Remember white people we are gods chosen

All I can do is laugh at you right now ngl

If I remember to reply to your nonsense I will later

Find God
You will not respond since your only response is anger, hatred and name calling combined with nonsensical ramblings.

I am promoting YAH on here. I'll pray for you to receive the holy spirit to guide you on your journey and I forgive you for your name calling as you know not what you do.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: liberiangrimreaper
You will not respond since your only response is anger, hatred and name calling combined with nonsensical ramblings.

I am promoting YAH on here. I'll pray for you to receive the holy spirit to guide you on your journey and I forgive you for your name calling as you know not what you do.
What's the explanation behind rh negative blood is it gods chosen blood
  • +1
Reactions: King Solomon
What's the explanation behind rh negative blood is it gods chosen blood
Yes, it's not only the Israelites blood but it's mainly the tribe of Judah's blood line.

Here's proof the Tribe of Judah is the Scotts/Irish. Thankfully I'm over 50% Scottish/Irish but I have yet to test my blood type. I believe this is about 16% of the Caucasians which is a vastly larger percentage than any other race and most likely the races that have a tiny percentage of this blood have mixed with the tribe of Judah at one point in time.

Yes the highest percentage of RH- blood is in the Scotts/Irish and is the R1b Haplogroup.

This shows the blood line from Adam to Judah to Jesus to current times.





You see, the fake black Israelites and Edomites do not have this type of proof because they have no genetic connection to Judah or Jacob. The Edomites do come from Abraham and the Blacks come from Cush. The funniest thing is the fake black Israelites use other colored races and say they're the other lost tribes of Israel yet their Genomic DNA is different. So, not only is their claims biblically unproven but genetically disproven and a laughable attempt to steal our identity.

It's known as the royal bloodline because the promise to Judah is that his bloodline shall rule until the second coming of Yashua. The royals not only have RH- but O-. I believe my grandmother who is Scottish/Irish and has the O- blood type but doesn't know if she has the RH- blood type.

The difference between + and - is the + has those little nanotech poly peptides attachments on them and negative doesn't. Negative is the original form and + has been

O- is simply the original blood type from Adam and that's qhy everyone can use O- because it's the original one.


They're all from the original blood cell but with different antigens attached to them. It should be blatantly obvious that O is the original blood of all the blood types and RH- is the original form of the RH blood type and was started with Judah and this is qhy he became the royal bloodline.


It's clear here everyone can receive the O- blood type because it's the original blood type from Adam. This is qhy females cannot have a baby qith another blood type that's not compatable as it's due to that biological nanotech in the blood cells so her body attempts to kill it like a virus. These are the inferior blood types aka the slave races. The further aqay from O/RH the closer you're to the slave race as these peptides are essentially an energy drain. Roughly 85% of the masses have this antigen in their blood and that's what the ruling elite qant, a group of slaves qilling to obey their every command. It's ironic that 81% of the masses have received the death shot.

So how have these biological nanotech peptides been added to the slave races and why are they an energy drain? Qhat does this polypeptide do to the cell?

1.) Complexity: The AB-O blood groups are controlled by one gene and the RH factor are controlled by 5 genes.
A.) RHD is 58,000 letters long. ABO letters are roughly a thousand letters long.
B.) This creates a channel to let gases out and it effects the acidity overall (increases acidity) and these are the cells that carry the electricity throughout the body like a battery. The others keep the gasses and maintain a more alkaline state that drains the energy/electricity of the cells. The more alkaline your cells are the more electrical resistance your body has. So this is why RH- negative people have the ability to light up light bulbs simply by touching them and some do it by touching just the bulb itself.
C.) Overall the RH- have more of this energy/electricity flowing in their bodies. Why do you think YAH calls them his elect? Do you know the arc of the covenant is basically a free energy generator/capacitor. The Israelites had the ability to handle this advanced technology and yet they didn't die like all other races and they could just be near it and they died. This is why in Leviticus 21:16-23 with YAH clearly tells Moses that only the Tribe of Judah and those with no defect and a clean diet shall enter the holy of holies. Even women on their periods could not go near the arc. In 1 Samuel 5:7 when the Philistines take the Arc it starts killing off their people, causing earthquakes, etc. This happened several times.
D.) It's not just electricity the blood contains the life force and YAH said to not drink of the blood so no raw meat. This is why people receiving a donors blood or organs they receive memories from the donors. There's memory in the cells and in the blood and it's not just the brain that has human memory. It's why people's emotions store in various organs. This is why the Edomites and satanists drink the blood. This is y anyone that consumes the blood shall be cut off. This is why they're pushing raw meats and cannibalism on us.

E.) Overall these antigens are draining not just electricity but our life force and real spiritual power from the children of YAH. This is qhy the controlled royals do everything they can to keep their bloodlines pure for this power but instead of using it with the holy spirit they use it to channel demons and for evil. They're in covenant with these demons and that's qhy you see so called lizard people. It's because that's a demon dwelling in them as a symbiotic relationship. So if you go into the videos on the descriptions of hell from people of any race, religion or belief they all describe these giant lizard like demons. Unfortunately, over time the demon gets in charge of the flesh and you become the pet to do his will. This is why one must become baptized to receive the holy spirit and fight the spiritual battles.
If you watch videos on the few who were part of the elite that exposes their agenda, one of the banksters talks about the top dog punishing their members by putting his hand on the chest of the guy that was messing up and that hand built up a fire inside of the man. That temporary pain was enough for that man to be in such fear to never make a mistake after that. This is the energy that flows inside us to heal the sick, cast out demons, etc. Combine this with the holy spirit and prayer and there's nothing you cannot achieve.



Traits of RH- blood type: I'm sure you've seen these before
1.) Feeling of not belonging (check)
2.) Truth seeker (check)
3.) Sense of mission in life (check)
4.) Compassion for all mankind (tough to have compassion for our brother Esau)
5.) Extra Rib/vertebra (check)
6.) Higher than Average IQ (check)
7.) ESP ( I suppose mind reading as I'm able to read people's minds but for basic things like numbers, names, etc and not long sentences and I can only do it if they're looking at me and I've had this since I can remember and thought it was normal)
8.) Love of Space and Science (check for science)
9.) More sensitive vision and other senses (astral projections counts I guess)
10.) Increased sensitivity to heat/sunset(yes I have an allergic reaction to the sun as I found out many on my Irish side have this and it's on my trunk mainly but not the face or the arms/legs.
11.) Piercing eyes (no idea but they're hazel)
12.) Tend to be healers (Currently developing that ability with the holy spirit to heal as Jesus/apostles did).
13.) Ability to disrupt electrical devices: I never tested this.
14.) Lower body Temp (Triple Check)
15.) Green, blue or Hazel eyes (check)
16.) Red/reddish tint to hair: My mom has red hair, dad had blonde and I had blonde then it changed to light brown then dark-brown/black and now Dr strange grey on the sides. (not really but in my DNA)
17.) Empathetic to illness (anyone telling me their illness no matter who they're I instantly desire to resolve it. so CHECK

