Why taking DHT Gel is not a good idea



Feb 27, 2020
Hello, I am an aspiring biochemist new to this forum. In my first post ill be exploring why taking DHT transdermally is not a good idea during puberty if you wish to maintain good HPTA function. As most of you probably know DHT is a testosterone metabolite synthesized when testosterone interacts with the 5 alpha reductase enzyme. It has a binding affinity in 5AR dense areas 5x that of testosterone for the androgen receptor, which plainly stated means it is quite androgenic. Androgens (and Estrogens) are the negative feedback used by the HPTA to lower GnRH which subsequently lowers FSH and LH lowering testosterone, meaning a strong androgen probably wouldnt be the best idea for HPTA upregulation, which plainly means it probably is quite suppressive. Luckily, for us someone already did the study for us using DHT gel. In this study you can see just how suppressed T is when 64mg of dht is used per day (after 14 days use is discontinued which is why they start to recover)
. If you wish to use DHT to simply increase your androgen index and care about your natural testosterone, this should be enough to make you reconsider using it. But if you are using DHT as a Androgen replacement and don’t care about natural testosterone production, im here to tell you this is not a good idea for a multitude of reasons. Firstly DHT is not very anabolic like testosterone, this means you will lose muscle. Another reason is the fact that it doesn’t interact with aromatase, meaning if you are doing this long term prepare to suffer low estradiol side effects which are crippling to quality of life. What do I suggest as an alternative to keep androgens high without severely hampering the HPTA you might ask? Well Proviron is quite decent at this (There are other ways to do this namely using an AI or HCG but they are both suboptimal solutions. HCG will cause Leydig desensitization after some time, and I personally cannot tolerate Aromasin even at a low dose because of low e2 side effects). Being an androgen it will always be suppressive of the HPTA but it is very readily bound (98%) by proteins (albumin and SHBG) meaning very little of it is free to bind to receptors sites which at a clinical dose is not enough to cause noticeable suppression. You might say, damn that means this shit is weak as fuck… but it being bound is actually a good thing because in simple terms it allows testosterone and dht (and e2) to not be bound since it is taking up all the binding protein. The amount of Proviron that is not bound is then free to bind to AR sites. The Proviron will then antagonize e2, leaving you with high free testosterone, high free dht and lowered e2 because of antagonism. In my next post ill be teaching you guys a method devised by me to extract pure Mesterolone which is the active ingredient in Proviron from Proviron pills which arent hard to source. The reason im going to do this is because the oral bioavailability is only 3%, so im going to extract the Mesterolone, suspend it in oil, and inject. Thank you for reading my post, I wrote this on very little sleep so I apologize if I made any grammatical mistakes. Thank you to @Dyorotic2 for inspiring me to get off my ass and write this. I'd love to have a friendly debate in the comments if you believe i made any mistakes.
  • +1
Reactions: ChristianChad, Preoximerianas, 98Zdeed98 and 11 others
Wonderful work man good job.
Gonna have to format this shit buddy
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would i effected negatively long term if i took it a total of 10 times averaging 12mg of DHT per use?
would i effected negatively long term if i took it a total of 10 times averaging 12mg of DHT per use?
trying to detect if this is sarcasm? what do you mean 10 times? per day, per year? also negatively impacted is a weird term. you could have lowered estradiol causing some pretty bad sides, so ig that would count as that
  • +1
Reactions: Preoximerianas
sure, well firstly, those who are taking the gel form of stanolone (bioidentical dihydrotestosterone) are using very low dosages, I've contacted the seller of the gel, and they predict that there is only around 1-2mg per drop, meaning taking 4 drops daily probably won't suppress you greatly, actually, we don't even know whether or not the gel from russianpeptides is legit, no was sent it to be tested, they are just going off of anecdotes like erection quality, libido, and vascularity, which all could definitely be placebo.

I make my own transdermal with DMSO and isopropyl alcohol, and I'm taking upwards of 50-75mg daily, along with HCG. HCG is a must imo, because at these dosages, your e2 is going to be in the dumps along with your LH and FSH. HCG basically counters this by keeping my balls active, whilst also upregulating the intratesticular aromatase enzyme, which is a plus because DHT agonizes estradiol in select tissue.

