Who is best looking on the forum and what is his PSL?

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me bro
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orbs side is truecel tier and i doubt amnesia looks as bad in motion in that regard
It isn't as bad as people like to say. His jaw is ogre tier if you prefer heavy forward growth but he still has harmony and it fits with his front.

20191207 225918
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It isn't as bad as people like to say. His jaw is ogre tier if you prefer heavy forward growth but he still has harmony and it fits with his front.

View attachment 185985
jfl I didn't know he had such weak forward growth

even I have it better but this pic is probably lens distorted to death
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Reactions: TheAscendedOne and Deleted member 656
jfl I didn't know he had such weak forward growth

even I have it better but this pic is probably lens distorted to death
nah his side prof. is bad
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jfl I didn't know he had such weak forward growth

even I have it better but this pic is probably lens distorted to death
His gonial angle is 140° so to keep vertical alignment he'd need to have weaker forward growth. But he still has the perfect anime character look. It's extremely unique. Same with his colouring.

Bs. Its @ChadKahn @Zuvay @Salludon @Alarico8 @Zero
Zuvay is a very good shout based on his best pictures, and assuming you mean face alone. His height is true neutral. If he gymcelled and trained his neck especially he'd be well up there with the bigger names.
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nah his side prof. is bad
it's over for him, he should rope asap
His gonial angle is 140° so to keep vertical alignment he'd need to have weaker forward growth. But he still has the perfect anime character look. It's extremely unique. Same with his colouring.
he pulls off the vampire look very well
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Mogs the entire forum right here


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  • JFL
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@Mad Is close to 7psl, very very gl, he has almost no flaw
  • JFL
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@Alarico8 what do you rate Amnesia in the two photos above alone (assuming those were the only two pics you ever saw of him)?
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Reactions: TheAscendedOne and Deleted member 656
he pulls off the vampire look very well
There's something really special and beautiful about unconventionally aesthetic people

Or I'm just turning gay. It's been coming for a long time.

@Alarico8 what do you rate Amnesia in the two photos above alone (assuming those were the only two pics you ever saw of him)?
6.5 PSL. Forehead is a little jarring for some reason. Conventionally very handsome but still a little bland.
  • JFL
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Reactions: TheAscendedOne, SteveRogers, Deleted member 470 and 1 other person
yes ive seen him on multiple pictures and hes not 7 psl
How? Perfect ratios, good jaw, very good eye area, very good brows, very good hair, good skin. I didn't find one flaw about his face, but you still claim to see muuh 7psl irl in Budapeststan
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Or I'm just turning gay. It's been coming for a long time.
it's inevitable after spending so long in these communities, 1/3rd of the people here are probably secretly gay, hiding from knajjd
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Crisick? Inb4 cherry picked photos
Squidward's penis for a nose but in his best pictures he's Bateman tier.
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  • JFL
Reactions: TheAscendedOne, Stingray, Mateusz74 and 1 other person
it's inevitable after spending so long in these communities, 1/3rd of the people here are probably secretly gay, hiding from knajjd
I think at least half of people here are repressed gay people tbh, even they don't know it
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  • JFL
Reactions: TheAscendedOne, Deleted member 470, Deleted member 656 and 1 other person
There's something really special and beautiful about unconventionally aesthetic people

Or I'm just turning gay. It's been coming for a long time.

6.5 PSL. Forehead is a little jarring for some reason. Conventionally very handsome but still a little bland.
ngl homie. your face can attract both genders
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  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Squidward's penis for a nose but in his best pictures he's Bateman tier.
Haven't seen a worse nose but legitimately God tier bones plus height, better than most models
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How? Perfect ratios, good jaw, very good eye area, very good brows, very good hair, good skin. I didn't find one flaw about his face, but you still claim to see muuh 7psl irl in Budapeststan
ive showed 2 guys I know IRL to a respected user (hes considered one of the best looking facially) and he confirmed they both mog the entire forum unquestionably. just lol at people giving out these inflated ratings