In summation: Yes the RH- blood is the tribe of Judah (or at least the highest concentration) and the O- blood is the original blood of Adam. This blood contains the life force and RH- has the most spiritual and healing power on earth. The satanists are using methods to destroy our DNA through vaccinations, food, water supply, frequencies, and getting people to consume the blood that is forbidden. The controlled royals that have sold their souls protect their RH- and O- blood but use it to create symbiotic or really parasitic relationships with demons they go into covenants with and eventually the demons are controlling them. This is where you hear the term shape shifters or lizard people as the ruling class. It's nothing special, just demons (spirits of the Nephilim monsters) inside them. I believe Cro-Magnon had these RH- blood types but not the Neanderthals. Using a clean diet, having no defects, baptism to receive the holy spirit, prayer and fasting and using the word can increase your spiritual powers to cast out demons, heal the sick and do other miracles. First help the lost sheep but also help the goats as they can receive salvation if their heart of stone is changed to align with the creator.


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  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Sushifart and murdah
It's quite funny how blacks can say they have better genetics for athletics and dancing but once the discussion goes to IQ and crime rate they start pulling the victim card and blaming the white man. It's like they've been trained well by the Edomite Jeqs on how to be good puppets.
They don't even have athletic genes that far apart from any other race jfl, look at sports that require explosiveness like the UFC, boxing, swimming, weightlifting, Worlds strongest man, long jump, high jump and its all white men dominating right now, heck even decathlons, whites are doing well in it, comparable to blacks, so whites have the athletic + are the strongest race in the world
God is not coming back for the race with the highest faggot % and the sole cause of Christianity going lukewarm

you fags cant even follow your own religion
The Massiah came back even though the Israelites disobeyed YAH and mixed with the Canaanites. The whites in the US had the lowest percentages of butt fuckers up until the most recent generation. They're being mass brainwashed by the Edomites in the indoctrination camps.

Matthew 7:14
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Just being God's chosen doesn't mean automatic acceptance into heaven. All of Adam kind have an equal opportunity to enter the kingdom. Only the Israelites receive the promises of YAH including the 1,000 year Kingdom.
  • +1
Reactions: Sushifart
They don't even have athletic genes that far apart from any other race jfl, look at sports that require explosiveness like the UFC, boxing, swimming, weightlifting, Worlds strongest man, long jump, high jump and its all white men dominating right now, heck even decathlons, whites are doing well in it, comparable to blacks, so whites have the athletic + are the strongest race in the world
I should've been more specific, black Africans with genes from west Africa on average are faster and jump higher than the Caucasian race.
These Africans have a higher percentage of fast twitch muscle than any other race or sub group and it's not even relatively close. They also have higher levels of testosterone on average.

Now during NAZI Germany the pureblood Germans had the world class all around athletic and the highest IQ's on earth before the Jew Hitler played his role as controlled opposition and race mixed them to oblivion.

Also, the most athletic blacks are most likely playing basketball, football, etc and not going into many of the sports you listed. They would absolutely dominate the long and high jump without question if more entered into that field. The average NCAA and pro basketball and football vertical and broad jumps on average per race are proof of this.
As for the qorld's strongest man I'd say it's more like the qorld's biggest man as this isn't a pound for pound strong man competition it's about being the biggest dude out there. The Vikings had a thousand years of breeding for larger men and gave them a distinct advantage. Again, Africans care not about this sport and more about the football, basketball, etc. Qe all knoq blacks can't swim.
  • +1
Reactions: Sushifart
The Massiah came back even though the Israelites disobeyed YAH and mixed with the Canaanites. The whites in the US had the lowest percentages of butt fuckers up until the most recent generation. They're being mass brainwashed by the Edomites in the indoctrination camps.

Matthew 7:14
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Just being God's chosen doesn't mean automatic acceptance into heaven. All of Adam kind have an equal opportunity to enter the kingdom. Only the Israelites receive the promises of YAH including the 1,000 year Kingdom.
What I said wasn't that deep it was JFL at his overall stupidity

Unfortunately in the West his supposed "chosen people" are very lukewarm
  • +1
Reactions: King Solomon
That’s fake and drawn by Cumskins. I can show you took artistry of god and Ethiopian artistry of god.

Nobody knows what Jesus looked like but he prob ironically looked like an Ayrab like most people Did in that region back then.

There is no truth thag your race are gods people your are are blasphemous
The only Arab trait Jesus may have had is being slightly tan from sun exposure. There's zero evidence in the bible, DNA, anthropological, historical, etc that Yashua was an Arab, or any other race other than a Caucasian.

1.) Biblical Scripture describing the appearance of the Nazarenes (tribe of Jesus)
Lamentations 4:7
Her Nazirites were brighter than snow And whiter than milk; They were more ruddy in body than rubies, Like sapphire in their appearance.
In context this is describing the Nazarenes before they were attacked by Babylon. It's describing healthy white men that have extremely white skin, show red in the face or to blush (ruddy) and no other race can do this, and showing blue veins.

The description of Jesus in the Book of Revelations was a resurrected prophetical Jesus so I do not use this as evidence as the fake black Israelites do.

Now there are many other scriptures proving the Israelites are white but this opens the door for the Edomites to use identity theft like the fake black Israelites. That's where I use the bloodlines, genealogy, and migration patterns of both along with all the promises of YAH going to the Caucasians and not any other race or mud bloods.

2.) Non biblical physical descriptions of Jesus by the Roman court records, or officials/soldiers. These are non Christians and in this time period anti-Christians so there was no reason to fabricate the description of Jesus. This includes Pontious Pilate, and a Roman top ranking official. Thankfully the Romans documented everything they did very well and preserved and protected many of their works for thousands of years. The documents have been deemed authentic in accordance to the age, type of paper, writing style, etc. Yes, he's described as blonde haired blue eyed man. That can only be a Caucasian. Judas had to kiss him on the cheek to distinguish him from the disciples.

Yashua isn't Arab aka mixed race. The bloodlines of Yashua have been tracked from Adam-Noah-Shem-Abraham-Jacob-Judah-Jesus-and even up to the present day Irish/Scotts.

3.) DNA: Haplogroup R1b is Jacob Abraham. R1b is the most common Haplogroup for Caucasians especially for the Irish and Scotts. The RH- blood type is the blood type most common in the line of Judah that happens to be the Irish and Scotts who have the highest RH- blood of any other group. This is known as the royal bloodline.