I understand why you don't recommend the usage, these kids are taking it without understanding how the endocrine system functions, which is utterly retarded. You can get away with taking dht at small dosages without major suppression of gonadotropins and estradiol, but as soon as you up the dosage, you're gonna need HCG. I expected this thread to suggest that taking DHT won't have an effect on penile size during puberty, but I suppose not.

on mesterolone though, it is suppressive, in fact, it's just as suppressive as any of class of steroid, also I wouldn't recommend it for any purpose other than dying you out during a cycle, because it isn't actually DHT, it's just a derivative that is methylated for oral absorption, the androgenic effects aren't actually from 'dht', rather the effect Proviron has on SHBG and aromatase, free testosterone is released due to the high binding affinity that Proviron has on SHBG whilst estradiol is decreased simultaneously due to its anti-aromatase properties. The actual 'dht' part of the Proviron is deactivated within the tissue, so it's not androgenic for that reason. You're not gonna grow your dick on it because it isn't dht, it androgenic effects lie within the SHBG decrease and the estradiol decrease.
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trying to detect if this is sarcasm? what do you mean 10 times? per day, per year? also negatively impacted is a weird term. you could have lowered estradiol causing some pretty bad sides, so ig that would count as that
nah i’m srs. i used it 10 times over the course of a 2 week period.
sure, well firstly, those who are taking the gel form of stanolone (bioidentical dihydrotestosterone) are using very low dosages, I've contacted the seller of the gel, and they predict that there is only around 1-2mg per drop, meaning taking 4 drops daily probably won't suppress you greatly, actually, we don't even know whether or not the gel from russianpeptides is legit, no was sent it to be tested, they are just going off of anecdotes like erection quality, libido, and vascularity, which all could definitely be placebo.

I make my own transdermal with DMSO and isopropyl alcohol, and I'm taking upwards of 50-75mg daily, along with HCG. HCG is a must imo, because at these dosages, your e2 is going to be in the dumps along with your LH and FSH. HCG basically counters this by keeping my balls active, whilst also upregulating the intratesticular aromatase enzyme, which is a plus because DHT agonizes estradiol in select tissue.

I understand why you don't recommend the usage, these kids are taking it without understanding how the endocrine system functions, which is utterly retarded. You can get away with taking dht at small dosages without major suppression of gonadotropins and estradiol, but as soon as you up the dosage, you're gonna need HCG. I expected this thread to suggest that taking DHT won't have an effect on penile size during puberty, but I suppose not.

on mesterolone though, it is suppressive, in fact, it's just as suppressive as any of class of steroid, also I wouldn't recommend it for any purpose other than dying you out during a cycle, because it isn't actually DHT, it's just a derivative that is methylated for oral absorption, the androgenic effects aren't actually from 'dht', rather the effect Proviron has on SHBG and aromatase, free testosterone is released due to the high binding affinity that Proviron has on SHBG whilst estradiol is decreased simultaneously due to its anti-aromatase properties. The actual 'dht' part of the Proviron is deactivated within the tissue, so it's not androgenic for that reason. You're not gonna grow your dick on it because it isn't dht, it androgenic effects lie within the SHBG decrease and the estradiol decrease.
The dosing is what i was unclear about, if its the dose you outlined for the ruski peptides ones, that probably wont make a noticiable difference in suppression or even androgenicity tbh but dont quote me on the second part. Be careful with hcg because of leydig cell desensitization, but if you know what youre doing, and youre taking breaks u should be fine.

and on proviron, its methyl group is irrelevant to this conversation since its not at the 17th carbon it completely changes its pharmacokinetics. your critique of proviron is what i said in the original about the protein binding affinity and its suppression. but what im saying is at clinical doses its not suppressive and the raise in free sex hormones is what you should be benefiting from. which is what i said in the first post. i wont comment on penis growth though, i have no clue if thats even possible
The dosing is what i was unclear about, if its the dose you outlined for the ruski peptides ones, that probably wont make a noticiable difference in suppression or even androgenicity tbh but dont quote me on the second part. Be careful with hcg because of leydig cell desensitization, but if you know what youre doing, and youre taking breaks u should be fine.

