If you have light skin and a black beard, everyone will think you’re trying to look like a Chechen

The Grinch

The Grinch

Aug 10, 2022
The Chechens didn’t invent the beard, but because of Khabib (Dagestanis and Chechens) etc people think it’s a Kavkaz tradition, even tough it’s actually a tradition from the prophet Muhammad to let the beard grow and trim the mustache.

However, I shaved my entire face, so that people don’t think I’m trying to look like a Chechen, because I have the same pigmentation as them and I saw people getting accused of that (trying to be like Chechens) even tough they just like having a beard (no, it didn’t happen to me specifically).
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Khabib is from Dagestan though, he isnt Chechen.
Khabib is from Dagestan though, he isnt Chechen.
I know he’s from Dagestan but who gives a fuck, I’m talking about the Kavkaz as a whole

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