Ishmael the progenitor of the Arabs and this is Haplogroup R2 and it's common in Arabs.

4.) Paintings and Images: For the most part the oldest paintings have Yashua as a white man. Overall I do not use these as evidence. Then people use the Shroud that has never been disproven and thousands of atheist scientists have studied this over 3 decades. The phenotype does appear to be Caucasian and not an Edomite mainly due to the nose and cranium shape. The hair and eye color can only be a speculation though. They estimate him to be 6ft 154 lbs.

Overall, it appears in accordance with the DNA, in person official Roman Documents from first hand high ranking officials and soldier accounts, the biblical scriptures (in proper context and using proper translations and definitions), and images as a bonus, Yashua was a semi tall blonde hair blue eyed Caucasian man and his lineage branched off to become the Scotts/Irish of today. The only other group of people similar to this (lack the blonde hair and blue eyes) are the Ashkenazi Jeqs but again Jesus exposes them as liars committing identity theft and calls them the synagogue of Satan and seed of the devil. Not only that, the publications of the Jeqs themselves expose them as Edomites (1925 Jewish Encyclopedia is my go to source).
What I said wasn't that deep it was JFL at his overall stupidity

Unfortunately in the West his supposed "chosen people" are very lukewarm
As prophesied by YAH as it said a major apostasy occurs just before the second coming. I expect things to continue to rapidly decline until the second coming.
Back up ur reasoning and I’ll back up mine lol ur retarded

Adam and Eve were born in africa and white peoples are literally mutants
Created not born. Also, it's called migration. Lastly, billions of white people have lived in Africa over history so Geographic location isn't sufficient evidence.

The bible clearly states the Israelites are white (lamentations 4:7 and many other scriptures), and the Apocrypha clearly demonstrates their migrations into Europe and Asia Minor which is where the Apostles preached the Gospel and not into Niger, Nigeria or Congo. Also, the names of the Israelites are white names (Jacob, James, John, Peter, etc). They're not Abdual, Muhamad, Zaire, Kamarie, Zaire, etc. The original New testament was written in Greek. Blacks didn't have their own language before they were civilized by the white man. Heck, they never even invented the wheel. They lived in huts, spear chucked, and had no pluming, electricity, etc and still don't to this day (the uncivilized untouched tribes in Africa). The Caucasians meet all the promises and prophecies of YAH and the Africans meet none.

I may have to provide this site with a comprehensive document for why the Caucasians are the Israelites and not any other group of people as I can tell the ignorance on here is spreading like wildfire.

Lastly, you said the white people are mutants? I suppose I'll take that as you stating they're physically and mentally superior so I'll take that as a compliment.
I should've been more specific, black Africans with genes from west Africa on average are faster
Faster when running in a straight line, when it comes to lateral agility and balance, whites are faster and I have proof
Check the 3 cone drill in the NFL combine
and jump higher than the Caucasian race
Screenshot 20240424 151831

Top 6 out of 10, The black at the top roided, so he doesn't count, and blacks absolutely compete in this, what cope will you have now?
These Africans have a higher percentage of fast twitch muscle than any other race or sub group and it's not even relatively close.
I have a study I'll send in DMS where 82 percent of whites have the same fast twitch DNA compared to 99 percent in Jamaica, and when you compare population sizes, whites have MORE of those fast genes
They also have higher levels of testosterone on average.
Screenshot 20240424 152329

Also, the most athletic blacks are most likely playing basketball, football, etc and not going into many of the sports you listed.
Blacks absolutely do compete in this fields holy fuck at this cope, also you wanna go basketball, two whites are dominating NBA rn, and a white is dominating rebounds, which is meant to be a muh nigger thing.
They would absolutely dominate the long and high jump without question if more entered into that field. The average NCAA and pro basketball and football vertical and broad jumps on average per race are proof of this.
Blacks absolutely compete in volleyball, and a white man has the record.
As for the qorld's strongest man I'd say it's more like the qorld's biggest man as this isn't a pound for pound strong man competition it's about being the biggest dude out there.
Holy cope, WSM is literally weightlifting, but fine, let's go weightlifting, whites are dominating blacks in that, and they have way better grip strength, whites are stronger on average


It shows when you check the bench for NFL combine, and whites dominate in strength positions in the NFL like defensive ends

Top 6 of 10 sack leaders are white, I don't need to go into tight ends and other positions.
The Vikings had a thousand years of breeding for larger men and gave them a distinct advantage. Again, Africans care not about this sport and more about the football, basketball, etc.
You think all blacks can get in jfl, literal cope, also blacks go into boxing and UFC and they get raped by whites
  • JFL
Reactions: st.hamudi but 6‘5
Faster when running in a straight line, when it comes to lateral agility and balance, whites are faster and I have proof
Check the 3 cone drill in the NFL combine

View attachment 2877421
Top 6 out of 10, The black at the top roided, so he doesn't count, and blacks absolutely compete in this, what cope will you have now?

I have a study I'll send in DMS where 82 percent of whites have the same fast twitch DNA compared to 99 percent in Jamaica, and when you compare population sizes, whites have MORE of those fast genes

View attachment 2877423

Blacks absolutely do compete in this fields holy fuck at this cope, also you wanna go basketball, two whites are dominating NBA rn, and a white is dominating rebounds, which is meant to be a muh nigger thing.

Blacks absolutely compete in volleyball, and a white man has the record.

Holy cope, WSM is literally weightlifting, but fine, let's go weightlifting, whites are dominating blacks in that, and they have way better grip strength, whites are stronger on average

View attachment 2877430

It shows when you check the bench for NFL combine, and whites dominate in strength positions in the NFL like defensive ends

Top 6 of 10 sack leaders are white, I don't need to go into tight ends and other positions.

You think all blacks can get in jfl, literal cope, also blacks go into boxing and UFC and they get raped by whites

based anti jew propaganda
The only Arab trait Jesus may have had is being slightly tan from sun exposure. There's zero evidence in the bible, DNA, anthropological, historical, etc that Yashua was an Arab, or any other race other than a Caucasian.

1.) Biblical Scripture describing the appearance of the Nazarenes (tribe of Jesus)
Lamentations 4:7
Her Nazirites were brighter than snow And whiter than milk; They were more ruddy in body than rubies, Like sapphire in their appearance.
In context this is describing the Nazarenes before they were attacked by Babylon. It's describing healthy white men that have extremely white skin, show red in the face or to blush (ruddy) and no other race can do this, and showing blue veins.

The description of Jesus in the Book of Revelations was a resurrected prophetical Jesus so I do not use this as evidence as the fake black Israelites do.