and on proviron, its methyl group is irrelevant to this conversation since its not at the 17th carbon it completely changes its pharmacokinetics. your critique of proviron is what i said in the original about the protein binding affinity and its suppression. but what im saying is at clinical doses its not suppressive and the raise in free sex hormones is what you should be benefiting from. which is what i said in the first post. i wont comment on penis growth though, i have no clue if thats even possible
also if ur gonna use hcg why not just go on trt + hcg + dht, relying on hcg for t isnt a good idea, its unpredictable and youll sensitize… just use it to prevent leydig cell death.
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  • +1
Reactions: ChristianChad, AscendingHero, Preoximerianas and 2 others
The dosing is what i was unclear about, if its the dose you outlined for the ruski peptides ones, that probably wont make a noticiable difference in suppression or even androgenicity tbh but dont quote me on the second part. Be careful with hcg because of leydig cell desensitization, but if you know what youre doing, and youre taking breaks u should be fine.

and on proviron, its methyl group is irrelevant to this conversation since its not at the 17th carbon it completely changes its pharmacokinetics. your critique of proviron is what i said in the original about the protein binding affinity and its suppression. but what im saying is at clinical doses its not suppressive and the raise in free sex hormones is what you should be benefiting from. which is what i said in the first post. i wont comment on penis growth though, i have no clue if thats even possible
alright, great response. And yeah i know what I'm doing with HCG, I'm taking around 350IU weekly splint into a couple of hundreds throughout.
  • +1
Reactions: Preoximerianas, AscendingHero and DianabolDownie
alright, great response. And yeah i know what I'm doing with HCG, I'm taking around 350IU weekly splint into a couple of hundreds throughout.
good, youre doing the intelligent thing. so i guess we can agree dht is suboptimal for thr every man who is gonna run dht solo and doesn’t understand basic endocrinology. On another note if i were u, i would just go on mini trt, why not at this point. ur ok with replacing dht and have hcg why not t? youll have more stable levels, and you can get away with less hcg since youll be using it to keep leydig cells alive and not as a primary way of getting t
  • +1
Reactions: ChristianChad, Preoximerianas, AscendingHero and 1 other person
good, youre doing the intelligent thing. so i guess we can agree dht is suboptimal for thr every man who is gonna run dht solo and doesn’t understand basic endocrinology. On another note if i were u, i would just go on mini trt, why not at this point. ur ok with replacing dht and have hcg why not t? youll have more stable levels, and you can get away with less hcg since youll be using it to keep leydig cells alive and not as a primary way of getting t
Yeah, keep in mind I'm 17.

I'm only gonna be running this along with 7.5ius of growth hormone for a couple of months, I'm already about 3 months in. I've got test base right next to me, 100g of it. I could make a transdermal, I bought it in case I crash my estradiol.
  • +1
Reactions: ChristianChad and AscendingHero
Yeah, keep in mind I'm 17.

I'm only gonna be running this along with 7.5ius of growth hormone for a couple of months, I'm already about 3 months in. I've got test base right next to me, 100g of it. I could make a transdermal, I bought it in case I crash my estradiol.

