The Ultimate Looksmaxing Guide for Currie/ricecels



The next Chadlite™
Jun 27, 2022
The Ultimate Looksmaxing Guide for Currie/ricecels


by @
Alright, so the first thing when you looksmaxx to the MAX, you need to know, is that you need to be consistent with your goals, YOU are what makes a shit happen, your goals depends on YOUR discipline, not YOUR parents or frnds or whatever, you gotta do whatever the fuck you gotta do to keep your dick up, if you know what i'm saying.

Ppl always ask me bro how to reduce pimples, scars, acne blackhead effectively. and i said easy
  • When your skin have breakouts all over the place, that means that receptors that fight against bacteria, they just got tired. It happens bro, like you after hard workout, they'r tired. and you need to consume more SUGAR, because it's energy for whole body (SUGAR = NEW LIFE) yeahhh
  • Damage after sun can be prevented, yeah you heard me right - Apply PALM OIL on your face before and after you going outdoor
  • Don't use moisturizer because that's beta, and we don't want to be betas here, we are f!cking ALPHAS

There's not much to say here, either you have hair or not, if you go for new haircut (Save money & don't) i'd recommend you;

New 2022/2023 fresh haircut 😎, bitches be thirsty after you (with this haircut ofcourse) This haircut is most popular in: Spain, USA, Germany, Japan, Sweden, etc etc etc, so get this haircut 👆

Eye Area
  • If you find yourself with shitty/low tier eye area, Hey it's okay! there are many people out there who have the share the same issues everyday, so cheer up bro 😉
  • If you find yourself with low UEE/hooded + Almond/hunter-eyes they are a sign of underdeveloped eye area + Prenatal/puberal Low-T, you get them when you don't take care of yourself. How to avoid them: I prefer doing this "pinch-on-the eye" exercise, it's very functional:

  • For bigger brows, why you don't grow one unibrow already, like bro, BRO, it's been new trend in last couple of years, if you find yourself to not have this, you-are-missing-OUT (Oneunibrow is enough)

Lips and nose
  • Lips are unique part of looksmax, yet no one talks about it, if you chew your lips, you are actually building resilience on your cells, and they will last more longer (just like you punchyour face)
  • Just don't have too big nose, optional trim nastrils, i mean if you want no one sees it duh
Cheekbones, jaws, chin, etc.
  • For cheekbone, if you HAVE both cheekbones, do "cheekbone reduction" therapy, it's couple of thousands of dollars, but it's worth it, i mean just see how these ppl are more attractive now
Grand 1

And they ARE attractive, but you aren't.. that's why you at this forum, you won't even be here without intention of looksmin, so don't shit around in comments, and start do something positive for a change
  • For jaw, i'd go with "Jaw reduction surgery"

I am not here to brag or somethi, but ppl in future will be able to DRINK food, without chewing it, so ther's no point chewing food, (That's very beta)
  • Chin is another part of the jaw, and it's 1/8 of your face, it is located under your lips
  • Now for maxilla, get extracted yoru teeths, you don't need them, i mean do you want cavity to spread around your gut (You don't)
  • Always wear retainer and braces, even if you straigten your teeths already, it's just cool look to wear braces isn't it (Make sure they push backwards those motherf*ckers)

  • Extract them raw and use braces for your gums, humans weren't meant to have teeths, you are not meant to harm animals with these pre-molars, aren't you. Mash food with blender and go full vegan.
  • Don't shave it, real nordic alpha vikings just let it grow (even if you are younger, you need to be 10 years old), with minoxidil, jojoba, rogaine and sh!ts you shouldn't be using (They are fatal for your skin)

"real men let their beards grow, to their nutsacks, up to their toes"
~Alfredo "Alpha" Destiny~

  • Go Joging 9 times week, it's healthy, and good for your body, award your body with some joging
  • If you are below 15% continue to cut down
  • If you are above 15% continue to bulk up
  • 30% - You choose
Penis size
  1. Massage and bonesmash your penis to make it bigger
  2. If you have 0incher, switch to another gender (i prefer alien or full-trans)
  • Like as I said, go full vegan, buy a blender, drinkthe joy of power
  • Plants that are outside your garden or yard (Anyyou find outside), make tea out of it and drink it, they won't harm you, plants are ur new friends 🤗🌳

"I once ate a chamomile, it was raw, a bit salty, just the way i like it... and now i am strong"
~Bloatlord Grizley~

• Drink 5L of Soy to optimize your Testosterone, have the power of the 11/10 PSL god, feel the joy of soy nigga
• Sungaze at 3pm at the sun, sun helps with fixing Testosterone
• Inject estrogen and proclatin into your blood, just like you do with insulin. If you are female inject Testosterone

• In public, you want to appear smart, a engineer, persona who's have 200iQ, so be high inhib - straight up bro, either you are dumb subhuman, or smart fucking Alpha, full of testosterone ready for new fucking day to come
• Around other people, go with sign on forehead that says "Gay" or "iloveFeminism", or any related
• Stare at people at bus

• Mastering confidence is art of 11/10 gods, be confident enough to say hi, and ask girl for a date. Rejected? Ask another one
• You gotta work for the puss!, so buy her nice things, nice clothes, watches, stuff that girls usually likes, give her free attention 24/7, because she's your queen, you are king, and she queen
• As a MGTOW, you don't date anyways so..