Now there are many other scriptures proving the Israelites are white but this opens the door for the Edomites to use identity theft like the fake black Israelites. That's where I use the bloodlines, genealogy, and migration patterns of both along with all the promises of YAH going to the Caucasians and not any other race or mud bloods.

2.) Non biblical physical descriptions of Jesus by the Roman court records, or officials/soldiers. These are non Christians and in this time period anti-Christians so there was no reason to fabricate the description of Jesus. This includes Pontious Pilate, and a Roman top ranking official. Thankfully the Romans documented everything they did very well and preserved and protected many of their works for thousands of years. The documents have been deemed authentic in accordance to the age, type of paper, writing style, etc. Yes, he's described as blonde haired blue eyed man. That can only be a Caucasian. Judas had to kiss him on the cheek to distinguish him from the disciples.

Yashua isn't Arab aka mixed race. The bloodlines of Yashua have been tracked from Adam-Noah-Shem-Abraham-Jacob-Judah-Jesus-and even up to the present day Irish/Scotts.

3.) DNA: Haplogroup R1b is Jacob Abraham. R1b is the most common Haplogroup for Caucasians especially for the Irish and Scotts. The RH- blood type is the blood type most common in the line of Judah that happens to be the Irish and Scotts who have the highest RH- blood of any other group. This is known as the royal bloodline.

Ishmael the progenitor of the Arabs and this is Haplogroup R2 and it's common in Arabs.

4.) Paintings and Images: For the most part the oldest paintings have Yashua as a white man. Overall I do not use these as evidence. Then people use the Shroud that has never been disproven and thousands of atheist scientists have studied this over 3 decades. The phenotype does appear to be Caucasian and not an Edomite mainly due to the nose and cranium shape. The hair and eye color can only be a speculation though. They estimate him to be 6ft 154 lbs.

Overall, it appears in accordance with the DNA, in person official Roman Documents from first hand high ranking officials and soldier accounts, the biblical scriptures (in proper context and using proper translations and definitions), and images as a bonus, Yashua was a semi tall blonde hair blue eyed Caucasian man and his lineage branched off to become the Scotts/Irish of today. The only other group of people similar to this (lack the blonde hair and blue eyes) are the Ashkenazi Jeqs but again Jesus exposes them as liars committing identity theft and calls them the synagogue of Satan and seed of the devil. Not only that, the publications of the Jeqs themselves expose them as Edomites (1925 Jewish Encyclopedia is my go to source).
I thought Jesus had red hair
But yea what I've noticed is you see alot of these jews in the education system as teachers crazy and only recently I saw this video saying of a ginger jew saying we need to ruin these anti semites life as the education system hasn't worked
It's almost like they know in there DNA they're evil and destructive
Yes, it's not only the Israelites blood but it's mainly the tribe of Judah's blood line.

Here's proof the Tribe of Judah is the Scotts/Irish. Thankfully I'm over 50% Scottish/Irish but I have yet to test my blood type. I believe this is about 16% of the Caucasians which is a vastly larger percentage than any other race and most likely the races that have a tiny percentage of this blood have mixed with the tribe of Judah at one point in time.

Yes the highest percentage of RH- blood is in the Scotts/Irish and is the R1b Haplogroup.

This shows the blood line from Adam to Judah to Jesus to current times.

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You see, the fake black Israelites and Edomites do not have this type of proof because they have no genetic connection to Judah or Jacob. The Edomites do come from Abraham and the Blacks come from Cush. The funniest thing is the fake black Israelites use other colored races and say they're the other lost tribes of Israel yet their Genomic DNA is different. So, not only is their claims biblically unproven but genetically disproven and a laughable attempt to steal our identity.

It's known as the royal bloodline because the promise to Judah is that his bloodline shall rule until the second coming of Yashua. The royals not only have RH- but O-. I believe my grandmother who is Scottish/Irish and has the O- blood type but doesn't know if she has the RH- blood type.
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The difference between + and - is the + has those little nanotech poly peptides attachments on them and negative doesn't. Negative is the original form and + has been

O- is simply the original blood type from Adam and that's qhy everyone can use O- because it's the original one.

View attachment 2877054

They're all from the original blood cell but with different antigens attached to them. It should be blatantly obvious that O is the original blood of all the blood types and RH- is the original form of the RH blood type and was started with Judah and this is qhy he became the royal bloodline.

View attachment 2877062

It's clear here everyone can receive the O- blood type because it's the original blood type from Adam. This is qhy females cannot have a baby qith another blood type that's not compatable as it's due to that biological nanotech in the blood cells so her body attempts to kill it like a virus. These are the inferior blood types aka the slave races. The further aqay from O/RH the closer you're to the slave race as these peptides are essentially an energy drain. Roughly 85% of the masses have this antigen in their blood and that's what the ruling elite qant, a group of slaves qilling to obey their every command. It's ironic that 81% of the masses have received the death shot.

So how have these biological nanotech peptides been added to the slave races and why are they an energy drain? Qhat does this polypeptide do to the cell?

1.) Complexity: The AB-O blood groups are controlled by one gene and the RH factor are controlled by 5 genes.
A.) RHD is 58,000 letters long. ABO letters are roughly a thousand letters long.
B.) This creates a channel to let gases out and it effects the acidity overall (increases acidity) and these are the cells that carry the electricity throughout the body like a battery. The others keep the gasses and maintain a more alkaline state that drains the energy/electricity of the cells. The more alkaline your cells are the more electrical resistance your body has. So this is why RH- negative people have the ability to light up light bulbs simply by touching them and some do it by touching just the bulb itself.
C.) Overall the RH- have more of this energy/electricity flowing in their bodies. Why do you think YAH calls them his elect? Do you know the arc of the covenant is basically a free energy generator/capacitor. The Israelites had the ability to handle this advanced technology and yet they didn't die like all other races and they could just be near it and they died. This is why in Leviticus 21:16-23 with YAH clearly tells Moses that only the Tribe of Judah and those with no defect and a clean diet shall enter the holy of holies. Even women on their periods could not go near the arc. In 1 Samuel 5:7 when the Philistines take the Arc it starts killing off their people, causing earthquakes, etc. This happened several times.
D.) It's not just electricity the blood contains the life force and YAH said to not drink of the blood so no raw meat. This is why people receiving a donors blood or organs they receive memories from the donors. There's memory in the cells and in the blood and it's not just the brain that has human memory. It's why people's emotions store in various organs. This is why the Edomites and satanists drink the blood. This is y anyone that consumes the blood shall be cut off. This is why they're pushing raw meats and cannibalism on us.