im 16, and i might do the same as you, though im not sure if ill be using androgens, i think proviron + low dose aromasin is enough to raise androgens to a point where you have enough sexual dimorphism without suppressing your natural gonadotropins. also holy thats alot of gh man i wish i had your pockets
  • +1
Reactions: ChristianChad and Deleted member 2756
im 16, and i might do the same as you, though im not sure if ill be using androgens, i think proviron + low dose aromasin is enough to raise androgens to a point where you have enough sexual dimorphism without suppressing your natural gonadotropins. also holy thats alot of gh man i wish i had your pockets
jfl, I read 'i'm a biochemist', I was assuming you were like 25-30, jfl.
  • +1
Reactions: ChristianChad, Preoximerianas, AscendingHero and 2 others
im 16, and i might do the same as you, though im not sure if ill be using androgens, i think proviron + low dose aromasin is enough to raise androgens to a point where you have enough sexual dimorphism without suppressing your natural gonadotropins. also holy thats alot of gh man i wish i had your pockets
also i thought i was the only teen sped with enough free time and autism to research this topic obsessively haha
jfl, I read 'i'm a biochemist', I was assuming you were like 25-30, jfl.
jfl, I read 'i'm a biochemist', I was assuming you were like 25-30, jfl.
but im getting in uni for it next year since im graduating early
  • +1
Reactions: ChristianChad and AscendingHero
Hello, I am an aspiring biochemist new to this forum. In my first post ill be exploring why taking DHT transdermally is not a good idea during puberty if you wish to maintain good HPTA function. As most of you probably know DHT is a testosterone metabolite synthesized when testosterone interacts with the 5 alpha reductase enzyme. It has a binding affinity in 5AR dense areas 5x that of testosterone for the androgen receptor, which plainly stated means it is quite androgenic. Androgens (and Estrogens) are the negative feedback used by the HPTA to lower GnRH which subsequently lowers FSH and LH lowering testosterone, meaning a strong androgen probably wouldnt be the best idea for HPTA upregulation, which plainly means it probably is quite suppressive. Luckily, for us someone already did the study for us using DHT gel. In this study you can see just how suppressed T is when 64mg of dht is used per day (after 14 days use is discontinued which is why they start to recover)
. If you wish to use DHT to simply increase your androgen index and care about your natural testosterone, this should be enough to make you reconsider using it. But if you are using DHT as a Androgen replacement and don’t care about natural testosterone production, im here to tell you this is not a good idea for a multitude of reasons. Firstly DHT is not very anabolic like testosterone, this means you will lose muscle. Another reason is the fact that it doesn’t interact with aromatase, meaning if you are doing this long term prepare to suffer low estradiol side effects which are crippling to quality of life. What do I suggest as an alternative to keep androgens high without severely hampering the HPTA you might ask? Well Proviron is quite decent at this (There are other ways to do this namely using an AI or HCG but they are both suboptimal solutions. HCG will cause Leydig desensitization after some time, and I personally cannot tolerate Aromasin even at a low dose because of low e2 side effects). Being an androgen it will always be suppressive of the HPTA but it is very readily bound (98%) by proteins (albumin and SHBG) meaning very little of it is free to bind to receptors sites which at a clinical dose is not enough to cause noticeable suppression. You might say, damn that means this shit is weak as fuck… but it being bound is actually a good thing because in simple terms it allows testosterone and dht (and e2) to not be bound since it is taking up all the binding protein. The amount of Proviron that is not bound is then free to bind to AR sites. The Proviron will then antagonize e2, leaving you with high free testosterone, high free dht and lowered e2 because of antagonism. In my next post ill be teaching you guys a method devised by me to extract pure Mesterolone which is the active ingredient in Proviron from Proviron pills which arent hard to source. The reason im going to do this is because the oral bioavailability is only 3%, so im going to extract the Mesterolone, suspend it in oil, and inject. Thank you for reading my post, I wrote this on very little sleep so I apologize if I made any grammatical mistakes. Thank you to @Dyorotic2 for inspiring me to get off my ass and write this. I'd love to have a friendly debate in the comments if you believe i made any mistakes.
What if I took proviron for bodybuilding reasons?
Would my penis grow too? Or nothing would happen?
Also, it shuts you down, right?
I’d need a PCT after?
fear of hair loss is reason enough for me not to take it

then big brain scientist drops this bombshell on top of it

  • +1
Reactions: ChristianChad, Preoximerianas, goat2x and 2 others
What if I took proviron for bodybuilding reasons?
Would my penis grow too? Or nothing would happen?
Also, it shuts you down, right?
I’d need a PCT after?
proviron is a weak muscle builder, so u shouldnt do that. also no u dont need a pct read the post again
Me watching the smartcels talk