• Do some stretches during the day, this girl went from 150cm (4'11) to 180cm (5'10) in just 1 WEEK!

They are legit

"I once listened to this subliminal, and i grew 5 inches in girth"
~Phil the gorilla~

Body hair
  • Don't shave it except legs, real man keep it simple, are you man or retard (?)
Personal approach to 👉 LIFE 👈
  • Spend money, drink, smoke, do kush, you are having one life, live it with full fucking joy
  • Screw other people, hate urself, that's power alpha move
  • If you could go back 12 years ago, and tell ur mom to smoke and drink, and do depression.pills, while she pregnant, (Having you in stomach) then do it
  • Do drugs, they are cool and nonchalant, i feel super powerful fucking testosterone alphish-egypt high school inhib fucker after cycle of horse, yeah

"Just ephitanolmaxx bruh"
~Astro "Bugenhagen" Sky~

• Listen to Justin Bieber, Jacob Sartorious, Nicky Minaj & BTS and don't be afraid to sing it in public, you have balls of steel (Do you) 🎶

Bonesmash everyone who shoot back something to you, fuck these people, they are just jealous of your success, following this list
• Be serious with sarcasm, and have clear intentions (ask girl when are we fucking?)
Go naked outdoor

"Everyone is unique, everyone deserves to be best version of their-self, after this looksmin journey, you will be transformed, no jokes, no fucking around in comment section, we as humans, we need to help each-others to succed, like a domino, you help someone, and he helps you someone else, and then someone helps you" 🙏
  • Love it
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: LooksThinker, Infinite, BrahminBoss and 6 others
Water kys
  • +1
Reactions: m0ss26
I find the image of op typing this up for 2 hours in his basement so funny
  • JFL
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: bluemcdonalds, LooksThinker, Infinite and 16 others
You left out a few essential looksmaxxxing techniques:

power drill pulling & neck strengthing (via rope (no stool))
  • +1
Reactions: bluemcdonalds
mirin the effort put into this shitpost. Nice work
  • +1
Reactions: bluemcdonalds, LooksThinker, sofar and 1 other person
I find the image of op typing this up for 2 hours in his basement so funny
mirin the effort put into this shitpost. Nice work
It’s an old post I did in the past September, 2022. I’m just farming reactions, but I found again this so funny, like… Plants are your new friends LMAO
  • JFL
Reactions: brucewayne78 and IndraBC
u should get a job
Ironically if you do the opposite of this guide you can actually looksmax.
  • +1
Reactions: bluemcdonalds and Infinite
The Ultimate Looksmaxing Guide for Currie/ricecels


by @
Alright, so the first thing when you looksmaxx to the MAX, you need to know, is that you need to be consistent with your goals, YOU are what makes a shit happen, your goals depends on YOUR discipline, not YOUR parents or frnds or whatever, you gotta do whatever the fuck you gotta do to keep your dick up, if you know what i'm saying.

Ppl always ask me bro how to reduce pimples, scars, acne blackhead effectively. and i said easy
  • When your skin have breakouts all over the place, that means that receptors that fight against bacteria, they just got tired. It happens bro, like you after hard workout, they'r tired. and you need to consume more SUGAR, because it's energy for whole body (SUGAR = NEW LIFE) yeahhh
  • Damage after sun can be prevented, yeah you heard me right - Apply PALM OIL on your face before and after you going outdoor
  • Don't use moisturizer because that's beta, and we don't want to be betas here, we are f!cking ALPHAS

There's not much to say here, either you have hair or not, if you go for new haircut (Save money & don't) i'd recommend you;

New 2022/2023 fresh haircut 😎, bitches be thirsty after you (with this haircut ofcourse) This haircut is most popular in: Spain, USA, Germany, Japan, Sweden, etc etc etc, so get this haircut 👆

Eye Area
  • If you find yourself with shitty/low tier eye area, Hey it's okay! there are many people out there who have the share the same issues everyday, so cheer up bro 😉
  • If you find yourself with low UEE/hooded + Almond/hunter-eyes they are a sign of underdeveloped eye area + Prenatal/puberal Low-T, you get them when you don't take care of yourself. How to avoid them: I prefer doing this "pinch-on-the eye" exercise, it's very functional:

  • For bigger brows, why you don't grow one unibrow already, like bro, BRO, it's been new trend in last couple of years, if you find yourself to not have this, you-are-missing-OUT (Oneunibrow is enough)

