they have to start taking physical confrontation because their entire system crumbles after the majority are no longer feeding them qith your slavery or fake currency via consumerism, taxes, fines, fees, etc then this is sufficient to piss them off.
Dnr, so people who have never heard about religion are all nihilistic? It‘s a term that says nothing matter as we all die. I can create my own meaning of life, religion isn‘t the only meaning you can chose from
DNR, enjoy nothing.

jk jk.

That's impossible, as there is no life after death because you never die. The real you is your soul or astral body and your consciousness completely uploads into this astral body either when you astral project or die and there is no time of nothing as you always existed and will always exist. You simply are transferring your consciousness into this energy body into the alternate dimension. Energy is neither created or destroyed, it's simply transferred and that's what happens to you. Combine that with the fact that your actions, thoughts and beliefs in this material world control your destination and experience in the alternate dimensions in the energy body.
Newton's third law says that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

So the laws of YAH are the legitimate laws of science.

There's no such thing as nothing creates everything (big bang) or energy being destroyed (you die then your energy just dies with your physical body)
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DNR, enjoy nothing.

jk jk.

That's impossible, as there is no life after death because you never die. The real you is your soul or astral body and your consciousness completely uploads into this astral body either when you astral project or die and there is no time of nothing as you always existed and will always exist. You simply are transferring your consciousness into this energy body into the alternate dimension. Energy is neither created or destroyed, it's simply transferred and that's what happens to you. Combine that with the fact that your actions, thoughts and beliefs in this material world control your destination and experience in the alternate dimensions in the energy body.
Newton's third law says that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

So the laws of YAH are the legitimate laws of science.

There's no such thing as nothing creates everything (big bang) or energy being destroyed (you die then your energy just dies with your physical body)
Stopped reading at astral body
Im prolly something between 120-136iq
Top 10% easily
jfl the difference between 120 and 136 is too much so u clearly aren't

and 130 is already 98% percentile u are definitely under 130 no doubt for me
jfl the difference between 120 and 136 is too much so u clearly aren't

and 130 is already 98% percentile u are definitely under 130 no doubt for me
Im prolly top 1-2% the way i perfomered today at my finals. People studied for months, i didn‘t even sleep nor study and i had like 80%, my only mistakes were small things or questions that needed vocabulary. (Only using logic)

Im top of my class and i had an total absence of over 450hours, we only had like half a year of school minus holidays. I proved myself of having a brain to allot of people, so you calling me low iq is just cope

Stop talking about % in iq if you don‘t even know anything about the concept of it
Im prolly top 1-2% the way i perfomered today at my finals. People studied for months, i didn‘t even sleep nor study and i had like 80%, my only mistakes were small things or questions that needed vocabulary. (Only using logic)

Im top of my class and i had an total absence of over 450hours, we only had like half a year of school minus holidays. I proved myself of having a brain to allot of people, so you calling me low iq is just cope

Stop talking about % in iq if you don‘t even know anything about the concept of it
u claim high IQ but don't know it is typed "a lot" and regarding your essay u are insecure therefore your need for validation jfl
  • JFL
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u claim high IQ but don't know it is typed "a lot" and regarding your essay u are insecure therefore your need for validation jfl
Larp. If you’re atheist you are most likely a nihilist. Very few atheists genuinely in any sort of meaning or metaphysical ideas outside of a God

subjective mortality is subjective.

Yea most of them are fedora tipping redditors I always found them annoying even when I was not that religious believing
first time I agree with u on a topic
  • Hmm...
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comfortable lies vs harsh truth either god doesnt exist or he just made this world and...maybe moved on or smthn, but he def doesnt like to interfere. So no amount of praycelling will do anything

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