E.) Overall these antigens are draining not just electricity but our life force and real spiritual power from the children of YAH. This is qhy the controlled royals do everything they can to keep their bloodlines pure for this power but instead of using it with the holy spirit they use it to channel demons and for evil. They're in covenant with these demons and that's qhy you see so called lizard people. It's because that's a demon dwelling in them as a symbiotic relationship. So if you go into the videos on the descriptions of hell from people of any race, religion or belief they all describe these giant lizard like demons. Unfortunately, over time the demon gets in charge of the flesh and you become the pet to do his will. This is why one must become baptized to receive the holy spirit and fight the spiritual battles.
If you watch videos on the few who were part of the elite that exposes their agenda, one of the banksters talks about the top dog punishing their members by putting his hand on the chest of the guy that was messing up and that hand built up a fire inside of the man. That temporary pain was enough for that man to be in such fear to never make a mistake after that. This is the energy that flows inside us to heal the sick, cast out demons, etc. Combine this with the holy spirit and prayer and there's nothing you cannot achieve.

View attachment 2877100
View attachment 2877102

Traits of RH- blood type: I'm sure you've seen these before
1.) Feeling of not belonging (check)
2.) Truth seeker (check)
3.) Sense of mission in life (check)
4.) Compassion for all mankind (tough to have compassion for our brother Esau)
5.) Extra Rib/vertebra (check)
6.) Higher than Average IQ (check)
7.) ESP ( I suppose mind reading as I'm able to read people's minds but for basic things like numbers, names, etc and not long sentences and I can only do it if they're looking at me and I've had this since I can remember and thought it was normal)
8.) Love of Space and Science (check for science)
9.) More sensitive vision and other senses (astral projections counts I guess)
10.) Increased sensitivity to heat/sunset(yes I have an allergic reaction to the sun as I found out many on my Irish side have this and it's on my trunk mainly but not the face or the arms/legs.
11.) Piercing eyes (no idea but they're hazel)
12.) Tend to be healers (Currently developing that ability with the holy spirit to heal as Jesus/apostles did).
13.) Ability to disrupt electrical devices: I never tested this.
14.) Lower body Temp (Triple Check)
15.) Green, blue or Hazel eyes (check)
16.) Red/reddish tint to hair: My mom has red hair, dad had blonde and I had blonde then it changed to light brown then dark-brown/black and now Dr strange grey on the sides. (not really but in my DNA)
17.) Empathetic to illness (anyone telling me their illness no matter who they're I instantly desire to resolve it. so CHECK

In summation: Yes the RH- blood is the tribe of Judah (or at least the highest concentration) and the O- blood is the original blood of Adam. This blood contains the life force and RH- has the most spiritual and healing power on earth. The satanists are using methods to destroy our DNA through vaccinations, food, water supply, frequencies, and getting people to consume the blood that is forbidden. The controlled royals that have sold their souls protect their RH- and O- blood but use it to create symbiotic or really parasitic relationships with demons they go into covenants with and eventually the demons are controlling them. This is where you hear the term shape shifters or lizard people as the ruling class. It's nothing special, just demons (spirits of the Nephilim monsters) inside them. I believe Cro-Magnon had these RH- blood types but not the Neanderthals. Using a clean diet, having no defects, baptism to receive the holy spirit, prayer and fasting and using the word can increase your spiritual powers to cast out demons, heal the sick and do other miracles. First help the lost sheep but also help the goats as they can receive salvation if their heart of stone is changed to align with the creator.

Wow makes sense I don't think I resemble a jew I just come from the low class family so you know I got get rid of bad habits and you know need to eat healthy get beautiful like most white people are
But yea my hair now is brown but like most people in British isles have the ginger twinge to it
But yea I need to get in shape
I can tan aswell
But right now just extremely depressed
Like most Irish


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Faster when running in a straight line, when it comes to lateral agility and balance, whites are faster and I have proof
Check the 3 cone drill in the NFL combine

That was my point straight line speed and vertical.

So it's difficult to use the NFL since the positions are mostly black and the only somewhat equal positions are offensive line, TE and LB to a lesser extent. The most athletic blacks go to the other positions like CB, RB, receiver, and safety.

If you account for all positions, there's only one white dude in the top 25 for all time and none in the top 25 all time for 40 yard dash.

If you look at the roughly equivalent positions like the TE/LB/OL the whites dominate the agility testing and just a personal anecdotal claim I hold the record at my school for the shuttle time so I can attest to this personally. I think the bench press does go to whites but if there was a squat test it would most likely go to blacks.

View attachment 2877421
Top 6 out of 10, The black at the top roided, so he doesn't count, and blacks absolutely compete in this, what cope will you have now?

I have a study I'll send in DMS where 82 percent of whites have the same fast twitch DNA compared to 99 percent in Jamaica, and when you compare population sizes, whites have MORE of those fast genes

All the studies I've found on various search engines using Caucasians or white country has more ACTN3 or fast twitch muscle than quest africans and everything that pops up demonstrates the opposite.
View attachment 2877423

Blacks absolutely do compete in this fields holy fuck at this cope, also you wanna go basketball, two whites are dominating NBA rn, and a white is dominating rebounds, which is meant to be a muh nigger thing.

Yes and those 2 players are knoqn as the least athletic superstars in the NBA but have a super high IQ and skill.
Blacks absolutely compete in volleyball, and a white man has the record.

Holy cope, WSM is literally weightlifting, but fine, let's go weightlifting, whites are dominating blacks in that, and they have way better grip strength, whites are stronger on average

View attachment 2877430

It shows when you check the bench for NFL combine, and whites dominate in strength positions in the NFL like defensive ends
Blacks come up as dominating the DL but again they have a vastly higher percentage of blacks at that position. On average I'd give a slight advantage to qhites in Bench on a pound for pound basis but squats would go to blacks

Top 6 of 10 sack leaders are white, I don't need to go into tight ends and other positions.

You think all blacks can get in jfl, literal cope, also blacks go into boxing and UFC and they get raped by whites

Again, you're simply coping here as sports are not just about pure athleticism but skill, IQ, endurance, heart, etc. I'm simply discussing pure speed and jumping ability and blacks by far dominate in that area. LOL and I'm called a racist against blacks in here but at the very least I acknowledge the west Africans dominate in those 2 categories.

These things are easy to see not only in terms of measurables but in person for anecdotal experience.