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@Alarico8 would turn my head in rl ngl, simply because seeing a tall prettyboy is so rare
Alarico is underrated here tbh. He's top 5 best looking here for sure.
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He's prettier than my girlfriend
In the past I've let gay men hit on me for free drinks

@dotacel oh no
you are probably more pretty than your gf man.

on the top 3 most sexuality questioning faces ive ever seen tbqh ngl.
altought I think im just putting some homo spin to me mirin your conventional beauty
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Reactions: TheAscendedOne and Deleted member 656
His gonial angle is 140° so to keep vertical alignment he'd need to have weaker forward growth. But he still has the perfect anime character look. It's extremely unique. Same with his colouring.

Zuvay is a very good shout based on his best pictures, and assuming you mean face alone. His height is true neutral. If he gymcelled and trained his neck especially he'd be well up there with the bigger names.
Like yours 😘
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Jordan barrett has a secret account here so him
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Maybe it's just Hungary, people are just chady there, any of these guys that are rsted close to 7psl here would be considered godlike goodlooking in Slavlands
no people just overrate and underrate here based on emotional investment of their own rating

they overrate themselves and then they COMPARE others compared to their rating and give them rating based on "how much better he looks then me" instead of how good they look on their own

like you take a guy that rates himself 5 psl, but in reality hes 4 psl, then you take a guy that is in the 5.5-6 range then the guy who rates himself 5 psl will think (well well hes at least 1.5-2 psl better than me) so he will rate the guy 7 psl as a means to keep up delusion of overrating himself

Can you pm me the guys?
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Reactions: TheAscendedOne, Stingray and Deleted member 470
no people just overrate here

they overrate themselves and then they COMPARE others compared to their rating and give them rating based on "how much better he looks then me" instead of how good they look on their own

like you take a guy that rates himself 5 psl, but in reality hes 4 psl, then you take a guy that is in the 5.5-6 range then the guy who rates himself 5 psl will think (well well hes at least 1.5-2 psl better than me) so he will rate the guy 7 psl as a means to keep up delusion of overrating himself

strange theory. i dont factor my looks when rating
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strange theory. i dont factor my looks when rating
you factor your race when ur rating. you do it more than anyone ive seen on the site
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Idk if i ever will but if I pmed people some of my pics they would probably rate me between 6 and 7. Not gonna do it though lol
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you factor your race when ur rating. you do it more than anyone ive seen on the site
could say the same to this site tgqh. i try to be objective but obviously i dont neg indians and i also prefer dom developed looks
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could say the same to this site tgqh. i try to be objective but obviously i dont neg indians and i also prefer dom developed looks
no i meant you're a race-pill denier to the point no other ethnic is on the website. its almost like a running joke at this point

you single handedly feel to defend the entire indian nation when everyone knows the average indian looks like utter shit, but you keep denying. even other indians have been making fun of your for it
  • JFL
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no people just overrate and underrate here based on emotional investment of their own rating

they overrate themselves and then they COMPARE others compared to their rating and give them rating based on "how much better he looks then me" instead of how good they look on their own

like you take a guy that rates himself 5 psl, but in reality hes 4 psl, then you take a guy that is in the 5.5-6 range then the guy who rates himself 5 psl will think (well well hes at least 1.5-2 psl better than me) so he will rate the guy 7 psl as a means to keep up delusion of overrating himself

No man, i legit almost never see people that are rated 6psl here on looksmax irl here where i live, people here are just not attractive like in some countries like Hungary, Sweden etc.
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no i meant you're a race-pill denier to the point no other ethnic is on the website. its almost like a running joke at this point

you single handedly feel to defend the entire indian nation when everyone knows the average indian looks like utter shit, but you keep denying. even other indians have been making fun of your for it
dont know what you are on about. average indian does indeed look like shit.
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Reactions: TheAscendedOne
you are probably more pretty than your gf man.

on the top 3 most sexuality questioning faces ive ever seen tbqh ngl.
altought I think im just putting some homo spin to me mirin your conventional beauty
It's the eyes ngl
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