How i lost my virginity and it sucked (PSA TO ALL THE VIRGIN OUT THERE)

got erection while wearing phallosan forte --> massive gain fuel thanks op
  • Hmm...
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What are you gonna do now? You gonna volcelmaxx from now on or continue tindermaxxing
Have no idea what volcelmaxx means, but i'ma just get lean af like 10% bodyfat and move on from there. probably gonna delete tinder since i downloaded it just to lose my virginity.
Edit: If anything i'm trying to meet girls irl more and gain more confidence to just walk up to bitches, tinder is alright but it kinda is a yes or no instantly, now i know in real life it kinda is the same, but in real life they really feel you like if you're confident charismatic etc,,
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are you circumcised
how old are you
No, but i masturbate with a deathgrip, which i wont be doing from now on(masturbating)That lead to me getting used to all that pressure but when it got down to it, bruh i wasnt feeling shit.

do you not use lube when you fap or how did you ruin your dick lmao
Maybe if you didn't act so insecure and just did whatever you wanted with her she would've put in some effort as well. Still more than most of us can hope to achieve lul
i cried after i lost my virginity tbh
  • JFL
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Those milk bags were real? Were they saggy? Sounds like she's a lazy cunt like a lot of these thicc looking hot young chicks. How can you be so tired to even have sex when you're 19 and a woman it's not like she works in some construction site JFL when I was that age I was full of energy even w/o coffee and would do hard workouts after shitty manual labor jobs
If you had BBC she wouldnt have been lying down like nothing.
It's because I felt guilt, a life time of religion will do that to you.
Good think I told shitksin Vishnu to fuck off when I was seven
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tales u went to the kitchen and fucked her macaroni with cheese and left
“Macaroni in a pot sound”
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Maybe if you didn't act so insecure and just did whatever you wanted with her she would've put in some effort as well. Still more than most of us can hope to achieve lul
that is very true, but hindsight is 2020. It was my first time and when i tried to pick her up so we can start kissing she kept saying "I'm tired" it was very confusing. Imagine if you ask your friend out and he keeps saying "Nah i'm tired" but yet he keeps asking when you going out and where you going out you'll be like wtf are you coming out or nah?. But listen now i'm 10 times more confident, like i started grabbing girls waists and asses while we're dancing on the floor i never used to do that shit. There was this funny shit that happened yesterday actually, i started dancing with this one girl and start grabbing her waist and shit, then this 1 dude comes up he looks kinda like an incel, he starts grabbing her waist too and she says "Stop, don't do that, he was here first (referring to me)." but i damn know she wouldnt have dance with him anyways, it kinda looked like some blacked+cuckold shit.
tales u went to the kitchen and fucked her macaroni with cheese and left
There is a possibility.
Those milk bags were real? Were they saggy? Sounds like she's a lazy cunt like a lot of these thicc looking hot young chicks. How can you be so tired to even have sex when you're 19 and a woman it's not like she works in some construction site JFL when I was that age I was full of energy even w/o coffee and would do hard workouts after shitty manual labor jobs
You sound like a boomer bro. The milkies were real bro, and they were bouncy af too. But i'm over that girl, that pussy was trash as hell.
If you had BBC she wouldnt have been lying down like nothing.
The thing is my dick is not that small, its like 6-7 inches, she was just sitting because i was so fucking insecure and timid. If i started choking her and shit, it would've def turned her on
i cried after i lost my virginity tbh
You're a weirdo.
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Don't fall for jewish tricks, girls don't like an "hour" long penetration, jews promote this because their dicks are circumcised and devoid of sensation, so they need pussy to become dry and coarse to feel anything.
If you take too long you are just going to make her dry, give her a sore pussy and urinary tract infection. When you take too long to coom or don't coom at all the girl will think there is something wrong with you or with her, so she wont want to fuck again.