  • +1
Reactions: ChristianChad, Preoximerianas, AscendingHero and 4 others
proviron is a weak muscle builder, so u shouldnt do that. also no u dont need a pct read the post again
Is 1-2 drops / 1- 2mg dht gel daily dose on dick safe without suppression / shutdown / growthplatefusion?
Also can i realistically grow dick 1 inch at 16 at that dose? If not how much?
@rax1337 @Dyorotic2
i would bet my left nut your penis isnt gonna grow at all at that dose
  • +1
Reactions: ChristianChad
proviron is a weak muscle builder, so u shouldnt do that. also no u dont need a pct read the post again
The PCT it’s if I’m gonna use proviron only for bbuilding
I’m not looking to gain more mass, just a bit of definition would be enough
Hello, I am an aspiring biochemist new to this forum. In my first post ill be exploring why taking DHT transdermally is not a good idea during puberty if you wish to maintain good HPTA function. As most of you probably know DHT is a testosterone metabolite synthesized when testosterone interacts with the 5 alpha reductase enzyme. It has a binding affinity in 5AR dense areas 5x that of testosterone for the androgen receptor, which plainly stated means it is quite androgenic. Androgens (and Estrogens) are the negative feedback used by the HPTA to lower GnRH which subsequently lowers FSH and LH lowering testosterone, meaning a strong androgen probably wouldnt be the best idea for HPTA upregulation, which plainly means it probably is quite suppressive. Luckily, for us someone already did the study for us using DHT gel. In this study you can see just how suppressed T is when 64mg of dht is used per day (after 14 days use is discontinued which is why they start to recover)
. If you wish to use DHT to simply increase your androgen index and care about your natural testosterone, this should be enough to make you reconsider using it. But if you are using DHT as a Androgen replacement and don’t care about natural testosterone production, im here to tell you this is not a good idea for a multitude of reasons. Firstly DHT is not very anabolic like testosterone, this means you will lose muscle. Another reason is the fact that it doesn’t interact with aromatase, meaning if you are doing this long term prepare to suffer low estradiol side effects which are crippling to quality of life. What do I suggest as an alternative to keep androgens high without severely hampering the HPTA you might ask? Well Proviron is quite decent at this (There are other ways to do this namely using an AI or HCG but they are both suboptimal solutions. HCG will cause Leydig desensitization after some time, and I personally cannot tolerate Aromasin even at a low dose because of low e2 side effects). Being an androgen it will always be suppressive of the HPTA but it is very readily bound (98%) by proteins (albumin and SHBG) meaning very little of it is free to bind to receptors sites which at a clinical dose is not enough to cause noticeable suppression. You might say, damn that means this shit is weak as fuck… but it being bound is actually a good thing because in simple terms it allows testosterone and dht (and e2) to not be bound since it is taking up all the binding protein. The amount of Proviron that is not bound is then free to bind to AR sites. The Proviron will then antagonize e2, leaving you with high free testosterone, high free dht and lowered e2 because of antagonism. In my next post ill be teaching you guys a method devised by me to extract pure Mesterolone which is the active ingredient in Proviron from Proviron pills which arent hard to source. The reason im going to do this is because the oral bioavailability is only 3%, so im going to extract the Mesterolone, suspend it in oil, and inject. Thank you for reading my post, I wrote this on very little sleep so I apologize if I made any grammatical mistakes. Thank you to @Dyorotic2 for inspiring me to get off my ass and write this. I'd love to have a friendly debate in the comments if you believe i made any mistakes.
Does applying DHT gel after puberty in genital area increase DHT only in genitals or in whole body? Will it affect hair loss?

Will application of his DHT gel prevent bodies natural DHT production?
The PCT it’s if I’m gonna use proviron only for bbuilding
I’m not looking to gain more mass, just a bit of definition would be enough
My source has 50x25mg pills so I guess that
What if I added that to my cycle?

I'm doing Raloxifene (60mg/ed), Ostarine (25mg/ed), Cardarine(10mg/ed) and mk677(25mg/ed)
My pct will consist of Nolva + Clomid (20/50mg) ed for 4 wees

Could I add 25mg of proviron ed?
  • +1
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My source has 50x25mg pills so I guess that
What if I added that to my cycle?

I'm doing Raloxifene (60mg/ed), Ostarine (25mg/ed), Cardarine(10mg/ed) and mk677(25mg/ed)
My pct will consist of Nolva + Clomid (20/50mg) ed for 4 wees

Could I add 25mg of proviron ed?
id do it if i were you, cant hurt. why are u using ralox on cycle?
can you guys like speak in english? ur hurting my head
  • +1
Reactions: Preoximerianas and HighIQcel
can you guys like speak in english? ur hurting my head
i apologize, sometimes i go full sperg mode. my friends think im a sped when i lecture them about something i know about
i apologize, sometimes i go full sperg mode. my friends think im a sped when i lecture them about something i know about
lol its not something to apologise for i was just joking anyway, just sitting here confused because i havent spent any time looking into or researching this stuff
  • +1
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What is the use of DHT gel ?
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel
What is the use of DHT gel ?
i believe people in this forum were using it to increase their androgen index to attempt to grow their pp.
@Henry_Gandy another looksmaxx attempt now labeled cope and debunked, i suppose? OP makes good arguements against DHT gel, and if u want to go higher doses HCG is a must. And according to OP, even that (higher dosage DHT Gel) isn't guaranteed to grow your member.

  • +1
Reactions: ChristianChad and Deleted member 6423
Amazing post OP
im 16, and i might do the same as you, though im not sure if ill be using androgens, i think proviron + low dose aromasin is enough to raise androgens to a point where you have enough sexual dimorphism without suppressing your natural gonadotropins. also holy thats alot of gh man i wish i had your pockets
Have you ran any stacks? Did you have results?

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