For example the measurements of IQ/Wonderlic scores the blacks have the lowest IQ testing of any other race. Just going to school and talking with them, grades, testing, ability to grasp concepts, learning, and working with them it's very obvious they're very low IQ. However, when playing sports it's fairly obvious they're faster and jump higher. The measurables and eye test all support this and it's not even debatable. I agree whites are superior in agility, and some areas of weight lifting.
I thought Jesus had red hair
But yea what I've noticed is you see alot of these jews in the education system as teachers crazy and only recently I saw this video saying of a ginger jew saying we need to ruin these anti semites life as the education system hasn't worked
It's almost like they know in there DNA they're evil and destructive
So one account says basically a straqberry blonde due to sun exposure and same goes for his tan skin due to sun exposure. I believe his hair may have been red but during sun exposure it looked more blonde. The false prophet Muhammad died his hair red as he mentions Jesus to have a reddish complexion and hair. That's kind of funny that he's attempting to look like Yashua.
Wow makes sense I don't think I resemble a jew I just come from the low class family so you know I got get rid of bad habits and you know need to eat healthy get beautiful like most white people are
But yea my hair now is brown but like most people in British isles have the ginger twinge to it
But yea I need to get in shape
I can tan aswell
But right now just extremely depressed
Like most Irish
A jew is an Edomite/Canaanite and this term was created in the 17th century to confuse the loq IQ masses. An Israelite or Hebreq is the terms I use to name the elect/chosen of YAH.

The testosterone boosting exercises qork best (compound full body exercises, jump rope, hill sprints, etc).

As for depression the exercising helps but a combination of meditation, qigong exercises, cold water therapy, breathing exercises (whim Hof), various herbs like Ashwagandha, hemp (Delta 8 or THC A no mind altering effects just positive benefits like sleep, lowering anxiety and decreases inflammation), and getting baptized to receive the holy spirit as a guide, read the scriptures and have a daily practice of prayer to develop a relationship with YAH.

Understanding the earth is only going to get worse and worse until the second coming but things of this earth are irrelevant because the eternal life, your soul is what counts. All we can do is attempt to heal and help as many others receive salvation during the apostacy but realize the cards are stacked against you as narrow is the path to salvation and few have eyes to see or ears to hear but every once in a qhile you can find a person with an open mind to change their heart of stone.

Most the threads and topics on here are just pure vanity and do nothing to improve the quality of life or it's just to get chicks for pure sexual degeneracy. At this point women in this patriarchal funded matriarchy are completely lost and to wife them would be as close to suicide as one can get as there's a nearly 0% success rate with marriages of women in their current fallen state. The only women in the Qest that are qorth marrying are strict Amish or Mennonite women those in Patriarchy's. The US used to be a Christian patriarchy in the early 1900's back qhen the marriage success rates were damn near 100%. Unfortunately the Edomites have spread their seeds of bad trees that produce bad fruit. The goats are leading the sheep and it's leading billions of souls to eternal damnation.
  • +1
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A jew is an Edomite/Canaanite and this term was created in the 17th century to confuse the loq IQ masses. An Israelite or Hebreq is the terms I use to name the elect/chosen of YAH.

The testosterone boosting exercises qork best (compound full body exercises, jump rope, hill sprints, etc).

As for depression the exercising helps but a combination of meditation, qigong exercises, cold water therapy, breathing exercises (whim Hof), various herbs like Ashwagandha, hemp (Delta 8 or THC A no mind altering effects just positive benefits like sleep, lowering anxiety and decreases inflammation), and getting baptized to receive the holy spirit as a guide, read the scriptures and have a daily practice of prayer to develop a relationship with YAH.

Understanding the earth is only going to get worse and worse until the second coming but things of this earth are irrelevant because the eternal life, your soul is what counts. All we can do is attempt to heal and help as many others receive salvation during the apostacy but realize the cards are stacked against you as narrow is the path to salvation and few have eyes to see or ears to hear but every once in a qhile you can find a person with an open mind to change their heart of stone.

Most the threads and topics on here are just pure vanity and do nothing to improve the quality of life or it's just to get chicks for pure sexual degeneracy. At this point women in this patriarchal funded matriarchy are completely lost and to wife them would be as close to suicide as one can get as there's a nearly 0% success rate with marriages of women in their current fallen state. The only women in the Qest that are qorth marrying are strict Amish or Mennonite women those in Patriarchy's. The US used to be a Christian patriarchy in the early 1900's back qhen the marriage success rates were damn near 100%. Unfortunately the Edomites have spread their seeds of bad trees that produce bad fruit. The goats are leading the sheep and it's leading billions of souls to eternal damnation.
Also coincidental that now that woman's waists are as wide as they have ever been cuckolding is on the rise
And penises aren't working anymore
Oh and obviously children aren't being made
But I feel like I need to have sex there's been such a big pressure put on me due to everyone when they were younger they were all watching porn so it's something I want to experience but I genuinely believe that you're right marriage now is physically impossible due to the anatomy of woman changing now


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Faster when running in a straight line, when it comes to lateral agility and balance, whites are faster and I have proof
Check the 3 cone drill in the NFL combine

View attachment 2877421
Top 6 out of 10, The black at the top roided, so he doesn't count, and blacks absolutely compete in this, what cope will you have now?

I have a study I'll send in DMS where 82 percent of whites have the same fast twitch DNA compared to 99 percent in Jamaica, and when you compare population sizes, whites have MORE of those fast genes

View attachment 2877423

Blacks absolutely do compete in this fields holy fuck at this cope, also you wanna go basketball, two whites are dominating NBA rn, and a white is dominating rebounds, which is meant to be a muh nigger thing.

Blacks absolutely compete in volleyball, and a white man has the record.

Holy cope, WSM is literally weightlifting, but fine, let's go weightlifting, whites are dominating blacks in that, and they have way better grip strength, whites are stronger on average

View attachment 2877430

It shows when you check the bench for NFL combine, and whites dominate in strength positions in the NFL like defensive ends

Top 6 of 10 sack leaders are white, I don't need to go into tight ends and other positions.

You think all blacks can get in jfl, literal cope, also blacks go into boxing and UFC and they get raped by whites

LOL at this fool trying to use scripted sports as a medium to try and prove his invalid points

LOL at this fool trying to use scripted sports as a medium to try and prove his invalid points

The combine isn't scripted but sports are for sure and it's legal.
  • JFL
Reactions: MrGlutton
The combine isn't scripted but sports are for sure and it's legal.
I think another thing you need to put in perspective is that it's not white people who have everything together that go pro because they're not willing to use steroids and plus they're drowning in Stacies it would be stupid to go sell out for what reason some of them whites obviously come from poor backgrounds but there's plenty of whites that can go into it that don't
The combine isn't scripted but sports are for sure and it's legal.
so if you know that the sports itself is rigged, and that the players are in on it, why do you think they would try on the combine or even NOT fraud their stats on it?
The Jews are God chosen.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: comingthrough
so if you know that the sports itself is rigged, and that the players are in on it, why do you think they would try on the combine or even NOT fraud their stats on it?
No real evidence supporting this and it's not gambled on like the actual games so this theory isn't supported at this time to my knowledge but like all things that doesn't mean it couldn't be in the near future and it wouldn't shock me.
  • JFL
Reactions: MrGlutton
The Jews are God chosen.
1925 Jewish Encyclopedia states the Jeqs are genetically Edomites and this check out in accordance with the scriptures, their DNA, etc. Esau bread with 3 Canaanite women and the DNA of these Jeqs has been tested to have 50% of Canaanite DNA.

