Mental breakdowns



The world’s next Romeo.
Nov 21, 2023
Been having some breakdowns lately. I would go into fits of rage and grief. Going on rants about my messed up life. Why was it fair that I was treated as a joke that I had no friends in school. That I was fed slop for my entire life. That my parents don’t understand me. I’m 15 and suffering unbelievable. I have to wait to wageslave and ascend. My parents don’t care about helping me brutal :feelswhy:
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Idk what to say mane. Just gut through it I guess.
Being this depressed at 15 is crazy, over for teenage brah
Been having some breakdowns lately. I would go into fits of rage and grief. Going on rants about my messed up life. Why was it fair that I was treated as a joke that I had no friends in school. That I was fed slop for my entire life. That my parents don’t understand me. I’m 15 and suffering unbelievable. I have to wait to wageslave and ascend. My parents don’t care about helping me brutal :feelswhy:
Liked it to show my support. Anyways, they aren't mental breakdowns. They're simply rage and grief. And they're very normal. Just strive to control it and do t sweat it too much when you fail. As long as you get better overall. You gotta understand what's going on at your age. Puberty hormones are far from over at 15.
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Liked it to show my support. Anyways, they aren't mental breakdowns. They're simply rage and grief. And they're very normal. Just strive to control it and do t sweat it too much when you fail. As long as you get better overall. You gotta understand what's going on at your age. Puberty hormones are far from over at 15.
I'm getting expanders with braces(Forced to) and trying to fix my skin and hair. The other things i am doing is CFR. But im not sure if can fix me. I have 3months till summer ends and I have to reedy to slay. I can't deal with living like this any longer. Girls hate me I cant cope
I'm getting expanders with braces(Forced to) and trying to fix my skin and hair. The other things i am doing is CFR. But im not sure if can fix me. I have 3months till summer ends and I have to reedy to slay. I can't deal with living like this any longer. Girls hate me I cant cope
Stop thinking about the damn things for a bit. Just be still.
I can't Im too focused on ascending.
Some other things gotta come first. This is why in countries like Mexico fathers always take their sons to hookers when they come of age. So boys like you can get on with their development. At your age "ascending" should not be taking prescidence.
Today's girls are trash anyways. Something involving them shouldn't be given such weight.
I want to ascend so I can actually have freinds and be respected
I want to ascend so I can actually have freinds and be respected
The friends you seek, along with their respect/approval, hold equal value to a little baggie of dog shit you might find that's been thrown behind the treeline along some random road in some podunk town. Covet better things for yourself.

If you focus on developing the right outlook, developing your own principles, and gleaning uncomfortable life experience in dealing with men/people in general then you will have the admiration plus envy of these same types of idiots you want to attract now. Most people are idiots you'll come to find out if you live long enough.

Get some grit and work hard alongside people who aren't like yourself. People that you haven't been around too much growing up, regardless of whatever kind of person you might be. Do it right and don't stop moving forward. I promise you'll be happy and able to maneuver to get whatever it is you might want after 7 years at most. Don't be afraid of looking stupid or having a "mental breakdown" because you'll still be able to breathe air after it's all over. You'll still be able to look people in the eye and see them every day without them giving you shit or stepping on your toes afterwards if that's what you want. Sometimes it pays to stay to develope some nerve.

One great thing about life is no matter what you can always learn learn learn. It makes things fun and can be a key to bending the rules for getting what you want socially despite certain circumstances. First learn to develop the right outlook regarding everything that is truth. That means being brutally honest in ways you never thought. Develope the right outlook and subsequent protocol. Add a bit of experience through trial and error and you'll eventually escape the mental hellhole that many of your peers never will. You won't have to accept a certain degree of things that many people take for granted and put up with.

Insert yourself into new environments (work/volunteer), acquire enemies in various positions of authority in relation to where you stand (high and low) and try to stay around them for long enough to learn how to deal with them without bending your principles/boundaries or losing face before everyone else before moving on, and watch how much your ability to make everything in your life so much easier improves as time goes on. Fulfillment is what you're after and control of your mind is what you're after.

You're 18. No problem with being a retard. It's normal and will continue to be until around somewhere in your mid 20's. Just get a grip at some point, and try to opt for sooner rather than later if at all possible. There will be massive discomforts but where else can you go with life?

Some people would certainly take this advice and apply it to their "routine" for like 12 + years then come back and say, "I did what he said and it never worked." It didn't work for YOU because you didn't develope the right outlook FIRST as I said in order to protect you from the misery and see you through it. You never began to have fun with things as will happen naturally if you keep looking at it the right way. You proceeded to wallow only in the misery of it while coming off socially like a desperate buffoon and wasting the next decade. You experienced all the lows but none of the highs, and the simple crux of it is you never acted accordingly as nature would have shapen you to act had you had the right outlook to stick things through when they got tough. You drudged along recoiling for spells all along the way and never got better.

Outlook is a tool not a cope. Use it or life will suck bad no matter what. You'll have no spring in your step. Sadly there are some people who can never develop the right outlook. Most can but never do.
Nothing matters, go ham

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