Don't turn yourself into an eunuch, stop masterbaiting. Girls want you to coom fast and multiple times.
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  • JFL
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Ima keep this as short as possible cause yall have the attention span/iq of an 8 year old

I matched with this girl on tinder
We went on the first date i gave her a kiss few days later i invited her to my place for "netflix and chill"
she came over, but when it got down to it she said shes on her period and just gave me head.
i snapped her "what are you up to today?" and she left it on read so i removed her from my friends.

About 2 months later we matched on tinder again and this is how the conversation went
Me: Well hello there?
Her: Hi
Me: What you been up to?
Her: Nothing much.
This is where i left the chat because i just felt she didn't care.
*3 days later*
Her: Are you in town?
Me: Yes, what are you up to to today?
Her: My tinder is lagging so hard, snap me

And so i added her back on snap and asked her to hangout she was like dodging the answer by asking "what you wanna do?" And "Where?" so i ignored her for half a day
then she sent me "come to my place, i'm home alone"
So i took a shower and and shaved dressed up and went to her place. keep in mind i got there at like mid night.

When i get there we start watching netflix and she is like laying down on the couch like next to me kind like this
View attachment 659990
I was like next to her ass. so i tell her "make some room i'm tryna lay down too" so i go like behind her
i instantly got a boner and i'm pretty sure she felt it. We were in that position for like 20 mins.
how i knew she was tryna fk is she kept saying "oh i'm so glad i'm home alone" and "i'm getting kinda tired"
So i put my hand on her hips and all of the sudden she just grabs my hand and puts it on her boobs, keep in mind
her boobs are fucking huge so at this point i was maximum bonerage mode. i tell her to turn around so we can start
kissing but she says "i'm tired" so i was like wtf is this bitch tryna fk or what. I tell her straight up you tryna do it this way? in this position?
She says "Yes" so i tell her "no foreplay nothing?" she says "there are other ways to foreplay than just kissing" I thought she meant like oral
so i tell her aite get on your back so i could like eat that pussy but she meant fingering.

So i start finger her i was focusing so hard on the fingering that i kinda lost the boner so she asks "do you like doing this?" because she felt the boner go away i say "yeah don't worry about me" she starts getting wet and you can start to hear that macaroni in a pot sound so that shit was started to get me hard again.
so i keep fingering her for probably like 5-8 minutes and then i say "alright i'm ready" she says "i'm not" while holding my hand to her pussy and kinda chuckling
i think its because she was enjoying it. I get up and tell her alright take your panties off, she says lets do in my moms room (which is kinda fucked up bro, this girl got fucked in her moms bed and her mom probably thinks she is a "good girl". she gets on the bed on her back and takes off panties and. i get in that shit and bro that i swear it feels just like you put your dick in warm water it almost feels like nothing, i feel like masturbating everyday with deathgrip6000 kinda fucked up my sensitivity down there. And she was legit doing nothing as well, she wasnt moaning, she wasnt moving anything bro. The only thing she did was wrap her legs around me in missionary. She did say she was tired and had work in 3 hours so thats probably why. A plus side of not having that much sensitivity down there is you can fuck for long as fuck, i didn't have timer but i'm sure we was doing it for 20 mins minimum, thats 20 mins of pure work she just laid there.

For all the virgins out there, bro losing your virginity is so fucking overrated. And stop masturbating. If you wanna feel what pussy feels like put your condom in hot water for a minute or 2 and then wear it on that exactly how it feels. But for me sex is more about the psychological aspect, that the woman opened her legs for me, she wanted me. Anyways you're not missing out on much by staying a virgin mostly just your "Pride".

Edit: for people that type. "Didn't read greycel" you're so original and funny

this bitch was weird af.
gives you head, deletes you, and let's you fuck her 3 months later jfl wtf is this?:forcedsmile:
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this bitch was weird af.
gives you head, deletes you, and let's you fuck her 3 months later jfl wtf is this?:forcedsmile:
i think she was too nervous or something. Idk. Nowadays i don't give time of day to those weird bitches.
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