The term Jew was invented in the 17th century. The 1611 King James Original version used Idumeans instead of Jeqs or Judeans. The reason Yashua said to them you say you're Jeqs but you're not, you're the seed of the Devil and the Synagogue of Satan. They said they were never slaves to Yashua which means they were never Israelites.

In 150 AD the Edomites were forced to adopt the religion of Judaism or die in Jerusalem by order of the Israelite King at that time. They took on the religion and started to take on the identity of the Judeans and they killed the King and the first Edomite King ever qas King Herod who ordered all the babies to be slaughtered at the time of Yashua's birth. Eventually these same fake Israelites had Yashua crucified. Their Massiah is the anti-Christ as they're anti-Christian. They have been notorious Christian killers for thousands of years and that's why they've been deported out of 100's of Christian/Israelite countries over the past couple thousand years or so.
  • +1
Reactions: Sushifart
What those inbred autistic retards you know shit like this forum exist because of jews right
Unfortunately, even on these so called freedom message boards you still end up with thousands of ignoramuses. Remember, they've been brainwashed for their entire lives so it's understandable at this point since the truth is buried or cancelled.
  • +1
Reactions: Sushifart and comingthrough
Unfortunately, even on these so called freedom message boards you still end up with thousands of ignoramuses. Remember, they've been brainwashed for their entire lives so it's understandable at this point since the truth is buried or cancelled.
Everyone has autism now and they don't even realize it
Everyone has autism now and they don't even realize it
The definition is so broad it could technically include everyone. I suppose due to the high percentage of vaxxed people's and forced isolation that everyone could have a degree of this made up term but at various levels.

Just look at the 2 main symptoms:
  • Deficits in social communication and interaction
  • Restricted, repetitive behaviors, interests, or activities

That could be used to define anyone they desire to label with autism. For me it's not relevant unless it's at a fairly extreme level like the person has no facial expressions can't make eye contact, etc.

I think to a degree one can develop autistic like traits due to the forced isolation and constant internet/phone use but it's not a real genetic disease or mental disorder it's just simple things like habits that can be broken.

I highly doubt a pureblood Amish would ever exhibit these traits at all as they do not have the vaccines, medications, forced isolation, or technology.
  • +1
Reactions: comingthrough
The definition is so broad it could technically include everyone. I suppose due to the high percentage of vaxxed people's and forced isolation that everyone could have a degree of this made up term but at various levels.

Just look at the 2 main symptoms:
  • Deficits in social communication and interaction
  • Restricted, repetitive behaviors, interests, or activities

That could be used to define anyone they desire to label with autism. For me it's not relevant unless it's at a fairly extreme level like the person has no facial expressions can't make eye contact, etc.

I think to a degree one can develop autistic like traits due to the forced isolation and constant internet/phone use but it's not a real genetic disease or mental disorder it's just simple things like habits that can be broken.

I highly doubt a pureblood Amish would ever exhibit these traits at all as they do not have the vaccines, medications, forced isolation, or technology.
Although the truth is nice to know about God and his existence
My innocence has been taken away knowing reality now is very lonely
But it's just all very coincidental how facebook was created by a jew with Aspergers funny that ain't it
The definition is so broad it could technically include everyone. I suppose due to the high percentage of vaxxed people's and forced isolation that everyone could have a degree of this made up term but at various levels.

Just look at the 2 main symptoms:
  • Deficits in social communication and interaction
  • Restricted, repetitive behaviors, interests, or activities

That could be used to define anyone they desire to label with autism. For me it's not relevant unless it's at a fairly extreme level like the person has no facial expressions can't make eye contact, etc.

I think to a degree one can develop autistic like traits due to the forced isolation and constant internet/phone use but it's not a real genetic disease or mental disorder it's just simple things like habits that can be broken.

I highly doubt a pureblood Amish would ever exhibit these traits at all as they do not have the vaccines, medications, forced isolation, or technology.
But yea autism can be you know the unfortunate unfixable one where they make nosies and shit
And there is the one I think most of us have now and that's social isolation I just feel like there was community even in the 2000s where now all white people alot have self hate and feel like there's a lack of belonging I'm sorry but I'm not listening to ardee jack Harlow and the others
Wheres the new oasis you know what I mean there is no white people music that Is good because it don't get pushed so you get all these talentless social justice warrior whites and you can tell by just how they look they're shit and then you listen to them it's terrible
The definition is so broad it could technically include everyone. I suppose due to the high percentage of vaxxed people's and forced isolation that everyone could have a degree of this made up term but at various levels.

Just look at the 2 main symptoms:
  • Deficits in social communication and interaction
  • Restricted, repetitive behaviors, interests, or activities

That could be used to define anyone they desire to label with autism. For me it's not relevant unless it's at a fairly extreme level like the person has no facial expressions can't make eye contact, etc.

I think to a degree one can develop autistic like traits due to the forced isolation and constant internet/phone use but it's not a real genetic disease or mental disorder it's just simple things like habits that can be broken.

I highly doubt a pureblood Amish would ever exhibit these traits at all as they do not have the vaccines, medications, forced isolation, or technology.
But it is a fact that LGBT are well known for having alot of autism and you see it don't you
More fat people more gay people more feminists
And wow look at that
1 in 36 people now have autism
Wheres back in the 70s it was 1 in 10,000
But hey we are just conspiracy theorists god isn't real you lot are just denying space look at the obvious proof look at the tv programming
It's crazy man


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1925 Jewish Encyclopedia states the Jeqs are genetically Edomites and this check out in accordance with the scriptures, their DNA, etc. Esau bread with 3 Canaanite women and the DNA of these Jeqs has been tested to have 50% of Canaanite DNA.

The term Jew was invented in the 17th century. The 1611 King James Original version used Idumeans instead of Jeqs or Judeans. The reason Yashua said to them you say you're Jeqs but you're not, you're the seed of the Devil and the Synagogue of Satan. They said they were never slaves to Yashua which means they were never Israelites.

In 150 AD the Edomites were forced to adopt the religion of Judaism or die in Jerusalem by order of the Israelite King at that time. They took on the religion and started to take on the identity of the Judeans and they killed the King and the first Edomite King ever qas King Herod who ordered all the babies to be slaughtered at the time of Yashua's birth. Eventually these same fake Israelites had Yashua crucified. Their Massiah is the anti-Christ as they're anti-Christian. They have been notorious Christian killers for thousands of years and that's why they've been deported out of 100's of Christian/Israelite countries over the past couple thousand years or so.
Thanks sir Solomon, appricate Your knowledge, from the Mumbai slums. Your sincerely, Alexander.
Although the truth is nice to know about God and his existence
My innocence has been taken away knowing reality now is very lonely
But it's just all very coincidental how facebook was created by a jew with Aspergers funny that ain't it
Not created but stolen by the Edomite/Canaanite.
Yes the more you know the more ostracized you're over time. The only relationship that matters in the end is your relationship with YAH (as long as you can forgive others for their sins against you because if you can't then YAH cannot forgive you for your sins).