Lips and nose
  • Lips are unique part of looksmax, yet no one talks about it, if you chew your lips, you are actually building resilience on your cells, and they will last more longer (just like you punchyour face)
  • Just don't have too big nose, optional trim nastrils, i mean if you want no one sees it duh
Cheekbones, jaws, chin, etc.
  • For cheekbone, if you HAVE both cheekbones, do "cheekbone reduction" therapy, it's couple of thousands of dollars, but it's worth it, i mean just see how these ppl are more attractive now
Grand 1

And they ARE attractive, but you aren't.. that's why you at this forum, you won't even be here without intention of looksmin, so don't shit around in comments, and start do something positive for a change
  • For jaw, i'd go with "Jaw reduction surgery"

I am not here to brag or somethi, but ppl in future will be able to DRINK food, without chewing it, so ther's no point chewing food, (That's very beta)
  • Chin is another part of the jaw, and it's 1/8 of your face, it is located under your lips
  • Now for maxilla, get extracted yoru teeths, you don't need them, i mean do you want cavity to spread around your gut (You don't)
  • Always wear retainer and braces, even if you straigten your teeths already, it's just cool look to wear braces isn't it (Make sure they push backwards those motherf*ckers)

  • Extract them raw and use braces for your gums, humans weren't meant to have teeths, you are not meant to harm animals with these pre-molars, aren't you. Mash food with blender and go full vegan.
  • Don't shave it, real nordic alpha vikings just let it grow (even if you are younger, you need to be 10 years old), with minoxidil, jojoba, rogaine and sh!ts you shouldn't be using (They are fatal for your skin)

"real men let their beards grow, to their nutsacks, up to their toes"
~Alfredo "Alpha" Destiny~

  • Go Joging 9 times week, it's healthy, and good for your body, award your body with some joging
  • If you are below 15% continue to cut down
  • If you are above 15% continue to bulk up
  • 30% - You choose
Penis size
  1. Massage and bonesmash your penis to make it bigger
  2. If you have 0incher, switch to another gender (i prefer alien or full-trans)
  • Like as I said, go full vegan, buy a blender, drinkthe joy of power
  • Plants that are outside your garden or yard (Anyyou find outside), make tea out of it and drink it, they won't harm you, plants are ur new friends 🤗🌳

"I once ate a chamomile, it was raw, a bit salty, just the way i like it... and now i am strong"
~Bloatlord Grizley~

• Drink 5L of Soy to optimize your Testosterone, have the power of the 11/10 PSL god, feel the joy of soy nigga
• Sungaze at 3pm at the sun, sun helps with fixing Testosterone
• Inject estrogen and proclatin into your blood, just like you do with insulin. If you are female inject Testosterone

• In public, you want to appear smart, a engineer, persona who's have 200iQ, so be high inhib - straight up bro, either you are dumb subhuman, or smart fucking Alpha, full of testosterone ready for new fucking day to come
• Around other people, go with sign on forehead that says "Gay" or "iloveFeminism", or any related
• Stare at people at bus

• Mastering confidence is art of 11/10 gods, be confident enough to say hi, and ask girl for a date. Rejected? Ask another one
• You gotta work for the puss!, so buy her nice things, nice clothes, watches, stuff that girls usually likes, give her free attention 24/7, because she's your queen, you are king, and she queen
• As a MGTOW, you don't date anyways so..

• Do some stretches during the day, this girl went from 150cm (4'11) to 180cm (5'10) in just 1 WEEK!

They are legit

"I once listened to this subliminal, and i grew 5 inches in girth"
~Phil the gorilla~

Body hair
  • Don't shave it except legs, real man keep it simple, are you man or retard (?)
Personal approach to 👉 LIFE 👈
  • Spend money, drink, smoke, do kush, you are having one life, live it with full fucking joy
  • Screw other people, hate urself, that's power alpha move
  • If you could go back 12 years ago, and tell ur mom to smoke and drink, and do depression.pills, while she pregnant, (Having you in stomach) then do it
  • Do drugs, they are cool and nonchalant, i feel super powerful fucking testosterone alphish-egypt high school inhib fucker after cycle of horse, yeah

"Just ephitanolmaxx bruh"
~Astro "Bugenhagen" Sky~

• Listen to Justin Bieber, Jacob Sartorious, Nicky Minaj & BTS and don't be afraid to sing it in public, you have balls of steel (Do you) 🎶

Bonesmash everyone who shoot back something to you, fuck these people, they are just jealous of your success, following this list
• Be serious with sarcasm, and have clear intentions (ask girl when are we fucking?)
Go naked outdoor

"Everyone is unique, everyone deserves to be best version of their-self, after this looksmin journey, you will be transformed, no jokes, no fucking around in comment section, we as humans, we need to help each-others to succed, like a domino, you help someone, and he helps you someone else, and then someone helps you" 🙏
classic case of faggot syndrome

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