There are some people out there that still have an open mind and or understand or seeking truth but you have to go to the ghettos of the internet to find them.

Yep all social media, mainstream media, central banks, CDC. who, UN, all governments aka corporations, Hollywood, music, sports, TV, Radio, newspapers, porn are all either majority owned or controlled by the Edomites.

The best qay to qin the game is to not play and to not play is to operate outside the system just like the longest living successful anarchist group in existence in the Amish.

1.) Obtain a land patent (to actually own your land, pay no property taxes, no eminent domain).
2.) Change your political status (no SSID, no Drivers license no plates no sales taxes no income taxes aka extortion you have opted out completely of the corporation and no longer are your fictitious name or the strawman).
3.) Be in a community of similar like minded people (same race, strong faith in YAH, etc) and have a volunteerism type of system.
4.) Living off grid and self sufficient (not connected to society in any way as you have your own electricity, batteries, water, filtration, etc).
5.) No more cash or digital currency: Goods, services silver and gold only. The digital one world currency is already created and about to be activated to enslave, track, trace, and oppress all people on earth in the system.
6.) Don't take their meds or vaccines especially the death jab.
7.) HAM radio for free communication with virtually no distance on distance or minutes used.

Basically, opt out of society as society is the Beast system.

I am close to achieving all this. My final steps are to get rid of the internet once I've downloaded and purchased everything I need before the 2026 digital ID requirement for everyone going on the internet and before the digital dollar. I purchased some BOXABL homes as these are affordable homes that last over 100 years and are built to be self sufficient and withstand bullets, hurricanes, fires, etc. You can move them just like a mobile home also. they fold up or unfold in less than 60 minutes.
  • +1
Reactions: Sushifart and comingthrough
Thanks sir Solomon, appricate Your knowledge, from the Mumbai slums. Your sincerely, Alexander.
I'm glad you accept the Jew literature saying they're genetically the Edomites. I enjoy using Jew sources to expose the Edomites because they can't cry antisemitism or racism.
But yea autism can be you know the unfortunate unfixable one where they make nosies and shit
And there is the one I think most of us have now and that's social isolation I just feel like there was community even in the 2000s where now all white people alot have self hate and feel like there's a lack of belonging I'm sorry but I'm not listening to ardee jack Harlow and the others
Wheres the new oasis you know what I mean there is no white people music that Is good because it don't get pushed so you get all these talentless social justice warrior whites and you can tell by just how they look they're shit and then you listen to them it's terrible
It's quite sad the qhites have been brainqashed by the Edomite/Canaanite indoctrination camps and are basically aquiessing to this genocide and self destruction of their morals, physical and spiritual bodies as they're eternally damned for falling for the Edomites lies. It's best to no longer listen to the media or look up this bad neqs because it's only going to get qorse. Control qhat you can control. SAVLATION is number one:
1.) Faith in YAH
2.) Faith that Yashua fulfilled the scriptures
3.) Baptized/born again
4.) Love Yah more than anything else
5.) Keep the commandments and repent/don't live in your sin.
6.) Forgive others for their transgressions
7.) Pray and do good works for rewards in heaven (preach the gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons, help people that are in need to reach their physical needs like food, water and shelter, etc.

No need to dwell on the negatives. No need to argue qith the loq IQ masses either on here or any other place. If a person doesn't accept the truth than move on. Give them your sources and if they just qant to argue then move on because they do not have an open mind and your time is better spent on the lost sheep aka Caucasians than the bastards, mudbloods, mixed race, other races, etc. It's not that they can't be saved but it's more difficult since they lack the connection with YAH that the true Israelites do. Jesus only came for the lost sheep and not the goats.
  • +1
Reactions: Sushifart and comingthrough
That was my point straight line speed and vertical.
alr fair
So it's difficult to use the NFL since the positions are mostly black and the only somewhat equal positions are offensive line, TE and LB to a lesser extent. The most athletic blacks go to the other positions like CB, RB, receiver, and safety.
and whites still overperform and do better in strength based positions, despite the jews initentially not scouting properly for white talent
If you account for all positions, there's only one white dude in the top 25 for all time and none in the top 25 all time for 40 yard dash.
If you look at the roughly equivalent positions like the TE/LB/OL the whites dominate the agility testing and just a personal anecdotal claim I hold the record at my school for the shuttle time so I can attest to this personally. I think the bench press does go to whites but if there was a squat test it would most likely go to blacks.

bench press for rugby, whites are better
All the studies I've found on various search engines using Caucasians or white country has more ACTN3 or fast twitch muscle than quest africans and everything that pops up demonstrates the opposite.

Yes and those 2 players are knoqn as the least athletic superstars in the NBA but have a super high IQ and skill.
maybe because atheltic whites like Mac Mcclung are suppresed by jews
Blacks come up as dominating the DL but again they have a vastly higher percentage of blacks at that position. On average I'd give a slight advantage to qhites in Bench on a pound for pound basis but squats would go to blacks

a white is still leading, whites are stronger pound for pound and its not cope
Again, you're simply coping here as sports are not just about pure athleticism but skill, IQ, endurance, heart, etc. I'm simply discussing pure speed and jumping ability and blacks by far dominate in that area. LOL and I'm called a racist against blacks in here but at the very least I acknowledge the west Africans dominate in those 2 categories.
then explain the high jump and long jump, and dont go muh participatin, because they absolutely do participate
These things are easy to see not only in terms of measurables but in person for anecdotal experience.
anecdotes mean nothing
For example the measurements of IQ/Wonderlic scores the blacks have the lowest IQ testing of any other race. Just going to school and talking with them, grades, testing, ability to grasp concepts, learning, and working with them it's very obvious they're very low IQ. However, when playing sports it's fairly obvious they're faster and jump higher. The measurables and eye test all support this and it's not even debatable. I agree whites are superior in agility, and some areas of weight lifting.
whites are superior in agility, dexterity, arent that far off in terms of jumping ability and speed in a straight line, Ill give, but speed in a game situation, a white is leading the rb position

and fastest in the premier league that absolutely includes blacks, a white is fastest

and whites dominate in strength, and from my experience, which is supported by stats, whites do better in deadlifts, bench press and squats and strength and endurance based sports in general

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